Home News Piper Responds To Nash’s Rant, Brodus Clay On WWE Toyz, HBK

Piper Responds To Nash’s Rant, Brodus Clay On WWE Toyz, HBK


– The WWEShop.com website is selling new “Shawn Michaels Appreciation Night” merchandise, including a t-shirt and a cowboy hat commemorating Monday’s RAW from San Antonio, Texas.

Speaking of HBK Appreciation Night, YouTube videos of what happened after the show went off the air have been pulled at the request of WWE. A source we spoke to said the footage could be included on an upcoming Shawn Michaels DVD.

Pictures From After Monday’s RAW: HBK Appreciation Night Continues!

– WWE Hall of Famer Roddy Piper is the latest wrestler to address Kevin Nash’s recent comments about the wrestling industry “dying” at WrestleMania 20 when Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero ended the show as WWE’s top champions.

Nash Says Benoit and Guerrero As Champs Killed Pro Wrestling

Piper tweeted on Wednesday:

– Brodus Clay is featured in episode 10 of WWE’s “Superstar Toyz” series.

“How does Brodus Clay unwind after a long week on the road? He immerses himself in the calm aquascape he created for his freshwater fish. See which African Cichlid the Funkasaurus named after his buddy, Hornswoggle. Plus, learn how Brodus became an avid aquarist.”