Author: Eric Lynch

  • WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (10/17)

    WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (10/17)

    The October 17th, 2017 edition of WWE RAW aired live from the Moda Center in Portland, OR and was the go-home show for Sunday’s TLC pay-per-view.

    – This week’s broadcast opens up with a video package recapping the recent happenings with The Shield, The Bar, The Miz, and Braun Strowman.

    – Michael Cole welcomes us to Portland where he’s joined by Corey Graves and Booker T. Kurt Angle comes out first to kick off the show. He walks past tables, ladders, and chairs set up all over the state. The RAW GM hits the ring and gets on the mic. He says it’s safe to say The Shield is back together, and he plugs the big TLC main event on Sunday. Angle wants to focus on tonight’s show for now, and then the classic Shield intro and theme music hits. Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose come out through the crowd with their old gear on and they hit the ring as the crowd chants “this is awesome.” Angle asks the fans if they want to hear from The Shield, then he hands the mic over to them. Reigns says Angle made the right call because when The Hounds come, you either hand it over or they beat your ass. Rollins tells Reigns to relax, and discusses their history as a group. Ambrose gets on the mic next and hypes their TLC main event, and he says The Shield will be dominant. Ambrose calls out Strowman, Cesaro, Sheamus and the Miz. Strowman’s music hits and they all come out, along with Curtis Axel. Angle interrupts and says we’re not having this fight tonight, and to save it for Sunday. Angle mentions tonight’s steel cage match and The Bar’s RAW Tag Title shot, and says that tonight’s RAW will make history. Oh it’s true, it’s damn true. Angle’s music hits as the heels stare down The Shield from the stage.

    – The announcers promote Rollins & Ambrose vs. The Bar tonight, and the steel cage main event. Also, Braun will appear on Miz TV.

    Elias, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. Titus O’Neil, Apollo Crews and Jason Jordan: Elias is joined by Gallows and Anderson for a song, with Gallows singing about Jason Jordan being a nerd. Jordan’s music hits and he comes out with O’Neil and Crews. Gallows starts off with Titus and beats Titus back into the corner. Gallows yells that Titus is a nerd, and Titus fires up and fights back. Jordan and Anderson come in and start going at it, with Jordan getting the upper hand. The aprons clear and the babyfaces throw the heels out to ringside. Gallows and Crews now go at it in the ring and Gallows drops him with a cheap shot. Elias and Anderson now take turns beating on Crews. Jordan gets the hot tag and lays out Anderson. Jordan hits a belly to belly on Anderson but Elias breaks the pin. Titus and Gallows run in and brawl while Jordan drops Anderson with a spear. Crews follows up with a sitdown powerbomb on Anderson for the win.

    Winners: Jason Jordan, Titus O’Neil and Apollo Crews

    – We see a promo for Asuka’s debut on Sunday, and then we go to Renee Young who is with Emma for a backstage interview. Emma says she’s tired of hearing about Asuka and she wants the attention all on herself. She says she started the women’s revoltion and beat four of WWE’s top superstars in the last week, and questions what Asuka has ever done around here. Alexa Bliss interrupts and agrees that Asuka hasn’t proven herself. Bliss thanks Emma for her hard work, then trashes Mickie James and says James isn’t a locker room leader. Bliss says the younger wrestlers need to stick together, and asks Emma to be her partner in a tag match against Mickie James and her partner tonight. Emma agrees and walks off.

    – We see a video package highlighting the recent happenings on 205 Live.

    – The steel cage is shown hanging above the ring when Jack Gallagher makes his entrance. He’s in action up next.

    Cedric Alexander vs. Jack Gallagher: Rich Swann is in Cedric’s corner for this one, and Kendrick is in Gallagher’s corner. Cedric takes control early on and avoids a cheap shot set-up from Kendrick. Kendrick does finally distract Cedric and Gallagher turns it around in his favor. Gallagher works over Cedric and controls the next few minutes of the match. Swann’s had enough and he takes out Kendrick on the floor, which leads to Gallagher getting distracted. Cedric comes back with the Lumbar Check on Gallagher for the three count. Swann and Cedric celebrate in the ring after the match.

    Winner: Cedric Alexander

    – The Miz is getting ready for Miz TV with Braun Strowman.

    – WWE Intercontinental Champion the Miz is in the ring with Curtis Axel, Sheamus, and Cesaro for the latest edition of Miz TV. There are tables, ladders, and chairs set up in the ring. The Miz says The Bar will capture the RAW Tag Titles from Rollins and Ambrose tonight, and then Sheamus and Cesro talk about their plans to shatter The Shield tonight. The fans chant “you look stupid” at Sheamus and he says they’re all jealous. Back to Miz, he says that they’re all a family, and gives a shout out to Bo Dallas who isn’t here tonight. The Miz then introduces their guest tonight, Braun Strowman. Strowman comes out to the ring and takes the mic. Strowman mentions The Shield putting him through the announce table last week, because none of them can stop him on their own. Strowman says he’ll now tear the Shield apart piece by piece, until they are done and gone forever. Strowman says when the steel cage door closes tonight, he’ll make sure it’s locked so Reigns can’t run away. Miz interrupts and says The Shield is no match for this group, and brings up how Ambrose said they could take o 4 or 5 people. Miz says he wants to announce a fifth member to his team, as the crowd chants for Axel. Before Miz makes the announcement, RAW GM Kurt Angle interrupts. Angle says Miz is going too far and tells him to shut the hell up. Angle says that if Strowman beats Reigns tonight in the steel cage, then they can have a fifth partner at TLC. If Reigns wins, the match goes back to 3 on 3, so Braun would be removed from Miz’s team. Before Angle leaves, he bans everyone from ringside for tonight’s match. Oh it’s true, it’s damn true.

    – We see another shot of the cage hanging high above the ring, and we’re told Finn Balor has a demonic message for Bray Wyatt next.

    – They show a video highlighting last week’s Fatal 5 Way women’s match, and we see a video of Alicia cutting a promo claiming she didn’t tap out last week.

    Sasha Banks vs. Alicia Fox: Sasha drops Fox early on and immediately goes for the Banks Statement, but Fox reaches the rope. Fox rolls outside to recover but Sasha hits a baseball slide kick through the ropes and brings her back inside. Fox tries to retreat again and she chokes Sasha over the top rope. Fox fires up and hits a backbreaker for a two count. Fox continues working over Banks for the next few moments until Banks snatches Fox out of nowhere with the Banks Statement for the win. Fox throws a fit in the ring after the match and refuses to leave.

    Winner: Sasha Banks

    – Enzo Amore is backstage getting ready to head out to the ring.

    – Sasha Banks does an interview backstage where she quickly gets attacked by Alicia Fox from behind. Sasha fights back but Fox gets the upper hand and throws Banks into a bunch of production equipment. Fox screams at Sasha and then she throws a referee into Sasha. Some more referees run in and haul off Fox.

    – Enzo Amore now makes his way out to the ring. Enzo introduces himself and says he’s doing alright, but he points out some boos in the crowd and sys he’s missing his WWE Cruiserweight Title. He shows footage of his loss to Kalisto, and says it was unfair. Cruiserweight Champ Kalisto is out to the ring next to interrupt, and he knocks Enzo for trying to cast blame and wearing knock-off Gucci. Enzo says he doesn’t wear knock-offs and is wearing $10,000 worth of stuff right now. They trade verbal jabs until Kalisto is attacked from behind by Noam Dar, Ariya Daivari, Tony Nese and Drew Gulak. Enzo talks trash on the mic while the beatdown continues. Mustafa Ali interrupts and starts brawling with Daivari and Enzo. The heels overpower Ali and beat him down in the ring as the fans chant for Neville. Enzo joins in on beating down Kalisto, then asks both Kalisto and Ali how they’re doin’. Enzo leaves with Daivari, Dar, Nese and Gulak.

    RAW Tag Team Titles: The Bar vs. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose: Ambrose and Sheamus will start this one off, with Cesaro trying to distract Ambrose from the apron. Ambrose starts off strong but Sheamus is quick to drop him with a big boot to the face. Ambrose fights up to his feet and tags in Rollins for some double team damage on Sheamus. Rollins kicks Sheamus out to ringside, Cesaro runs in but Rollins clotheslines him to the outside too. Ambrose and Rollins hit suicide dives in tandem on the The Bar, then Rollins and Sheamus head back in the ring. Rollins comes off the top rope but Sheamus catches him and slams him. Sheamus argues with the ref and Cesaro cheap-shots Rollins from the apron. Sheamus continues to beat down Rollins and hits the Irish Curse backbreaker for a two count. Cesaro tags in and they briefly double team Rollins, and Sheamus hits a cheap shot kick to the face behind the ref’s back. Cesaro knocks Ambrose off the apron and continues beating down Rollins. Rollins makes a comeback and dumps Cesaro to the outside, then he finally gets the hot tag to Dean Ambrose. Ambrose comes in and cleans house. He hits a swinging neckbreaker on Cesaro, then throws Cesaro into the corner. Ambrose goes for the Dirty Deeds, but Cesaro escapes. Ambrose knocks Sheamus off the apron, then Rollins hits a suicide dive on Sheamus to the outside. Ambrose throws Cesaro outside next, then goes to the top rope. Cesaro rolls back inside and Ambrose hits a flying elbow on Cesaro in the ring. Sheamus breaks up the pin attempt and starts brawling with Ambrose. Ambrose throws Sheamus outside, then Cesaro hits a back body drop on Ambrose. Sheamus tags in and they double team Ambrose. Cesaro kicks and uppercuts Rollins, then tags in to become the legal man again. Rollins takes out Sheamus, then Ambrose hits the Dirty Deeds on Cesaro for the three count. Rollins and Ambrose celebrate with the RAW Tag Titles after the bell.

    Winners: Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose

    – We see another teaser for Finn Balor’s message for Sister Abigail.

    – Curtis Axel is backstage trying to give a pep talk to Sheamus and Cesaro about staying strong for their match at TLC. Strowman walks in, and Axel tells him that his hometown moment on Sunday hinges on Strowman’s win tonight, and says he needs it bad. Axel says he’s so fired up he could fight Reigns right now. Strowman tells Axel to go find Reigns, but Axel seems hesitant, and Cesaro says it sounds like he’s scared of Reigns. Sheamus prods Axel about it too, and Axel reluctantly walks off to find Reigns.

    – The announcers show us a recap of what happened last week with Finn Balor, Bray Wyatt, and “Sister Abigail.”

    – Finn Balor is out to the ring next. Balor gets on the mic and says hit to the Balor Club, and then talks about Wyatt’s “Sister Abigail” appearance. Balor says he has some tricks of his own for Wyatt, and says he’ll slay Sister Abigail with a demon of his own. The lights in the arena turn red, and Balor says his demon has no fear or nightmares. Balor’s face turns into the Demon as he talks, and says his demon is dying to meet Sister Abigail. He tells Wyatt to “run” as we go to commercial.

    – Another promo video for Asuka’s debut at TLC is shown.

    – Michael Cole announces that Alicia Fox has been fined for shoving the referee earlier during her backstage assault on Sasha Banks.

    Emma and Alexa Bliss vs. Mickie James and Bayley: Bliss starts off against Mickie and they talk trash to each other. Before things get going, Bliss tags in Emma. Emma and Mickie lock up and brawl around the ring. Bayley and Bliss both tag in and Bayley gets the upper hand. Emma runs in and breaks up a pin attempt, which leads to all four women brawling out to ringside. Back in the ring, Emma and Bayley go at it until Mickie gets the tag and cleans house. Mickie hits a neckbreaker on Bliss, and Bliss comes back with a kick. Mickie fires up and hits a Thesz Press, but Emma breaks up the pin. Bayley runs in and takes out Emma, then Bliss drops Bayley from behind. Mickie waits for Bliss to turn around then hits her with the Mick Kick for the three count. Mickie talks trash to Bliss before leaving.

    Winners: Mickie James and Bayley

    – Curtis Axel is backstage looking for Roman Reigns. He sees The Shield off in the distances, and he psyches himself up then goes to walk towards them. We cut to commercial as he walks towards the group.

    – Back from commercial, we see the Miz backstage with Braun and The Bar. The Bar mentions that Axel went off to find The Shield, and Miz gets worried and leaves.

    – Mickie does an interview backstage where she says she’s proud of her accomplishments and says it would be the best feeling to take the Women’s title home to her 3 year old son. Mickie says she’ll have the last laugh on Sunday at TLC.

    – Sasha Banks vs. Alicia Fox is announces for the TLC Kickoff Show on Sunday.

    – The Miz finds Curtis Axel backstage hanging from a forklift. The Miz gets some help from backstage staff to bring him down. We go back to ringside where the steel cage is being lowered from the ceiling for tonight’s main event.

    – The Miz does a brief interview backstage where he’s asked about Axel’s condition if they do earn their fifth man for Sunday. Miz says he loves Axel, but Axel was never their fifth man. Miz walks off as medics check on Axel.

    Steel Cage: Braun Strowman vs. Roman Reigns: The Miz joins the commentary table despite the ringside ban by Kurt Angle. Reigns and Strowman go at it right off the opening bell. After several moments of back and forth brawling, Reigns takes Braun into the corner and beats on him. Braun powers out of the corner and slams Reigns down to the mat for a two count. Braun takes Reigns outside and whips the Shield member into the steel steps and ring post repeatedly. Braun charges towards him but Reigns moves and Braun crashes into the steel. They fight back into the ring and Reigns hits a Samoan Drop on Strowman. Reigns starts climbing the steel cage, but Cesaro and Sheamus run down to meet him outside. Rollins and Ambrose run out for the save and they brawl around ringside with The Bar. The two tag teams fight out into the crowd as Reigns continues to climb over the cage. Strowman reaches up and pulls Reigns down by the wrist, then superplexes him back in the ring as the crowd chants “Holy Shit.” Strowman pins but Reigns kicks out at two, as The Bar continues to brawl with Rollins and Ambrose outside. The Miz gets up from the announce table as the tag teams brawl into the backstage area. Rollins and Amborse use steel chairs to lay out Cesaro and Sheamus, They brawl into a room, and the Miz appears to close the door behind them, trying to keep them away from the in-ring action. Back to the ring, Reigns starts to climb again but Braun stops him and headbutts him down to the mat. Braun gets crotched on the top rope, and Reigns Superman punches him down. Reigns hits another Superman punch, then he goes for a spear but Strowman blocks it. Reigns hits another Superman punch and Strowman is down for a two count. They continue fighting, then the lights go red and Kane’s music hits. Kane comes out from under the ring and receives a big pop from the crowd. Reigns can’t believe it as Kane stares him down. Kane chokeslams Reigns in the middle of the ring, then Strowman hits the running powerslam on Reigns. Kane then delivers a Tombstone piledriver to Reigns. Braun hits another running powerslam, then covers Reigns for the three count.

    Winner: Braun Strowman

    – After the match, Braun and Kane both stand over Reigns. Braun’s music hits as The Miz climbs a ladder on the stage and announces that Kane is the fifth member of his team for TLC. Kane’s music then hits as RAW goes off the air.

  • WWE SmackDown Live Results & Discussion (10/10)

    WWE SmackDown Live Results & Discussion (10/10)

    The October 10th, 2017 edition of WWE SmackDown Live was the first episode after Sunday’s Hell In A Cell pay-per-view, and took place at the Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, MI.

    – This week’s broadcast opens up with a video montage recapping the Hell In A Cell main event, focusing on when Sami Zayn saved Kevin Owens from Shane McMahon’s elbow drop off the cage.

    – New SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos make their way down to the ring to kick off the show. Jimmy and Jey step in the ring and cut a promo about their victory over The New Day at Hell In A Cell. They tell the fans they told them so, and they welcome everyone to the “Uso penitentiary.” The Usos say now that they’ve gone through the Cell, they want The New Day to come out to the ring because there’s something they want to tell them face to face. The New Day comes out, with Xavier and Big E still selling their injuries. The Usos say that them and The New Day are the best teams in WWE, and the other teams in the back suck. The Usos say things got vicious on Sunday, and they felt the effects long after the pay-per-view ended. The Usos say The New Day are the only other ones feeling their pain right now, and calls The New Day their brothers. The New Day asks if they’re trying to call a truce, and The Usos say they respect the New Day. They go to shake hands, but The Hype Bros interrupt. Mojo says The New Day and The Usos come out every week and take the credit and the spotlight. The Usos tell Mojo to stay on the sideline like in his NFL career, and then Gable and Benjamin interrupt. Gable says the Hype Bros need to get to the back of the line after losing to them. The Usos tell them to get to the back of the line too, and then The Fashion Police come out. Before they can say anything, The Ascension interrupts, but The Usos aren’t impressed by them either. Daniel Bryan interrupts next, and he thinks The Usos and The New Day for their incredible match at Hell In A Cell, but then asks them get out of the ring. Bryan instructs them again to get out of the ring, because we’re about to determine who will get a shot at The Uso’s tag titles. Bryan books the other tag teams in a fatal four way tag match, and that’s next!

    Chad Gable & Shelton Benjamin vs. The Fashion Police vs. The Hype Bros vs. The Ascension: The winner of this one gets a shot at The Usos’ tag titles. Mojo and Konnor start off, but Ryder quickly tags in and drops Konnor with a missile dropkick. Viktor tags in and drops Ryder with a corkscrew uppercut. Viktor lays in some chops to the chest, then Gable tags in and takes down Viktor. Gable and Shelton use frequent tags to work over Viktor. Konnor tags in and he and Viktor double team Gable. Konnor hits a splash in the corner on Gable, then Viktor hits a flying knee to the face. Mojo tags in and cleans house, then hits a backbreaker on Breeze. All the teams comes in from the aprons and start brawling now. The Ascension shoves Ryder into Mojo and they start arguing again. Gable and Breeze start handing out suplexes to everyone in the ring, then they go for their double powerbomb on Breeze but Fandango breaks it up. Fandango goes for the Last Dance but misses, and Gable hits a moonsault on him. Gable and Benjamin hit their double powerbomb on Breeze for the three count to win.

    Winners: Shelton Benjamin & Chad Gable

    – We see backstage that Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn’s names are both on the same locker room door together.

    – Still to come: Randy Orton and Shinsuke Nakamura team up against Rusev and Aiden English in a tag match.

    – Natalya is backstage admiring her Women’s Championship when she gets confronted by Lana and Tamina. Lana says the Title belt will look better on Tamina, and then Carmella interrupts with her briefcase and says she’ll be the next champ. Natalya says one thing they can agree on is they all deserve to be champion more than Charlotte. Charlotte walks in and Natalya gets in her face, then Charlotte hits Natalya with a right hand and everyone starts brawling. Referees come running in and start pulling everyone apart.

    – New U.S. Champion Baron Corbin does a brief backstage interview where he says last night he shut up all of the keyboard warriors, and he shut up AJ Styles.

    Carmella vs. Becky Lynch: James Ellsworth is chained up at ringside in Carmella’s corner. Becky starts off with a double leg takedown and takes control of the first moments. Becky hits a T-bone suplex that sends Carmella rolling out to ringside to recover. Ellsworth acts as a human shield in front of Carmella, and Carmella swings around Ellsworth to cheap shot Becky. Carmella beats down Becky at ringside before taking her back in the ring for some elbow drops. Carmella tries to keep Becky grounded, but Becky grabs her and locks her in the Dis-arm-her for the win via submission after a short match. Becky celebrates in the ring, and Carmella rolls outside to recover with Ellsworth and her briefcase.

    Winner: Becky Lynch

    – Corey Graves informs us that Sami Zayn will be giving an explanation for his actions on Sunday, and that’s next.

    – Kevin Owens comes out to the ring introduced as “the victorious Kevin Owens.” His arm is taped up and he’s selling several injuries from Sunday’s Cell match. Owens says he sent Shane to hell, and he’s never coming back. He says the fans should count their blessings for that, and for the fact that they almost lost Owens too but didn’t. Owens says he saw the white light and felt his soul start to leave his body, but when he got to the pearly gates Saint Peter told him that the earth needs Kevin Owens. Owens says he was appointed his own guardian angel – Sami Zayn. Owens says he realizes his new purpose, and that’s to make SmackDown his own personal paradise. Owens then introduces his best friend, Sami Zayn. Zayn comes out to the ring and Owens asks him to explain himself to the fans, but first Owens thanks Zayn. Zayn says it’s him who should thank Owens, because Owens powerbombing Zayn on the ring corner a couple weeks ago is what woke him up. Zayn says he was sick of doing the right thing and waiting for it to pay off, while Owens never did the right thing and succeeded. Zayn says he remembers Shan McMahon recruiting him to SmackDown because RAW wasn’t giving him any opportunities. He says Shane claimed SmackDown would give him the respect he deserved, but that was the last time he ever heard from Shane, and he got brushed off by Shane a couple weeks ago. Zayn says Shane never cared about him or giving him any opportunity. Zayn says he did want Shane to beat Owens at first, but when he saw Shane go back to the top of the cage, Zayn knew he had to save his brother Owens because it was the right thing to do. Zayn says he knows Shane doesn’t care about SmackDown or his family, he only cares about himself. Zayn says he doesn’t hate Owens, he just hates the fact that Owens was right all along. He thanks Owens and they hug in the ring.

    Randy Orton & Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Rusev & Aiden English: Rusev starts off fired up and backs up Orton against the ropes. The fight spills outside where Orton and Rusev brawl on the floor. Orton back suplexes Rusev onto the announce table, then on the way back in the ring English cheap-shots Orton. The cheap-shot leads to Rusev kicking Orton in the side of the head and Orton falling back out to ringside. English throws Orton back in the ring then he tags in. English continues beating on Orton in the ring and levels him with a dropkick. Rusev tags in and he takes Orton out to ringside again, where this time Rusev back suplexes Orton onto the announce table. Back in the ring, Rusev and English continue to take turns beating on The Viper. Orton breaks free from English and finally gets the hot tag to Nakamura. Nakamura comes in and cleans house, then delivers a series of kicks to English. Nakamura hits a couple running knee strikes on English in the corner. Rusev runs in and Nakamura stuns him with a kick, then Orton runs in and hits the RKO on Rusev. Nakamura hits the Kinshasa on English for the three count. Orton and Nakamura celebrate their win after the bell.

    Winners: Randy Orton & Shinsuke Nakamura

    – AJ Styles is backstage for an interview where he points out that Baron Corbin did not pin him at Hell In A Cell. Styles says he’s the only Phenomenal One and this is the house that he built, and no lone wolf is going to take away his U.S. Title. Styles says tonight marks the “end of days” of Corbin’s U.S. Title reign.

    – We see two masked, hooded men holding sledgehammers in front of a black background. They turn around and reveal themselves at Luke Harper and Eric Rowan. They announce what appears to be their new tag team name: The Bludgeon Brothers.

    – Bobby Roode comes down to the ring to cut a promo on Dolph Ziggler. He says his victory at Hell In A Cell was glorious, until Ziggler attacked him from behind just seconds after winning. Roode says if Ziggler wants to fight, then let’s do it right now. Ziggler’s music hits, then turns off, and Ziggler walks out with no music or lights. Ziggler comes out to the stage and says he exposed Roode for being a fraud at Hell In A Cell. Ziggler says he dominated the match and was the better wrestler on Sunday, and Roode had to cheat by pulling his tights to score the pin. Ziggler says Roode proved he’s a cheating, but Roode says he just proved he’s smarter than Ziggler by finding a way to beat him. Ziggler demands a rematch, any time any place, but Roode says it’ll go the exact same. Roode says he’s sick of Ziggler talking, and if he’s done complaining for this week then Zigler should come down to the ring for his rematch right now. Ziggler walks towards the ring, but then decides against it and says he’ll have his rematch where and when he wants, and it won’t be tonight. Ziggler walks to the back as Roode stares from the ring.

    – Baron Corbin is shown backstage showing off his U.S. Title belt to random WWE staff.

    – Tom Phillips announces that Daniel Bryan has booked the Bobby Roode vs. Dolph Ziggler rematch for next week’s SmackDown.

    Baron Corbin (c) vs. AJ Styles: Corbin’s U.S. Title is on the line in this one. AJ ducks a clothesline from Corbin off the opening bell and hits Corbin with two kicks that send him falling out to ringside. Corbin paces at ringside to recover before sliding back in the ring. Corbin charges at Styles, but Styles ducks and pulls down the top rope and Corbin falls to the outside once again. Back in the ring, Corbin immediately takes the fight to Corbin and beats him down in the corner. Corbin rolls outside once again to recover, and he crowd boos him. Styles follows Corbin outside and Corbin throws Styles into the ring steps. Back in the ring, Corbin drops AJ with a lariat, then starts hitting him with knees. Corbin misses a kick and AJ starts firing back with right hands. Styles hits a flying clothesline and then a series of more punches and elbows. Styles kicks out Corbin’s knee then hits a running forearm shot. Styles goes for a fireman’s carry but Corbin escapes and rolls outside. AJ hits a running dropkick through the ropes on Corbin outside, and Corbin goes flying back over the announce table. Back in the ring, Styles springboards in the ring and hits a forearm shot. AJ hits a fireman’s carry into a backbreaker for a two count. Styles charges at Corbin, but Corbin catches him and hits the Deep Six. Corbin starts choking AJ in the corner, but AJ gets out and rams Corbin into the ring post for a two count. Styles goes right into the Calf Crusher on Corbin in the middle of the ring. Corbin fights out but he’s still selling the leg. Corbin fires off some elbow shots on AJ, and AJ strikes back with the Pele kick. Corbin rolls outside and AJ gets on the apron and charges. Corbin grabs AJ off the apron and throws him down to the ringside floor. Corbin immediately throws Styles back in the ring and hits the End of Days for the three count. Corbin has retained his U.S. Title.

    Winner: Baron Corbin

    – Renee Young gets in the ring immediately after the match while AJ is still laying, and she asks if Corbin has any words for the fans after his win. Corbin says he’s the champ and all of the fans have to eat it, and he loves seeing their tears.

  • WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (10/9)

    WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (10/9)

    The October 9th, 2017 edition of WWE RAW took place at the Bankers Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, IN.

    – This week’s broadcast opens up with clips from last week of The Miz, Sheamus and Cesaro beating down Roman Reigns and acting as The Shield. We also see clips of the actual Shield from back in the day.

    – We go the arena and The Miz is in the ring to kick off the show with a Miz TV segment. Curtis Axel is in the ring with him, and it looks like they’ll be presenting awards. The Miz first presents an award to Axel, and then sends his best wishes to Bo Dallas — who we are told is at home sick. The Miz then presents a “best supporting actors” award to Sheamus and Cesaro. Sheamus and Cesaro then come out to the ring and cut a promo on Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose as they accept their awards. The Miz starts to run down the former Shield members, saying they know their time has passed and The Miztourage, Sheamus and Cesaro are the future. The Miz then presents an award to the true big dog of WWE: himself. Miz says he is dedicating this award to all of the children who need a new role model, but then Roman Reigns comes out to interrupt. Reingns comes out to the ramp and says this is when Miz should shut up, and he’s giving them all one chance to get out of his ring. Miz says Reigns won’t do anything because there’s four of them and one of Reigns. Ambrose comes out next and stands beside Reigns. Seth Rollins is out next and he stands beside Reigns too. The trio heads down to the ring and start brawling with Sheamus, Cesaro, Axel and Miz all over the ring. Reigns beats down Axel at ringside, then comes back in the ring to deliver Superman punches to Sheamus and Cesaro. Rollins knees Sheamus in the face, and they clear the ring. The Miz tries to escape but Ambrose and Rollins surround him. Miz runs into the ring and dodges Reigns, but he walks right into a Dirty Deeds from Ambrose. They pick up Miz and powerbomb him, then Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose bump fists before leaving.

    – We see a graphic on the screen asking if Sister Abigail is still alive — We may find out tonight.

    Jason Jordan vs. Karl Anderson: Luke Gallows is at ringside in his tag partner’s corner. Jordan starts off in control, suplexing Anderson down to the mat multiple times. Anderson comes back with a slap to the face and a side headlock. Jordan throws Anderson off the ropes and throws him up for a facebuster. Gallows distracts Jordan from ringside, which leads to Anderson kicking Jordan’s leg out and stomping on him. Jordan throws some elbows to the face, but Anderson drops him and works on Jordan’s shoulder. Jordan kicks Anderson away, but Anderson comes right back with a spinebuster. Anderson continues working the shoulder. Jordan and Anderson start trading elbows to the face in the middle of the ring, but Jordan grabs Anderson and slams him with a back suplex. Jordan hits some forearm shots, then spears in the corner and a belly to belly overhead suplex. Jordan with another spear in the corner, but Gallows distracts him and Anderson shoves him into the turnbuckle. Jordan knocks Gallows off the apron, then Anderson misses a splash in the corner. Jordan follows up with his finisher for the win.

    Winner: Jason Jordan

    – Elias is backstage carrying his guitar towards the gorilla position.

    – The Miz is in the back being checked on by the trainer and Axel. Kurt Angle walks in and points out that Miz has no broken bones or torn ligaments. Angle has more good news for The Miz — he, Sheamus and Cesaro will be facing Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose at the TLC pay-per-view.

    – Elias is now in the ring for a song, but he quickly gets interrupted by Titus with a banjo on the stage. Titus says he has a song for Elias tonight, then he starts playing and sings that Elias is going to lose tonight to a man named Apollo Crews.

    Elias vs. Apollo Crews: Titus is at ringside in Crews’ corner for this one. Elias takes control early on, and does a version of The Undertaker’s top rope walk into a flying clothesline. Crews fires back with kicks and a clothesline. Crews hits a standing moonsault for a two count. Crews throws Elias outside and they brawl on the ramp. Elias whips Crews towards the ring apron, but Crews jumps up onto the apron and moonsaults off onto Elias on the floor. Back in the ring, Crews pummels on Elias and stomps on him. Elias trips Crews throat-first onto the middle rope, then Elias hits his finisher for the three count. After the match, Elias picks up his guitar and leaves.

    Winner: Elias

    – WWE Cruiserweight Champion Enzo Amore is backstage walking towards the gorilla positon.

    – Enzo comes out to the ring and demands that RAW GM Kurt Angle come out to the ring. Enzo takes issue with Angle going back on his no-contact clause he granted Enzo, and he’s upset that he has to defend the Title against Kalisto at TLC. Enzo says if Kurt values his job, he should be more worried about making his Cruiserweight Champion happy. Kurt tells Enzo not to worry about the match at TLC, because Enzo is going to have to defend his Cruiserweight Title against Kalisto tonight in Indianapolis. Enzo says he’ll defend it, but since he’s the realest champ in the room and he deserves some respect — he’ll only do the match if it’s in the main event. Kurt shakes on it and heads to the back as Enzo dances in the ring. Before Kurt goes behind the curtain, and tells Enzo if he thinks he can weasel out of his match by countout or DQ, he’s out of luck, because this match will be a lumberjack match.

    – Braun Strowman is shown backstage walking through the arena hallways.

    Braun Strowman vs. Matt Hardy: Hardy charges at Strowman over and over but Braun continues to knock him down. Matt goes for the Side Effect, but Strowman powers out and throws Hardy across the ring. Strowman dumps Hardy out to ringside and continues the beating. Back in the ring, Strowman misses a shot in the corner and he crashes into the ring post. Hardy stuns Strowman with an elbow then a boot to the face and he starts mounting a comeback. Hardy hits a tornado DDT and a Twist of Fate, but Strowman kicks out. Strowman gets up and hits two back to back chokeslams on Hardy, then follows up with the running powerslam for the three count.

    Winner: Braun Strowman

    – When Strowman goes to leave, he picks up Hardy and starts carrying him up the ramp with him. With Hardy over his shoulder, Strowman makes it to the top of the ramp and then gets confronted by The Shield. Strowman sets down Hardy, then he starts brawling with Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose on the stage. Reigns hits a spear on Strowman, then the Shield powerbombs Strowman through the announce table. Cole, Booker T and Graves scramble from the announce table, as Strowman lays on the ground and The Shield members fist bump above him.

    – The Shield does an interview backstage where Ambrose says they’ll take out anyone in their path. Reigns says they’ll take on anyone they need to, and that they are the three workhorses that run this business now.

    – Mickie James comes out and cuts a promom on Alexa Bliss, saying she’ll make history by becoming a seven-time Women’s Champion at TLC. Alexa Bliss interrupts and introduces a video packing that cracks more jokes about Mickie James’ age. The video says Mickie has more wrinkles than a raisin, then Alexa calls Mickie a grandma and tells her to go play shuffleboard. Alexa says she’ll run circles around Mickie at TLC. Mickie tells Alexa to bring her “biscuit butt” down to the ring and say it to her face. Alexa starts walking down to the ring, but decides against it and walks away. Mickie chases after Alexa on the ramp and throws her into the ring. Mickie jumps on Alexa nad pummels on her. Mickie goes for a kick to the head but Alexa rolls out of the ring and retreats up the ramp.

    – We see a video promoting Asuka’s debut at TLC, then we go backstage where Kurt Angle, Sasha Banks and Bayley comment on Asuka’s impending debut. Sasha and Bayley both plead their case that they should be Asuka’s first opponent. Alicia, Dana Brooke, and Emma all walk in one by one and also tell Kurt that they want Asuka. Kurt says on RAW they settle things in the ring, so they’ll have to face each other tonight in a five-way match to determine who gets Asuka.

    Brian Kendrick & Jack Gallagher vs. Cedric Alexander & Mustafa Ali: Brian and Cedric start off. Gallagher pulls Ali off the apron, and Kendrick takes advantage of the distraction to attack Cedric from behind. Kendrick beats down Alexander, then Gallagher tags in and works on keeping Cedric grounded. Kendrick tags back in and hits a butterfly suplex on Cedric for a two count. Gallagher comes back in and hits Cedric with a series of kicks before putting him in a front face lock. More kicks from Gallagher, then Cedric comes back with a kick to the head and tags in Ali. Ali drops Gallagher then boots Kendrick in the head too. Gallagher hits Ali from behind and takes him out to ringside. Ali throws Gallagher into the fan barricade, then he heads back in the ring where Kendrick takes him down and hits the Sliced Bread #2 for the win.

    Winners: Brian Kendrick & Jack Gallagher

    – Michael Cole informs us that we might meet Sister Abigail next.

    – We see a video package highlighting The Shield’s reunion tonight, and their beat-down on Braun Strowman.

    – Kurt Angle is backstage on the phone when he gets interrupted by The Miz. The Miz is still selling a neck injury. Miz says he, Sheamus and Cesaro will happily face The Shield at TLC is they keep their word — Rollins claiming that they could take one “four, five, or six” opponents. Kurt says he’ll allow Miz to choose a fourth partner, and Miz says his partner is right behind the door. Braun Strowman kicks the door in and stares down Kurt, before storming off. Kurt has a look of concern on his face for The Shield.

    – Cole, Booker and Graves are shown sitting at the destroyed announce table on the stage as they discuss how the TLC pay-per-view is shaping up.

    – Finn Balor’s music hits and Balor makes his way out to the ring. Balor gets on the mic and says Bray Wyatt has left him speechless, and says Bray is like a poison that keeps mutating with more lies and mind games. He says Bray is desperate to have the WWE Universe buy into his garbage. As Balor is talking, the lights go out and an empty rocking chair appears on the big screen. Balor sits in it, and says while Finn may not be afraid of him he will be afraid of “her.” Wyatt says “they turned her into some kind of monster,” and he was there when she took her final breath. Wyatt says the season of the witch is upon Balor, and says “she’s here.” Wyatt then morphs into having facepaint and a veil over his face via CGI. He now speaks in a warped high-pitched voice and is now supposedly speaking as Sister Abigail. “Sister Abigail” says “she” taught Bray everything he knows, and she is here burned and rising from the ashes to help Bray. “She” says Bray would never hurt a fly, but Balor lied to and hurt Bray. “She” says dealing with demons is her specialty, and tells Balor he can’t beat “her.” Wyatt morphs back into himself via CGI, and is laughing into the camera. The lights cut out again and we go to commercial.

    Sasha Banks vs. Bayley vs. Dana Brooke vs. Emma vs. Alicia Fox: This one is a fatal five-way elimination match to determine who will face Asuka at TLC. All five women start brawling right off the opening bell, with Dana and Sasha spilling out to the ringside floor. Dana drops Sasha, then heads back in the ring to help Emma beat down Alicia. Dana whips Emma into the corner and hits a cartwheel splash on her, and then on Alicia too. Bayley runs in but Dana stops her with a powerslam and a splash. Dana goes for a Samoan Drop on Bayley, but Bayley gets out and hits a belly to belly suplex for the three count on eliminate Dana. Bayley and Sasha start fighting now, until Alicia cheap shots them both from behind and pins Bayley to eliminate her. It’s down to Alicia, Sasha and Emma now. Emma and Alicia briefly team up against Sasha before turning on each other. Alicia kicks Emma then elbows her and rolls her up in a sunset flip for a two count. Sasha comes back and hits a double dropkick on both Alicia and Emma. Sasha starts cleaning house, and sends Alicia into the corner with a hurricanrana. Sasha hits a running knee strike on Alicia, then slaps Emma across the face. Sasha knocks Alicia into Emma, then she hits the backstabber on Alicia. Banks locks Alicia in the Banks Statement and Alicia taps out. The ref starts to pull Sasha off of Alicia, then Emma runs in and rolls up Sasha in a small package pin for the three count.

    Winner: Emma

    – Finn Balor does an interview backstage where he discusses his conversation with Bray Wyatt and “Sister Abigail” earlier tonight. Balor says when he heard “her” talk it shook him to his core and he felt a shiver up his spine. Balor says now he knows what he must do, and he walks off.

    – Corey Graves announces that Kurt Angle has booked Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman in a steel cage match next week.

    – Kalisto is backstage for an interview about his lumberjack match tonight. He says Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero inspired him to be here in WWE, and when he sees Enzo with the cruiserweight title it’s a slap to the face of all the great cruiserweights before him. Kalisto says he’s going to make Rey, Eddie, and the WWE Universe proud tonight when he wins the Cruiserweight Title tonight.

    Enzo Amore (c) vs. Kalisto: This one is a lumberjack match, with members of the cruiserweight roster surrounding the ring. There are no countouts or DQs, and the Cruiserweight Title is on the line. Enzo cuts a promo before the match with his usual intro, then he trashes the lumberjacks around the ring. The opening bell sounds and Enzo and Kalisto go for a test of strength to start off, but Enzo kicks Kalisto and puts him in a side headlock. Kalisto fights out and dumps Enzo outside, and Enzo immediately runs back in the ring when he realizes he’s surrounded by lumberjacks. Kalisto hits Enzo with a dropkick, then a drop toe hold and a front face lock. Enzo starts to come back, but Kalisto levels him with a flying cross body. Enzo rolls outside and the lumberjacks go to throw him back in the ring, but Enzo breaks free and runs back in the ring himself. Kalisto briefly argues with the ref and Enzo grabs him by the tights from behind and slams him into the turnbuckle. Kalisto falls outside and some of the heel lumberjacks start stomping on him. Back in the ring, Enzo works over Kalisto and tries to keep him grounded. Enzo goes for a kick, but Kalisto catches his foot and hits a kick of his own. Kalisto charges at Enzo in the corner and Enzo blocks him with his boot. Enzo tries to roll Kalisto outside, but Mustafa Ali pushes Kalisto back in the ring. Enzo isn’t pleased, and he kicks at Ali through the ropes. This leads to all of the heel and babyface lumberjacks brawling at ringside. Kalisto and Enzo start fighting on the top rope, then Kalisto superplexes Enzo off the top into a pile of cruiserweights brawling on the ringside floor below. Back in the ring, Kalisto goes for the Salida Del Sol on Enzo, but Enzo breaks free. Enzo drops Kalisto with a kick, but Ali breaks up the pin and pulls Enzo outside as payback for Enzo kicking at him earlier. Enzo freaks out at ringside and gets in a shouting match with Ali. Enzo yells that Ali is an ugly “son of a bitch” before clotheslining him. Back in the ring, Enzo and Kalisto fight on the turnbuckle. Enzo goes for a back suplex, but Kalisto reverses it into a Salida Del Sol off the top rope on Enzo for the three count. Kalisto wins the Cruiserweight Title and celebrates with the Title belt with some of the other cruiserweights.

    Winner & new Cruiserweight Champion: Kalisto

    – Mustafa Ali and Cedric Alexander lift Kalisto up in the air in celebration of his victory. We see replays from the match as Kalisto celebrates in the ring and RAW goes off the air.

  • WWE Hell In A Cell 2017 Results & Live Discussion (10/8)

    WWE Hell In A Cell 2017 Results & Live Discussion (10/8)

    The 2017 edition of WWE’s Hell In A Cell pay-per-view took place at the Little Caesars Arena in Detroit, MI.

    Hell In A Cell Kickoff Show:

    – The doors to the arena are opening up (6 PM local time) and fans are filing into the Little Caesars Arena for Hell In A Cell 2017.

    – Renee Young, Peter Rosenberg and Dave Otunga are all on the Kickoff Show pre-show panel.

    – Tye Dillinger is backstage talking to Daniel Bryan, saying he wants more opportunity. He asks to be added to the U.S. Title match tonight to make it a triple threat. Bryan agrees, and it’ll be a triple threat tonight between U.S. Champion AJ Styles, Tye Dillinger, and Baron Corbin. Tye and Daniel exchange “Yes” and “Ten” chants with each other, and Bryan gets pretty into it.

    – Aiden English approaches the pre-show panel table and the crowd can be heard chanting his name. English discusses the issues he and Rusev have with Randy Orton. English dedicates a song to Ruev’s match tonight.

    – Charlotte is backstage for an interview in the “social media lounge.” Charlotte says she has a game plan to beat Natalya tonight for the SmackDown Women’s title. She says Natalya knows Charlotte so well that she’s going to try twice as hard to catch her off guard.

    – Baron Corbin does an interview backstage where he expresses his displeasure with Tye Dillinger being added to his U.S. Title match. Corbin says he wanted AJ Styles one on one tonight, but Dillinger whined and cried his way into the match. Corbin says this is only happening because Bryan, Styles and Dillinger are all friends. He says he’s going to break AJ and Tye in half tonight and will walk out with the U.S. Title.

    Chad Gable & Shelton Benjamin def. The Hype Bros: Before the match, footage is shown from two weeks ago of Mojo and Ryder arguing with each other backstage. The opening bell sounds and Mojo and Gable start off. Mojo hits a running cross body early on, then Ryder tags himself in and hits a springboard splash for a two count. Ryder follows up with a facebuster, but Gable fires back with a knee and a rollup for a one count. Shelton tags in and trades headlocks with Ryder. Benjamin and Ryder face off and go to shake hands, but Benjamin pulls Ryder in and nails him with a spinebuster. Shelton sends Ryder outside and Mojo goes to check on him. Back in the ring, Gable tags in and hits a Northern Lights suplex on Ryder. Benjamin tags back in and gets Ryder in a shoulder hold. Benjamin takes Ryder up top and goes for a superplex, but Ryder fights him off. Ryder follows up with a missile dropkick off the top on Benjamin, and both men are down. Mojo and Gable get the tags and Mojo cleans house. Mojo drops Gable with clotheslines, then hits the Stinger Splash in the corner. Gable stuns Mojo with a boot and comes flying off the top, but Mojo catches him. Mojo goes for a Samoan Drop, but Gable escapes. Gable runs the ropes and Mojo catches him with a pendulum backbreaker for a two count. Mojo misses a splash in the corner and Gable rolls him up for two. Gable goes up top for a moonsault but misses and lands on his feet. Gable grabs Mojo and hits a belly to belly suplex, then he goes up top and successfully hits a moonsault this time. Mojo kicks out at two. Shelton tags in and they double team Mojo for a two count. Shelton picks up Mojo and starts punching him, but Mojo is hulking up. Mojo fires up and drops Shelton with a clothesline and a shoulder block, then he lays out Gable and dumps him outside. Mojo and Ryder go for the Hype Ryder, but Shelton fights off Mojo. Ryder yells at Mojo, and Benjamin tags the opportunity to drop Ryder from behind. Gable tags in, Shelton picks up Ryder in a powerbomb, then Gable comes off the top to make the powerbomb on Ryder a double team. Gable pins for the three count on Ryder as Mojo looks on from ringside.

    – The cell is lowering from the sky and the lights flash as the pay-per-view is about to kick off.

    WWE Hall In A Cell 2017:

    – Tom Phillips announces the attendance as 16,200+ at the new Little Caesars Arena for tonight’s show.

    The Usos def. The New Day: This one takes place in the Hell In A Cell structure. The New Day cuts a promo inside the cage before the match, making fun of the “Uso Penitentiary.” Big E and Xavier are representing The New Day in this one. The opening bell rings and all four competitors roll out to ringside and grab weapons from under the ring. The New Day gets in control and hits Jey with a chain to the face. Jimmy dumps the New Day members outside then hits a suicide dive onto Xavier. Jimmy goes to step back in the ring, but Big E spears him through the ropes to the outside. Back in the ring, Xavier hits Jimmy with the trombone and it breaks. Big E hands Xavier another trombone, and he hits Jey with that one. Xavier gets a cowbell now and beats down Jey with it. Big E grabs cymbals from under the ring and hands them to Xavier who hits Jey with them. Xavier goes up top, but Jimmy throws a steel chair at his head and knocks him off. Big E knocks Jimmy off the apron, then Jey superkicks Big E. The Usos each grab kendo sticks and start beating down both New Day members with them. At ringside, Jimmy pins Woods against the cage wall with a kendo stick and Jey hits a running butt bump on him against the cage. Big E starts to mount a comeback but Jey stops him with a shot to the back of the head. Big E shoves Jey off, but Jey superkicks him down. Woods is slowly getting up to his feet at ringside now. Jey charges at Big E, but Big E catches him and throws him outside, where Woods catches Jey with a backstabber at ringside. Xavier grabs more kendo sticks and starts teeing off on the Usos. Woods and Big E put Jey in the corner of the cage, and they use multiple kendo sticks tuck through the cage holes to pin Jey up in the corner. With Jey pinned in the corner, The New Day changes their focus towards Jimmy. Jey escapes from his kendo stick confinement and he starts nailing Big E and Woods from behind. Jey follows up with a superkick to Kofi, then a kick to Big E. Big E is on the apron and Jey runs the ropes then spears Big E through the ropes into the cage. Back in the ring, both Usos hit splashes off the top on Big E, but they only get a two count. The Usos handcuff Woods to the ring post then tee off on him with kendo sticks as Kofi watches from outside the cage. The Usos let Woods down, then they turn their attention to Big E. Big E steals a Kendo stick from one of them and starts cleaning house. Big E hits a belly to belly overhead on Jey, then on the outside and spears Jimmy into the cage. Back in the ring, Big E hits the Big Ender on Jimmy, then puts Jey in a submission hold. Jimmy makes the save with a superkick, then both Usos deliver several more superkicks to Big E. They hit the double splash on Big E and pin, but Woods breaks it up. The Usos tee off on Xavier with with kendo sticks, then they go back up top. The Usos lay a steel chair on top of Xavier, then they hit the double splash off the top for the win to win the Tag Team Championships. The Usos are handed the Tag Titles as they slowly get to their feet in the ring. Kofi comes in the cage and checks on Big E and Xavier at ringside who are selling their beating.

    – AJ Styles does an interview in the back where he says he doesn’t like Dillinger being added to his U.S. Title defense tonight. Styles says the odds are against him, but he’ll walk out with his Title tonight.

    Randy Orton def. Rusev: Orton goes for the RKO early on but Rusev escapes and rolls outside to recover. After a couple moments of back and forth action, Orton goes for his patented DDT off the middle rope, but Rusev escapes. Rusev bumps Orton off the apron into the fan barricade, then he follows The Viper out to ringside. Rusev hits a fallaway slam on Orton at ringside into the fan barricade. Back in the ring, Rusev puts the boots to Orton and keeps him grounded. The fight goes back out to ringside and Orton back suplexes Rusev onto the fan barricade. Back in the ring, Rusev comes back with some kicks and then drops some knees on Orton. Rusev misses a splash in the corner, and they start trading punches in the middle of the ring. Orton comes back with some clotheslines, then misses one powerslam but hits a second one. Orton once again goes for the middle rope DDT, but Rusev escapes and hits a fallaway slam. Rusev follows up with a kick to the head for a two count. Rusev goes for the Accolade but Orton rolls away and slides outside to ringside. Rusev rolls outside too and hits a running big boot on Orton. Back in the ring, Rusev goes for a splash off the middle rope, but Orton rolls out of the way. Orton goes for the middle rope DDT and this time he successfully hits it. Orton goes for an RKO but Rusev escapes and tries to set up the Accolade. Orton escapes between Rusev’s legs and immediately hits the RKO for the win.

    – Shane McMahon is seen sitting in a storage area of the arena and contemplating his match tonight against Kevin Owens in the Cell.

    Baron Corbin def. AJ Styles & Tye Dillinger: Styles and Dillinger team up against Corbin in the opening moments. Corbin rolls outside to recover, then Dillinger and Styles start going at it in the ring. Corbin hits the ring again and starts working over Dillinger and Styles. Corbin throws Styles across the ring, then throws him into Dillinger. Corbin starts beating down Dillinger and hitting him with elbow strikes. AJ gets up on the apron but Corbin bumps him off to the floor. Corbin beats down Styles around ringside and whips him into the fan barricade. Back in the ring, Dillinger starts laying into Corbin with chops to the chest. Corbin comes back and drops Dillinger. Styles goes to springboard off the top rope, but Corbin punches him out of the air. Corbin throws Dillinger outside, and Styles gets up to his feet in the ring. Styles tees off on Corbin with a series of strikes until Corbin finally goes down. Styles dumps Corbin outside then knees him in the face from the apron. Back in the ring, Dillinger drops Styles and pummels on him in the corner. Tye knocks Corbin off the apron, then turns his attention to AJ on the corner. Tye goes for the Tyebreaker, but AJ escapes. AJ goes for the Styles Clash, but now Tye escapes. Styles rolls up Tye then locks him in the Calf Crusher. Corbin pulls Tye outside to break the hold, then AJ hits a Phenomenal Forearm from inside the ring down onto Corbin outside. Tye drops AJ at ringside, then Tye and Corbin start fighting in the ring. Corbin slams down Tye, then when AJ tries to springboard into the ring, Corbin catches AJ with a chokeslam backbreaker. Corbin hits splashes on Tye and AJ in opposite corners, but Tye dodges one and starts cleaning house. Corbin drops Tye, then AJ drops Corbin and hits a springboard 450 splash off the top. AJ pins but Tye breaks it up. AJ and Tye trade strikes in the middle of the ring until Tye grabs him for a Tyebreaker attempt. AJ escapes and hits the Phenomenal Forearm on Tye, but then Corbin boots AJ in the face and sends him outside. Corbin steals the pin on Tye for the three count, and we have a new U.S. Champion. Corbin takes his U.S. Title Belt up the ramp and celebrates his win as Tye and AJ look on.

    Charlotte def. Natalya via DQ: Natalya’s Women’s Title is on the line in this one. After some solid back and forth action in the opening moments after the bell, Natalya takes control and starts working on Charlotte’s knee. Charlotte dodges a spear in the corner and rolls up Natalya in a crucifix pin for a two count. Charlotte keeps Natalya grounded, but the challenger is still selling her knee. The fight spills out to ringside and Natalya whips Charlotte into the ring steps knee-first. Back in the ring, Natalya locks Charlotte in the Sharpshooter in the middle of the ring. Charlotte fights out and throws Natalya into the corner. Charlotte goes up top for a moonsault, but Natalya rolls away so Charlotte comes down. Charlotte knocks Natalya out to ringside, then she climbs back up to the top rope. Charlotte comes off the top with a moonsault onto Natalya on the ringside floor. Both women are down and Charlotte is selling her knee. Charlotte goes to take Natalya back in the ring, but Natalya breaks free. The Champion grabs a steel chair and nails Charlotte with it. Natalya continues to pummel on Charlotte’s knee with the steel chair as the ref calls for the bell for a DQ. Natalya holds up her Women’s title belt in the air and talks trash to Charlotte on the ringside floor.

    – It’s time for the return of Fashion Files with Tyler Breeze and Fandango, guest-starring the ascension. The Fashion Police are shown in their office boxing things up. The Ascension walks in wearing disguises and they deliver a tube. Breeze opens the tube, and it’s a photo of The Ascension that reads “we want 2B your friends.” The Police decide that the Ascension are idiots, they smell, and are ugly, so they decline. The Ascension takes off their disguises and they’re sad about the Fashion Police’s comments. Breeze says their disguises were incredible and they had no idea it was them. There’s a knock at the door, and when they open the door there’s a briefcase on the floor. They open it and it glows — they say it’s a new case for them. To be continued next Tuesday.

    Jinder Mahal (c) def. Shinsuke Nakamura: The Singh Brothers come out to the stage to introduce The Modern Day Maharaja, an they’ll be at ringside in his corner. Senior official Charles Robinson holds up the WWE Title in the middle of the ring, an this one is on. Nakamura keeps Jinder at bay with leg kicks early on. Nakamura goes for an arm bar but Jinder reaches the ropes and the ref breaks the hold. Jinder misses a clothesline in the corner and Nakamura walks off. Nakamura dares Jinder to come at him and the champion charges. Nakamura dodges and drops Jinder in the corner then stomps on him. Jinder follows up with a series of knee drops on a grounded Mahal. Mahal rolls outside and Nakamura follows. Jinder whips the challenger into the guard rail then back into the ring. Jinder stomps on the challenger and keeps him grounded with elbow drops. Nakamura comes back with a shot in the corner then a running knee strike. He goes for a back suplex on the Champion, but Jinder fights out and elbows Nakamura in the face. Jinder charges at Nakamura, but Nakamura ducks and dumps Mahal outside. Nakamura follows up with a suicide dive on Mahal, then he drops the Singh Brothers too. Nakamura knees Jinder in the face, then he goes to knee drop Jinder on the apron but Jinder moves and Nakamura crashes onto the floor. Jinder suplexes Nakamura back into the ring then dropkicks him in the head for a two count. Nakamura comes back with some strikes and he sets up for the Kinshasa, but the Singh Brothers get on the apron for the distraction. Nakamura knocks the Singh Brothers off the apron, and Jinder rolls up Nakamura from behind for a two count. The Singh Brothers get on the apron again and Nakamura chases them off. Charles Robinson hops outside and ejects the Singh Brothers from ringside. Meanwhile in the ring, Nakamura hits the Kinshasa on the Champion. Robinson gets back in the ring and Nakamura pins, but Jinder reaches the ropes to break the pin. Jinder rolls outside and they briefly fight into the crowd before returning to the ring. Jinder boots Nakamura in the face, then Nakamura returns the favor. Nakamura goes for the Kinshasa, but Jinder dodges it and comes right back with the Cobra Clutch slam for the three count to win. Jinder is handed his WWE Title as the Singh Brothers return to the ring to celebrate with him. They make their way back up the ramp as Jinder holds his WWE Title up.

    – Kevin Owens does an interview backstage where he says he’s tired of hearing the announcers talk about how the Hell In A Cell is the most twisted, unforgiving structure in WWE. Owens says they need to be worried about him, because he is the most twisted, unforgiving person in WWE, and he can’t wait to enter the structure tonight.

    Bobby Roode def. Dolph Ziggler: Ziggler’s music stops before he comes out from behind the curtain, then as he walks down to the ring the big screens turn off. The opening bell sounds and Roode and Ziggler trade mat wrestling takedowns. Ziggler drops Roode in the corner and starts pummeling on him. Roode fires out of the corner and drops Ziggler with a clothesline, then beats down Ziggler in the corner. Ziggler comes back with a dropkick and a suplex for a two count, then he puts Roode in an arm hold. Ziggler transitions to a sleeper hold, but Roode fights out with a back suplex. Roode comes off the middle rope with a flying elbow, then he hits a side suplex for a two count. Ziggler comes back with a kick and a tornado DDT for a two count. Ziggler goes back to the sleeper hold, but Roode struggles so Ziggler kicks him and hits a variation of the Fame Asser for a two count. Ziggler goes for a superkick, but Roode sidesteps and hits a spinebuster. Ziggler gets up and Roode goes for the Glorious DDT, but Ziggler escapes. Ziggler rolls up Roode for two, which leads to a series of rollup pin attempts with both men grabbing the tights. Roode ends up scoring the three count on Ziggler with a rollup with a fist full of tights. Immediately after the bell, Ziggler runs up behind Roode and hits the Zig Zag. Ziggler walks to the back as the ref checks on Roode in the ring.

    – We see a highlight video recapping the history between Kevin Owens and Shane McMahon, and showing some of Shane’s big falls and jumps from history. The cage lowers and our main event is up next.

    Kevin Owens def. Shane McMahon: Before Owens can even get in the ring, Shane McMahon comes sliding out of the ring with a baseball slide kick. The ref calls for the opening bell as Shane starts beating down Owens at ringside. Owens comes back and whips Shane into the fan barricade, then Owens takes a breather. Shane hops up on the fan barricade and comes jumping off onto Owens. Shane kicks OWens in the head, then they brawl into the ring. The ref locks the cage door. Owens gets the upper hand and bumps Shane off the apron into the cage wall. Owens beats down Shane outside the ring, throwing him into the ring steps. Shane gets caught up in the camera man’s feet and cord at one point. Owens taunts Shane’s kids in the front row as Shane is on the ground. Owens takes Shane back into the ring and continues the punishment. Owens goes up top for a Swanton bomb but Shane gets his knees up to block it. Shane follows up with some strikes on Owens and then kicks him in the corner. Owens fires back with an elbow to the face, but Shane ducks a punch and hits a DDT. Shane goes up top for a shooting star press, but Owens rolls out of the way and Shane crashes down on the mat. Owens goes up top and hits a frogsplash on Shane for a two count. Owens goes for a Pop Up Powerbomb but Shane latches on to Owens and goes for a triangle choke. Owens drags Shane out to the apron with Shane still latched on. Opicks up Shane while in the triangle choke, and he powerbombs Shane down onto the ring steps at ringside. Owens then grabs a table from under the ring and leans it up against the cage wall. Owens lays Shane on the table and goes for a cannonball through the table, but Shane moves and Owens crashes through the table alone. Shane picks up a piece of the table and starts beating on Owens with it. Back in the ring, Shane sits Owens in the corner and puts a trash can in front of him. Shane goes up to the top rope on the opposite corner and hits the Van Terminator on Owens with the trash can. Shane pins but Owens puts his feet up on the bottom rope. Shane rolls out and grabs bolt cutters, then cuts open the cage door. Shane takes Owens outside and Owens hits a low bow then a DDT onto the ramp. Owens picks up Shane and rams him crotch-first into the opened cage door. Owens takes an iPad off the announce table and smashes it on Shane. Owens headbutts Shane onto the table and lays Shane on it. Shane hops up on the fan barricade, but then he looks at the cage and decides that’s a better idea. Owens climbs to the very top of the cage and looks down at Shane. Owens gets to the edge of the cage and appears to be trying to build up the nerves to jump, but doesn’t. The crowd boos and Owens tells them off from the top of the cage. Shane gets off the table and starts climbing the cage. As Shane is climbing up the cage, Owens starts punching Shane and Shane hangs off the wall. Shane finally gets to the roof and squares off with Owens. Shane hits a Russian leg sweep on OWens on the top of the cell. Shane then hits a scoop slam on Owens on the cage roof. They slowly get to their feet and Owens hits a superkick, then he hits a senton bomb on Shane on the cage roof. Owens goes for a powerbomb, but Shane reverses it into a back body drop. Both men get to their feet and trade punches until OWens hits a Pop Up Powerbomb on Shane onto the café roof. Owens picks up Shane but Shane kicks Owens. They trade strikes and stumble around the roof. Owens starts climbing down, then Shane follows and they fight on the cage wall exterior. Shane punches Owens off the cage wall and Owens falls down and crashes through the announce table. Medics and refs check on Owens, but Shane grabs him and puts him on the next announce table over. Shane lays Owens on the next announce table over, then Shane climbs up to the top of the Cell. Shane comes flying off the top of the cage, but Sami Zayn comes out of nowhere and yanks Owens off the table, and Shane crashes through the table on the floor alone. Medics check on Shane, but Zayn shoves the medics aside and throws Owens on top of Shane. Owens pins and the ref counts three, and Owens has won. Shane gets put on a stretcher as Zayn backs away towards the ramp. Owens is slowly helped to his feet by referees, and Shane is stretchered to the back. Shane gives the thumbs up as he’s hauled to the back.

  • WWE SmackDown Live Results & Discussion (10/3)

    WWE SmackDown Live Results & Discussion (10/3)

    The October 3rd, 2017 edition of WWE SmackDown Live took place at the Pepsi Center in Denver, CO.

    – This week’s SmackDown broadcast opens up with the entire roster on the stage for a moment of silence for the victims of the shooting in Las Vegas, NV.

    – Renee Young is in the ring to welcome everyone to SmackDown, then she introduces her guest Shinsuke Nakamura, who will be challenging for Jinder Mahal’s WWE Championship at Hell In A Cell on Sunday. Renee asks Nakamura what he thinks of Jinder Mahal making fun of him, and he says sticks and stones will break his bones but words will never hurt him. Renee says they’ve never seen anyone in WWE like him, and Nakamura adds that he’ll take the WWE Title from Jinder Mahal on Sunday. The Singh Brothers come out to the stage and say they’re sorry for interrupting Shinsuke’s thrilling interview, but they have to introduce Jinder Mahal. They do their usual introduction, but instead of coming out from behind the curtain, Jinder Mahal hits the ring out of nowhere and attacks Nakamura from behind. Nakamura starts to fight back, but the Singh Brothers hit the ring too and the numbers are too much for him. Jinder boots Nakamura in the face, then gives him the cobra clutch slam. Jinder holds his WWE Title belt in the air while Nakamura is down in the ring.

    – Tom Phillips and Corey Graves tell us that Shane McMahon will stand face to face with Kevin Owens later tonight.

    – We see footage from earlier today of Women’s Champion Natalya confronting Carmella & James Ellsworth and warning her not to try cashing in her Money In The Bank contract tonight.

    Natalya & Carmella def. Charlotte & Becky Lynch: Ellsworth is chained up at ringside in Carmella and Natalya’s corner. Charlotte and Becky dump Natalya and Carmella out to ringside early on, and they follow up with baseball slide kicks to the outside. Back in the ring, Natalya squares off against Becky and drops her with a clothesline. Nattie takes Becky back into her corner and stomps a mudhole in her. Natalya keeps Becky grounded with some elbow shows and then a snap suplex. Becky breaks free from Natalya and gets the hot tag to Charlotte. Charlotte cleans house then lays into Natalya with a series of chops to the chest. Charlotte hits a T-bone suplex on Natalya for a two count. Carmella and Becky both run in and then brawl out to ringside. Charlotte spears down Natalya and goes for the Figure Four, but Natalya escapes. Meanwhile at ringside, Carmella nails Becky with the Money In The Bank briefcase. Charlotte sees the briefcase shot, and Natalya takes advantage of the distraction by dropping Charlotte from behind. Natalya follows up with a Sharpshooter for the win via submission.

    – We see a special look back at the history between Kevin Owens and Shane McMahon, including Owens’ attack on Vince.

    – Bobby Roode is shown backstage heading towards the gorilla position.

    Bobby Roode def. Mike Kanellis: Roode backs up Mike into the corner to start off, but Kanellis fires back with kicks and right hands. Roode ducks a punch and answers with a spinebuster. Roode waits for Kanellis to get to his feet, then he hits the Glorious DDT for the win via pinfall after a very short match.

    – After the match, Dolph Ziggler comes out to the stage and says Roode’s entrance is quite a production. Ziggler says he’s been working on ideas for his entrance for their match at Hell In A Cell on Sunday. First Ziggler plays a siren, then he goes behind the curtain and comes out with a big drum. He drops the drum and sets off some noisemakers and an air horn. Ziggler uses the air horn all the way down to the ring, then he steps in. He asks if he fans all like him now, and tells Roode that he thinks his entrance is everything. Ziggler says Roode finally weaseled his way into WWE after all these years, but on Sunday Ziggler will show us an entrance like we’ve never seen before. Ziggler says when the bell rings on Sunday he’ll expose Roode for what he is – nothing more than a fancy entrance. Ziggler drops the mic and walks off, but Roode picks up the mic and stops him. Roode says he thinks Ziggler’s entrances are horrible, then leads the crowd in a “glorious” chant before his music starts.

    – The Usos come out to the ring next to cut a promo on The New Day. They say on Sunday they’ll take the New Day to the Uso Penitentiary, and they make comparisons between the Hell In A Cell cage and a jail. Before they can finish, Tag Team Champions the New Day come down the ramp to interrupt. The New Day promotes their new underwear on WWEShop, then they get into talking about Hell In A Cell. They say that on Sunday, The Usos will find themselves face first in a pile of their own “day one ish.” The New Day steps into the ring, and The Usos back off. The Usos head up the ramp to the back while the Tag Champs taunt them from the ring.

    – WWE Champ Jinder Mahal is backstage cutting a promo in his language for his people. He then switches to English and shows us a clip of him beating down Nakamura earlier. Jinder says that he’s going to do the same thing to Nakamura on Sunday at Hell In A Cell, and is confident that he’ll be standing tall with his WWE Title at the end of the night.

    – It’s announced that The Hype Bros will take on Chad Gable & Shelton Benjamin on the Hell In a Cell Kickoff Show on Sunday.

    Tye Dillinger def. Baron Corbin: Corbin backs Dillinger into the corner with strikes right off the opening bell. Corbin throws Dillinger outside, but Dillinger runs right back in the ring and starts laying into Corbin with punches. Dillinger fires up and hits a superkick on Corbin that sends Corbin rolling out to ringside to recover. AJ Styles is shown watching on a monitor backstage as Corbin comes back with an elbow. Corbin pushes Dillinger off the apron into the ring steps, then he follows him outside. Corbin hangs Tye upside down on the ropes outside the ring, then punches him in the midsection. Corbin throws Tye back in the ring and struts over to him like he knows he’s got this match in the bag. Corbin goes to pick up Tye, but Tye snatches Corbin and rolls him up in a small package pin for the win out of nowhere. Tye rolls out of the ring and retreats up the ramp as Corbin freaks out in the ring.

    – As Tye makes his way backstage, AJ Styles appears on the big screen and cuts a promo on Corbin. Styles taunts Corbin for his recent losses, and says Corbin needs to stop throwing temper tantrums all the time. Styles says Corbin keeps getting in the way of his U.S. Title reign, so on Sunday he’s taking him out.

    – Aiden English and Rusev are in the ring. Rusev gets on the mic, and points out that Randy Orton ruined “Rusev Day” last week. Rusev begins talking about his plans for Orton at Hell In a Cell on Sunday, but then Orton’s music hits and we have a match.

    Randy Orton def. Aiden English: English gets some offense in early on and takes control of the match with a dropkick to the face. Orton ducks a clothesline and English runs off the ropes. Orton throws English up into the air and hits an RKO on him on the way down. Orton rolls up English for the win after a short match.

    – Rusev looks like he’s about to hop in the ring, but Orton sees him and gets right in his face. Rusev backs down and slowly retreats up the ramp, talking trash to Orton who is still in the ring.

    – Sami Zayn approaches Shane McMahon backstage with a warning about Owens. Zayn says that Shane has only gotten a glimpse of what Owens can do when he snaps, and that Owens is in a very bad state of mind. Shane brushes off Zayn and tells him to worry about himself, and Shane will worry about Shane.

    – SmackDown commissioner Shane McMahon makes his way out to the ring next. Shane calls out Owens, and also announces that their Hell In A Cell match on Sunday will be under Falls Count Anywhere rules. We hear Owens on a mic somewhere, but he’s not on the stage. Owens emerges from the crowd, and says that he’s really the money in WWE. Owens walks towards the ring, but then says that he’s spent enough time in Denver as-is and he’s going to leave. As Owens starts walking away, Shane calls him out from the ring and calls him a coward. Shane says that since Owens won’t come to him, he’s going to go to Owens. Shane hops the fan barricade and runs up the steps through the crowd. Shane steps into the arena hallways and gets ambushed by Owens. There are some fans in the hallway cheering on the fight. Owens and Shane brawl all over the arena’s concession stand area until Owens grabs hold of Shane and powerbombs him through a WWE merch table. Owens leaves Shane laying and he starts walking back towards the ring. Owens walks back through the crowd and steps into the ring with a mic. He says if Shane thinks this is bad, he hasn’t seen anything yet. Owens says he’s glad their match will be a falls count anywhere match, because he wants to be able to beat Shane inside or outside the cell. He says he’ll grind Shane’s face across the cage until the flesh is ripped off, and he’ll powerbomb him over and over until he forgets his kids’ names. Owens says Shane can forget about jumping off the cell, because on Sunday he’s throwing Shane off the cell, and there’s no getting up this time. As Owens is talking, Shane stumbles back down the steps through the crowd towards the ring. Owens gets out of the ring and hops the guard rail to meet Shane in the crowd and they start brawling again. Shane throws Owens over the fan barricade then hops up on it for a flying clothesline on Owens. They continue to brawl at ringside until Owens throws Shane over the announce table. Owens gets back in the ring, then Shane slowly follows him in. Owens and Shane start fighting in the ring back and forth now. Owens drops Shane with a superkick then steps outside the ring. Owens sees Shane getting up, so Owens gets back in the ring and grabs him. Shane starts fighting back, but Owens drops him again, this time with a head butt. As referees check on Shane, Owens grabs him again and this time he hits the Pop Up Powerbomb. Owens’ theme music hits and he walks to the back as referees check on Shane in the ring.

  • WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (10/2)

    WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (10/2)

    The October 2nd edition of WWE RAW took place at the Pepsi Center in Denver, CO.

    – This week’s RAW broadcast opens up with the entire locker room, including Vince and Shane McMahon, on the stage for a moment of silence for the victims of the shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada.

    – We see a recap of Braun Strowman beating Dean Ambrose last week, and our first match of the night is up next to kick off the show.

    Braun Strowman def. Seth Rollins: Strowman overpowers Rollins early on, and tosses him through the air down to the mat. Strowman whips Rollins into the corner and chokes him with his boot. Rollins starts to mount a comeback and he climbs up to the top rope, but Strowman grabs him and throws him off. Strowman charges at Rollins but Rollins ducks and Strowman falls outside. Strowman goes to follow up with a suicide dive, but Strowman punches Rollins out in mid-air. Strowman beats down Rollins around ringside until Rollins stuns him with a knee, then Rollins follows up with a successful suicide dive. Rollins rolls Strowman back in the ring, then he hits a flying clothesline off the top. Rollins hits a second flying clothesline, then goes up top and hits a Blockbuster on Strowman for a two count. Rollins hits a superkick, then another one. Rollins picks up Strowman, but Strowman lays him out with a short-arm clothesline. Strowman follows up with a running powerslam for the win.

    – After the match, Strowman gives another running powerslam to Rollins. As Strowman is about to leave, he turns around to back to Rollins. Dean Ambrose runs in for the save, but Strowman drops him too. Strowman hits two chokeslams on Ambrose, and then a running powerslam to the other half of the RAW Tag Champs. The ref checks on Ambrose as Strowman makes his way to the back. Sheamus and Cesaro walk down the ramp next and head towards Rollins and Ambrose in the ring. Cesaro plants Ambrose with a Neutralizer, then Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick on Rollins. The Bar poses over the Tag Champs before leaving.

    – Mickie James is walking backstage and she runs into Alicia Fox and Emma, who both trash her, then tell her a secret admirer left a surprise in her dressing room. Mickie walks in and finds a box of Depends and a walker, and she throws them down in rage. She walks out to find Alexa Bliss, but Nia Jax opens Alexa’s door instead. Mickie says she wants Bliss, but instead Bliss offers Nia for a match tonight instead. Nia smirks and Mickie walks off.

    – Bray Wyatt is sitting in a foggy room in a rocking chair. He cuts a promo saying “she” told him to put his bow & arrow down, and goins on about how “she” would never lie to him.

    – Elias is backstage getting ready to head to the gorilla position.

    – Elias is in the ring for a song about Denver, but he gets interrupted by Titus O’Neil and we have a match.

    – Elias def. Titus O’Neil: Apollo Crews is at ringside in Titus’ corner. They start off with a collar and elbow tie up, which leads to Titus shoving Elias down to the mat. They lock up again and Elias takes control this time. Titus comes back and throws Elias in the corner and unloading with strikes. Titus slams Elias down, then hits a splash in the corner. Titus hits a big boot that sends Elias to the floor. Elias shoves Crews at ringside, then Crews starts to give chase until the referee warns him. Elias hits a cheap shot on Titus, then follows up with the Drift Away for the win. Crews confronts Elias after the match, but Elias backs out and retreats up the ramp.

    – Mickie is backstage getting ready for her match with Nia Jax.

    – We see a video promoting Asuka’s debut on October 22nd.

    Mickie James def. Nia Jax via DQ: Before the match, RAW Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss comes out to watch from ringside. Mickie gets distracted by Alexa early on, and Nia drops her with a clothesline. Nia tosses Mickie around the ring and takes control of the match. Mickie tires to come back, but Nia beats her back down and throws her around the ring again. Nia chokes Mickie over the middle rope as Bliss taunts Mickie from ringside. Nia puts Mickie in a bear hug for a while, then hits a knee drop. Mickie tries to fire up again, but Nia headbutts her down. Mickie unloads with a series of kicks, but gets tackled down by Nia. Nia tries to keep Mickie grounded, then goes for a powerbomb. Mickie escapes and starts chopping down Nia with strikes. Nia pushes Mickie into the corner, but Mickie comes back with kicks and then a tornado DDT off the top. Mickie covers, but Alexa Bliss runs in and breaks the pin up. The ref calls for the bell, and Nia is disqualified.

    – After the bell, Bliss beats down Mickie and takes her out to ringside. Mickie comes back with a kick to the face that drops the Women’s Champion. Nia is now getting to her feet, and Mickie talks some trash to her before heading backstage.

    – Enzo Amore is with an interviewer backstage who asks him what it feels like to have the whole division against him. Enzo is speechless and looks sad, and he doesn’t say a word.

    – Mickie does an interview backstage where she mentions wanting to win the RAW Women’s title. RAW GM Kurt Angle walks in and grants her a Title shot at the TLC PPV.

    – We see video footage from earlier in the night of Anderson and Gallows approaching Matt Hardy and Jason Jordan backstage and call them nerds.

    Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson def. Matt Hardy and Jason Jordan: Hardy goes at it with Anderson to start off. Anderson backs Hardy up into the corner and Gallows tags in. Hardy fires up and tags in Jordan, then Jordan spears Gallows into the corner. Gallows comes back with an elbow to the face, and he follows up with strikes to the body. Jordan starts to fire up and Anderson runs in, but Hardy meets him and drops Anderson with the Side Effect. Hardy and Jordan clear the ring as we go to commercial. Anderson mounts a comeback and starts working over Hardy. Gallows tags in and continues the beat down on Hardy. Anderson tags back in and Hardy gets off a shot on him, then tags in Jordan. Jordan starts working over Anderson until Gallows gets the tag. Gallows drops Jordan with a big punch and tries to keep him grounded. Anderson tags in and Jordan catches him with a suplex. Hardy and Gallows tag back in and Matt gets the upper hand. Matt repeatedly slams Gallows into the turnbuckles, then hits a Tornado DDT. Matt hits an elbow drop off the middle rope, but Anderson breaks up the pin. Jordan throws Anderson outside and follows him down. Anderson throws Jordan into the barricade, and then in the ring Gallows escapes a Twist of Fate. Gallows hits a splash on Hardy in the corner, then Anderson tags in and they hit the Magic Killer on Hardy for the win.

    – Roman Reigns does an interview backstage where he’s asked about what happened earlier tonight with Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and The Bar. Reigns says he’s not surprised that The Bar wanted to make a statement. Reigns says he’s sure Rollins and Ambrose are already making a plan for revenge next week. Reigns says he’s focused on his match with The Miz tonight, and leaving with the Intercontinental Title.

    – Dana Warrior is in the ring for a segment with three breast cancer survivors. The entire RAW women’s roster is also in the ring for the segment. Dana talks about later WWE Hall of Famer The Ultimate Warrior and how strong the survivors are. She presents them with custom title belts and they shake the ropes to end the segment.

    Roman Reigns def. The Miz (c) via DQ: The Miz’s Intercontinental Title is on the line in this one. Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas are at ringside in the Miz’s corner. The Miztourage mocks The Shield’s old entrance on their way to the ring. During the formal ring introductions, Roman Reigns spontaneously decides to deliver Superman punches to Axel and Dallas on the floor, then hits the Drive By on both of them. Reigns grabs a steel chair and chases Axel through the crowd to the stage, then drops him with a chair shoot. Dallas attacks Reigns from behind and drops him on the stage. Dallas grabs the chair, but Reigns hops up and hits the Superman punch on Dallas. Reigns unloads with chair shots on both Axel and Dallas until referees pull him off. Reigns heads back to the ring to officially start the match, as The Miz looks on with concern. Back in the ring, this one officially starts. The Miz gets a shot in right as the opening bell sounds, and the fight quickly spills out to ringside. Reigns sends Miz into the barrier a few times and stomps on him before bringing the Champion back into the ring. Miz rolls right back out and tries to buy some time, but Reigns follows. Miz hits a punch on Reigns then whips him into the steel steps. Miz throws Reigns over the fan barricade into the crowd, and leaves Reigns laying outside while he returns to the ring. Reigns makes it back to the ring right before the referee’s ten count, but then The Miz immediately hits a DDT. Miz continues to beat down Reigns, and hits a running boot to the face for a two count. Reigns starts to fight back, but Miz drops him with another big boot then chokes Reigns over the middle rope. Miz delivers a series of kicks to Reigns while the challenger is on his knees, but Reigns catches one of them and delivers a powerbomb to Miz. Miz kicks out at 2. Reigns goes for the Superman punch but misses, and Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale for a two count. Miz gets up and charges at Reigns, but Reigns stops him with a Superman punch for a 2 count. Reigns gets ready for a spear, but Cesaro and Sheamus run in out of nowhere and pull Reigns out of the ring. Sheamus and Cesaro beat down Reigns at ringside as the ref calls for the DQ, and The Miz retains his IC Title.

    – The Bar continues to beat down Reigns at ringside, before bringing him back into the squared circle for more punishment. The Miz joins in on the beat down. Cesaro hits the Neutralizer, Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick, and then Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale, all on Reigns. As the heels start to leave, the crowd chants for The Shield, so Sheamus and Cesaro decide to give Reigns a Shield-style powerbomb. They lay out Reigns and stand over him doing the fist bump. The Miz’s music hits and they stand tall over Reigns before leaving.

    – Former Universal Champion Finn Balor makes his way out to the ring and cuts a promo on Bray Wyatt. Balor says he doesn’t like to talk, he likes to come out and fight, while Wyatt just likes to play mind games. Balor says if Wyatt did have the whole world in his hands, he wouldn’t know what to do with it, and that he’s not a God he’s a coward. Balor says Wyatt is afraid of him, and knows he can’t beat Balor despite the games. Balor challenges Wyatt to come out and fight right now, but instead Wyatt appears on the big screen. Wyatt repeats “she never lied to me,” then says Balor did lie to him. Wyatt says Sister Abigail is alive and wants to meet Balor. Wyatt appears to turn into a zombie-looking version of himself. Wyatt starts laughing, and then we hear a woman’s laugh mix in with Wyatt’s, then we go to commercial.

    – We see another video promoting Asuka’s upcoming debut at TLC featuring comments from the other female talent.

    Sasha Banks and Bayley def. Emma and Alicia Fox: Emma slaps Sasha across the face early on, and Sasha comes right back with strikes. After a couple moments of back and forth action, Sasha drops Emma on her face and keeps her grounded. Sasha poses before tagging in Bayley, who drops Emma again and rolls around on her to keep her down. Emma gets frustrated and fights her way to her feet to drop Bayley with a clothesline. Emma yells about Bayley trying to embarrass her, then works over Bayley with strikes in the corner. Bayley hulks up and slams Emma into the turnbuckles a few times. Fox distracts Bayley from the apron, which leads to Emma getting a cheap shot on Bayley. Fox tags in and they double team Bayley, then Fox dropkicks Sasha off the apron. Sasha tags in and trades strikes with Fox until Sasha eventually gets the upper hand. Sasha hits a dropkick and double knee strike for a two count. Emma distracts Sasha from the apron, and Alicia drops Sasha from behind. Emma tags in and hits some kicks on Sasha, then a butterfly suplex for a 2 count. Fox comes back in and hits a backbreaker on Sasha for another 2 count. Fox gets frustrated and Emma tags back in. Emma stomps on Sasha in the corner and Fox gets a cheap shot on The Boss. Fox tags in next and works on keeping Banks grounded. Fox goes for another backbreaker, but Sasha escapes. Banks scrambles for the tag, but Fox cuts her off. Sasha kicks Fox off and Fox bumps into Emma. Bayley gets the hot tag and unloads offense on Fox. Fox comes back with a jawbreaker and goes to tag Emma, but Emma pulls her hand away and walks away from the ring. Fox turns around and walks right into a belly to belly suplex from Bayley. Bayley pins and scores the win for her team. Bayley checks on Sasha after the match as Emma looks on from the stage.

    – We see a recap of Enzo Amore’s feud with the rest of the cruiserweight division, and footage of Braun Strowman’s post-RAW attack on Enzo last week.

    – It’s announced that The Bar will be on Miz TV next week.

    – WWE Cruiserweight Champion Enzo Amore is out next and he’s got a mic. Enzo says he wants to get right down to business, and he tells the entire cruiserweight division to go to hell. He says anyone who agrees with them can go to hell too. Enzo says he’s puttiinig 205 Live on the map, and he’s also been the main event of RAW two weeks in a row. Enzo takes shots at the members of the Cruiserweight division, and says everyone is jealous of him. Enzo says in addition to his no-contact clause last week, he has more protection in place tonight — if any wrestlers touch him tonight, they’ll be fired. Enzo says it’s lonely at the top and continues talking trash until Neville interrupts. Several other cruiserweights walk out with Neville. Enzo continues talking trash as more cruiserweights come out to ringside. The other cruiserweights hop on the ring apron as Enzo makes fun of each of them individually. Enzo dares every one of them to touch him and see what happens, and with that, RAW GM Kurt Angle interrupts. Angle comes out to the stage and says Enzo does have a protection contract in place, but that doesn’t apply to his new signing for the cruiserweight division – Kalisto. Kalisto has left SmackDown for RAW, and he comes down the ramp and makes a B-line for Enzo. Kalisto hits the ring and ducks a clothesline, then drops Enzo with a kick to the head. Kalisto beats down Enzo and hits the Salida Del Sol. Kalisto leads the crowd in a “lucha” chant as the other cruiserweights look on in approval.

    – Roman Reigns is backstage selling the beating he took earlier in the night. Ambrose walks in and we hear the fans start a “shield” chant in the arena. Reigns stands up, and Rollins walks in yet. The Shield appears to have reunited as they exchange looks. Ambrose and Rollins leave together as Reigns looks on and RAW goes off the air.

  • WWE SmackDown Live Results & Discussion (9/26)

    WWE SmackDown Live Results & Discussion (9/26)

    The September 26th edition of WWE SmackDown Live took place at the Gile River Arena in Glendale, AZ.

