Home News WWE SmackDown & Main Event Taping Preview, Sunny Talks Jail & Rehab (Video)

WWE SmackDown & Main Event Taping Preview, Sunny Talks Jail & Rehab (Video)


– Tonight’s WWE television tapings take place from Little Rock, Arkansas with the final hype for Sunday’s Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. WWE Main Event will feature the return of Chris Jericho’s Highlight Reel talk show with his guest The Miz.

As for SmackDown, WWE Champion The Rock will be in the house, Mark Henry will face Randy Orton in a battle of the former World Heavyweight champions and we’ll get more from Big Show & Del Rio.

The advertised dark match main event for the tapings will see World Heavyweight champion Alberto Del Rio vs. Big Show.

We’ll have live spoiler results here later tonight, so make sure to check back for that.

– Kayfabe Commentaries has released the following trailer for a new “Breaking Kayfabe” shoot interview with WWE Hall of Famer Sunny. Sunny goes in-depth talking about her time in jail and rehab, how WWE officials reacted to her being in rehab during Linda McMahon’s senate campaign and more.