WrestleMania XXVI PPV Report
March 28, 2010 from Glendale, Arizona
Fighter jets fly overhead as Justin Roberts introduces Fantasia to sing America the Beautiful.
We get a slick video package highlighting WrestleMania as a place where many superstars only get one shot at making history. Lots of feuds of tonight are highlighted, specifically Sheamus/HHH, Taker/Michaels II, Vince/Bret, and both of the Championship matches. Money in the Bank participants are also shown. The package is amazing.
The pyro hits in a pretty amazing display, and the crowd, of course, is hot. Michael Cole welcomes us properly to the 26th installment of WrestleMania taking place at the University of Phoenix stadium. The opening contes will be the match for the Unified WWE Tag Team Championships. R-Truth is out first, rapping his way to the ring to a lot of love from the crowd.
Michael Cole just announced the Wrestlemania XXVI attendance as ‘over 70,000’
WWE Unified Tag Team Championship Match
Big Show and The Miz (c) vs. John Morrison and R-Truth
Matt Striker, Jerry the King Lawler, and Michael Cole are the announce team for tonight. Big Show and Miz make their way to the ring, and this one is ready to begin.
Morrison and Miz will be starting things out for their teams. Morrison is able to get a hammerlock, but Miz fights out of it and stomps at Morrison. Miz turns his back, only to turn around into a dropkick. Morrison slams Miz and tags out to Truth, who comes in with a top rope leg drop on Miz that’s good for a two count. Truth does the splits to avoid a punch from Miz, and gets Miz with a back kick, but Miz tags out to Show. Truth tries to hit Show with a cross body, but he’s caught and hit with a fall away slam instead. Show pushes Morrison off the apron and chops Truth’s chest. Show climbs the ropes, but Morrison hits a kick that knocks Show down. Miz and Morrison are back in and Morrison is dominating Miz with a flap jack and a kick to the face.
Morrison tries for the starship pain but Show pulls him out of the ring. Miz tries for the SCF, but Morrison fights out. Show hits the knockout punch out of nowhere, tags in, and pins Morrison, getting the three count.
Winners and STILL WWE Unified Tag Team Champions: Big Show and Miz
Cole, Lawler and Striker run down some of the activites of WrestleMania week. John Cena on Jimmy Fallon is shown, footage of the art show, and some stuff from fan axxess is shown.
Legacy Triple Threat Match
Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase
Ted Dibiase is the first man out to the ring, to a bit of heat, and Cole talks about his father’s induction into the WWE Hall of Fame last night. Cody Rhodes is the next man out to the ring, also to a bit of heat from the crowd.
Randy Orton is the last man to the ring, to a big pop from the crowd. Dibiase and Rhodes are grouped together and talking to each other when Orton enters the match. This match will be under triple threat rules where every man is in the ring at the same time. The bell rings, and Cody and Ted begin to stalk Randy.
Orton is able to fight off both men, keeping Rhodes on the outside with a lariat over the top, and then stomping away at Dibiase. Orton turns his attention to Rhodes and he eats a dropkick from Ted. Rhodes and Dibiase pound away on Orton to the displeasure of the crowd. Rhodes and Dibiase continue, stomping away methodically, before double teaming Orton. Dibiase holds Orton while Rhodes pounds on him, then the two switch roles for a bit.
Orton hesitates but finally puns Cody Rhodes in the head with DiBiase out of the ring. DiBiase sneaks up from behind him but Orton hits him with the RKO. Orton gets the cover for the win.
Winner: Randy Orton
Vickie Guerrero just cut a heel promo with the members of the heel Divas. She drew a tremendous amount of heat.
They did a comedy segment with Santino Marella and ‘Mean Gene’ Okerlund in a towel. Injured Diva Melina appeared, making her return to WWE TV.
Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane vs. Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. MVP vs. Jack Swagger vs. Matt Hardy vs. Evan Bourne vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston
The Money in the Bank ladder match is up next. Kofi Kingston out followed by MVP, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, Shelton Benjamin, Matt Hardy, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Kane and Christian. They have ladders on the ramp. Hardy drew a huge reaction. The Money in the Bank briefcase is hanging above the ring but the ladders remain outside the ring followed up and setup on the ramp.
The match starts with chaos with action going in and outside of the ring. Kane had control but Drew McIntyre started beating him down. McIntyre sets the first ladder up in the ring. Hardy pushes it over with him on it. Evan Bourne comes in as Hardy gives McIntyre Twist of Fate.