    – Kevin Owens comes out to the ring first to kick off this week’s SmackDown broadcast. Owens steps in the ring with a mic and calls out Shane McMahon. Owens says he’s been hearing all week about how Shane is going to take action tonight, but he doesn’t see him. Owens says this is Shane’s opportunity to come out to the ring and face him, but Shane isn’t there. Owens says he has nothing but respect for Vince McMahon and he likes Vince. He says we saw what he did to someone he actually respects, and at Hell In A Cell we’ll see what Owens does to someone he doesn’t respect. Sami Zayn’s music hits and he comes out to interrupt. Zayn steps in the ring and gets on the mic, and says that Owens has snapped and lost control of himself. Zayn says after head-butting Vince, Owens is crossing a line that he can’t come back from. Zayn says Owens needs to get a grip and stop what he’s doing right now. Owens says he’s cool and hasn’t lost his mind, and the only reason Zayn is out here is because Owens has once again outshined him. Owens says Zayn has never made the kind of impact that he’s made. Zayn says his career isn’t going as great as Owens’, but when his day comes he’ll do it the right way and he’ll be able to look at himself in the mirror. Zayn says when Owens looks in the mirror there is a giant piece of trash looking back at him. They drop their mics, then Daniel Bryan comes out to interrupt. Bryan quickly books a match between Owens and Zayn, and that will happen tonight!

    – Rusev will be holding a “Pride of Bulgaria” celebration tonight.

    Baron Corbin def. Tye Dillinger: Before this one starts, the lights go out and United States Champion AJ Styles makes his way out to ringside. AJ joins the commentary table, and Corbin stares him down. Dillinger takes advantage of the distraction and throws Corbin to the outside. Corbin recovers and rolls back inside and the ref starts this one. The fight spills back out to ringside early on where Corbin repeatedly throws Dillinger into the fan barricade. Back in the ring, Corbin goes for a suplex but Tye reverses into a rollup for a two count. Corbin grabs Dillinger and hits the chokeslam backbreaker. Corbin goes for another one but Tye escapes and hits a superkick. Tye follows up with a knee to the face for a two count. Corbin rolls outside and Tye follows. Corbin shoves Tye off and charges at him, but Tye dodges and Corbin crashes into the ring steps. Back in the ring, Tye goes for the TyeBreaker, but Corbin escapes and rolls outside. Corbin walks over to the announce table and throws a cup of water in AJ Styles’ face, then he throws Tye into AJ and they both fall over the announce table. Dillinger is slow to get up from the fall over the announce table, and the ref counts him out. When Tye tries to get back in the ring, Corbin boots him in the face back down to the floor. AJ runs in the ring and Corbin retreats up the ramp. Corbin gets on the mic on the stage, and says he knew AJ and Tye would work together. Corbin says everyone knows AJ can’t beat him one on one, and says he doesn’t need to take any shortcuts against AJ. Corbin says he wants AJ at Hell In A Cell, and he’ll take the US Title.

    – WWE Champion Jinder Mahal and the Singh Brothers are shown backstage walking through the arena.

    – Back from commercial, Mahal and the Singh Brothers are in the ring. Jinder gets on the mic and begins cutting a promo about his Hell In A Cell opponent Shinsuke Nakamura. Jinder says last week he may have gone a little too far in making fun of Nakamura, but he does respect him. He says unlike last week, this week he’s going to compliment Nakamura. Jinder says Nakamura was upset about his comments last week, and he does the same gag where he shows pictures of Nakamura on the big screen and makes fun of him. Nakamura shows up on the big screen, then the lights go out and he makes his entrance to confront the WWE Champion and the Singh Brothers. The Singh Brothers charge at Nakamura on the ramp, but Nakamura lays them both out. Jinder Mahal runs over and cheap-shots Nakamura from behind. Jinder beats down Nakamura at ringside then throws him in the ring. In the ring, Nakamura hits a knee and a kick to Mahal, then he goes for the Kinshasa but the Singh Brothers run in and distract him. Nakamura lays out the Singh Brothers, then Jinder grabs Nakamura from behind. Nakamura escapes from Jinder and kicks him down, then hits the Kinshasa. Jinder and the Singh Brothers recover at ringside before retreating up the ramp.

    – The New Day comes out to the ring with a bunch of snacks to watch the Usos vs. The Hype Bros up next.

    The Usos def. The Hype Bros: Mojo spears Jimmy Uso into the corner early on, then drops him with a shoulder block. Mojo gets distracted and Jimmy takes out Mojo’s knee, then both Usos take turns stomping a mud hole in Mojo. Mojo comes back with a suplex on Jimmy, then Ryder gets the hot tag. Ryder cleans house, then he goes up to the middle rope. Mojo tags himself in, and Ryder takes issue with this. Ryder and Mojo in the corner, then Jimmy pushes Mojo into Ryder and knocks Ryder down to the floor. Jimmy follows up with a superkick and a splash on Mojo for the win. After the match, the Usos cut a promo on The New Day and say they belong to be sitting on the sidelines watching like the rest of the chump fans. Big E takes a mic out of his popcorn bucket and hands it to Kofi. Kofi says The Usos talk a pretty big game for two guys who just lost the tag titles to them. The New Day then proposes that they defend their Tag Titles against the Usos inside a Hell In a Cell structure at the HIAC pay-per-view. The Usos seem to accept the idea and walk off.

    – Aiden English is in the ring to introduce the the mayor of Rusev’s hometown Plovdiv, and then he introduces Rusev. English also sings the Bulgarian National Anthem while Rusev comes down the ramp. Rusev steps up onto a podium, and then English holds open a scroll for the Plovdiv mayor to read from. He honors Rusev in their language, and then offer a “key to the city” to Rusev from his hometown. He also declares September 26th as “Rusev Day.” Rusev now gets on the mic and shows a replay of him beating Randy Orton last week. Rusev says last week, everyone saw the lion from Bulgaria rip the fangs out of the viper’s mouth. Rusev says he has destroyed the legend of The Legend Killer, and declares SmackDown Live as his jungle now. Aiden English then informs us that he’s prepared a song in honor of Rusev Day. English sings about Rusev Day until Randy Orton runs in out of nowhere and hits an RKO on English. Rusev jumps off the podium and hits Orton, but Orton gets back up and hits an RKO on Rusev too. The Plovdiv mayor hits the road while Orton poses on the turnbuckles.

    – Daniel Bryan is backstage with Sami Zayn. Bryan says he just got off the phone with Shane, and he’s on his way to the building right now. Bryan says Shane is coming for Owens tonight, and Zayn says that he doesn’t want Shane interfering in his match tonight. Zayn asks Bryan to tell Shane to let him have his shot at Owens tonight, and Bryan says he’ll try.

    – Randy Orton is shown walking backstage, and he tells Renee Young that if she sees Rusev, to tell him that Orton wants him at Hell In A Cell. Orton wishes her a Happy Rusev Day and walks off.

    Charlotte def. Carmella: Ellsworth is at ringside on a leash chained up to the ring post. The opening bell rings and Charlotte drops Carmella early on, but Carmella kicks her away. Charlotte gets up on the turnbuckle, but Ellsworth grabs her by the ankle and Carmella runs over and hits a Frankensteiner on Charlotte. Charlotte comes back with some chops to the chest, then she throws Carmella outside. Charlotte rolls outside and drops Ellsworth, then Carmella hits a superkick on Charlotte. Back in the ring, Carmella stomps a mudhole in Charlotte in the corner then hits a hurricanrana. Carmella throws Charlotte down by the hair and the ref warns her. Carmella goes up top and hits a cross body for a two count. Carmella pushes Charlotte into the corner, then hits a big boot. Charlotte ducks a shot and rolls up Carmella for a two count. Charlotte follows up with a big boot to the face for the three count.

    – After the match, Natalya comes out to the stage and cuts a promo on Charlotte. Natalya says she’s glad Ric Flair is recovering so he can see his overrated daughter get beaten by Natalya at Hell In A Cell.

    – It’s announced that The Fashion Files with Fandango and Tyler Breeze will return to SmackDown next week.

    – The Undertaker’s gong sounds and the lights go out. The Undertaker’s entrance queues up and a man in a trenchcoat and big hat comes out, but of course it’s Dolph Ziggler and not the Undertaker. Ziggler steps in the ring and gets on the mic. He asks the fans if they really thought they’d see the Undertaker twice in one year. Ziggler says anyone can walk out like a zombie, but no one can do what he does in the ring. As Ziggler is ranting, he gets interrupted by Bobby Roode’s entrance music. Roode makes his way down to the ring and gets on the mic. Roode says Ziggler is amazing in the ring, but he’s also a hypocrite for wasting the fans’ time with these entrances while saying he doesn’t care what they think. Roode says since Ziggler wants to say he’s the best performer in WWE history, Roode wants to find out, and challenges him to a match at Hell In A Cell. Ziggler says Roode has the flashy robe and entrance light show, but he can’t match Ziggler in the ring. Ziggler says Roode is everything that’s wrong with WWE, and he accepts Roode’s challenge. Ziggler starts to say that anyone who steps in the ring with him will “rest in peace,” but Roode cuts him off and says Hell In A Cell will be absolutely glorious.

    Kevin Owens def. Sami Zayn via stoppage: Referee Charles Robinson calls for the opening bell and both men immediately start throwing punches at each other. Owens drops Zayn and starts stomping on him, then picks him up for a short-arm clothesline. Owens hits a cannonball in the corner, then takes Zayn outside and throws him into the fan barricade. Back in the ring, Zayn comes back with a clothesline, but Owens grabs the tights and throws Zayn right back outside. Shane McMahon is shown on the big screen arriving at the arena. In the ring, Owens hits a superkick and goes for a powerbomb, but Zayn escapes and hits a tornado DDT on Owens. Owens hits another superkick on Zayn and goes for the Pop Up Powerbomb, but Zayn escapes and hits the Blue Thunder Bomb. Owens rolls outside and Zayn hits a suicide dive on him, then rolls Owens back in the ring. Owens immediately rolls back out the other side of the ring. Zayn goes to leap through the ropes at Owens, but Owens stops him with a superkick. Owens drags Zayn out to ringside and then powerbombs Zayn onto the corner of the ring apron. Charles Robinson is not having it and he calls off the match after deeming that Zayn is unfit to continue. Zayn is laying on the ringside floor selling the powerbomb. Medics haul off Zayn while Owens watches on from ringside. They almost have Zayn to the ramp, but Owens charges and tackles Zayn and the medics carrying him. Owens grabs a steel chair and opens it, then puts Zayn’s head into the open part. Before Owens can slam Zayn down with the chair on him, Shane McMahon comes out for the save. Shane sprints down the ramp, but Owens shoves Sami at Shane, and the chair around Zayn’s head hits Shane in the face. Owens runs through the crowd as Shane gets to his feet. Shane gets in the ring and stares down Owens up in the crowd. SmackDown goes off the air with Shane telling Owens to come back to the ring, but Owens keeps going through the crowd.

  • WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (9/25)

    WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (9/25)

    The September 25th edition of WWE RAW took place at the Citizens Bank Business Arena in Ontario, CA.

    – Tonight’s broadcast kicks off with The Miz, Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel in the ring for Miz TV. The Miz first gloats about his victory at No Mercy 2017 last night, and then he welcomes his guest who also won at the pay-per-view last night: Roman Reigns. Reigns comes down to the ring and sits down with The Miz. Miz asks about Cena, and Reigns says he respects Cena now. Reigns says Cena has been holding down the fort for 15 years and no other top guys in wrestling can say that. Reigns says last night was his biggest win ever, and he’s still sore and tired so he’s not sure why he’s sitting here talking to Miz. Miz says he is the one who is truly the guy, because he’s the one in the ring with a title belt. Miz says Jason Jordan is a loser, but Reigns disagrees and says if not for Axel and Dallas helping him, there is no way Miz could beat Jordan. The Miz says if he started the Miztourage five years ago nobody would remember The Shield. Miz asks what would happen if the Miztourage faced the Shield, and Reigns says the Shield would beat their asses. Reigns says his sights are set on the Universal Championship, and Miz takes offense to Reigns bringing up another champion in front of him. Miz says he’s the only one in the ring with a belt and he should be respected. Reigns says he’ll fight Miz right here and now, but Miz says he’s not dressed to wrestle. Miz says he also has a pregnant wife at home who needs him, so they have to leave. Before The Miz can make it to the back, Kurt Angle interrupts and says to tell Maryse he’s going to be late tonight, because the Miz is going to face Reigns tonight. Angle says Dallas and Axel can stay in the ring, because they have to face Matt Hardy and Jason Jordan right now!

    Jason Jordan & Matt Hardy def. Bo Dallas & Curtis Axel: Jeff Hardy is at ringside in Matt’s corner. Jordan starts off against Dallas and immediately drops him with a suplex. Jordan delivers some elbows to Dallas, then Axel tags in and Jordan slams him into the corner. Jordan follows up with a Northern Lights suplex on Axel. Matt Hardy tags in and gets a loud ovation from the crowd. Matt drops Axel with a Russian leg sweep, then he follows up with a series of leg drops. Dallas runs in, but Matt and Jason clean house and dump both Miztourage members outside. Jordan throws Dallas into the fan barricade, but then Axel comes flying off the apron with a clothesline to Jordan at ringside. Back in the ring, Axel and Dallas double team Jordan briefly to take control of the match. Dallas hits a clothesline and a knee strike, then he whips him to Dallas for another knee to the body for a two count. Matt gets the hot tag and headbutts Dallas, then repeatedly slams his head into the turnbuckle. Matt follows up with a clothesline and a bulldog for a two count. Matt goes up to the middle rope and hits a flying elbow on Dallas. Matt hits a neckbreaker for a two count. He goes for a Twist of Fate, but Dallas escapes and rolls up Matt. Matt gets out and hits the Side Effect, but Axel breaks up the pin. Jordan runs in and spears both Dallas at Axel, then suplexes Axel. Matt hits the Twist of Fate on Dallas for the three count. Matt and Jordan high five after the match, and Jeff climbs in to celebrate with them.

    – Still to come, Roman Reigns vs. The Miz, and an in-depth look at last night’s Universal Title match between Brock Lesnar and Braun Strowman.

    – We go to the broadcast table where Corey Graves introduces a video package highlighting Brock Lesnar’s win over Braun Strowman at No Mercy last night.

    – Elias is in the ring for a song about Apollo Crews being a loser, and says Titus Worldwide will fail. Elias sings that this town is an awful place, and then he’s interrupted by Crews’ entrance.

    Elias def. Apollo Crews: Titus is at ringside in Apollo’s corner. Collar and elbow tie-up to start. Crews backs Elias into the corner and Elias answers with an elbow to the face. They trade headlocks until Crews backflips away from Elias then hits Elias with a dropkick. Crews fires up and delivers a kick to the head of Elias that sends him outside. Crews hits a suicide dive onto Elias outside, then he chest-bumps Titus in celebration. Elias hits Titus in the knee, so Crews grabs Elias and throws him back in the ring. Crews checks on Titus before rolling back in the ring. Elias boots Crews in the face as soon as he rolls in, then he hits his finisher for the win. Titus climbs in the ring and briefly brawls with Elias before Elias rolls out of the ring and retreats up the ramp.

    – Finn Balor is backstage for an interview where he thanks Bray Wyatt for pushing him last night. Balor says he hopes Wyatt has a sense of humility, not just for him but also for Goldust and the other people Wyatt mistreated. Balor says now that he’s done with Wyatt, his goal is back on getting the Universal Championship back.

    – Curt Hawkins is in the ring where he says he’s sick and tired of being the guy with the losing streak, so that all ends tonight. Hawkins asks who wants to make history with him tonight, and then Braun Strowman’s music hits.

    Braun Strowman vs. Curt Hawkins – No Contest: Strowman charges down to the ring and Hawkins rolls out of the ring. Hawkins starts leaving through the crowd, but Strowman jumps the barricade and chases Hawkins around the stage. Strowman grabs Hawkins and chokeslams him through a table. He throws Hawkins onto the stage and Hawkins begs for mercy. Strowman picks up Hawkins and hits a running powerslam through one of the screens on the stage. Refs check on Hawkins while Strowman storms back down to the ring. Strowman gets on the mic and says after last night he’s on a warpath, and he asks who is going to come out and give him a fight tonight. Dean Ambrose’s music hits and he appears to be challenging Strowman. Ambrose makes his way down to the ring, and we have a match.

    Braun Strowman def. Dean Ambrose: Strowman takes control of this one early on. Ambrose keeps taunts Strowman to bring it on and slaps Strowman across the face a couple times. Strowman hits some headbutts on Ambrose then throws him outside. Strowman whips Ambrose into the fan barricade, but Ambrose comes back with a poke to the eye then he shoves Strowman into the fan barricade. Back in the ring, Ambrose pummels on Strowman, then manages to throw Strowman outside. Ambrose comes flying out of the ring into Strowman at ringside and Ambrose hits a tornado DDT on the monster among men. Back in the ring, Ambrose continues bringing the offense to Strowman. Strowman goes for a chokeslam, but Ambrose escapes. Strowman goes for a spear in the corner but misses and hits the ring post. Ambrose goes for a flying elbow on Strowman, but Strowman catches him and hits a running powerslam for the three count.

    – Kurt Angle is backstage talking to the ref for tonight’s Roman Reigns vs. Miz match. Angle tells the ref to watch out for the Miztourage tonight, and then he’s interrupted by Enzo. Enzo says he’s a star and should get a celebration tonight for his Cruiserweight Title win last night. Angle says he’ll give him a celebration tonight then goes to offer him some advice from a Hall of Famer, but Enzo declines the advice.

    – Dean Ambrose is backstage selling his beating from Braun Strowman. Rollins asks Ambrose to stop being so self destructive so they can focus on defending the Tag Titles. Rollins says he’s going to challenge Strowman to a match next week, but tonight, he’s facing Sheamus.

    – Alexa Bliss is out to the ring next for a promo. She says she’s disappointed in the whole WWE Universe because the fans don’t respect her for beating four women last night at No Mercy. Mickie James comes down to interrupt and calls out Alexa for talking trash on RAW Talk last night. Mickie challenges Alexa to say what she said last night on RAW Talk. Alexa says it’s been years since Mickie has been relevant, and she doesn’t want to see Mickie break a hip in a match against her. Mickie challenges her again to say it to her face, but Alexa seems to back down. Mickie says either she says it, or she leaves the ring because the WWE ring is no place for a coward. Alexa calls Mickie an old lady, so Mickie slaps her across the face and kicks her in the head.

    – We’re shown another video package promoting Asuka’s debut at TLC on October 22nd.

    Seth Rollins def. Sheamus: Cesaro is at ringsie for this one. It’s all Sheamus on the offensive in the opening moments of this one. Rollins takes Sheamus outside and the brawl around ringside, then taunts Cesaro. Back in the ring, Rollins springboards in but Sheamus catches him nad hits the Irish Curse backbreaker. Sheamus stays in control and beats down Rollins all over the ring, then powerbombs Rollins. Sheamus hits a knee to the face on the apron that draws a big reaction from the crowd. Back in the ring, Sheamus goes up top and comes flying off, but Rollins dodges him and hits a superkick. Rollins follows up with a knee to the face for the win.

    – Finn Balor is backstage and he walks into Goldust. Goldust is now back in facepaint, and he’s not pleased with Balor. Goldust asks Balor what gives him the right to take shots at him, and says he’s not a victim. Goldust says he doesn’t need Balor’s help, he can do it by himself. Balor says he considers Goldust a friend and he wants to sincerely apologize for offending him. Goldust extends his hand to fist bump Balor, but instead he slaps Balor across the face. Goldust beats down Balor all over the hallway, then quotes The Godfather 2 before leaving. Goldust walks off as Balor is laying on the ground.

    Roman Reigns def. The Miz: Axel and Dallas are out at ringside in Miz’s corner. Reigns starts off with a right hand on The Miz, and the IC Champion rolls outside to recover. Back in the ring, Reigns goes back to work on The Miz, but Axel cheap-shots Reigns from behind while the ref isn’t looking. The Miz capitalizes and stomps on Reigns before putting him in a headlock. Reigns fights out and drops Miz with a right hand. The Miz throws Reigns outside and Miz distracts the ref while Axel and Dallas beat down Reigns at ringside. Back in the ring The Miz hits a series of dropkicks in the corner, but Reigns dodges one and plants The Miz with a Samoan Drop. Reigns delivers a series of clotheslines to Miz in the corner, then hits a big boot to the face. Reigns gets distracte by the Miztourage at ringside, and Miz capitalizes with a running clothesline onto Reigns in the corner. The Miz delivers a series of kicks to a grounded Reigns. Reigns blocks a kick and goes for a powerbomb, but The Miz escapes. Reigns hits The Miz with a superman punch, then Reigns decks both Axel and Dallas. The Miz comes back with a kick and a DDT for a two count. The Miz attempts a Skull Crushing Finale, but Reigns throws Miz off and spears him for the three count.

    – After the match, Dallas and Axel attack Reigns from behind. Dallas and Axel take turns stomping on Reigns as The Miz recovers. Reigns fights off Dallas and Axel, then he hits the Superman punch on Miz. Reigns goes for a powerbomb on Miz, but Axel and Dallas nail Reigns with steel chairs. They repeatedly beat Reigns with the steel chairs Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Reigns. The Miztourage starts heading to the back, but then The Miz changes his mind and decides to punish Reigns come more. Miz, Dallas and Axel hit the ring again and deliver more steel chair shots to Reigns. Miz gives Reigns a Skull Crushing Finale onto a steel chair, then Miz hits Reign with another steel chair while he’s down. The Miztourage does the Shield fist-bump above Reigns before leaving.

    – Finn Balor is backstage getting ready to come out to the ring, he’s got a match with Goldust up next.

