Home News *SPOILERS* WWE SmackDown Tapings Results For Friday

*SPOILERS* WWE SmackDown Tapings Results For Friday


WWE taped  this week’s SmackDown from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Credit to SEScoops.com reader Amy for the following live results:

Dark Match:

* Dean Ambrose defeated Luke Hawkins.


The show opens with World Heavyweight champion Sheamus coming to the ring. He talks about his match with Del Rio at No Way Out. David Otunga comes out and demands Sheamus apologize running over John Laurinaitis two weeks ago on RAW. Sheamus refused and out comes Del Rio. Otunga announces that Del Rio pick an opponent for Sheamus tonight. Sheamus lays out Otunga with Brogue Kick and Del Rio ran away.

* Sin Cara returns with new red and white ring gear and new pyro during his ring entrance. He defeated Heath Slater in a decent match with no botched spots.

* Still to come tonight – WWE Title Match with Kane vs. CM Punk.

* Ezekiel Jackson comes out followed by Damien Sandow. Sandow cuts a promo and refuses to wrestle. He tried leaving but Jackson brought him back to the ring. They wrestled and Sandow won with his neckbreaker finisher.

* Backstage, Dolph Ziggler tells Alberto Del Rio he wants to be picked as Sheamus’ opponent. Del Rio agrees and Ziggler vs. Sheamus will happen later tonight.

* Ryback defeated two local wrestlers in a squash match.

* Dolph Ziggler came out with Vickie Guerrero and cut a promo on Sheamus.

* Sheamus defeated Dolph Ziggler with a Brogue Kick. Jack Swagger interfered, but it backfired and allowed Sheamus to get the win.

* Zack Ryder and Santino Marella defeated Darren Young and Titus O’Neil. Big Show came out after the match and beat up Santino on the stage, throwing him into the set. Show then beat up Ryder. Show went back to Santino and knocked him out with a punch to the face.

* Backstage, Daniel Bryan tells AJ Lee that CM Punk is using her.

* Cody Rhodes defeated Tyson Kidd in a quick match. Christian did commentary and had a confrontation with Rhodes after the match.

* CM Punk and Kane was called a double disqualification when Daniel Bryan interfered and attacked both men. Kane chokeslammed Bryan and Punk at the same time. John Laurinaitis came out and announced a three-way match for the WWE championship at No Way Out. AJ was in the ring with Punk and Bryan, but left by herself. Bryan slapped CM Punk in the face, but Punk fought back and hit Bryan with the Go To Sleep to end the show.