Home News Former WWE Creative Writer Reveals Top Wrestling Pet Peeves Of 2013

Former WWE Creative Writer Reveals Top Wrestling Pet Peeves Of 2013


SESCOOPS.COM reader Phil Johnson sent along the following:

Former WWE Creative Writer Andrew Goldstein, has joined PWMania.com and will be publishing weekly columns on pro wrestling and more. In Goldstein’s debut column, he explains his Top eight wrestling pet peeves of 2013. Here is an excerpt from his article:

“#8 – Legal Storylines:

We get it, lawyers are the most hated people on the planet so it should stand to reason that if a heel threatens a babyface with a flimsy lawsuit or trots out his two-bit lawyer (David Otunga, in most cases) to back-up his dastardly cause with some threatening legal mumbo-jumbo – such acts of extreme cowardice should garner that heel, nuclear heat. Furthermore, taking legal action in a wrestling storyline should be the ultimate show of gutlessness by a bad guy – The most chicken-shit weapon in a chicken-shit heel’s arsenal. Problem is, true, ticket-selling, seat-filling, holy sh*t moment inducing heat happens when a heel operates above the law, not when he hides behind it.

The most chicken-shit heel of all time, Ric Flair never had to threaten Dusty Rhodes with an injunction prohibiting him from using his “Bionic Elbow”, instead, he simply had his Horsemen slam the American Dream’s arm in the door of his Mercedes in the Crockett parking lot.

For the kids reading, HHH shouldn’t have had to sue the Big Show to get him to stop interrupting his main events with WMD’s. Wouldn’t it have been more compelling if he enlisted the Shield or the Wyatt’s or hell, even 3MB to break the giant’s frying pan of a hand instead? (Sorry, I got carried away with that last one)

Bottom line is, wrestling used to be an outlaw sport conducted in the Wild West. Now, too often it resembles just another legal drama on USA. Sure, lawsuits and injunctions and holding titles in abeyance help move storylines along on paper, but in a wrestling ring they just get in the way.”

You can read Andrew Goldstein’s column, “Goldstein on Rasslin” in its entirety at PWMania.com.

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