Home News Rampage Jackson Defends Pro Wrestling, MVP Talks About TNA’s UK Tour

Rampage Jackson Defends Pro Wrestling, MVP Talks About TNA’s UK Tour


– MMA fighter and TNA star Rampage Jackson was interviewed by MMAMania.com. Jackson took issue with people who say pro wrestling is “fake” and said he has a lot of respect for pro wrestlers.

“I really respect those guys. A lot of people hate on pro wrestling. They say ‘that’s fake.’ It’s not really fake. It’s entertainment. It’s not really fake, but if they want to hate on pro wrestlers and call it fake then they shouldn’t watch any action movies at all. Action movies are the fakest things.”

He added that he wouldn’t mind getting hit with steel chairs, however he doesn’t plan on doing anything “crazy” like getting put through tables off the top rope.

– TNA star MVP tweeted the following on Friday morning about TNA’s UK tuor: