Home News Jim Ross Blog: WWE/War Games, Flair & Piper Swap Wives, Foley

Jim Ross Blog: WWE/War Games, Flair & Piper Swap Wives, Foley


The following are highlights from the latest online blog by WWE Hall Of Fame announcer Jim Ross:

– Enjoyed watching Ric Flair and Rowdy Roddy Piper on ABC’s Celebrity Wife Swap Sunday night. The Naitch isn’t going to slow down for anyone until he’s six feet under which I hope won’t be years and years. That’s just the way that Ric’s wired…for better or for worse. I tend to lean more toward Hot Rod’s life style as I keep it low key here in Norman and have never been overly comfortable being what some might perceive as a ‘celebrity.’

– Hard to believe that it was 15 years ago this past week in Pittsburgh that the Undertaker threw Mankind/Mick Foley off the top of the Hell in a Cell at the King of the Ring PPV. My calls from various aspects of that match have been dubbed into some insane, sports video clips over the years and others seem to pop up on a regular basis. I’m not saying that the Taker-Foley match from 1998 was the ‘greatest match that I ever broadcast’ (I’m never able to answer that one) but it is without a doubt the most memorable match I ever called. One reason for that is because fans simply won’t allow that night to be forgotten.

– Many new, wrestling fans are seeing the War Games for the first time now that the collection of Dusty Rhodes’ creation is available from WWE on DVD. I’m especially pleased to see my dear, late friend Dr. Death Steve Williams remembered as Doc was a participant in multiple War Games matches. I’d suggest that you give this DVD a look as some of the most famous and infamous stars in the genre appeared at one time or another in this marquis match. Doc military pressing Terry Gordy multiple times in one War Games match still vividly sticks in my mind.

Would I like to see WWE return the War Games to PPV? Not really. The old days lent itself more to the aggression and violence elements that the War Games concept needed to be successful.

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