Home News Plans For The Undertaker’s Return, Rumored Matches For SummerSlam

Plans For The Undertaker’s Return, Rumored Matches For SummerSlam


With WWE Payback taking place this Sunday, planning is already underway for the WWE SummerSlam pay-per-view on 8/18.

Over the weekend, WWE was discussing the possibility of The Undertaker wrestling on the show, teaming up with Kane against WWE Tag Team Champions Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns of The Shield. If Undertaker does not commit to wrestle, the match will likely be Randy Orton & Sheamus vs. The Shield.

Other matches in the works for SummerSlam:

* WWE Champion John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan
* Big E Langston vs. Big Show or Mark Henry
* US Champion Dean Ambrose vs. Rey Mysterio

Aside from those SummerSlam matches, WWE is looking at Randy Orton vs. Ryback and Rey Mysterio vs. Jack Swagger as feuds for this summer.

* Find Out If WWE Plans To Put The WWE Championship On DANIEL BRYAN At SummerSlam

(Source: F4wonline.com)