Home News Jim Ross Blogs About This Year’s Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion

Jim Ross Blogs About This Year’s Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion


Jim Ross has blogged about this year’s Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion. Here is what he had to say about the event…

Great time at the 48th Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion this week in Las Vegas. It wasn’t a money making trip as my lovely wife attended and did her part to contribute to the economy of Vegas by doing two days worth of shopping. Seriously, we both had a wonderful time seeing so many old friends and fans that we have gotten to know over the years.

CAC is a great non profit organization that does many amazing, charitable things for those in need from within the wrestling biz. CAC doesn’t look for publicity as many of their benevolent acts would bring embarrassment to many of the recipients. But, take it from me, CAC helps lots of people that you know or have heard of over the years and I’m of the mindset that more people, fans and wrestlers alike, should join the organization. For more info check out the CAC website at http://www.caulifloweralleyclub.org.

I wish the event would be moved to June as I feel that following WrestleMania so closely and while many WWE talents are in Europe and can’t attend doesn’t serve the attendance at CAC well. Two trips in one month are too much for many to endure both physically and financially. Hopefully the CAC Board of Directors will take this into consideration. If they want to grow, get younger, etc then why not have their only, annual fundraiser when fans can bring their children who are in school during the month of April but are available to travel to Vegas in June?

I had the pleasure of presenting Adam Copeland AKA Edge the Male Wrestler Award from CAC in a surprise presentation. Only three people knew of this matter as it was a total surprise to Edge. I followed such powerful and serious presentations as the DDP/Jake the Snake Roberts duo and the late, Paul Bearer/Percy Pringle presentation so I attempted to ad lib my way into a more light hearted mood in what felt like a somber room and rightfully so at that particular time of the evening.

Reading Adam’s resume is really amazing as he’s accomplished and earned an amazing body of work winning over 30 titles in WWE. However, Adam is a much better human being with a kind soul and unwavering character which even surpasses his professional accomplishments inside the ring. The 2012 WWE Hall of Famer is one of my all time favorite signees as we signed him, and Christian, in 1997.

We loved spending time with Adam and his best pal Beth Phoenix in Vegas as Adam prepares for a five month stint of filming the new season of SyFy’s Haven in Nova Scotia, if I’m not mistaken. Adam’s character on Haven has expanded to appear on every episode at this time.

The amazing work that DDP is doing with Jake Roberts is awe inspiring. I met 3 of Jake’s 8 children at CAC and it was a wonderful reunion for the previously estranged family. Obviously, it was a very emotional weekend for the family as the creator of the DDT is well on is way to recovery from drug and alcohol abuse and let’s all pray that he steers the course and reaches his destination. Jake’s speech at CAC was damn amazing as was DDP’s.

It was great seeing Ivan Koloff who has issues getting around and walks with a cane. Ivan is still barrel chested but like many older veterans is ‘shrinking’ or so it seemed. Uncle Ivan was a great hand with amazing endurance and strength back in the day and is now an ordained minister and spends most of his time helping others including speaking with inmates in prison. The former WWWF Champion, who defeated his hero Bruno Sammartino, always treated me wonderfully when I went to work for Jim Crockett Promotions back in the 80’s.

Nora Greenwald aka Molly Holly also received an award, presented by Lisa Moretti aka Ivory, that was well deserved and beautifully received. If more people, men and women alike, had Molly’s character and integrity, the business would be infinitely better off. I hired her on the recommendation of Dean Malenko and even though she did not fit the stereotypical mold of a WWE Diva, Nora was one of the most successful and productive women that ever worked in WWE. She’s now working in a drug treatment facility in Minnesota and is happily married.