All the participants battle on the ladder. Evan Bourne just touched the briefcase but Kane, Hardy and Swagger fight him off. Kane tosses Bourne to the outside onto Shelton Benjamin. Hardy and Swagger battle it out on top of the ladder.
Evan Bourne has his hands on the briefcase, but everyone else is there and things break down pretty quickly. Kane tosses Bourne to the outside. Kingston tosses a ladder into Swagger and Hardy who are on another ladder. Christian throws a ladder into Hardy and Swagger who are trapped in the corner before monkey flipping Kingston into the ladder, sandwiching Swagger and Hardy. Ziggler pulls Christian off the ladder with a big backstabber, and tries to climb himself, but he’s pulled off by MVP, who’s in turn pulled off by Kane. Shelton and Kofi sandwich Kane with a ladder, and he and MVP and Shelton use a ladder to sandwich Kane in the corner, Kofi runs up the ladder, but he’s powerbombed by Kane.
Benjamin is close to gaining the briefcase, but Swagger puts him down with a ladder, before slamming the ladder into several other participants. Bourne comes out of nowhere with a double knees to Swagger and the ladder to take him out. Swagger is in the middle of the ladder, and Hardy and Christian both use ladders to sandwish Swagger’s midsection. Hardy and Christian climb the ladder, while Bourne climbs the side. Swagger pulls the ladder out from under Hardy, and Bourne kicks Christian off the other ladder before hitting Air Bourne from off the ladder onto Christian.
Bourne tries for the briefcase, but Hardy is there and he throws Bourne off the top. Hardy is almost able to grab the briefcase, but Swagger comes up from behind, and pushes him off the top of the ladder, on top of the ladder propped up in the ring. Swagger also falls off onto another ladder propped against the ropes. MVP and Shelton are up on the ladder now and Shelton sends MVP off. MVP retaliates, trying to powerbomb Shelton, but Benjamin retaliates with a hurricarana to the outside. Kane is outside with a ladder and he hits both MVP and Shelton. Kane is in the ring and he tries to climb the ladder, but Ziggler is in, climbing over Kane. Kane pushes over the ladder to knock Ziggler off before throwing the ladder at Ziggler, Ziggler ducks but eats a right hand.
Kane chokeslams Ziggler on the ladder before sandwiching him in between and slamming the ladder up and down on top of Ziggler. Kane ends up ripping the ladder apart. Kofi sends Kane to the outside, and uses both pieces of the ladder as stilts, trying to climb all the way to the top. McIntyre is in, knocking one of the legs away, and pushing the other, with Kofi on it, into the ropes. McIntyre grabs a ladder and climbs, but Matt Hardy is in on the other side. Hardy and McIntyre fight at the top with McIntyre sending Hardy to the mat. Hardy retaliates, pushing the ladder into the ropes where McIntyre crotches himself.
Hardy climbs the ladder and gets his hands on the brifcse, but Kane pushes another ladder, with Christian on it, into Hardy’s ladder. Kane climbs the other side, opposite Hardy and Christian, and he tries for a double chokeslam, but Christian and Hardy fight him off, only to turn their attention to each other. Hardy tries for a twist of fate, but Christian reverses with into a reverse DDT from the top of the ladder. Christian climbs both ladders in the middle of the ring, but Swagger pulls one away. Christian climbs the other ladder, but Swagger is up after him. Both men fight at the top of the ladder, but Swagger uses the briefcase, slamming it into Christian’s face. Swagger goes for the briefcase but he has trouble unhooking it. After what seems like forever, Swagger gets the briefcase down, and he is Mr. Money in the Bank.
Winner: Jack Swagger
Swagger poses with his briefcase at the top of the ladder, smiling and laughing.
Cole, Lawler and Striker re-cap the Hall of Fame induction ceremony the took place last night. We get a little bit of footage, that includes highlights of the inductions of Wendi Richter, Mad Dog Vachon, Stu Hart, Gorgeous George, and Antonio Inoki. We get a little more footage of the inductions of Bob Uecker, which was extremely funny, and Ted Dibiase, which was extremely deserved.
