WWE Developmental Wrestler Made A Referee, AJ and Kaitlyn Further Storyline

– Brad Maddox, who had been competing in WWE’s developmental promotion, has been promoted to the main roster as a referee. He officiated the No. 1 Contender’s Battle Royal on Raw won by Kaitlyn. His profile has been removed from FCWWrestling.info, which further indicates that he will no longer be used in a wrestler capacity.

Maddox had reigned as FCW Tag Team Champion and FCW 15 Champion when the titles were deactivated last week due to Florida Championship Wrestling being renamed NXT Wrestling.

– Raw General Manager AJ Lee congratulated Kaitlyn, her former tag team partner, for winning the No. 1 Contender’s Battle Royal on Raw. She wrote, “I know we’ve had some small issues in the past @KaitlynWWE , but I’m so happy for you. Look at how far we’ve come. #chickbusters4life.”

Kaitlyn responded, “ummm thanks @WWEAJLee ?? Water under the bridge I guess… Don’t expect me to hug you though.”

In the spring, Lee assaulted Kaitlyn on two occasions for trying to comfort her in her break-up from Daniel Bryan.

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