Home News Backstage Mood At RAW & Who Ran The Show, Punk Injury Update, Reactions To The Shield & Ryback’s Promos

Backstage Mood At RAW & Who Ran The Show, Punk Injury Update, Reactions To The Shield & Ryback’s Promos


– As noted earlier, CM Punk tweeted that he was undergoing x-rays today. Punk has reportedly been working with an injured knee and has been seen limping around in recent weeks.

– With Vince McMahon still overseas visiting United States troops serving in the Middle East, Triple H was in charge at Mondays RAW. There was a much more laid-back environment at RAW, with fewer rewrites. The general feeling backstage was that things will be less tense behind the scenes when Vince McMahon eventually steps down and hands the reigns over to Triple H and Stephanie.

– WWE was very satisfied with The Shield’s first promo on Monday’s RAW, with Dean Ambrose standing out as the group’s best talker, Roman Reigns came off well but Seth Rollins still needing to improve his mic work.

– WWE was also happy with Ryback’s interview in the opening segment of RAW.

(Source: PWInsider.com)