    Finn Balor def. Goldust: Balor and Goldust start throwing hands right off the opening bell. The fight spills out to ringside early on where Balor beats down Goldust around the ring. Goldust comes back by throwing Balor into the ring post, then he throws Balor into the fan barricade. Back in the ring, Balor and Goldust trade strikes. Balor goes to springboard off the turnbuckle, but Goldust kicks him in the sternum and then delivers a spinebuster for a two count. Goldust pummels on Balor and does some of his old school taunts. Balor attempts a suplex but he drops Goldust and sells a rib injury. Balor does hit a Pele kick, then he trips up Goldust and repeatedly stomps on him. Balor hits the Sling Blade, then follows up with the Coup De Grace for the win.

    – Before Balor can leave the ring, Bray Wyatt interrupts via a light show and “he’s got the whole world in his hands” playing over the speakers. Wyatt doesn’t appear on the big screen or in the arena, and Balor heads backstage.

    – Bayley and Sasha Banks meet up backstage and talk about last night’s match. Sasha says she was so close to getting her Championship back, just for it to get taken away. Bayley says Sasha isn’t the only one. Sasha says they need to focus on teaming up tonight. Bayley says every time she closes her eyes she sees Nia Jax laughing at her, so tonight she’s going to make Nia feel her pain.

    – Enzo interrupts Kurt Angle on a phone call backstage and says he needs more help setting up his Cruiserweight Championship celebration tonight. Enzo says he wants a “no contact clause” for his celebration tonight, so if Neville or anyone else assaults him they won’t get a Title shot. Kurt Angle tells Enzo he’s annoying as hell, and tells him to go away.

    Bayley & Sasha Banks def Nia Jax & Emma: Bayley starts off with some kicks on Nia, but Nia shuts her down with a punch and a splash in the corner. Nia works on Bayley’s bad shouldn’t and goes for a Samoan Drop, but Sasha breaks it up. Nia hits Sasha to the outside, then throws Bayley outside too. Back in the ring, Emma tags in and continues beating down Bayley. Nia tags back in and goes back to work on Bayley’s shoulder. Emma tags back in but Bayley drops her with a boot to the face then she knocks down Nia on the apron. Bayley kicks Emma backwards into Nia, then Bayley gets the hot tag to Sasha. Sasha hits a hurricanrana on Emma. Sasha tries to knock Nia off the apron, then she hits a double knee strike on Emma. Nia breaks the pin, then Bayley and Sasha throw Nia outside. Sasha hits a splash off the apron on Nia, then Bayley throws Nia into the ring post. Back in the ring, Emma rolls up Sasha for a near-fall. Sasha comes back with a knee to Emma, then Bayley tags in and hits a belly to belly suplex on Emma for the win. Sasha and Bayley celebrate their win while Nia glares from ringside.

    – Enzo is backstage getting ready to come out to the ring to celebrate his Title win last night.

    – The ring is covered in red carpet, and Enzo Amore comes out for his Cruiserweight Title celebration ceremony. Enzo says all of his haters are jealous of his new Cruiserweight Title, including his former partner Cass. Enzo says he hears the crowds chanting “you can’t wrestle” at him, and he says that John Cena, Batista, and The Rock also got chants like that in the past. A “certified G” jersey is in a glass case in the ring. Enzo says he did what no other wrestler could do, he made 205 Live relevant. Enzo gets interrupted by the 205 Live theme song, and Enzo asks what that “horrible music” is. The 205 Live roster comes out to the stage, and Enzo calls them haters. Enzo cuts a promo on some of the cruiserweights, calling Cedric Alexander “the man charisma forgot,” and he says he thinks Gran Metalik weighs more than 205 pounds. Neville’s music hits and the former Champion comes out to the stage. Enzo cuts a promo on Neville, and Neville responds by saying nobody can tolerate Enzo because he’s so annoying. Neville says Enzo was dumped on their doorstep at 205 Live because no other show would take him. Neville says if it were up to him, he would have left Enzo out in the cold to rot, but the people behind him insisted he join the show. Neville says Enzo trashes them all to repay them, but Enzo says he’s getting eyes on 205 Live to make them all stars. Neville says Enzo hasn’t done that, and has made a joke out of the cruiserweight division. Neville says on behalf of the entire cruiserweight division, he’s here to end him. Enzo says he has a clause where if Neville touches him he’ll never get another Title shot. Enzo calls Neville a “Golem,” and says the only reason Neville is in the main event segment of RAW is because Enzo is a real star. Enzo says all of 205 Live’s merchandise checks combined wouldn’t equal one of Enzo’s merchandise checks. Enzo says Neville can’t touch him, and tells him to get out of his ring and he’ll see him on 205 Live tomorrow. Neville has hear enough and he kicks Enzo in the midsection. Neville beats down Enzo all over the ring, then throws Enzo outside and lams him into the fan barricades. Enzo tries to retreat up the ramp, but the other cruiserweights stop him and send him back down to the ring. Neville grabs Enzo and throws him in the ring, then he shoves the “no contact clause” paper gave him into Enzo’s mouth. Neville superkicks Enzo, then goes up top and hits the Red Arrow on Enzo. Neville stares down at Enzo as RAW goes off the air.

  • WWE No Mercy 2017 Results & Live Discussion (9/24)

    WWE No Mercy 2017 Results & Live Discussion (9/24)

    WWE No Mercy 2017 took place at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California on September 24th, 2017.

    WWE No Mercy Kickoff Show:

    – The WWE No Mercy Kickoff Show opens up with a shot of the crowd lined up out the doors at the Staples Center. Renee Young, David Otunga, Jerry Lawler, and Sam Roberts.

    – RAW Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss will be in the Social Media Lounge on the pre-show panel tonight to field questions from fans.

    – We see a pre-taped promo from Braun Strowman reiterating that he’s going to destroy WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar tonight in their match event match.

    – Kurt Angle joins the pre-show panel, and is quickly interrupted by The Miz. The Miz cuts a promo on Angle and trashes him and his “son” Jason Jordan. Jerry Lawler shares and anecdote about him insulting Bret Hart’s parents and Bret whooping his butt for it. The Miz says Lawler is Lawler, and The Miz is The Miz and he’s the greatest intercontinental champion ever. The Miz promises to retain the IC Title tonight against Angle’s “loser son.”

    – Finn Balor cuts a promo backstage where he says he’s an extraordinary man who can do extraordinary things, and tonight he’s going to do that against Bray Wyatt.

    – Neville does an interview in the back where he says there won’t be a classic match between him and Enzo tonight. He says it will be a very quick affair because Enzo is no fighter. He says 205 Live isn’t about being a superstar, it’s about athleticism.

    – Alexa Bliss does an interview backstage where he says there’s no fair in fighting and she’ll do whatever it takes to win her Fatal Five-Way match tonight.

    – Elias Samson is out to the ring for a song about Los Angeles. He says as far as he’s concerned, he’s in hell right now being in LA. Apollo Crews comes out to interrupt and we have a match.

    Elias def. Apollo Crews: Crews throws Elias around early on with some arm drags, then he levels Elias with a dropkick. The fight spills out to the apron and Elias throws Apollo down to the floor. Elias takes Crews back in the ring and drops him with a lariat. Crews tries to mount a comeback, but Elias hits a mule kick that stuns crews. Elias tries to keep Crews grounded, but Apollo fires up and hits a series of clotheslines. Crews follows up with a kick and a knee to the face, then he drops Elias with a flying clothesline. Crews hits a standing shooting star press for a two count. Elias recovers and charges at Crews, but Crews drops him with a kick to the head. Crews misses a shot off the top and Elias capitalizes with a clothesline from behind. Elias follows up immediately with his finisher for the win. Elias goes to stomp down Crews after the match, but Titus runs in and chases off Elias.

    – We’re shown a video package highlighting Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman’s history in WWE, and then Lesnar’s feud with Strowman.

    – Paul Heyman does an interview in the back where he discusses what will happen tonight. He says Strowman is bigger, stronger, and badder than anyone Lesnar has ever faced. Heyman says that Strowman is the monster among men, but tonight we find out if the beast can take down that monster.

    WWE No Mercy 2017

    The Miz (c) def. Jason Jordan: The Miz’s Intercontinental Title is on the line in this one. Jordan starts off strong and wrestles Miz down to the mat, then he lift Miz up from the ground into a vertical suplex. The fight goes out to ringside and The Miz lays out Jordan on the floor. Back in the ring, The Miz starts dropping knees on Jordan then puts him in a head lock. The Miz delivers a DDT to Jordan as the crowd chants “Who’s your daddy” at Jordan. Jordan tries to mount a comeback, but Miz dumps him to the outside. Back in the ring, The Miz delivers a series of kicks to Jordan until Jordan blocks one and throws Miz with a T-bone suplex. Jordan delivers some more suplexes, then rolls up Miz for a two count. Jordan ducks a clothesline then hits two Northern Lights suplex. The Miztourage tries to get involved from ringside, so Jordan suplexes The Miz right into them and knocks them over like bowling pins. Back in the ring, Jordan gets Miz in the Crippler Crossface but Miz reaches the ropes to break the hold. The Miz goes for a clothesline but Jordan catches him and throws him with a belly to belly overhead suplex. Jordan hits a spear in the corner, then he gets distracted by Bo Dallas climbing up the turnbuckle. Curtis Axel hits a cheap shot on Jordan while the ref is distracted, and Miz follows up with the Skull Crushing Finale on Jordan for the win. Miz is handed his Intercontinental Title, and he’s helped out of the ring by Axel and Dallas.

    – After the match, Jason Jordan cuts a promo and says that The Miz sucks. The crowd doesn’t seem to receive Jordan’s promo very well.

    – We see a video package highlighting the history between Bray Wyatt and Finn Balor.

    Finn Balor def. Bray Wyatt: Before the opening bell, Wyatt attacks Balor from behind. He takes Balor out to ringside and and Rock Bottoms him onto the announce table. Referees help Balor to the back, while Wyatt gets on the mic and cuts a promo. Wyatt trashes Balor for walking away, which pisses off Balor. Finn pushes off the refs and runs down to the ring. Balor charges Wyatt and the ref calls for the opening bell. Balor pummels on Wyatt until Wyatt drops him again. Wyatt hits a superplex off the top, then starts working on Balor’s ribs. Wyatt and Balor fight out to the apron where Wyatt DDTs Balor onto the corner of the apron. Balor comes back with a jawbreaker and a kick, then a series of clotheslines. Balor dumps Wyatt outside then kicks him in the teeth. Balor slams Wyatt’s head off the announce table before taking him back in the ring. Wyatt mounts a comeback in the ring until Balor comes back with some elbows to the face. Balor follows up with a kick, then he dodges a Sister Abigail and punches down Wyatt. Balor follows up with a double foot stomp for a two count. Balor follows up with a running dropkick in the corner, then he starts climbing to the top. Wyatt follows Balor up top but Balor fights him off with punches and elbows. Balor hits the Coup De Grace to the back of Wyatt’s head for a two count. Wyatt comes back with a lariat for a two count of his own. Wyatt suplexes Balor down then goes up to the middle rope, but Balor stops him with a flying kick. Balor hits a running dropkick on Wyatt in the corner, then hits a second one. Balor goes up top and hits the Coup De Grace for the win.

    – Michael Cole introduces a video announcing Asuka’s WWE dbeut at Tables, Ladders & Chairs on October 22nd.

    – Sheamus and Cesaro do an interview in the back where they say their match with Rollins and Ambrose tonight is going to get lucky.

    Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose (c) def. Sheamus & Cesaro: The Tag Titles are on the line in this one. Sheamus knocks Rollins off the apron early on then Ambrose drops Sheamus in the ring. The action spills out to ringside and the two teams brawl over to the announce tables. Cesaro grabs Ambrose by the feet and swings him into the ring post. Back in the ring, Sheamus and Cesaro continue to beat down Ambrose. Cesaro attempts to pin, but the referee pulls Cesaro away and appears to check on Ambrose for an arm injury. Cesaro goes for the Neutralizer, but Ambrose gets out and slingshots Cesaro into the corner. Cesaro hits face-first on the ring post and knocks out his two front teeth, Cesaro is bleeding heavily. Rollins gets the hot tag and drops Cesaro then dumps Sheamus to the outside. Rollins hits a suicide dive on Sheamus, then back in the ring Rollins hits a sling blade on Cesaro. Rollins hits a superkick on Cesaro, then Sheamus comes in. Sheamus hits a series of three Irish Curse backbreakers on Rollins, then Cesaro boots Ambrose off the apron. Sheamus and Cesaro double team Rollins in the ring, then they argue with the ref. Rollins dumps both Sheamus and Cesaro out of the ring, and Cesaro is still bleeding heavily. Ambrose tags in and clotheslines down Sheamus, then he throws Sheamus outside. Ambrose hits a suicide dive onto Sheamus and Cesaro, then back in the ring he hits a flying elbow off the top on Sheamus. Cesaro runs in and stomps on Ambrose, then he knocks Rollins off the apron. Cesaro and Sheamus double team Rollins, then Cesaro locks Ambrose in the Sharp Shooter. Cesaro switches and locks Ambrose in the Crossface until Ambrose reaches the ropes to break it. Sheamus and Cesaro hit a double crucifix powerbomb on Ambrose for a two count. Cesaro and Ambrose trade punches in the ring, then Sheamus drops Ambrose. Sheamus hits the White Noise on Amborse, then Cesaro powerbombs Rollins off the middle rope onto Amborse’s body! Cesaro pins and Ambrose kicks out at two. Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick on Amborse, but Ambrose ducks and Sheamus accidentally kicks Cesaro. Rollins knees Sheamus to the face, then Ambrose immediately follows up with the Dirty Deeds on Sheamus for the win. Rollins and Ambrose retain their RAW Tag Titles, and Cesaro is shown covered in blood with broken teeth at ringside.

    Alexa Bliss (c) def. Bayley, Sasha Banks, Nia Jax, Emma: Emma charges at the Champion while Bayley and Sasha team up against Nia. Nia ends up hitting a splash on Alexa in the corner, then the remaining three women fight in the ring. Nia gets back up and start laying her opponents out left and right. Nia hits a spinebuster on Emma, then Alexa attempts a Tornado DDT on Nia but Nia reverses it into a slam. Nia hits splashes on everyone in the corners, then she picks up both Sasha and Alexa on her shoulders and she Samoan Drops both of them at once. Bayley comes in and breaks up the pin, then she locks Nia in a front face lock. The other women help to dump Nia to the outside, then they start fighting each other. Michael Cole points out on commentary that this is a No DQ match. Bayley and Emma try to double-powerbomb Nia off the apron onto the ringside floor, and they successfully hit it after Bliss hits a running kick on Nia from inside the ring. Bayley hits a tbone suplex on Alexa, then Emma hits a butterfly suplex on Bayley. Emma follows up with a splash for a two count. The four competitors in the ring fight back and forth until Nia resurfaces and drops Bayley. Nia hits a running leg drop on Bayley and pins but Bliss breaks it up. Nia misses a spear in the corner and hits the ring post, then Bliss DDTs Bayley for the win. Bliss retains her Women’s Title and celebrates in the ring with the belt. Bliss taunts Bayley after the match before leaving. She does a brief interview on the stage where she says she is the one RAW Women’s Champion and the one goddess in WWE.

    – We see a video package comparing the careers of Roman Reigns and John Cena.

    Roman Reigns def. John Cena: The crowd chants what sounds like “you both suck” early on. Cena leaves the ring early on and starts walking up the ramp but Reigns chases him down and hits him with a right hand. Back in the ring, another right hand from Reigns stuns Cena. Cena comes bac with some punches, but Reigns stops him nad hits a back suplex. The fight spills out to ringside where Cena whips Reigns into the steel ring steps. Reigns returns the favor and then whips Cena into the other ring steps. Reigns hits the Drive By, then takes Cena back in the ring for more punishment. Cena drops Reigns but misses the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Reigns comes back with a Samoan Drop and hits a series of clothesline in the corner. Cena comes back with a back suplex and this time successfully hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Reigns comes back with a big boot and goes for the Superman punch, but Cena dodges it and locks Reigns in the STF. Reigns fights out and powerbombs Cena down to the mat hard. Reigns charges at Cena, but Cena hits the an AA for a near-fall. Both men slowly get to their feet and fight up the turnbuckle. Cena hits the super AA off the middle rope for another near-fall on Reigns. Cena takes Reigns out to ringside and they fight on top of the announce tables. Cena goes to AA Reigns from one table through the one next to it, but Reigns escapes and spears Reigns through the table. Back in the ring, Reigns goes for a spear but Cena stops him and hits an AA. Cena rolls though and hits a second AA and Reigns kicks out again. Both men are slow to get to their feet, and Reigns hits the Superman punch then a spear for the win. Cena raises Reigns’ hand after the match then hugs him. Cena sits in the corner while Reigns heads to the back. Cena bows to the crowd and gives his wrist band to a kid before leaving.

    – Kurt Angle is backstage on the phone when he gets interrupted by The Miz and the Miztourage. Miz says Angle’s son didn’t live up to expectations tonight, and he has an idea for tomorrow night to make RAW even bigger. Miz says he wants an exclusive interview with Roman Reigns on Miz TV on Monday night. Miz says Reigns’ victory tonight is as big as him beating the Undertaker. Miz says he has a lot of questions for Reigns and the people want answers. Angle says that’s a great idea, and Miz TV will kick off the show tomorrow night on RAW.

    – John Cena and Alexa Bliss will be on RAW Talk tonight after the pay-per-view.

    Enzo Amore def. Neville: We have a commentary team change, and Neville’s Cruiserweight Title is on the line. Before the match, Enzo cuts a promo saying Neville is the ugliest cruiserweight in WWE. He says he looks like Golem and Frodo had a baby. This one starts off with arm locks and kicks from both men. Enzo drops Neville’s throat over the top rope and hits a kick, but Neville slams Enzo right back in the corner and stomps on him. Neville kicks Enzo to the outside, then back in the ring he hits a superkick for a two count. Neville goes for the Phoenix Splash, but Enzo rolls out of the way. Enzo goes up top and comes flying down and hits a DDT on Neville. Enzo pins for a two count. Neville comes back with a kick to Enzo’ head, then he takes him outside and throws him into the timekeeper’s area. Enzo grabs the Cruiserweight Title match and runs around the ring with it. The ref takes it from Enzo, and behind the ref’s back Enzo hits a low-blow on Neville. Enzo rolls up Neville for the win, and Enzo has captured the Cruiserweight Title. Neville sells the low-blow while Enzo runs up the ramp with his Cruiserweight Title.

    Brock Lesnar (c) def. Braun Strowman: Paul Heyman takes the mic from the announcer and does his own ring introduction for Universal Champion Brock Lesnar. Lesnar’s Universal Title is on the line in this one. Strowman throws Lesnar down to the mat right after the opening bell. Lesnar charges at Strowman for a takedown but Strowman throws him down. Lesnar comes back with a German suplex, but Strowman answers right back with a chokeslam. Strowman hits a running powerslam for a two count. Strowman beats down Lesnar in the corner and hits some elbows to the head. Lesnar comes back with an F-5 attempt, but Strowman escapes and throws Lesnar outside. Strowman throws Lesnar into the ring post, then takes him back in the ring and slams him into the turnbuckle. Strowman appears to be bleeding from a scrape on his cheek. Lesnar puts Strowman in an arm lock, and despite Strowman holding the ropes the ref doesn’t break the hold. Strowman grabs the rope again and this time the ref breaks it. Strowman slams Lesnar down, but Lesnar comes back with a series of German suplexes. Lesnar hits a fifth German suplex, then he goes for the F-5. Strowman gets out and hits the running powerslam on Lesnar, and both men are down. Strowman hits another running powerslam and covers for a two. Lesnar comes back with an F-5 out of nowhere and pins for the three count. Paul Heyman checks on Lesnar as the ref hands Brock his Universal Title belt. Heyman and Lesnar head back up the ramp as Strowman sits at ringside and No Mercy goes off the air.

  • Updated Betting Odds For WWE No Mercy Tonight (9/24)

    Updated Betting Odds For WWE No Mercy Tonight (9/24)

    Just hours from the opening bell for tonight’s WWE No Mercy pay-per-view, updated betting odds have hit the web.

    Betting lines for WWE shows can often change drastically right before a pay-per-view, and No Mercy is no exception. For the WWE Universal Championship main event, Champion Brock Lesnar was originally listed as a -300 favorite, but now he’s much more favored at -1530. This leaves his challenger Braun Strowman as a +720 underdog, meaning a $100 bet on Strowman would win $720 if he’s victorious.

    RAW Tag Champs Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose have also seen their odds of winning increase to -585, and Finn Balor’s odds increased to -300. Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss is favored to win at -120 in a Fatal Five-Way match. For the Intercontinental Title match, Jason Jordan is favored at -175 to defeat Champion The Miz.

    In a newly added Cruiserweight Championship match, Champion Neville is favored at -300 to retain against Enzo Amore.

    Roman Reigns was originally favored at -200 to beat John Cena tonight, but now his chances have increased to an even more favorable -445.

