Home News Another Wrestler Quits WWE, Follow J.R. On Twitter, More

Another Wrestler Quits WWE, Follow J.R. On Twitter, More


— This managed to fall under the radar, but just before the holidays, developmental wrestler Dylan Klein handed in his notice to World Wrestling Entertainment.

In a blog post dated Thursday, December 24, 2009, Klein released the following statement:

This week I gave my notice to WWE

This week I gave my notice to WWE. It was a really tough thing for me to do, as this has always been my passion, my goal, a dream to me. I want to say thank you to everybody who has supported me along the way, I’ve had a lot of fun entertaining all of you. Best wishes & follow your dreams.
“The trend setting…, Attention getting, One of a kind”
Dylan Klein

His picture has since been removed from the FCW talent page.

— Eve Torres and former ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson will be taking part in a meet-and-greet autograph session prior next Thursday’s Florida Championship Wrestling television taping at the FCW Arena in Tampa. Eve will be participating in another meet-and-greet the very next day at the Fort Myers Harborside Event Center. Visit www.fcwwrestling.info for more details.

— Jim Ross has begun tweeting. You can keep up with “good ol'” J.R. at twitter.com/JRsBBQ.