Howard Finkel introduces the newest inductees to the WWE Hall of Fame. A good portion of the Hart family is out to represent Stu Hart. Wendi Richter, Mad Dog Vachon, Antonio Inoki, Bob Uecker, and Betty Wagner (representing Gorgeous George), as well as Ted Dibiase are announced. Fink announces them as the Hall of Fame class of 2010, and deservedly, they get a huge pop from the crowd.
Triple H vs. Sheamus
Video package airs airs recapping their feud. Sheamus is the first man announced, and he makes his way to the ring to a decent amount of heat from this giant crowd. Triple H is out next, to a huge pop from the crowd. We get an awesome view of Hunter from the ramp that includes a wide shot of the arena, and it just gives you a small idea of how huge this event is.
Based on entrances alone, I don’t know how anyone could think Sheamus has a chance, since Hunter got a freaking light show and tons of pyro, and a crazy in-ring video screen, while Sheamus didn’t even have a sparkler.
Sheamus and Hunter lock up, and Sheamus backs Hunter up into the corner, where he breaks with a shove. He tells Hunter that he’s the future and he’s the Celtic Warrior. Hunter puts Sheamus in the corner, but also doesn’t break clean, slapping Sheamus across the face. Hunter hits a series of right hands and he tries for the pedigree early, but Sheamus is able to fight out of it.
Sheamus sends Hunter into the corner, but quickly eats a dropkick. Hunter hits a suplex, and follows up with a knee, but a cover only yeilds a two count for Triple H. Sheamus rolls to the outside, and Hunter follows, slamming his head into the barricade and sending him back into the ring. Back in the ring, Hunter goes to work on Sheamus’ legs, locking in the figure four. Sheamus is able to get to the ropes to break the hold and he rolls back to the outside.
Sheamus beats on Hunter in the corner, slamming his thigh into Hunter’s head before choking and stomping away at Hunter. Sheamus poses for the crowd to a lot of heat. Sheamus continues the beatdown in the corner on Hunter, being pulled away by the ref. Sheamus and Hunter trade right hands, with Sheamus getting the upper hand with an axe handle to the head. Sheamus tries for the cover but he only gets two.
Hunter is back up and out of the sleeper with a back body drop. Sheamus charges Hunter in the corner but eats a couple of his boots for his trouble. Hunter fights out of a slam and hits a DDT to change the momentum. Hunter and Sheamus trade right hands in the center of the ring, and Hunter gets the upper hand. Hunter hits the high knee and he’s back in this one. Face buster from Hunter is good for a near fall.Hunter ducks a clothesline and tries for a pedigree but Sheamus counters. Hunter hits a neckbreaker that’s good for a two count.
Hunter puts Sheamus on the top turnbuckle and he climbs up, hitting Sheamus. Sheamus ducks out of it, and he tries for the razor’s edge but Hunter fights out. Sheamus tries for his big kick, but Hunter fights out. Pedigree attempt but Sheamus fights out again and he hits his huge kick. Sheamus goes for the pin but Hunter kicks out.
Sheamus picks Hunter up off the mat, and he puts him up on his shoulder, but Hunter fights out and connects with a big spinebuster. Hunter goes for the pin but Sheamus kicks out at two.
Sheamus tries to roll to the outside, but he only gets to the apron. Hunter tries to pick him up, but Sheamus fights him off and connects with a big kick to Hunter’s temple. Sheamus crawls back into the ring and he picks up Hunter. Hunter is playing possum, and out of nowhere he hits the pedigree. Hunter pins Sheamus and he gets the three count.
Winner: Triple H
They show a video package recapping the CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio feud.
CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio
CM Punk is the first man out to the ring, with Serena and Luke Gallows in tow, and of course, a mic in hand. Punk still gets a decent reaction from the crowd, probably due to his stellar work. Punk says there’s over 70 thousand weak minded individuals that are so hopped up on pills, they think Rey Mysterio is a super hero. They think their super hero will make the monster go away, but Punk isn’t a monster, he’s a savior, and he can lead everyone to a better place. He can lead by example because he chooses to be drug free, and he chooses to be better than everyone. Mysterio doesn’t have a choice. He will be forced to join the SES, and everyone will have to accept him. One nation, under Punk, with integrity and sobriety for all.
Mysterio’s music hits, and Punk stares down the entrance ramp. Mysterio is finally out, with some crazy contacts that look like cat eyes or something. Mysterio also has a long ponytail hanging from his mask and he’s dressed in baby blue gear with some neon orange streaks. Apparently Mysterio’s attire is inspired by Avatar.
The bell rings and we’re ready to start this one. Gallows and Sarita are stalking around the outside, it distracts Mysterio, and Punk is able to use that to catch Mysterio, sending him to the mat and stomping away on him. Mysterio tries to come back and jumps to the top, but Punk sweeps his feet out from under him. Punk distracts the ref and Serena chokes Mysterio. Punk tries for a baseball slide, but Mysterio flips up, and Punk crotches himself on the ring post. On the outside, Punk gets even by slamming Mysterio into the steel ring steps.
Back in the ring, Punk pounds away on Mysterio and he tries for a pin, but Mysterio kicks out at two. Punk locks in a rear chin lock while the SES cheers on from ringside. Mysterio is able to fight up to his feet and out of the hold where he catches Punk with a quick kick. Mysterio tries for a headscissors, but Punk fights it off, only to eat a springboard seated senton from Mysterio. Mysterio hits a kick to Punk’s face, but Punk is able to surprise Mysterio with a roll up for two. Punk catches Mysterio with a giant kick to the side of the head, but a pin is only good for two.
Punk tries for a series of pins, but it ends with Mysterio flipping out and up onto the ropes, where he comes back with a crazy springboard DDT. Mysterio tries for the pin, but he only gets two. Mysterio kicks Punk into the ropes and tries for the 619, but Punk catches him. Punk tries for the GTS, but Mysterio fights out. Mysterio springboards off the ropes, but Punk catches him in GTS position. Mysterio fights out again and kicks Punk in the head. Mysterio goes to the top and tries for a frog splash, but he misses. Punk tries for the cover but he only gets two.
Punk hits the high knee in the corner, but Mysterio fights out of the bulldog and sends Punk into the ropes. Mysterio tries for the 619, but Serena and Gallows distract him. Punk almost hits the 619, but Mysterio fights out, hits the 619, the springboard splash, and pins Punk.
Winner: Rey Mysterio
We get a video package recapping the 12+ year Bret Hart and Vince McMahon storyline.
No Holds Barred Street Fight: Bret Hart vs. Mr. McMahon
Vince McMahon is the second entrant in the match. He enters wearing a short sleeved shirt, and he looks pretty damn good for his age. Vince is also carrying a mic in his hand. Vince says Bret is in his ring, at his greatest creation, WrestleMania. Vince says Bret deserves a WrestleMania sized screwing. Vince says he shelled out a lot of bucks and as a result, he bought himself a lot of lumberjacks, and one of them will be a guest referee. Vince says to just remember that Bret screwed Bret, and Vince screwed Bret, and now Vince and Hart’s entire family screwed Bret. The Hart Dynasty makes their way out, along with Hart’s family make their way to the ring with Vince.
The Hart family surrounds the rings, but this is pretty ridiculous since everyone but the Hart Dynasty is in their formal wear from earlier. The women are all in heels and formal dresses, and most of the guys are wearing tuxes, I think only Bruce is wearing jeans. Bruce is in the ring, and he takes off his shirt to reveal a referee shirt.
Bruce Hart doesn’t even take off his sunglasses. Bret can’t believe that his whole family agreed to this. He says there isn’t much he can do, what’s done is done. He says there’s one thing he knows about the Hart family, they got paid up front and their money is already in the bank. Hart says there’s one thing he learned from the Montreal screwjob, and that’s a good old fashioned double cross. The Hart family is united. Hart knew about this coming in, and tonight, at Vince’s greatest creation, it’ll be forever remembered as the night Bret screwed Vince. Bruce and Bret hug, and Bruce starts the match, finally with his glasses off.
Vince begs off, but Hart hits him with a right. Hart beats McMahon all around the ring, in the corner, stomping away at him. Hart chokes McMahon with his foor in the corner. Vince rols outside into the Hart Dynasty, who go to work with a couple of forearms. Hart family members are in to join, and Natalya hits Vince with a big slap. Kidd and DH Smith stomp away at Vince, and Kidd locks in a guillotine choke before hammering away on Vince. DH Smith picks Vince up and Kidd climbs up to the apron. DH Smith picks Vince up, and Kidd goes all the way to the top turnbuckle. Kidd leaps off and hits a top rope Hart attack all the way to the floor, sending Vince McMahon crashing down.
The Harts roll Vince back into the ring, and Bret goes right to work on Vince’s leg. Vince rolls back to the outside, and he tries to crawl under the ring to avoid things, but Kidd and Smith pull him out. Vince has a crowbar in hand when he comes back out and the Hart’s scatter. Everyone calls Vince a coward. Vince rolls back into the ring and he tries to hit Bret with the crowbar, but Bret ducks it, and sends McMahon to the mat, where he continues to beat him down with big elbows. Hart grabs the crowbar and he uses it to clobber McMahon, just wailing away on him.
Hart uses the crowbar to whack McMahon right in the throat, and the Hart family rallies Bret on from the outside, banging on the mat. Hart grabs McMahon’s legs, and the crowd goes NUTS. Hart goes for it, but decides against it, and goes for the crowbar again. Hart whacks McMahon a couple more times before grabbing the legs again. Hart kicks McMahon right in the crotch, and then does it again.
McMahon pleads with Bret, but all it gets him is a couple more kicks to the groin. someone slides a chair into Bret, and he uses it to sit down. Bruce comes over, and Bret actually calls a time out, just to catch his breath. McMahon crawls up to his hands and knees, and Hart is up behind him. Hart picks up the chair, and whacks McMahon across the back, then a second time. The crowd chants for one more, and Bret obliges with another big chair shot. Three more, then another, and another, and Bret is just working Vince over. Three more, another, a thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth all on Vinces legs. Another, and another, and another, jeez, this is crazy. Another, and Vince is just moaning and panting.
Hart grabs the leg and everyone goes crazy. Hart wraps up the legs and pulls McMahon over, successfully locking in the Sharpshooter, which is just a beautiful sight. McMahon immediately taps, but Hart keeps it locked in just for a bit.
Winner: Bret Hart
After the match, all the Harts get in the ring to celebrate with Bret.
The live attendance is announced as 72,219.
We get a video package about the history between these two men, all the way back to when these two became the WWE Unified Tag Team Champs and Edge injured himself. It also covers Edge’s surprise return at the Royal Rumble (a story broken here at WNW), and the past few weeks that have led up to this match, with Jericho winning the World Heavyweight Championship, and Edge cashing in his Royal Rumble title shot.
WWE World Heavyweight Title Match
Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge
The World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho, is out to the ring first with an impressive pyro display. It’s great to watch such a talented wrestler like Jericho walk into WrestleMania with the WHC.
Edge is the next man to make his way out, to a huge pop from the crowd and an impressive pyro display of his own. This match is set to begin, and Canada is extremely proud right now.
Edge and Jericho lock up and start out with some chain wrestling. Jericho locks in a headlock, and when Edge fights out, he hits a shoulderblock. Jericho ducks a couple of clotheslines, but Edge comes back with a big flying lariat. Edge stomps on Jericho in the corner, but when the ref breaks it up, Jericho is able to mount a comeback, putting Edge in the corner and beating on him for a bit. Edge comes back with a back body drop, and he tries for a spear, but Jericho sees it coming and he rolls out to the floor. Edge follows, beats on Jericho for a bit and rolls him back into the ring. On his way back into the ring, Jericho catches Edge with a slap, and a baseball slide to send him to the floor.
Edge rolls back into the ring, and Jericho grabs right for Edge’s legs, hitting a slingshot, slamming Edge’s neck into the bottom rope. Jericho hits a back body drop, and he tries for a cover, but Edge kicks out at two. Jericho locks in a modified rear chin lock, and tells the referee to ask him, but Edge refuses to give up. Edge fights up to his feet, but Jericho slams him back down to the mat head first. Jericho kicks and slaps away at Edge’s head.
Jericho sends Edge into the corner, but when he charges in, Edge moves and Jericho’s shoulder connects with the ring post. Edge hits a big dropkick, and tries for a back body drop, but Jericho blocks it and hits a front suplex, sending Edge into the ropes. Jericho tries for a springboard dropkick, but Edge dodges it, and sends JEricho crashing into the announce table. Edge launches himself off the ring apron onto Jericho with a big diving clothesline. Edge rolls Jericho into the ring and he tries to go to the top, but Jericho catches him and the fight on the turnbuckle. Edge is able to come out on top when he hits a front suplex from the middle rope that’s good for a two count.
Edge ducks a big boot from Jericho and slides to the outside where he sweeps Jericho’s legs. Edge hits a crossbody from the top, but Jericho rolls through into a pin attempt for a two count. Jericho tries for the walls of Jericho, but Edge fights it off. Both men get a quick near fall, but a kick to the head from Jericho puts Edge down.
Jericho tries for the codebreaker, but Edge counters, catches Jericho and slamming him into the corner. Edge goes for the spear, but Jericho counters, jumping over and rolling Edge straight into the walls of Jericho!
Jericho takes control with a blow to the back of Edge’s head. Jericho teases the spear, setting up for it. Edge is back on his feet, but when Jericho goes for the spear, Edge gets his foot up for a big boot. Edge psyches himself up, and gets the crowd going. Edge tries for the spear, but Jericho counters with the codebreaker.
Jericho crawls over and pins Edge, but it’s only good for two, another pin, another two count. Jericho argues with the ref for a bit, but then turns back to Edge. Jericho kicks at the back of Edge’s leg, before just stomping on the ankle. Edge avoids another kick and he gets back to his feet, but Jericho takes him right back down into the walls of Jericho.
Edge tries to crawl to the ropes, but Jericho pulls him right back into the middle of the ring and turns it into a single leg crab, focusing on Edge’s injured leg. Edge is finally able to crawl to the ropes, and surprise Jericho with a roll up that’s good for a two count. Edge clotheslines Jericho over the top rope and both men go out to the floor. Jericho is back to his feet first and he grabs his title. Edge slams Jericho’s head into the ring apron, and Edge ends up accidentally elbowing the ref. Jericho hits Edge with the belt, and goes for the pin, but Edge kicks out!
Jericho hits the codebreaker, and he pins Edge. The referee counts three, and this one is over.
Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Jericho
After the match, Jericho goes after Edge’s leg again, but Edge fights him off and sends him into the announce table. Edge takes apart the Spanish announce table, of course, and sets Jericho on it. Edge climbs on the other announce table, and waits for Jericho to get to his feet, running from one table, to the other, and spearing Jericho off the table and through the ringside barricade.
They show highlights from the 26-man battle royal that took place before WrestleMania went on the air. Yoshi Tatsu won.
10 Diva Tag Match: Eve Torres, Kelly Kelly, Mickie James, Gail Kim and Beth Phoenix vs. Vickie Guerrero, Maryse, Michelle McCool, Layla and Alicia Fox
Layla, Alicia Fox, Vickie Guerrero, Maryse, and Michelle McCool are out first. Eve Torres, Mickie James, Gail Kim, Kelly Kelly, and Beth Phoenix are the next team out to the ring, and this one should be a mess. Hopefully it’s kept fairly short as there wasn’t even a video package, because there’s really no history to this match.
Gail Kim and Vickie are going to be starting things out. Guerrero bumps Kim back, so Kim tags in Phoenix. Vickie finds herself in the corner, where she eats a couple of shoulders. Eve tags in and gives her a couple more shoulders. Kim tags in and James tags in, followed by Kelly, and they all pretty much do the same thing, beating on Vickie. Vickie is unfazed though, screaming at Kelly Kelly. A big slap and step up leg drop takes down Vickie, but McCool is in with a Styles Clash. Mickie comes in and hits her big DDT, layla comes in and hits a backbreaker, Kim comes in with a sole food. Everyone is coming in now. Phoenix hits a giant implant buster type move on Alicia, then turns her attention to Vickie.
Phoenix puts Guerrero in the tree of woe, but McCool comes in and clocks Phoenix out of nowhere. McCool sets it up, and talks Vickie into doing a frog splash on Kelly Kelly. Vickie does it, and connects, but has trouble pinning Kelly. She’s finally able to do it, and she gets a pin, scoring the win for her team.
Winners: Vickie Guerrero, Alicia Fox, Michelle McCool, Layla and Maryse
WWE Championship Match
Batista (c) vs. John Cena
We get a video package detailing the events of the past few weeks, beginning at last month’s PPV, that led up to this match.
Batista is the first man out to the ring, and he gets what sounds to be a bit of a mixed reaction from the crowd. Batista’s entrance, of course, includes lots of pyro, and himself entering in a lone spotlight.
Cena continues his tradition of overly impressive WrestleMania entrances with another doozie, not quite as impressive as his bajillion look-a-likes entrance though. A group of soldiers, carrying rifles, go into a drill, spinning their rifles and doing all sorts of fancy stuff. The soldiers form themselves into an aisle, and spin their rifles as another walks through them. This happens a second, and third time. Cena’s music hits, and the crowd goes nuts. Cena walks down the aisle, with the air force honor guard air team spinning their rifles as he walks past. Cena charges down to the ring and the crowd is still going wild.
Someone made an awesome ‘South Park’ referencing ‘Batista likes fish sticks’ poster. Batista and Cena lock up, and Batista turns it into a headlock. Cena sends Batista into the ropes, and Batista responds with a big shoulderblock. Cena is back up, and he takes Batista off his feet with a headlock takeover. Batista fights back up to his feet and pushes Cena into the corner, forcing the break. Batista goes right for a punch, but Cena ducks it and goes to work with a couple of blows to the body. Batista responds with a big blow to the back of Cena’s head before picking him up and slamming him in the corner. Batista beats on Cena in the corner, slamming him with a big boot to the head.
Batista continues to work over Cena’s neck, clubbing away across Cena’s neck. Batista tries for a suplex, but Cena blocks it and comes back with a suplex of his own. Cena beats on Batista in the corner for a bit, and he hits a sort-of bull dog, but when he goes for the pin, he only gets two. Cena tries for the AA, but Batista fights it off, countering with a big DDT. Batista rolls right into the cover, but Cena kicks out at two.
Batista sits Cena up and hits a big kick to Cena’s face, but it’s only good for another near fall. Batista locks in a rear naked choke with a body scissors, trying to wear Cena down. Cena is able to fight up, with Batista on his back, and he forces Batista off his back, and tries to break Batista’s grip. Cena fights out of it, but gets a knee to the back. Cena and Batista exchange right hands, with Batista getting the upper hand with a neckbreaker. Batista gets a near fall. There’s a lot of boos for Cena surprisingly. Batista locks in a front chancery.”
Cena is able to fight up to his feet, and suplexes Batista off of him to break the hold. Batista charges Cena in the corner, but gets a big boot instead. Cena hits a couple of big shoulder blocks, a side belly to back suplex, that gets a lot of heat, and he goes for the five knuckle shuffle, but he ends up eating a spinebuster from Batista instead.
Batista calls for the Batista bomb, but Cena surprises him with the STF. Batista is able to make it into the ropes to break the hold. Batista hits a big spear, and he goes for the cover, but Cena kicks out at two.
Batista puts Cena in the corner and buries his shoulder in Cena’s midsection before placing him on the top rope. Batista goes for a superplex, but Cena fights it off, turning it into a test of strength. Cena hits a couple of head butts, and punches Batista, sending him crashing to the mat. Cena gets to his feet and jumps off, connecting with a top rope five knuckle shuffle. Cena goes for the AA, but Batista grabs the top rope. Cena pulls him back, but Batista counters into the Batista bomb. Cover, but Cena kicks out at two and Batista is shocked.
Batista is up on his feet, and he picks Cena up, trying for another bomb, but Cena counters into an AA. Batista counters, and Cena counters into the AA again. Cena connects with a big AA, launching Batista, but when he goes for the cover, Batista kicks out at two!
Cena climbs up to the top turnbuckle, and he jumps off, right into a big spinebuster from Batista. Batista picks him up and tries for the Batista bomb, but Cena rolls through and goes straight into the STF. Batista tries for the ropes, but he’s eventually forced to tap. The crowd, who’s been pretty hostile up to this point, cheers pretty loudly.
Winner and NEW WWE Champion: John Cena
After the match, Cena poses with the belt, with a big smile on his face. They show big shots of the crowd, and I’m always just so amazed at how huge the whole event always looks.
We get a video package that’s just extremely well put together, and I’m just as excited for this match as I was to see it last year.
MAIN EVENT: Streak vs. Career: Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels (No DQ or Count Out)
Shawn Michaels is out to the ring first, and he looks pumped up, and extremely excited for someone who could be entering the ring for his last match. The gong sounds, and the crowd goes wild. There’s fire for the entrance, but so far it’s away from the entranceway, thankfully. Taker is lifted up on a platform from the entrance ramp, with lighting from underneath. It’s especially demonic. Taker walks to the ring to a load of cheers, and the fire hits when he’s a good distance away.
