Home News Former WWE Announcers Host ESPN Sports Center (Picture)

Former WWE Announcers Host ESPN Sports Center (Picture)


On Tuesday night, ESPN broadcasters (and former WWE stars) Jonathan Coachman and Todd Grisham hosted SportsCenter together for the first time ever. Credit to SEScoops.com reader Eric Sturrock for sending along this recap:

Todd Grisham and The Coach hosted ESPNEWS Sportscenter together for the first time together. They started the show off with Grisham saying “Welcome to Sportscenter alongside The Coach I’m…..” Coach cut him off “Does it really matter who you are?”

Their first story together was about WR Mike Wallace showing up to the Pittsburgh Steelers, They talked about his money showing up. Coach: “His millions..” Grisham: “And millions….” Coach: “And Millions.”

Later, they joked about who would read one story, then when they did a live cut in to tennis they sarcastically joked about how exciting it was. At the end of the show Coach told a story about two tennis players who are dating eating snowcones, Todd said “Interesting story.” Coach: “Well, that’s what I get paid for.”

Grisham tweeted this picture of the two of them together: