Home News Mark Henry Loses Weight, Shaves His Head Completely Bald (Photo)

Mark Henry Loses Weight, Shaves His Head Completely Bald (Photo)


WWE Superstar Mark Henry recently posted a series of tweets on his official Twitter page revealing photos of his new look.

Henry, who has been out of action recently while he recovers from an injury, has shaved his head completely bald. Below is one of the tweets revealing the new look:

Henry posted a few other tweets with additional photos of his new look, also noting in them (with a full-body photo as proof) that he has lost weight, and is nearing his official comeback to WWE. You can view photos of Henry’s weight loss, and more photos of his freshly shaven bald head at the SESCOOPS.COM sister-site, 24Wrestling.com at the following link: PHOTOS: Mark Henry Loses Weight, Shaves His Head Bald

DIRECT LINK: Additional Photos Of A SKINNIER & BALD-HEADED Mark Henry