Home News Video: What Happened After RAW: Cena, Orton, Sheamus & Macho Man?!

Video: What Happened After RAW: Cena, Orton, Sheamus & Macho Man?!


Here’s a live report of what happened after Monday’s WWE RAW from Chicago went off the air:

CM Punk does his best Rapper Cena impression

C.M. Punk came out to the ring, grabbed a John Cena headband and started rapping for the crowd. He talked about how he was supposed to face John Cena, but Cena was in no condition to wrestle.

As Punk was talking, Cena ran to the ring attacked the WWE Champion Punk. This brought out Alberto Del Rio came out to help Punk beat down Cena, which brought out Shamus to even the odds. Then Dolph Ziggler and Antonio Cesaro joined the fray.

Punk managed to escape and ran to the back. Randy Orton came out to help Sheamus and Cena and they beat up the heels and threw them to ringside.

The heels saw Miz still at ringside, grabbed him, and threw him inside the ring. Cena, Shamus and Orton surrounded The Miz. Miz grabbed a mic and asked them if they knew who he was. He’s a movie star, the Intercontinental champion and he defeated John Cena in the main event of WrestleMania. Cena said he may suck at making movies, but he’s good at beating up The Miz. This led to The Miz taking an Attitude Adjustment, an RKO and then a Brogue Kick.

After the babyfaces disposed of The Miz, they celebrated in the ring, signed some autographs at ringside and then brought a fan into the ring who was dressed up as Macho Man Randy Savage. They all celebrated with the Macho Man fan to end the show.