Home News MAILBAG: God’s Plan For Bearer Death, Colter Managing Brodus, Booing Cena and More

MAILBAG: God’s Plan For Bearer Death, Colter Managing Brodus, Booing Cena and More


SEScoops Mailbag for March 15th

Got a Question? Submit it with your name to: SEScoops@gmail.com

Q: At what point did the general public start to boo John Cena, after he was done with his rapper gimmick? Was it a particular promo that he cut? Did he face a certain opponent? And when did the announcers have to start to acknowledge, on air, that Cena was getting booed? – Jay H.

A: Can’t recall a specific moment, but it wasn’t long after he was drafted to Raw in 2005 and became the face of the company. First time I remember a crowd really crapping on him at a major show would have been Chicago at WrestleMania 22.

Q: I’m halfway through watching TNA’s Lockdown PPV and I couldn’t help but push pause and email my disgust to you. The match quality has been good to great, however Taz must be stopped. My wife is a casual fan, and all she’s had to say is “who is the arrogant wanker on commentary bullying the other guys?” I mean seriously, he adds nothing to this product, I beg Dixie to [just] allow Todd and Tenay to do their jobs. Am I the only one who thinks this would benefit the quality of TNA’s presentation? – Dando from Australia

A: I actually thought Taz was the most entertaining he’s been in a long time on last night’s Impact. He can overbearing at times, but it’s no different than JBL on commentary. When each man talks over the other announcers, they can really be obnoxious. In the right doses, I think they add a lot to a broadcast, particularly JBL who is just great in the role. Todd and Tenay on their own would be pretty bland.

Q: On last week’s Sound Off [podcast], you pondered the idea of Zeb Colter leaving Swagger if he [were to at some point] be embarrassed for his DUI. My question is who would you like to see Colter paired off with? This might be a stretch, but I think he should be paired off with Brodus Clay to “bring the monster out of him.” I think WWE is missing that monster figure and [this] could work. – Shane from Fort Lauderdale, FL

A: Missing that monster figure? Seems to me like they have more than enough monsters right now with Brock Lesnar and Mark Henry, and perhaps Ryback. But I wouldn’t mind seeing Colter take over as manager for Brodus and Tensai once the dancing gimmick has run its course and lead them as a more serious, big man team. Tensai was quite good in that role with Karl Anderson over in New Japan.

Q: After seeing the 3-on-1 assault on Big Show by The Shield on Raw, is he temporarily going babyface or is he still going to be a monster heel? – Luis from Los Angeles

A: He’s still a heel. I can’t wrap my brain around how many turns he’s done over the years. It’s between him and Kane, I’ve lost track of who the current leader is.

Q: Do you think, like I do, that the unfortunate demise of William Moody added SO MUCH to the Undertaker vs. CM Punk match? The much needed reason why they’re having a match, other than just for The Streak at WrestleMania. Like god had this planned out all along or something. Any thoughts? – Valtteri from Finland

A: God is not a wrestling booker. He couldn’t even be bothered to show up for his tag match with Shawn Michaels.

Got a Question? Submit it with your name to: SEScoops@gmail.com