Home News E! Posts New Cena/Bella Clip, Bruno Sammartino Update, Miz/Abu Dhabi Coverage

E! Posts New Cena/Bella Clip, Bruno Sammartino Update, Miz/Abu Dhabi Coverage


-The official E! website has posted a new video clip that features WWE Superstar John Cena, and his real-life girlfriend, WWE Diva and Total Divas reality star Nikki Bella, doing their stretching routine. You can check that out online at EOnline.com.

-Add The National to the list of mainstream outlets that covered The Miz’s recent WWE promotional trip to Abu Dhabi. You can check out their article on Miz’s trip at TheNational.com.

-WWE Hall Of Famer Bruno Sammartino recently announced via his official Twitter account that he will be appearing at The Feast of San Gennaro in New York from September 13-15. Bruno wrote:

I will be at Feast of San Gennaro in NY Sept 13 14 15 pic is from 2005 Feast in LA with two of my friends pic.twitter.com/YpIBm9vCIO

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