Jason Solomon

Jason Solomon is host of the “Solomonster Sounds Off” podcast, which drops every Sunday on TheSolomonster.com, Stitcher Radio and iTunes.

Latest Articles

Sound Off 239: Impact’s Back With Kidnappings & Machetes!

Solomonster says the Aces and Eights storyline has gotten completely out of control -- plus, Kofi and Dolph steal the show on Raw (except on Hulu), the idiocy of wasting Ryback vs. Miz and why Kevin Steen won't have a run in WWE

MAILBAG: How Many REAL Superstars Does WWE Have?

With so many big names no longer around, how many truly BIG stars does WWE have these days? -- plus, the "stiffest" WWE matches of all time, an NXT draft, the origins of GTV and would a Linda McMahon loss spell the end of PG?

Sound Off 238: Should WWE Keep Or Kill The Divas Division?

Solomonster wonders whether most fans would even care if the Divas division disappeared, and offers some ideas to save it -- plus, will Jeff Hardy return to WWE, did TNA put its title on Austin Aries just to reel in ROH fans and was wrestling better before the days of internet sites?

Sound Off 237: A New Low For Fans Criticizing John Cena

Solomonster has something to say about wrestling fans bashing Cena for promoting cancer awareness -- plus, talking about Jerry Lawler's heart attack and where things stand right now, praise for Michael Cole and MITB lunchboxes

MAILBAG: Something Special For Raw’s 20th Anniversary?

Raw celebrates 20 years in January. What can WWE do to make it special? -- plus, has The Undertaker ever submitted, changing the Royal Rumble, Wade Barrett's future and what if Cena was gone from WWE?

Sound Off 236: It Is Finally Time To Move Ryback To Phase 2?

Pulling the trigger on Ryback and suggesting the perfect opponent for him -- plus, the pussification of wrestling with storyline lawsuits, a rant on WWE banning Orton's punt kick and will fans dress up as current stars in 20 years like they do with Hogan and Savage?

Sound Off 235: So Katie Vick Trended Worldwide This Week

Solomonster doesn't know whether to laugh or cry, but does have a creepy story to share about Kane's deceased girlfriend -- plus, thoughts on the CM Punk "BLADE GATE" controversy and should WWE induct Owen Hart into the HOF even if his widow doesn't want it?

Sound Off 234: Why Jerry “The King” Lawler Must Leave The Raw Anounce Booth

Solomonster feels the time has come for The King to be dethroned and offers a few possible alternatives -- plus, Brock Lesnar "quits" WWE (again), Chris Jericho is terminated, and the absolute worst Battle Royal in history

Sound Off 233: Who Should Win Sunday, Lesnar or Triple H?

Solomonster has predictions for Summerslam, plus thoughts on the names being considered for the 2013 Hall of Fame -- plus, AJ Styles as the World's Dumbest Babyface and a funny story involving Claire Lynch and ... Popeye?