Home News WWE Teasing That Paul Heyman Is Scouting A Third Client

WWE Teasing That Paul Heyman Is Scouting A Third Client


[heyman2extreme]According to a new WWE.com article, Paul Heyman is scouting a third client, to add to his current stable of two (Brock Lesnar and CM Punk).

The article featured comments from several WWE Superstars, where the Superstars comment on whether or not they’d like to be represented by Paul Heyman.

Corey Graves Said: Would I like to be represented by Paul Heyman? Of course. It doesn’t mean you’re gonna be liked. You’re not gonna make any friends … but you can’t deny that if you’re a Paul Heyman guy, the world’s going to talk about you.

Kofi Kingston Said: I think anyone who is not interested in having Paul Heyman as a representative would be foolish. Look at his track record and what he’s done for guys like Brock Lesnar. You see how much of an asset he’s been for CM Punk. [Heyman] is a genius.

The Miz Said: What’s in it for me? I’ll answer a question with a question, because while Heyman definitely has something to offer, I just don’t know what he has to offer to me.

  • DISCUSSION: We want to know – which WWE/NXT Superstar or Diva do YOU think Paul Heyman should take under his wing? Who would benefit the most from being aligned with wrestling evil genius? Comment below.