Home News (Spoilers) TNA Impact Wrestling Taping Results For December 12, 2013

(Spoilers) TNA Impact Wrestling Taping Results For December 12, 2013


The following are results from the TNA Impact Wrestling television taping. The following results are for the show that will air on Thursday, December 12, 2013.

– Austin Aries def. Chris Sabin to become the new TNA X-Division Champion.

– Sting returned to television to confront Ethan Carter III. This was likely what Sting was talking about earlier this month when he said backstage on Impact Wrestling that he would handle some “entitlement issues.”

– Mr. Anderson & Bully Ray’s feud continues.

– There was a “Feast or Famine” match with briefcases for a shot at the TNA World Championship, TNA World Tag-Team Championships, TNA X-Division Championship or a firing. The briefcase winners in the match included Gunner, Zema Ion, Ethan Carter III and Chavo Guerrero. What was inside their respective briefcases will be revealed at a later time.

– Madison Rayne returned to save ODB from Gail Kim and Lei’D Tapa.

– The show will feature the follow-up to the Joseph Park/Abyss identity crisis situation.

– Joseph Park & Eric Young def. Christopher Daniels & Kazarian.

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