Home News Bischoff Calls WWE’s TV Product “Boring”, Joe Suffers Injury

Bischoff Calls WWE’s TV Product “Boring”, Joe Suffers Injury


— During an interview with the Pro Wrestling Torch conducted this past September, Eric Bischoff commented on whether he had given thought to joining TNA Wrestling. In his response, Bischoff called WWE’s television product “boring” and predictable.

“Not really. A, because I don’t watch it. B, because I just don’t think about it. I don’t watch WWE, either. It’s not because I don’t like it. Well, it’s kind of because I don’t like it. It’s just that it’s so boring I can almost tell you what’s going to happen 30 seconds before it happens,” Bischoff told Wade Keller.

“I’m not just talking about the matches, I’m talking about the whole storyline arc of the show. But, I don’t want to say this the wrong way. It’s not a “been there, done that” syndrome, although that’s kind of part of it. It’s that unless it’s really creatively challenging and stimulating, I just don’t think about it. Since I’m not in it and I don’t really watch it, it’s just not something that I think about. I’ve probably thought more about wrestling in the last two interviews I’ve done with you than I have in the last two years.”

It should be noted that Bischoff was in negotiations to work with TNA when the interview took place.

— Samoa Joe dislocated a rib during Monday’s live event in Paris, France. He worked against AJ Styles and Daniels in a three-way bout.

“Dislocated a rib last night. Most fun was explaining the screaming from my room as D-Lo (Brown) popped it back in,” Joe wrote on his Twitter account yesterday morning.

He managed to work his scheduled “I Quit” match against Daniels last night in Bournemouth, England.