Home News More On Kenny King Wrestling For TNA & His Situation With ROH

More On Kenny King Wrestling For TNA & His Situation With ROH


As previously reported, Ring of Honor sent out a statement saying that ROH tag champion Kenny King had violated their agreement by appearing on Thursday’s episode of Impact Wrestling.

Kenny King was reportedly supposed to sign a contract extension with ROH several months while working on a new deal with the company. After verbally agreeing to sign an extension with ROH, he flew to Orlando and wrestled for TNA on Thursday night.

King has a young daughter and needs to make money for his family, so many people in ROH are happy for him that he’s getting a chance to work more. However, there’s also a feeling that he left ROH and his tag team partner Rhett Titus in a bad spot by leaving without giving the company sufficient notice and dropping the ROH Tag Team Titles.

(Source: PWInsider.com)