Home News Sound Off 244: The Absurdity of Miz Being On Team Punk

Sound Off 244: The Absurdity of Miz Being On Team Punk


Solomonster Sounds Off (Episode 244)

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Est. Runtime: 68 minutes

Solomonster talks about Hurricane Sandy and the resulting chaos in New York, Tuesday’s election and why Linda McMahon will lose, what famous billionaire she’s already outspent and the NEW role waiting for her on Raw, plus defending the finish of Hell in a Cell, the absurdity of including Miz in the Survivor Series main event, Sheamus masquerading as John Cena and not caring about losing the World title, reviewing the 1995 Royal Rumble with appearances by MANTAUR and DICK MURDOCH (in the same match!), and who from TNA would you want for a match with Undertaker?

Want your question on the air? Send feedback to THESOLOMONSTER@gmail.com.

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Solomonster Sounds Off by The Solomonster is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.