Alex Laybourne

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AEW Trademark Hints At New Event Name

Back in January AEW filed a trademark for Battle of the Belts, which is a big hint at a possible new event name in lieu of their recent annoucement.

Roman Reigns Not Shy To Proclaim His Dominance over WWE

There is no denying that Roman Reigns is a dominant champion. His battle with Cesaro was hardhitting and pushed the champ to the limits. The victory only serving to further extend his dominance over the WWE roster.

Shawn Michaels Predicts Greatness for Dakota Kai

Shawn Micheals is loving his role down at NXT, and took time out recently to heap priase on one star in particular. Michaels claims he sees a lot of himself in Dakota Kai, and things she will have a very bright future.

Corey Graves Talks Lack of Character Development in WWE

Corey GRaves is a villain and proud of it. He can't wait for the new WWE Evil, but is clearly frustrated at the lack of live air time being dedicated to true character development.

Allysin Kay Announced for ROH Women’s World Championship Tournament

Allysin Kay is a formiddable name for any women's division, and has just been announced as a participant for the upcoming ROH Women's Championship tournement. Kay has been given a bye in the first round and will be hoping to walk away with the belt.

Jon Moxley Opens Up About What Wrestling Means to Him

Former AEW champion Jon Moxley is a busy man right now. Sitting atop the wrestling world, and promoting his new autobiography. In a recent interview, Mox opens up on feeling like crap most days, and how wrestling is his release.

Toni Storm Debuts Devastating New Finisher on NXT

Toni Storm is a woman on a mission in NXT. She wants to win championships, and has increased her move set to get there. The NXT universe got to see her devastating new finisher for the first time this past Tuesday, when she defeated Zoey Stark in the middle of the ring.

Dolph Ziggler Opens Up On Working With Younger Talent

Dolph Ziggler recently lost his tag team title, but he has gained a new role. That of teacher for the younger talent on the roster. It's a role he is proud to assume and one he takes very seriously.

EC3 Shares Fond Memories of Fighting the Late Brodie Lee

EC3 took the time to talk about the late Brodie Lee in a recent interview. Sharing fond memories of the big man, while at the same time encapsulating everything that is currently wrong in WWE creative.