Home News John Morrison Talks About Miz Coaching Daniel Bryan On NXT

John Morrison Talks About Miz Coaching Daniel Bryan On NXT


WWE SmackDown star John Morrison spoke to IGN.com this week about his new DVD, Sunday’s Elimination Chamber PPV, the controversy surrounding the Miz coaching Daniel Bryan on WWE NXT and more. Here are a few highlights:

His new DVD: “The usual Superstars DVD release is a 3-disc career retrospective and they wanted to try a new format. It’s a one-disc engaging thing that someone can watch all in one sitting. I think they decided to have me be the experiment/prototype for it to see how the format would do. To see if it could be interesting or if it’s going to sell. I think that was the thought behind it.”

* Buy the new John Morrison DVD at Amazon.com (Best price anywhere – $14.99)

The End of ECW: “I think it’s the end of an era. But the ECW that people fell in love with in the late ’90s has been gone for a while already. What I think ECW presented was a big opportunity for a lot of WWE superstars. Definitely me. It revitalized my entire career when I moved to ECW. I became the ECW champion, and it’s when I started tagging with The Miz. CM Punk debuted on ECW. That’s where he started also. So I think it’s going to be sad to see it go. But the show that’s replacing it, the NXT show – I think hopefully it’s going to do the same thing for a lot of people. It’s going to give a lot of people an opportunity. I can’t remember everyone on there, but I know that Bryan Danielson is on there. He’s going to be one of the new guys on the show. So I hope it will give people the chance to make it big in WWE just like ECW did.”

The Miz mentoring Daniel Bryan on NXT: “Yeah, when I saw that, I was at the ECW taping, and I actually saw Miz. He didn’t know either until he saw the graphic on the screen. That he was the “Pro” and Bryan Danielson was the student. I walked by and said, “Pssh, he knows more than you do.” And that’s pretty much what everyone thinks. It’s gonna be interesting and I think that’s the point of it.”