Home News Missy Beefcake Releases Homophobic Video Of Greg ‘The Hammer’ Valentine

Missy Beefcake Releases Homophobic Video Of Greg ‘The Hammer’ Valentine

Missy Beefcake Releases Homophobic Video Of Greg ‘The Hammer’ Valentine

Greg “The Hammer” Valentine’s name trended today on X, but not in a way he would ever want it to. A video was released of him using some harsh homosexual language, and it is quite shocking.

Greg Valentine’s Homophobic Video

Missy Beefcake, wife of WWE Hall of Famer Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake, recently shared video clips on her X account featuring Greg “The Hammer” Valentine. It was not stated where this video was shot, but Valentine was using derogatory language targeted at the LGBTQ+ community. 

In one clip, Greg “The Hammer” Valentine is heard saying, “You f*cking f*ggot. I can whip you with one arm tied behind my f*cking back!” Another clip captured Valentine mentioning, “The f*ggot on CNN besides Don Lemon.” He was talking about Anderson Cooper in that second clip. 

Missy Beefcake dropped those two clips, along with a short caption to sum up her thoughts on the content.

“Greg Valentine making homophobic remarks! He’s disgusting!!!!”

Public Reaction to Greg Valentine’s Comments

While such language might have been more tolerable in the territorial days of pro wrestling, where Greg “The Hammer” Valentine gained fame, it is receiving significant backlash in the present day. 

Greg “The Hammer” Valentine is now facing criticism for his remarks, with some calling for consequences and expressing their disapproval of his actions. Fans are weighing in about what Valentine said, and there will likely be a lot more discussion and memes to follow. 

Video Is Possible Revenge

It should be noted that Greg “The Hammer” Valentine laid quite a hammer down on Missy Beefcake in a recent interview. He was asked who he loved beating up the most in the ring, to which The Hammer replied Brutus Beefcake, because of “that f*cking c*nt that he married.” He also said that they didn’t have to cut that part out, which they didn’t.

Missy Beefcake’s response to that shot very well could have been in the form of this latest homophobic video drop. There are definitely shots being fired between those two pro wrestling personalities, and things got ugly in a hurry.