Home News WWE Mocks WCW & Smart Fans On Latest “Are You Serious?”

WWE Mocks WCW & Smart Fans On Latest “Are You Serious?”


This week’s episode of “Are You Serious?” is a “WCW continues to ruin everything” edition as many of the defunct promotion’s characters and concepts are ridiculed. The episode also takes aim at “smart” wrestling fans.

After Road Dogg and Josh Mathews proclaim WCW to have ruined battle royals with the cumbersome three-ring, sixty-man battle royal at WCW World War 3, the hosts segue to the latest installment of “WCW ruins everything.” Mathews says, “In addition to battle royals, WCW also ruined Halloween (Halloween Havoc), spiders (Arachniman), the beach (Sting and other wrestlers playing volleyball), golf (“Hole-in-One” Barry Darsow), dyslexia (Dave Sullivan). Road Dogg responds, “You know, it’s really hard not to find anything that WCW didn’t ruin.” Puppet H then appears and proclaims, “Man, WCW really did suck, didn’t it?” The trio is then encountered by a basement-dwelling puppet donning a “WORKRATE” sweater. When Road Dogg asks him who he is, the puppet responds, “I’m Mark and I’m really smart.”

Now wearing a “SAVE THE INDYS” sweater, Mark reveals himself as a member of the Internet Wrestling Community. He says “were it not for WCW, the following would also not exist: cruiserweights, the Monday Night Wars, Nitro Girl’s Fyre, WarGames, Ralphus, Dean Malenko, Ric Flair, Reid Flair. All you guys do on this show is bash WCW… WCW ruins everything. Listen, if were not for Van Hammer and KISS Demon…”

Mark is then interrupted by Puppet H, who tells Mark, “Didn’t I read you writing stuff about me on Lords of Hurt?” Mark then gets nervous.

Puppet H continues, “You said that the only reason Puppet H is on “Are You Serious?” is because of backstage politics and his workrate’s mediocre, sound familiar?” Mark explains he was trying to start a flame war. H says “boo” and Mark falls by the wayside as he exclaims “Sweet Terra Ryzing!”

“Yeah, you better run or I’ll go all Marty Garner on you!” Puppet H tells Mark.

Here’s the show: