
Brad is a lifelong wrestling fan living in Boca Raton, FL. In his spare time, he is a freelance writer, has 2 beautiful dogs and loves hiking.

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Flair & Hogan Removed From's Alumni Section snubs two of the industry's biggest legends ever

Flair & Hogan Removed From’s Alumni Section snubs two of the industry's biggest legends ever

Roddy Piper Hosting Raw & Wants To Wrestle Vince McMahon

Rowdy Roddy Piper talks about hosting Raw, being pissed off about how he was booked at WrestleMania 25, wanting to wrestle Vince McMahon & more

Roddy Piper Hosting Raw & Wants To Wrestle Vince McMahon

Rowdy Roddy Piper talks about hosting Raw, being pissed off about how he was booked at WrestleMania 25, wanting to wrestle Vince McMahon & more

Hulk Hogan The New Head Writer & "Boss" Of TNA Wrestling?

A close friend says Hogan is the new "boss" of TNA .. "He is the Booker. Period. Saw it in his contract ... Terry and Eric won't make the same mistakes that they made at wcw."

Hulk Hogan The New Head Writer & “Boss” Of TNA Wrestling?

A close friend says Hogan is the new "boss" of TNA .. "He is the Booker. Period. Saw it in his contract ... Terry and Eric won't make the same mistakes that they made at wcw."

Jim Ross Comments On Hulk Hogan Signing With TNA

Jim Ross calls Hogan the ultimate self promoter and you can't argue with him on that one

VIDEO: Hulk Hogan & TNA Wrestling MSG Press Conference

You've read the reports - now watch the actual press conference from MSG

VIDEO: Hulk Hogan & TNA Wrestling MSG Press Conference

You've read the reports - now watch the actual press conference from MSG