Home News Jim Ross Blogs About WWE SummerSlam

Jim Ross Blogs About WWE SummerSlam


WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog at JRsBarBQ.com with his thoughts on Sunday’s WWE SummerSlam pay-per-view. Here are some highlights of what he said about:

The Show’s Production: Enjoyed the Summer Slam PPV and it was a real masterpiece from a TV production standpoint and look of the show. Very slick and well produced. No one does live TV better than WWE but I’ve been saying that for years.

The Main Event Swerve: Cena/Bryan/HHH/Orton created a most memorable moment at Summer Slam that certainly has a great deal of fans talking. It sets up some potential, interesting scenarios down the road. Bryan winning the title from Cena and then being able to celebrate before the pedigree and Orton’s pin was well done.

Daniel Bryan: Daniel Bryan may be more popular today than if he had actually won the WWE Title at Summer Slam. Bryan will now apparently chase new Champ Randy Orton and the thrill of the fan favorite chasing the antagonist has always interested me as a fan.

CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar: Punk vs. Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman was another masterpiece. I predicted that it would be overtly physical and it certainly was in delivering a ‘DEE-LUX’ Slobber Knocker of a match. Great intensity and physicality rarely fails to deliver when the money is on the line in a major PPV. Simple gameplan….great results.

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