Home News WWE To Create Stars During Cena’s Absence, SummerSlam Tweet Count, Bret Hart PPV

WWE To Create Stars During Cena’s Absence, SummerSlam Tweet Count, Bret Hart PPV


-With John Cena on the shelf recovering from surgery for at least the remainder of 2013, WWE has apparently informed their talent that now is the time to step up and work as hard as possible to help the company. It was basically outright explained to talent that if there was ever an opportunity to make yourself a star, now is that time.

-According to statistics released by The Los Angeles Times, this past week WWE SummerSlam generated 323,969 tweets on Twitter. The show that produced the most tweets this past week was VH-1’s “Lop & Hip-Hop: Atlanta,” which generated 729,782 posts on Twitter.

-WWE will be presenting their “Bret Hart: Dungeon Collection” DVD multi-disc set on InDemand pay-per-view in September.

UPDATE: More Details On Post-Cena WWE Locker Room Speech

[Credit: PWInsider.com]