Home News Sound Off 98: Stand Back, There’s a Mugshot Coming Through!

Sound Off 98: Stand Back, There’s a Mugshot Coming Through!

Solomonster Sounds Off

Solomonster Sounds Off (Episode 98)

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Est. Runtime: 62 minutes

| Preview’s for tonight’s Strikeforce event and tomorrow’s 23rd annual Royal Rumble

| TNA moving to Monday nights, and their record-setting rating for Thursday’s show

| Chris Jericho and Shane Helms get drunk, play fight and get arrested … TMZ leaps into action!

| Honky Tonk Man turns down the WWE Hall of Fame and bashes John Laurinaitis

| WWE The Music Volume 10 review with thoughts on RETURN THE HITMAN (no, not a typo)

Want your question on the air? Send feedback to THESOLOMONSTER@gmail.com.

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