Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights of what JR said about:
Daniel Bryan vs. Seth Rollins from RAW: “@WWEDanielBryan vs. @WWERollins was one of the best bouts on Raw in many moons. This was excellent from start to finish, an announcer’s dream really, and is a great match for NXT athletes or those wanting o make it to WWE Development to study. Both the winner and the loser improved their perception and enhanced their personas when this match ended.”
Tim Tebow In WWE: “If @TimTebow, for some reason, fails to make it in New England, I’m sure that I can get him a tryout in WWE Developmental. Roll your eyes if you choose but there’s a TV rating and a PPV number in that concept notwithstanding all the media that it would generate. Plus, Tebow could be a valuable member of the WWE team doing community service projects in addition to learning to perform inside the ring. Tebow might rival John Cena as the most polarizing talent ever in WWE.”
The Third Wyatt Family Vignette On RAW: “Another great, creative production building anticipation for the pending debut of Bray Wyatt and his “Family.” It doesn’t bother me when fans on Twitter @JRsBBQ compare Bray Wyatt with Waylon Mercy no more than it did when fans compared Waylon Mercy to ‘Cape Fear’s’ Sam Cady.”
* VIEW HERE: The Latest WYATT FAMILY Vignette Video From RAW – They’re Coming!