Home News Former Mr. Kennedy Comments On His Arrival To TNA Wrestling

Former Mr. Kennedy Comments On His Arrival To TNA Wrestling


— As seen last at Genesis, the former Mr. Kennedy was revealed as TNA’s teased “Major Superstar Acquisition.” He debuted under the moniker Mr. Anderson and faced off against Abyss, beating him via brass knuckles.

Anderson commented on his arrival to TNA on his Twitter account, writing: “A big thank you to all of my amazing fans, friends, and family. It feels good to be back in action, and it’s also great to be a part of this… Team! Looking forward to see what happens next… Stay tuned!!”

— TNA will be presenting its next pay-per-view, Against All Odds, next month on Valentine’s Day in Orlando. Click here to view its promotional trailer.

— No dark match was held before last month’s pay-per-view.