Home News Vickie Guerrero Talks “Excuse Me”, Her Daughters Wrestling, Eddie

Vickie Guerrero Talks “Excuse Me”, Her Daughters Wrestling, Eddie


Vickie Guerrero was interviewed by the Los Angeles Times this week to promote tonight’s WWE SummerSlam PPV. Here are some highlights from the interview:

Q: How did you come up with the whole “Excuse me” line?

Guerrero: I came up with “Excuse me” when I was doing a promo on stage and I forgot my lines, so all I could think of to say was “Excuse me.” And the more I said it, the more upset the crowd got with me. The next night I tried “Excuse me” again, and that’s how it started happening.

Q: People love to boo you. Are you surprised by how much they boo you?

Guerrero: No, I love when they boo me. I love it. I love when I get them mad because if I don’t, then I’m not doing my job.

Q: Do you ever think people will one day cheer you?

Guerrero: I don’t want to be cheered. I’m a bad guy, so the boos and the mean faces and the yelling is something I look forward to every night.

Q: You have two daughters. If they wanted to join WWE, would you be happy with that?

Guerrero: My oldest daughter, Shaul, she’s 21 and she’s in WWE right now. She’s training to be with us on the road. And my youngest, Sherilyn, is 17 and she wants to study marine biology, so she won’t be with the company for a while.

Q: What do you think your late husband, the great Eddie Guerrero, would say to you if he could talk about your great success in WWE?

Guerrero: I’m hoping he would be proud of me, and I’m sure we’d laugh a lot. Watching him through the years, I learned a lot of the little smirks and the mean faces that he had so I learned a lot from him and hopefully I am making him proud.