Home News TNA iMPACT! Results For March 29, 2010

TNA iMPACT! Results For March 29, 2010


Report by Tim Capture:

Below are full results from tonight’s taped edition of TNA Impact from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida.

TNA Impact

* Team 3D come out and talk about the poll on the official TNA website to determine the most popular tag team and how it was a tie between them and the Motor City Machine Guns. Team 3D challenge the Guns for the title shot for the tag titles they won at Destination X. The Motor City Machine Guns accept.

* The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Team 3D ends in no contest. Chris Sabin accidentally took out referee Slick Johnson. Earl Hebner came down to replace him and the match ended in a double pin with Devon pinning Sabin and Shelley winning Brother Ray.

* Jeff Jarrett is in Hulk Hogan’s office. Hogan is apologizing for Eric Bischoff. He and Eric make a good team but he does wrong things sometimes. Hogan was impressed by how he handled Eric so he’s giving him a shot at AJ Styles for #1 contendership. Jarrett leaves and Jay Lethal comes in to try and form the Mega Powers. They shook hands but it’s unclear what will come of it.

* Impact opening. Wolfpac and Bubba come out to start the show. Bubba is on the mic. He calls everybody pathetic sheep and marks who wouldn’t want to be him. He doesn’t need this job but he likes hanging with these types of guys. He says no disrespect but he’s better than Hemme and JB. He smack talks Eric Young and hands the mic to Nash. He says he and Young have become friends over the past year so he’d like him to come out so he can apologize man-to-man. Young is out. Nash says what he did was business and not personal. If there’s anybody to join the Band it’s him. He says the match isn’t happening tonight, RVD and Hardy aren’t in their league. He offers him to join. Young instead attacks everybody. They beat him down until Hardy and RVD make the save.

* Hardy gets on the mic and says he’s ready to do this match right now. He says in honor of Lockdown, the main event is in a steel cage. He’s now signing his theme song live.

* Dough Williams & Brian Kendrick vs. Shannon Moore & Kaz. Winner via spinning neckbreaker off the second rope from Moore to Kendrick, Shannon Moore & Kaz. After the match, Moore put an X on Kendrick’s forehead with makeup.

* Eric Bischoff backstage on the phone telling someone he’ll make it work and to have fun in New York. He calls over Miss Tessmacher to do some work. Lethal comes in to try and get him a 3rd member of the Mega Powers. He also has ideas for the show with guys like Iron Sheik, Junkyard Dog and others. Bischoff says to think big and come up with a main event. Lethal says he’ll come up with something great and leaves. Bischoff asks Miss Tessmacher to get him Beer Money.

* The Pope is in the ring. Pope has been dreaming of his Lockdown match his whole life with Flair and AJ trying to take him out. He says Flair’s time was 50 years ago. Pope wants AJ to head down to Cape Canaveral, to Kennedy Space Center and get a spacesuit because at Lockdown he’s taking him to the outer limits. When the smoke is cleared, Pope will be in the ring, the champion at Lockdown and the people will say the Pope, is, pimping. Chelsea comes to the ring. Pope asks what he can do for her. She says usually gets what she wants her whole life, but she’d like to be, how you say, a ho? He asks if she knows how to drive a stick? She says no but she’s a quick learner. She asks if that’s a gun in her pocket or he’s happy to see her? Desmond Wolfe tries to run in but Pope tosses him out and kisses Chelsea and leaves.

* Orlando Jordan is hanging over the ring attached to caution tape and is naked it seems. He’s going to rappel down. Jordan rappels down slowly to his music. He’s writhing around seductively and posting, crawling up the ramp. He has a set but no one can see it. Staffers put a curtain down in front of it before the audience could see what happened next.

* JB backstage with Tara. First blood match with Daffney tonight because she took something special of hers. Tonight she’ll learn pain. Daffney attacks her and the match has started as they fight to the ring. Winner via tool box to the head, Tara

* They’ve been doing free face paintings all day so they can turn off the lights when Hardy comes out and you can see all the glow in the dark face paint.

* Jeff Jarrett vs. AJ Styles in a non title match. If Jarrett wins he’s the #1 contender after Lockdown Chelsea wheeled Ric Flair out after AJ and Jarrett got in the ring. He’s watching from the ramp. Flair was thrown out for trying to get involved. Flair is back out ringside and the referee is distracted and eventually knocked out. Bischoff comes out with a guitar to hit Jarrett but Jarrett grabs it. AJ low blows Jarrett during this, hits the Styles Clash and wins the match as the ref comes to. AJ’s hand got cut open somehow and was bleeding heavily.

* JB backstage with Hardy, RVD and Young. Young says he did what he did because it was the right thing to do. Young is here for the right reasons and Nash is here for the wrong reasons. RVD agrees and says he’s got Young’s back. Hardy says guys like Nash try to hold them down while they climb the ladder to the top Lethal is backstage and stops Bischoff and says the main should be the model vs. Brutus Beefcake. Bischoff says there’s only one real main eventer here and it’s him. Eric says get to the ring so he can see who his opponent is. Winner via quick small package on Roode, Jay Lethal.

* Desmond Wolfe w/Chelsea vs. The Pope. Chelsea distracted Hebner so Wolfe could use a chained fist on Pope and get the win.

* They’re setting up the cage now. Thirty minutes later, Kurt Angle is out and in the cage. He says Anderson has been gunning for him since he came to TNA. He says he thinks he’s as good as Angle but he has no idea who he is. He’s an elite athlete who is in control, but with Anderson he lost control. Maybe it’s because of what he did with his warrior tags. What he does know is that at Lockdown it’s them in a cage with no control. It will end with his hands and face covered in Anderson’s blood. Anderson is out at the top of the ramp. He says this war needs to stop, they might kill each other. Week after week, he bloodies Angle, Angle bloodies him. He hits him with a chair, Angle hits him. He beats Angle, Angle beats him. TNA management says they’ll lose money if two of their top stars get hurt. Angle says this isn’t about management, it’s about kicking Anderson’s ass. Anderson says Bischoff sanctioned a match on next week’s Imact between Angle and Anderson in a ladder match. At the top will be a key to open the door of the cage at Lockdown. Anderson says the better man is supposed to win and Angle is a better father, son and role model. Overall Angle is a nice guy, but nice guys always finish last. Anderson says thank god he’s an asshole…..asshole.

* The fight started outside the ring. Everybody but Eric Young got in before Syxx Pac locked the cage. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Syxx Pac vs. Jeff Hardy, RVD and Eric Young. On the way to the ring, Angle gave Nash the Wolfpac sign. Nothing as the show ends.