Michaels does not look intimidated as Taker gets into the ring and disrobes. Taker and Micheals stare each other down. Michaels drags his thumb across his throat and infuriates Taker. Taker charges Michaels, but Michaels dodges and catches Taker with a couple of chops. Taker comes right back, hanging Michaels up on the top turnbuckle, and splashing Micheals in the corner. Taker goes for old school, but Micheals fights it off. Taker goes up again and he’s able to walk to ropes and connect this time. Taker goes right for the chokeslam, but Micheals fights out of it and kicks at Taker’s knee. Taker fights back with a big right hand. Taker slams Michaels head into the turnbuckle, and he tries for a tombstone, but Michaels fights out and goes to work on Taker’s arm.
Taker tries for a short arm clothesline, but Michaels ducks it, and counters with a not quite solid SCM. Taker is a bit startled. Michaels goes right back to work on Taker’s knee, stomping away at it in the corner. Michaels hands Taker’s leg up on the ropes and just goes to work. Taker fights him off and gets back to his feet, pounding on him in the corner, but HBK kicks right back at Taker’s knee. Taker sends Michaels to the outside with a clothesline over the top ropes, and he teases a dive, but Michaels sees it coming and he comes back in with a shoulder to the knee.
Michaels tries for the figure four, but Taker fights it off and sends Michaels to the outside. Taker hits the crazy leg drop on the apron. Back in the ring, Michaels is right back up and he goes for the figure four, locking it in.
Michaels is wearing down the Undertaker, forcing him to put his shoulders to the mat every now and then. Taker reverses the pressure, rolling himself and HBK over and forcing Michaels to break the hold. Both men are back on their feet and they’re trading chops and punches. Michaels kicks at Taker’s knee, and goes to work with chops, but Taker responds with big right hands. Michaels ducks one and hits some more chops. Michaels hits a flying forearm to Taker, and he kips up, but he walks right into a chokeslam. Taker pins Michaels, but HBK kicks out at two.
Taker tries for a tombstone, but Michaels slithers out of it and locks in the ankle lock. Taker crawls toward the rope, but Michaels pulls him back into the ring and grapevines the leg to add more pressure. Taker again is worn down to where he’s forced to put his shoulders on the mat and force a pinning predicament. Taker is able to use his free foot to kick at Michaels and break the hold.
A medic is down to check on Michaels, but Taker throws him away and tosses Michaels back in the ring for the pin. Michaels kicks out at two! Taker kicks at Michaels and he goes for the Last Ride, kind of connecting, but Michaels gets the pin. Taker kicks out at two. Michaels climbs to the top rope, and he goes for his signature elbow drop, but Taker gets his knees up to block it.
Taker locks in Hell’s gate out of nowhere, but Michaels counters into a pinning predicament, forcing Taker to break the hold. Taker hits Michaels with a big right, but Michaels responds with sweet chin music. Michaels goes for the pin, but Taker kicks out at two.
Michaels tunes up the band again in the corner, but another attempt is blocked by Taker, but buries his boot in Michaels stomach and connects with a proper Last Ride. Taker goes for the cover but Michaels kicks out!
Taker is back to his feet and he immediately tosses Michaels out to the floor. Taker begins taking apart the announce table, pulling out the monitors. Taker is pounding on his knee, trying to knock feeling back in. Taker sets Michaels up for the Last Ride, but Michaels gets out of it and hits SCM, sending Taker on top of the announce table. Michaels goes up to the top turnbuckle, and he launches himself off, with a big moonsault, crashing through Undertaker and the table!
Michaels crawls over toward Taker, and he rolls him back toward and into the ring. Both men get back up to their feet, and Michaels connects with sweet chin music. Michaels goes for the pin, but Taker kicks out at two!
Michaels goes for SCM again, but it’s blocked and Taker hits a chokeslam instead. Taker picks Michaels up, and connects with a big tombstone. Taker pins Michaels, but Michaels kicks out at two!
Taker pulls down the straps, and he almost jerks his thumbs across his throat, but he decides against it. Michaels climbs up, and Taker tells him to stay down. Michaels crawl up, using Taker to support himself. Michaels drags his thumb across his own throat, and slaps Taker across the face. Taker gets angry, and immediately connects with a tombstone. Taker pins Michaels, and that’s all she wrote.
Winner and 18-0, streak intact: The Undertaker
After the match, Taker stumbles over to the ropes, and uses them to drag himself to his feet. Taker poses in the center of the ring, while an 18-0 graphic comes up and fireworks go off. Fireworks also go off around the top of the arena. Taker starts to get out of the ring, but he stops.