    Below are the full betting lines for No Mercy 2017:

    WWE Universal Championship
    – Brock Lesnar(c) -1530 vs Braun Strowman +720

    WWE RAW Women’s Championship – Fatal Five-way
    – Alexa Bliss(c) -120 vs Sasha Banks or Nia Jax or Bayley or Emma -120

    WWE Intercontinental Championship
    – The Miz(c) +135 vs Jason Jordan -175

    WWE Raw Tag Team Championships
    – Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins -585 vs Sheamus & Cesaro +385

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship
    – Neville(c) -300 vs Enzo Amore +220

    – Roman Reigns -445 vs John Cena +315

    – Finn Balor -300 vs Bray Wyatt +220

  • WWE SmackDown Live Results & Discussion (9/19)

    WWE SmackDown Live Results & Discussion (9/19)

    The September 19th edition of WWE SmackDown Live took place at the Oracle Arena in Oakland, CA.

    – After a video package recapping Kevin Owens’ attack on Vince McMahon last week, Shane’s music hits and the SmackDown Comissioner comes out to the ring to kick off tonight’s show. Shane steps in the ring and gets on the mic and says he gives his dad credit for being one tough S.O.B. Shane asks Owens how it would feel if he saw someone he loves get beat down, and talks about his kids having to watch their grandfather be attacked. Shane says he’s going to strike back with massive vengeance. Shane says Owens doesn’t realize what he’s done, or maybe he has since Owens is a no-show so far tonight. Shane says he’s going to condemn Owens to a beating in Hell in a Cell, then he heads to the back.

    – Randy Orton is backstage getting ready to head out to the ring.

    – Aiden English is in the ring for a song. He starts singing about Randy Orton, but Orton’s music interrupts and The Viper comes out to the ring for their match.

    Randy Orton def. Aiden English: Aiden rushes Orton right off the opening bell and stomps on him in the corner. English whips Orton into the opposite corner, but Orton answers with a clothesline. Orton follows up with a spinning powerslam, then he goes for a DDT but English rolls outside. Orton follows English outside and back suplexes him onto the fan barricade. Orton goes for a suplex onto the announce table, but English escapes and hits a suplex of his own on Orton onto the table. Back in the ring, English works over Orton in the corner then hits a running back splash. Orton comes back with some strikes but English stops him with a poke to the eye and a dropkick. English follows up with knee drops and a chin lock. English misses a splash in the corner, but he connects with a boot to the face of Orton. English goes up top and comes flying off, but Orton catches him in mid-air with an RKO For the win.

    – As Orton is celebrating his victory in the ring, Rusev comes out to the stage and interrupts. Rusev gets on the mic and complains about his loss at SummerSlam. He says Orton turned him and his family into a national disgrace, so tonight he’s going to rip the fangs out of the viper’s mouth. And he’s going to do this, right now.

    Rusev def. Randy Orton: Rusev steps in the ring and the ref calls for the bell. Orton blocks a kick and goes for the RKO right off the bat, but Rusev pushes him off. Aiden English gets on the apron and distracts Orton, then Orton turns around into a superkick from Rusev. Rusev pins Orton for the win after a very short match. Rusev runs up the ramp and celebrates his victory.

    – The commentary team announces that Kevin Owens will be live via satellite tonight, and Charlotte will be out to discuss her father Ric Flair’s recent recovery.

    – WWE Champion Jinder Mahal and the Singh Brothers are seen backstage walking into the arena.

    – Rusev is backstage yelling “I got him!” He does an interview where he says he beat the viper tonight and broke him in half, now he returns home a hero. Rusev walks off chanting “Rusev number one.”

    – The Singh Brothers come out to the stage to introduce the Modern Day Maharaja, your WWE Champion Jinder Mahal. They step into the ring and Jinder gets on the mic. Jinder says Nakamura wasn’t happy about what he said about him last week, but at least his face is still full of delight. He shows more pictures of Nakamura on the big screen and makes fun of him. Jinder says that Americans think the people of Japan eat cats and dolphins. Jinder says the people will turn on Nakamura just like they turned on him. Jinder says Shinsuke always “rooks” the same. Jinder says behind Nakamura’s backs the fans call him Mr. Miyagi. The fans chant “that’s too far,” then Jinder speaks to his people in his language. Jinder finishes up speaking in Punjabi and raises his WWE Title in the air before leaving.

    – We’re told that up next is AJ Styles defending his U.S. Title against Baron Corbin.

    – Shinsuke Nakamura does an interview backstage where he says Jinder Mahal is funny, but it won’t be so funny when he takes the WWE Title from him at Hell In A Cell.

    – AJ Styles comes out to the ring and cuts a promo on Baron Corbin. He says anyone who faces the Phenomenal One in the ring will fail, just like Corbin will tonight.

    AJ Styles (c) vs. Baron Corbin – No Contest: AJ’s United States Championship is on the line in this one. Corbin attacks AJ from behind during the ring introductions before the bell. Corbin continues to beat down AJ, then Tye Dillinger runs in for the save. Dillinger assaults Corbin at ringside until Corbin is able to break free and get back in the ring. Corbin is selling a leg injury, and AJ now gets to his feet and nails Corbin in the face with a forearm shot. Styles locks Corbin in the Calf Crusher until he taps out. The opening bell still hasn’t rung. The crowd chants “you tapped out” as AJ takes his U.S. Title and stares him down. Corbin is still selling the leg injury at ringside.

    – Baron Corbin does an interview backstage where he says he feels violated. He lashes out at Tye Dillinger and AJ Styles, and says that he suffered a sprained ankle. Corbin says he intends to get even with both of them.

    – Charlotte comes out to the ring and cuts a promo about her father Ric Flair’s recovery after a health scare. She quickly gets interrupted by Women’s Champion Natalya. Natalya comes out and says she’s hosting a celebration of women tonight, and then unveils a picture of herself in the ring. Charlotte interrupts and says she’s here to challenge Nattie for the Championship, but then Becky Lynch interrupts. Becky says Natalya is crazy and that Becky is the one next in line for the Women’s Title. Naomi interrupts next and says Natalya doesn’t represent the women of SmackDown, and she says she wants a Title match too. Tamina interrupts next with Lana by her side. Lana gets on the mic and calls Natalya a crazy cat lady, and says it’s Tamina’s turn for a Title shot. Natalya starts backing up the ramp and tells them all to stop it, and says she’s not crazy. Before she can leave, Daniel Bryan comes out to the stage. Bryan books Charlotte, Becky, Naomi and Tamina in a Fatal 4 Way match where the winner gets a shot at Natalya’s Women’s title at Hell In A Cell.

    The New Day def. The Hype Bros: Big E starts off against Mojo and they trade abdominal stretches early on. Kofi comes in next and Mojo flattens him with a clothesline. Big E and Ryder get the tags and Big E hits a series of belly to belly suplexes. Big E goes to follow up with the splash but Ryder blocks it with his knees. Ryder hits another knee strike then follows up with a missile dropkick off the middle rope. Ryder hits the Broski Boot, but Kofi breaks up the pin. Mojo misses a shot on Kofi and Kofi throws him outside then hits a suicide dive on him. Kofi tags in and Big E picks up Ryder, they hit the Midnight Hour and then Kofi pins for the win.

    – Kevin Owens appears on the big screen “via satellite” to offer an apology. He says he watched the footage from last week and doesn’t know what came over him, and he says he wants to offer a heartfelt apology. Owens says that Shane had it coming, and Shane made Owens attack his father. He says Shane made Owens want to beat Vince like a garbage bag because he disrespected the good name of Kevin Owens. Owens says he had nothing but respect for Vince, but in the moment it felt like he was headbutting Shane. Owens says he also apologizes to anyone who dares to watch Hell In A Cell and sees the beating he gives Shane. Owens says people like him don’t go to hell, they go to heaven.

    – Mojo and Ryder are backstage, and Mojo complains that he’s sick and tired of losing. Mojo says if they want things to change, they’ll have to do something drastic.

    – Dolph Ziggler comes out to the stage and he’s ready to impersonate more wrestlers’ entrances. He does Triple H’s entrance and says spitting out that water is harder than it looks. Ziggler goes back and does Shawn Michaels’ entrance, and says he can feel himself losing his smile. He goes behind the curtain again and comes out to D-X’s entrance music. Ziggler says he’s the best ever in the ring and the fans couldn’t care less, so he doesn’t care about them.

    Charlotte def. Naomi, Becky, Tamina: The winner of this one will get a shot at Natalya’s Women’s title at Hell In A Cell. Lana is at ringside in Tamina’s corner. The opening bell rings and all four women start brawling, and Tamina quickly gets in the lead. Naomi, Becky and Charlotte all team up on Tamina to take her out. Naomi hits a flying cross body on both Becky and Charlotte, then hits some kicks on Charlotte. Naomi hits a jawbreaker on Charlotte for a two count. Tamina misses a spear in the corner on Becky, then Becky hits a dropkick on Naomi. She goes for one on Charlotte but Charlotte blocks it. Tamina clotheslines down Becky, then Charlotte spears down Tamina. Charlotte slams Naomi down next to Tamina, then she goes up top. Charlotte hits a moonsault onto both Naomi and Tamina, and she pins Naomi for a two count. Charlotte puts Naomi in the Figure Four, but Becky breaks it up with a leg drop. Tamina hits a Samoan Drop on Becky, then she goes to the top rope. Tamina hits the Snuka Splash on Becky, but Naomi breaks the pin. Lana pulls Naomi outside and Naomi drops her with a kick to the head. Naomi gets back on the apron and Tamina superkicks her. Charlotte hits a superkick on Tamina and pins for the win. Charlotte is now the #1 contender for Natalya’s Women’s Championship. Natalya is shown backstage watching on a monitor as Charlotte celebrates her victory in the ring.

  • WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (9/18)

    WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (9/18)

    The September 18th edition of WWE RAW took place at the SAP Center in San Jose, CA. This was the last episode of RAW before Sunday’s No Mercy PPV.

    – We see a graphic on the screen in memory of the late, great Bobby Heenan before tonight’s broadcast begins.

    – Michael Cole welcomes us to the arena, and then RAW GM Kurt Angle comes out to the ring to kick off the show. Angle gets on the mic and runs down the card for Sunday’s No Mercy pay-per-view, but he’s quickly interrupted by The Miz. The Miz comes down to the ring with his Intercontinental Title and the Miztourage minus Maryse. The Miz gets on the mic and complains that he’s treated like an afterthought, and Angle is hyping up No Mercy without having his IC Champ on the card. Angle says he’s not done yet, and he has an announcement. Kurt says tonight there will be a Fatal 4 Way involving Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Elias and Jason Jordan to determine the #1 contender for Miz’s IC Title at No Mercy. Miz says none of them are deserving, and he complains that Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel deserve those opportunities. Miz says he’ll be a better father than Kurt Angle, and he’s a better champion than Angle ever was. Miz says he and the Miztourage should be his priority, not Jason Jordan. Miz cuts a promo on Angle for being a deadbeat, and Angle does not look happy. Jason Jordan comes out to interrupt. Jordan tells Miz not to say another word about Angle, and Jordan tells his dad he has an idea. Jordan says to add Dallas and Axel to the match tonight so Miz has no excuses, and Kurt Angle agrees. Miz insults Angle and Jordan again, and Jordan’s had enough so he spears Miz down. Jordan fights off Dallas and Axel and he clears the ring. The Miztourage retreats up the ramp as Jordan and Angle look on from the ring.

    – Alexa Bliss and Nia Jax are shown (separately) walking towards the gorilla position.

    – Jason Jordan and Kurt Angle are backstage, and Jordan says he hears the whispers in the locker room and at No Mercy he’s going to shut everyone up with what he does to The Miz for the IC Title. Angle tells Jordan that people are going to talk, and Jordan needs to focus on winning tonight so he gets the shot at No Mercy.

    Nia Jax def. Alexa Bliss: This one is a non-title match. Bliss stalls off the opening bell and Nia chases her to the outside. Back in the ring, Alexa hides behind the ref but Nia grabs her and drops her. Bliss fights back and tries to run away again, but Nia grabs her. Bliss slaps Nia across the face then retreats to the ramp. Bliss tries to leave but she’s interrupted by Sasha Banks. Bliss runs back to the ring and runs right into Nia who drops her. Back in the ring Bliss tries to mount a comeback, but Nia reverses a cross-body attempt into a Samoan Drop for the win.

    – After the match, Sasha hits the ring and Nia slams her down. Nia stands over Sasha until Bayley’s music hits and she comes out. Bayley hits the ring and helps Sasha take out Nia and send her to the floor. Sasha and Bayley hug and raise their hands, and Bliss tries to get between them to join the celebration. Banks and Bayley don’t appreciate Bliss interrupting, so Sasha hits her then Bayley hits the belly to belly suplex. Sasha and Bayley leave together as Alexa recovers on the ringside floor.

    – Michael Cole shows us some reactions on Twitter to the passing of Bobby Heenan, and he says they’ll be paying tribute to The Brain throughout the night.

    – We see a video package comparing the careers of Brock Lesnar and Braun Strowman. Footage of Lesnar and Strowman each going through the ring with the Big Show on separate occasions is shown. Footage is shown of Lesnar delivering the F-5 to several legends including Hulk Hogan, then we see clips of Strowman laying out Lesnar on Monday.

    – Sheamus and Cesaro come out to the ring next and they grab microphones. They cut a promo saying the fans want nostalgia acts like The Hardys and Rollins & Ambrose. They repeat themselves along with the crowd’s “what” chants, which they also say are a part of the fans needing nostalgia. RAW Tag Champs Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins interrupt and they come down to the ring. They get on the mic and Rollins and Ambrose says they are brothers no matter what. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows come out next and take issue with Sheamus and Cesaro walking out of them last week. They say Rollins and Ambrose aren’t good brothers, and neither are Sheamus and Cesaro. They say Rollins and Ambrose are a couple of nerds, and Ambrose takes it badly. Ambrose gets on the mic and says nobody calls him a nerd, then he jumps Gallows. All three teams start brawling around the ring around Rollins and Ambrose clear out all four heels.

    – Back from commercial we see a short video saying that Asuka is coming soon.

    Sheamus & Cesaro def. Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins vs. Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows: Rollins starts off with some offense on Sheamus, then Gallows tags in and throws some elbows at Sheamus. Sheamus brings the fight into the corner and Cesaro tags in. Cesaro delivers some European uppercuts to Gallows, then Sheamus tags back in. Gallows stuns Sheamus with a big boot, then Rollins tags himself in and hits a springboard clothesline on Sheamus. Ambrose tags in for a double team suplex, then Rollins drops a knee on Sheamus before leaving the ring. Ambrose hits a missile dropkick on Sheamus off the middle rope for a one count. Ambrose knees Sheamus in the midsection then Rollins tags back in. Rollins with a rest hold before bringing Ambrose back in. Ambrose gets distracted by Cesaro at ringside and Cesaro swings him into the fan barricade. Cesaro throws Ambrose back in the ring then tags in. Cesaro hits a double axe handle off the turnbuckle then locks Ambrose in a chin lock. Anderson tags in and continues the offense on Ambrose. Gallows tags in and puts the boots to Ambrose then delivers a stalling vertical suplex. Gallows follows up with a series of elbow drops. Cesaro and Rollins come in and Rollins decks him with a sling blade. Rollins knocks Sheamus off the apron, then he hits the Blockbuster on Cesaro in the ring. Rollins goes up top but Cesaro stops him with a kick. Cesaro climbs up top with Rollins, but Rollins slides out and powerbombs Cesaro into the opposite turnbuckle. Sheamus runs in and breaks up the pin. Gallows tags in, then Anderson runs in and they hit the Magic Killer on Rollins. Gallows pins but Ambrose breaks it up. They throw Ambrose outside then Cesaro and Sheamus beat down Amborse at ringside. Back in the ring, Cesaro works over Rollins. Rollins comes back with a DDT out of nowhere on Cesaro and both men are down. Ambrose and Anderson tag in and Ambrose hits a superplex off the top. Ambrose goes back up top and hits a flying elbow. Rollins comes in and the Tag Champs hit suicide dives in tandem on the heels on the opposite sides of the ring. The Tag Champs appear to be going for a Doomsday Device on Anderson, but Gallows breaks it up. Anderson hits an uppercut on Ambrose and Sheamus tags in blind off Ambrose’s back. Rollins hits a splash off the top onto Sheamus, Cesaro and Gallows at ringside, while in the ring Ambrose hits the Dirty Deeds on Anderson. Ambrose goes for the pin, but Sheamus breaks it up and throws Amborse outside, then Sheamus immediately pins Anderson for the win. Sheamus and Cesaro celebrate at ringside, while Ambrose and Rollins look on from the ring and they’re not happy.

    – The Miz is backstage giving a pep talk to Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel. Miz trashes Jordan and Angle, then Dallas and Axel butt in and talk about how their pedigree goes back further than Jordan’s. Miz says tonight’s main event will be their breakthrough performance. Dallas and Axel both feel confident they’ll win, and tell Miz they’ll see him at No Mercy. Miz tells them to focus on tonight, and Jordan doesn’t deserve their spotlight.

    – Michael Cole introduces a video package that compares the career paths of John Cena and Roman Reigns, who will face off at No Mercy on Sunday.

    – Kurt Angle is on the phone backstage when he gets interrupted by Goldust. Goldust turns around to reveal that he’s not wearing his facepaint. Goldust says he needs another chance against Brya Wyatt tonight. He says he’s not asking Kurt as Goldust, he’s asking as the man behind the paint – Dustin Rhodes. Rhodes talks to Angle about their history together, and says he won’t be a pawn in Wyatt’s game against Balor. He says Wyatt will never forget the name… Dustin Rhodes.

    – Curt Hawkins is in the ring and he cuts a promo saying tonight we’re going to witness history. He says his 114 match losing streak will end tonight, and then his opponent Apollo Crews comes out.

    Apollo Crews def. Curt Hawkins: Titus comes out to the ring to be in Crews’ corner. Crews takes control early on and goes for a standing moonsault, but Hawkins blocks it with his knees. Hawkins drops Crews and pummels on him with right hands. Hawkins follows up with a spinebuster. Crews fires back with a kick to the face, then follows up with more strikes. Hawkins rolls up Crews but Crews gets out and hits a kick to the head. Crews hits the spinning sit-out powerbomb for the win. Crews and Titus celebrate in the ring while a “115 match losing streak” graphic shows as Hawkins recovers at ringside.

    – Michael Cole welcomes Braun Strowman and Brock Lesnar on the big screen for an interview. They appear to be in separate studios, and Paul Heyman speaks on Lesnar’s behalf. Strowman says he left Lesnar laying last week, and he’s the only one capable of putting down Lesnar for good. Heyman interrupts and says Lesnar doesn’t respect any opponent, but he admits Strowman is his most capable challenger yet. Heyman says Strowman won’t survive Suplex City, but Strowman says he’s going to destroy Suplex City. Heyman runs down Lesnar’s list of accomplishments, then Lesnar himself interrupts and tells Braun he wants to thank him. He says he wants to thank Braun for backing him into this corner and challenging him, because that’s when he’s at his best. He tells Braun he’ll see him Sunday and he’ll take him to suplex city bitch. That concludes the interview segment and Cole hypes up No Mercy again.

    – Roman Reigns comes out to the ring and he’s got a mic. Reigns says that Cena might be the best talker ever, but sometimes he says “stupid sh*t.” Reigns says he’s not the next Cena, because he doesn’t look like Cena. Reigns says if he looked like Cena he wouldn’t have a job here, “ask Alex Riley about that.” Reigns calls Cena a “little bitch” and the biggest hypocrite to ever step foot in WWE. Reigns plays footage from 2012 of Cena criticizing The Rock for leaving WWE to go work in Hollywood, and Cena saying he’ll never leave WWE. After the clip, Reigns asks the fans if they should bring out Cena, which gets a mixed response. Reigns says Cena isn’t here tonight, and Cena is all talk. Reigns looks into the camera and says John he’ll see him on Sunday, then he leaves.

    – The Hardy Boyz are backstage where they discuss their main event math tonight. They say they’ve always fought each other growing up, so fighting tonight doesn’t phase them. They say may the best Hardy win and they bump fists.

    – Bray Wyatt is out next.

    – Another promo video for Asuka’s arrival airs.

    Bray Wyatt def. Goldust: Goldust is introduced by his real name Dustin Rhodes. Dustin drops Wyatt early on with a running knee, then the two men brawl at ringside. Wyatt throws Rhodes into the fan barricade, then Rhodes fires back with right hands and whips Wyatt into the ring steps. Rhodes runs and jumps off the ring steps with a bulldog on Wyatt on the ringside floor. Wyatt stuns Rhodes with a headbutt, then the fight spills back in the ring. Rhodes sets up Wyatt for the Shattered Dreams but kicks him in the thighs instead. Rhodes runs off the ropes and Wyatt catches him with the Sister Abigail for the win.

    – After the match, Finn Balor shows up on the big screen. Balor talks to Wyatt about becoming the demon, and asks Wyatt what’s more dangerous – the demon or the man who created the demon. He says at No Mercy on Sunday, Wyatt will find out.

    – Enzo Amore is shown backstage dancing around and high-fiving people.

    – The commentary team introduces a great Bobby Heenan video package, and Booker T tells Cole that Heenan might have been the best commentator to ever call his matches.

