Home News CM Punk’s Status For RAW Show, Shawn Michaels/NRA Convention, More

CM Punk’s Status For RAW Show, Shawn Michaels/NRA Convention, More


Carl Dantes sent along the following: Shawn Michaels is headed to the NRA Convention in Houston, TX today to introduce the new Shawn Michaels’ MRA Showstopper air rifle by Gamo Outdoors USA. He will be in the Gamo Booth 3633 at 11am & Bushnell Booth 3621 at 2pm signing autographs, taking pics, and hanging out. The NRA convention is open to the public and will be at the George R. Brown Convention Center in downtown Houston. You can follow Shawn on twitter @ShawnMichaels as well as Gamo @GamoOutdoor for more details about the new Shawn Michaels product and some free giveaways.

Shawn Barlow sent along the following: Earlier this week, WWE.com added CM Punk to Raw shows starting on Memorial Day and going into June. As of today, Punk has been pulled and is no longer listed.

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