– WWE’s new Best of WCW Wargames DVD & Blu-Rays are now on sale at WWEShop.com.
– WWE legend Jake “The Snake” Roberts gave Cody Rhodes some advice on Twitter earlier today.
@CodyRhodesWWE learn how to work lol
— JakeSnakeDDT (@JakeSnakeDDT) June 12, 2013
– CM Punk attended a concert for the band Rancid on Tuesday night in Detroit. Before playing their new song, “F**k You”, band member Lars Fredericksen called CM Punk on stage and joked that the song should be his new WWE entrance theme. They also got the crowd to chant, “..1..2..3..F**K YOU PHILLIP!!” at Punk.
Here’s a picture of CM Punk on stage with Rancid in Detroit (6/11):