Home News Karen Jarrett To Expose Dixie, Austin & TNA Stars At CMT Awards

Karen Jarrett To Expose Dixie, Austin & TNA Stars At CMT Awards


– TNA’s Jeff and Karen Jarrett, James Storm, Crimson and Jeremy Borash attended Wednesday night’s CMT Music Awards in Nashville, TN on Wednesday night. Borash tweeted a picture of , which you can view here.

WWE Hall of Famer Steve Austin was also at the show to promote his new Redneck Island reality TV show, which premiers this weekend. As we reported here on the site, James Storm’s TNA entrance music “Longnecks and Rednecks” will be used as the theme song of Redneck Island.

Picture of Steve Austin & James Storm Drinking Together This Week

– Former TNA knockout Karen Jarrett posted the following tweets directed at Dixie Carter and her brother Todd Carter, President of Panda Energy International (TNA’s parent company):

“Hey Todd, no one can stand ur sister @TNADixie she continues to run the company in the ground!!! What r u gonna do???”

“@TNADixie have some guts and call me out……..”

“Everyone has dirty laundry I’m thinking it’s about home for @TNADixie to be exposed!!!”

It’s been rumored for quite some time that Karen Jarrett will be returning to television soon.