Home News Daniel Bryan Comments On Not Being Booked For The Royal Rumble Match

Daniel Bryan Comments On Not Being Booked For The Royal Rumble Match


WWE Superstar Daniel Bryan was interviewed by StraitsTimes.com and spoke about a number of topics, including the fact that he is not currently scheduled to participate in Sunday’s 30-man Royal Rumble match. Here are some highlights of what he said about:

His Yes Chant: 

“It’s happening all over the world and it’s really cool. I think this is the biggest reason for my success.  The coolest thing is how the fans have gotten behind me. How they’ve joined the ‘Yes’ movement. It’s just been crazy. People will just break out in chants at any given time during a show and they do it all around the world. I love what I do and what I do is fun. I’m very confident in my ability to go out there and perform.”

Not Being Booked For The Royal Rumble Match:

“As of now, I’m not in the 30-man Royal Rumble match, I’m trying to get involved in it. (WWE) COO Triple H doesn’t want me anywhere in the Royal Rumble match.”

Getting Over Without WWE’s Full Support:

“The company doesn’t neccesarily want somebody like me at the top. I’m not what they think a WWE superstar should look like, but because the WWE fans have been so loud and vocal in their support of me, they kind of had to put me at the top of the card because people want to see it,” he noted proudly. I’m just thankful every day for how awesome my fans have been.”