Home News Ultimate Warrior Talks About His 1992 WWF Release: Vince Lied

Ultimate Warrior Talks About His 1992 WWF Release: Vince Lied


During a recent interview with Mister Saint Laurent of MLW.com, the Ultimate Warrior talks about Vince McMahon firing him and British Bulldog back in 1992 during the federal steroid investigation. Vince McMahon claimed that Warrior and Davey Boy Smith were released for failing WWE drug tests, but Warrior says that is a complete lie.

“Vince was feeling the heat from the federal investigation in what ultimately became an indictment over the steroid thing,” said Warrior. “It’s another one of those instances where he did what he had to do to protect his foremost interest, which was himself and his business. He made the claim that me and Davey Boy, Davey Boy got let go at the same time, that we had violated the drug policy at the time, which wasn’t true.”

Warrior added that the doctor in charge of WWE’s drug testing policy testified under oath that Warrior was not fired due to failing a drug test:

“We deposed Dr. Di Pasquale, who was in charge [of the drug policy]. We went to Canada and deposed him as part of the litigation and he said it wasn’t true. He was the guy that had the absolute authority in the program to decide who should be let go or if there was a different way of evaluating something. If they saw something on a wellness program test or something, it was up to him. He said he was totally shocked and surprised when Vince let me go and fired me. He never got a reason.”