Home News Another Segment For RAW Tonight Revealed, Vickie Responds To Stephanie

Another Segment For RAW Tonight Revealed, Vickie Responds To Stephanie


-WWE Superstar Mark Henry recently posted the following tweet on his official Twitter account regarding a scheduled segment for tonight’s edition of WWE RAW, “I’ve got something to say to @JohnCena and its gonna happen in the ring tonight on #Raw. Be there, Cena. Don’t make me come find you.”

-As previously reported, Stephanie McMahon took to Twitter to talk about tonight’s in-ring job evaluation segment with Vickie Guerrero. Guerrero wrote back to Stephanie on Twitter, noting, “I am confident in my past years experience, that my job evaluation will go smoothly. @VinceMcMahon @StephMcMahon @TripleH @WWE”

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