Home News Damien Sandow Speaks On How WWE Has Evolved, Elimination Chamber & More

Damien Sandow Speaks On How WWE Has Evolved, Elimination Chamber & More


The following are highlights of a new interview with WWE Superstar Damien Sandow:

On his character and who he patterns himself after: “Well, see, it’s funny, there have been so many characters throughout the history of the WWE that I think anyone that comes along can be compared to somebody else. I am a big fan of the history of this company, and I have been influenced by several superstars. You almost take bits… And it is an amalgamation of, actually, several people. As for the development of my character, I’ve gotten away from a lot of the Genius persona and everything like that because I think that’s necessary to stay in the WWE, is that you need to evolve.”

On how the WWE product has changed over the years: “Well again, our product is PG-friendly, our product is family friendly, in that you reach a wider spectrum of people. When you go to a WWE show, you see Grandma and Grandpa and everyone down to the kids. They all have a smile on their face, they’re all having a good time. The WWE Network, which is set to launch February 24th, is going to revolutionize the way people watch television. You’re going to get 300 pay-per-views… every pay-per-view that WWE, WCW and ECW have ever produced. You’re going to get all the WWE pay-per-views starting with WrestleMania, and it’s $9.99 a month with a six month commitment. Plus original programming. You’re going to get a Raw post show. For that low price you’re going to get so, so much, and you just can’t afford to pass up the deal.”

On this Sunday’s WWE Elimination Chamber pay-per-view: “Elimination Chamber will be coming live this Sunday the 23rd on pay-per-view. We have the six-person Elimination Chamber match, which is without the most dangerous match in the WWE. In addition to that, we’re going to have the Wyatt family taking on the Shield and the returning Batista squaring off against Alberto Del Rio and there’s going to be a lot more. Anyone that’s familiar with the WWE pay-per-view knows that it’s dollar for dollar the best show you’re going to get. As far as the network goes, for $9.99 a month where you’re going to have access to all of the WWE pay-per-views past and present, that’s another opportunity you’re not going to want to pass up.”

Check out the complete interview at ThisIsInfamous.com.

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