Home News Paul Heyman Working Live Events, WWE Ref On ‘Bridezillas’ & More

Paul Heyman Working Live Events, WWE Ref On ‘Bridezillas’ & More


– WWE Classics is currently asking fans which monthly theme they would like to see in 2013: DX, events that took place in California, the 1970’s, Divas and the Intercontinental Title.

There are also polls up asking fans which territories fans want to see more of (NWA/WCW, AWA, CWF, USWA/Global or SMW) and which Hall of Famer should be featured more (Sunny, The Road Warriors, Edge, Ron Simmons or Yokozuna).

– WWE referee Brian Nguyen appeared on this weekend’s episode of Bridezillas with his wife Davina Guzman. Nguyen and his wife will also be appearing on next weekend’s episode, which airs Sunday night on the WE network.

– Paul Heyman worked Sunday night’s WWE RAW live event from Wichita, Kansas. Heyman carried Punk’s WWE title belt to the ring and was at ringside for his match, but did not get physically involved.

* Pictures From KELLY KELLY’s Let It Fly Energy Drink Photo Shoot