    – Enzo Amore comes out to the stage and he begins to cut a promo about facing Neville at No Mercy on Sunday. Enzo quickly gets interrupted by Braun Strowman’s music, then Strowman comes charging out of nowhere and clotheslines Enzo down to the floor. Strowman tosses Enzo into the ring and follows him in. A “thank you Strowman” chant can be heard on TV as Strowman lifts Enzo up off the mat by his throat and chokeslams him down. He picks up Enzo again and plants him with a running powerslam. Strowman leaves Enzo laying as he walks towards the back. Before Strowman gets all the way to the back, Neville comes out. Strowman sees Neville but keeps walking, and Neville heads towards the ring. Neville drags Enzo towards the turnbuckle, then he heads to the top rope. Neville takes his time and hits the Red Arrow. Neville grabs a mic and asks Enzo how he’s doing. Neville admires his work while referees help Enzo to the back.

    – Enzo is in the trainer’s office backstage where he does an interview. He says he can’t compete with a monster, but he can compete with Neville and he’s going to take the Cruiserweight Title from him at No Mercy.

    Neville def. Gran Metalik: This one’s a non-title match. Metalik hits some good offense early on with a hurricanrana and a missile dropkick. The fight spills out to the apron and ringside where Neville stuns Metalik with a kick to the face. Neville starts to rip off Metalik’s mask, but Metalik fires up and lays into Neville with right hands. Metalik follows up with a kick to the face and a springboard missile dropkick. Neville rolls outside and Metalik hits him with a suicide Swanton bomb. Back in the ring, Metalik walks the top rope and hits a splash on Neville for a two count. Metalik goes back up top for a moonsault, but Neville blocks it with both feet. Neville grabs Metalik’s arm and puts him in the Rings of Saturn for the win via submission.

    – Elias is in the ring for a song. He sings that Jason Jordan is going to end up a failure just like all the fans in San Jose. He gets interrupted by The Hardy Boys’ music, and the main event is up next.

    Jason Jordan def. Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Elias, Bo Dallas, Curtis Axel: The winner of this one gets a shot at The Miz’s IC Title at No Mercy. All men are legal at all times in this match, and the first person to score a pinfall wins. Jordan and Elias fight out to ringside early on, while the Hardy Boyz and the Miztourage fight in the ring. Jeff attempts a rollup on Matt early on for a one count. Axel nails Jeff Hardy while Matt and Bo fight in the opposite corner. Elias hits a spinebuster on Jordan, then helps the Miztourage beat down the Hardy Boyz. Elias goes up top with Jordan, but the Miztourage shoves Elias outside to the floor. Dallas and Axel go for a superplex on Jordan, but the Hardys run up behind them for the pyramid double powerbomb/superplex. Matt and Jeff hit the Poetry In Motion on Elias, then Matt rolls up Jeff from behind. Jeff gets out, but Matt hits the Side Effect for two. Dallas and Axel beat down Matt and throw him into the ring post. Jordan throws Axel outside then hits a belly to belly overhead suplex on Dallas. Axel runs in and Jordan suplexes him too, then spears him in the corner. Jordan hits the Northern Lights suplex on Axel and rolls through for another one. Dallas breaks up the pin and throws Jordan outside. The Miz takes the opportunity to beat down Jordan at ringside. Back in ther ing, Matt hits the Twist of Fate on Dallas, but Elias breaks up the pin. Matt and Elias trade strikes in the ring until Elias hits his Stripped Away finisher. Jeff breaks up the pin and starts cleaning house. Jeff hits an inverted atomic drop and a leg drop on Elias, then the Twist of Fate on Axel. Jeff goes up top and hits the Swanton Bomb on Axel, but The Miz breaks up the pin. Jeff throws Miz outside, then Axel takes out Jeff from behind. Jordan runs in and hits his finisher on Axel for the win, and Jordan will now be going to No Mercy to compete for The Miz’s IC Title.

    – After the match, The Miz gets in Jordan’s face in the ring. The Miz throws a right hand but Jordan ducks and suplexes the Champion twice. Dallas and Axel run in and start beating down Jordan, then Miz joins in. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Jordan, then he gets on the mic and says after No Mercy he’ll still be the champ. He says Kurt Angle will still be a terrible father, and Jordan will still be a bastard. RAW goes off the air with the Miz holding his IC Title in the ring, with Axel and Dallas behind him standing over Jordan.

  • Angle On Wishing He Could Wrestle In WWE Again (Video), New Day Member Possibly Injured, Asuka

    Angle On Wishing He Could Wrestle In WWE Again (Video), New Day Member Possibly Injured, Asuka

    – Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle made his first appearance in Australia in over a decade this week. The RAW GM appeared at a WWE live event in Melbourne where he was greeted by a big pop from the crowd. In a backstage interview posted on WWE’s Twitter, Angle admitted it’s tough not taking part in the action with the wrestlers, but he takes pride in his role as the RAW GM.

    – SmackDown Tag Team Champion Kofi Kingston may have suffered a knee injury at last night’s WWE live event in Honolulu, Hawaii. During a match alongside Big E against the team of Baron Corbin and Dolph Ziggler, Kofi missed a crossbody and was limping after the spot. The New Day member was helped to the back after the match.

    – Asuka also appeared on the SmackDown brand live event last night in in Honolulu. She was wearing a sling and was supporting the team of Charlotte, Naomi and Becky as they defeated Natalya, Carmella, Lana and Tamina in a handicap match. Asuka was originally booked to wrestle in the match until she suffered the collarbone injury.

  • Backstage News On Vince McMahon’s Bloody SmackDown Segment

    Backstage News On Vince McMahon’s Bloody SmackDown Segment

    WWE ran a storyline on Tuesday’s SmackDown where Kevin Owens delivered a head butt to WWE CEO Vince McMahon that left McMahon bleeding from the forehead.

    The company has been seriously restricting the use of blood on their television for years, even fining some performers like Batista for using blood in a match without permission. The usual method of drawing blood in a match is by using a small, concealed blade to make a small cut on the forehead, but that wasn’t the case for Vince’s blood on Tuesday.

    In the latest edition of Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer reported that Vince getting busted open was planned, but he used an unorthodox method to achieve the effect. It appeared that Owens’ head butt is what cut open McMahon, but insiders believe the cut was actually made with a small razor immediately before Vince went out in front of the crowd. The cut would have then been sealed with some type of adhesive product, so Owens just had to hit McMahon hard enough to take off the adhesive and re-open the cut. continued the storyline on Wednesday, issuing a statement that McMahon left the arena without giving a comment and refusing to be looked at by medical staff.

  • WWE SmackDown Live Results & Discussion (9/12)

    WWE SmackDown Live Results & Discussion (9/12)

    The September 12th edition of WWE SmackDown Live took place at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada.

    – This week’s broadcast starts with a video package highlighting last week’s showdown between Kevin Owens and Shane McMahon, ultimately leading to Shane’s father Vince returning tonight.

    – Kevin Owens comes out to the ring first to kick off tonight’s show. Owens gets on the mic and says when Shane assaulted him last week, he didn’t fight back because he respects authority. Owens says since a WWE authority figure assaulted him, he’s suing everyone in WWE until SmackDown Live is no more. Owens says SmackDown will now be known as “Kevin Owens presents: The Kevin Owens Show, starring Kevin Owens.” He says some improvements will be made and people will be fired. The first to be fired will be Sami Zayn. He says Tom Phillips and Byron Saxton will have to both wear the same one suit each show, because they both sound the same on TV. Owens also says he’ll cancel the Fashion Files forever. He says there’s no point in dragging this out any longer, and he asks for Mr. McMahon to come on out. Shane McMahon’s music hits, but Dolph Ziggler comes out instead dressed as Shane McMahon. Ziggler gets on the mic and says he’s trying out a new entrance, but it didn’t go over great so he’ll put it in the ‘maybe’ pile. Owens thanks Ziggler, and then Ziggler returns backstage. Daniel Bryan’s music hits next and the SmackDown GM makes his way down to the ring. Owens tells Bryan that when he takes over, Bryan will still has a job, as a janitor. Bryan tells Owens to just wait because Mr. McMahon will be here very soon, and Owens won’t like what the WWE Chairman has to say. Owens says Mr. McMahon is the one who won’t like what Owens has to say, then he drops the mic and heads to the back.

    – Up next, Tye Dillinger will challenge AJ Styles’ for his United States Championship.

    AJ Styles (c) def. Tye Dillinger: Dillinger hits a neckbreaker on AJ early on, and AJ fires back with a dropkick. They fight out onto the apron where Tye throws AJ into the ring post. Dillinger takes Styles back in the ring and lays in some chops to the chest in the corner. Backbreaker by Tye for a two count, then he drops some knees on the champion and applies a chin lock. Tye mounts AJ in the corner for ten punches, but AJ reverses into a powerbomb in the middle of the ring. AJ follows up with some elbows and Tye answers with a big boot. AJ misses a Pele kick, but he connects with a clothesline and both men are down. AJ hits another elbow to the face of Tye and the challenger is down. Baron Corbin runs in and gets on the apron, so AJ hits the Phenomenal Forearm on him to knock Corbin down to the floor. Tye rolls up Styles from behind off the distraction for a two count. Tye follows up with the Tyebreaker for another two count. Tye goes to pick up AJ, but AJ grabs him and puts him in the Calf Crusher for the win via submission. AJ holds up his U.S. Title after the match and shakes hands with Tye. Before AJ can leave, Corbin grabs him and throws him into the fan barricade. Corbin then clotheslines down Tye and continues to beat down AJ. Corbin hits the End of Days on Styles on the ringside floor, then he tells him that next week he’s going to face AJ in his U.S. Title Open Challenge.

    – Rusev does an interview backstage where he talks about returning to his home country Bulgaria. He says he went home as a loser after SummerSlam, but he’s getting his killer instinct back and now he thinks he “must break a legend.”

    – WWE Champion Jinder Mahal and the Singh Brothers are backstage heading to the gorilla position.

    – The Singh Brothers come out to the stge first and they introduce the Modern Day Maharaja, Jinder Mahal. They come down to the ring and Jinder gets on the mic to cut a promo about his next challenger, Shinsuke Nakamura. Mahal says his preparation is not only physical but also mental, and he will be getting inside of Nakamura’s head. They put an image of Nakamura up on the big screen and Jinder and the Singh Brothers laugh at him. Jinder says when he looks at Nakamura’s face he doesn’t see inspiration or motivation, he sees constipation. He puts up another picture of Nakamura and says that’s a piece of him thinking about what to rip off from Michael Jackson next. Jinder puts up another picture an says this is the face is makes when someone yells out “Godzilla!” Jinder says everything he just said, the American people have already thought. Jinder says if Nakamura wins the WWE Title, they will treat Nakamura the same way they treat him by chanting USA whenever he tries to speak. Jinder says Americans will tell Nakamura he looks like “Pikachu having a seizure.” Jinder tells Nakamura should walk away, because it’s not worth the suffering he will feel when he faces The Modern Day Maharaja. Jinder holds up his WWE Title belt before heading backstage.

    – Kevin Owens is backstage outlining the changes he wants to make on SmackDown after he takes over. Owens runs into Sami Zayn and tells him that after he fires him from SmackDown, Zayn will have to wrestle at armories in small towns again. Sami says he would rather go back to working in armories before he ever works for Owens, and he walks off.

    The New Day def. The Usos: The Usos’ Tag Titles are on the line in this one, and The New Day will be represented by Big E and Kofi. This one is under Street Fight rules. The two teams brawl around ringside and the Usos take control after driving the New Day members into the ring posts. The Champs then double team Big E and one of the Usos superkicks a steel chair into his face. They work on Kofi at ringside, then grab a Kendo stick and go back to work on Big E in the ring with the stick. Kofi runs in and DDTs Jimmy Uso then dropkicks Jey. Kofi grabs the Kendo stick and tees off on the champions. Kofi dumps Jimmy out to ringside then dropkicks a chair into Jey for a two count. Kofi throws Jey out to ringside, then he throws the steel chair at Jimmy. Kofi goes for a suicide dive onto the Usos, but they catch him and throw him into the fan barricade. Big E grabs one of the Usos and hits a belly to belly overhead suplex, then he slams the other one into the announce table. Back in the ring, Big E hits a suplex on Jey then a suplex on Jimmy. He hits the big splash on both Usos, then he goes for the Big Ending but Jey escapes. Big E clotheslines Jey outside, then Jimmy superkicks Big E. Big E comes right back with the Big Ending on Jimmy, but Jey breaks up the pin. Jey delivers two kicks to Big E, then the champions double superkick Big E. The Usos both go up top for the double splash, but Kofi knocks Jey off the top through a table at ringside. Jimmy hops down and runs at Kofi but Kofi kicks him in the head. Big E grabs Jimmy and Kofi goes up top and they hit the Midnight Hour for the win via pinfall. The New Day are handed the Tag Team Championships and they celebrate their championship victory in the ring.

    – Daniel Bryan is shown backstage waiting for Mr. McMahon to arrive.

    – Ronda Rousey is shown sitting at ringside.

    Natalya (c) def. Naomi: The Women’s Title is on the line in this one. Carmella and James Ellsworth are on commentary. After some back and forth mat wrestling in the opening moments, Naomi hits some kicks and a slap to the face. Natalya turns the tides and stomps a mud hole in Naomi in the corner, then puts her in a chin lock to slow down the pace of the match. Naomi fights her way up and hits some leg kicks then a hurricanrana. More kicks by Naomi then she slingshots over the top rope for a leg drop on the champion. Naomi misses a moonsault and Natalya goes for the Sharpshooter. Naomi fights out and dumps Natalya out to ringside. Carmella and Naomi get in a shoving match, then Naomi hits a suicide dive onto Carmella and Ellsworth. Natalaya takes advantage of the distraction and throws Naomi into the ring post. Back in the ring, Natalya locks the Sharpshooter in on Naomi for the win via submission.

    – Aiden English is backstage practicing his singing until he gets interrupted by Kevin Owens. Owens says unlike everyone else here, he enjoys Aiden’s beautiful voice and he will want him to sing the new theme song for the Kevin Owens show.

    – We’re told that WWE Chairman Vince McMahon is still on his way to SmackDown right now.

    – Dolph Ziggler comes out and says that the other wrestlers’ elaborate entrances are done by wannabes who couldn’t lace his boots. He says he’s the greatest performer in WWE history, so he shouldn’t need an elaborate entrance so the fans will like him, but the fans only cheer for that. Ziggler goes backc and comes backc out with Bayley’s entrance music and wacky waving inflatable tube men, imitating Bayley. Zigglers back behind the curtain, and this time he comes out and does the Ultimate Warrior’s entrance. He runs down to the ring, then gets on the mic and says anyone can do what he just did, but no one can do what he does in the ring. Ziggler tells the fans he couldn’t care less about them, then drops the mic and leaves.

    – Daniel Bryan is shown backstage on the phone, still awaiting Mr. McMahon’s arrival.

    Shelton Benjamin & Chad Gable def. The Hype Bros: Gable gets Mojo in a hammerlock to start then immediately tags in Shelton. Shelton takes down Mojo, then the two trade elbows to the face. Shelton hits a spinning heel kick to the face then Mojo tags in Ryder. Ryder hits a facebuster for a two count, then Mojo runs in but Gable throws him into the ring post. Ryder throws Gable outside, then Ryder hits a missile dropkick on Shelton. Shelton comes back with a spinebuster on Ryder, then he and Gable hit a double team powerbomb for the win. Mojo shakes their hands after the match, but Ryder doesn’t and he walks away.

    – Vincent Kennedy McMahon is shown backstage talking to Daniel Bryan in the parking area. McMahon starts strutting towards the gorilla position, and he’s out next.

    – Kevin Owens comes out to the ring and looks up at the stage waiting Mr. McMahon. Vince’s music hits and the WWE Chairman and CEO struts down to the ring. Mr. McMahon steps into the ring and receives a warm reception from the crowd. Before Vince says anything, Owens says this is a first for him – standing in the ring with Mr. McMahon. Owens says Vince is intimidated by him, but Vince says he’s not intimidated he’s more like nauseated. Vince says last week Owens disparaged the McMahon name, so Shane jumped him. Vince says Owens didn’t fight back because he couldn’t, because Shane was beating his ass. Vince asks Owens how he has any respect for himself when he looks in the mirror, and mocks Owens for wanting to sue instead of fighting back. Vince says Owens thinks he has the upper hand, but as soon as Owens files the lawsuit Vince is going to immediately call Owens’ attorney and say “Kevin Owens, you’re fired!” Vince tells Owens to go ahead and file his lawsuit, because he’s undefeated in court. Vince says the laws of this land are written for people like him, because he’s a billionaire. Vince says by the time the lawsuit gets to court years and years from now, Owens will be bankrupt and Vince won’t. Vince tells Owens to go ahead and file his lawsuit and see what happens. Owens complains to Vince that his son Shane put his hands on him, and Vince says he gets it which is why he suspended Shane. But Vince says he really suspended Shane for not finishing the job against Owens. Vince says he wanted Shane to kick Owens ass so badly that his bowels spill out onto the floor. Vince says Owens got what he deserved, and he’s going to reinstate Shane. Vince says there isn’t going to be a lawsuit, there’s going to be a match. That match will be Kevin Owens vs. Shane McMahon in a Hell In A Cell match. Owens says he wants Vince to promise that he won’t get fired for beating a McMahon senseless if provoked. Vince gives Owens his word, and shakes hands with Owens. They exchange some words off-mic, then Owens headbutts Vince. Vince is down and he’s bleeding from the forehead. Owens gets on the mic and says Vince just gave him his word that he can beat a McMahon senseless. Vince gets up and charges at Owens but Owens drops him with a right hand. Owens kicks Vince while he’s down, and a couple referees come out to help. McMahon slowly gets back up to his feet, so Owens superkicks him. Owens throws the refs away and drags McMahon into the middle of the ring. Owens goes up top for a frogsplash, but Joey Mercury comes out and jumps in front of Vince. Joey tells at Owens not to do it. Owens comes flying off the top, Joey moves and Owens hits the frogsplash on Vince. Owens leaves the ring as Mercury and a medic check on Vince. Stephanie McMahon comes out and yells at Owens then goes to check on Vince. Vince declines to get on the stretcher as Joey Mercury, Stephanie, and some referees and trainers help walk Vince to the back. Vince is selling his ribs and still declines the stretcher as SmackDown goes off the air.

  • WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (9/11)

    WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (9/11)

    The September 11th edition of WWE RAW aired live from the Honda Center in Anaheim, CA.

    – Roman Reigns comes down the ramp first to kick off this week’s edition of WWE RAW. Reigns will be facing RAW GM Kurt Angle’s “son” Jason Jordan in the opening match tonight.

    Roman Reigns def. Jason Jordan: Jordan tries to take down Reigns with a double-leg early on but Reigns evades him and laughs off the attempt. Reigns starts firing up with a series of clotheslines on Jordan in the corner, but Jordan fights out and hits a German suplex on Reigns. Jordan continues the offence and beats down Reigns in the corner. Reigns comes back with more clotheslines in the corner, then follows up with a running big boot to the face. Jordan sends Reigns to the outside, but back inside Reigns regains control and plants Jordan with a Samoan Drop. Reigns misses a shot in the corner and Jordan capitalizes with a spear, then Jordan follows up with a capture suplex and both men are down. Jordan whips Reigns into the corner then clotheslines him down for a two count. Jordan unloads with a flurry of offense that leads to a Northen Lights suplex. Jordan bridges after the suplex, but then rolls through backwards and delivers a second Northern Lights Suplex to Reigns. That doesn’t put Reigns away, so Jordan goes for a cross-face. Reigns escapes and takes Jordan out to ringside where Reigns hits the drive-by. Back in the ring, Reigns hits the Superman punch and a spear for the win.

    – After the match, Reigns and Jordan shake hands in the ring then Reigns celebrates on the turnbuckle. We go backstage where an interviewer asks Cena for his thoughts on Reigns’ win, but Cena says he’s going to go tell Reigns himself what he thinks. Cena’s out to the ring to confront Reigns next.

    – Cena comes out to the ring with two microphones and he hands one to Reigns. Cena points out that last week Reigns made fun of him for almost losing to a rookie in Jason Jordan, and Cena says that tonight Reigns had trouble with Jordan too. Cena makes fun of Reigns’ slogans “it’s my yard” and “believe that.” Reigns says he had a great match, something Cena knows nothing about. Reigns says he’s had more great matches than Cena. Cena says Reigns buries himself every time he talks and that Reigns thinks he’s responsible for WWE’s success. Cena says he’s going to teach Reigns what failure and being cut down to size is like. Cena says he calls out Reigns week after week, but Reigns punks out so he’s not really “the guy.” Cena says Reigns will be a cake walk for him at No Mercy and he starts to leave, but Reigns tells him to “bring his bitch ass” back. Reigns says Cena is here to feud with Reigns because Reigns is selling more tickets than Cena sold. Reigns says WWE can survive without Cena, but Cena can’t survive without WWE because he can’t break into Hollywood. Cena tells Reigns that at No Mercy he will be “like a drug test” for Reigns because Reigns wont get past him.

    – Sasha Banks is shown backstage heading towards the gorilla position.

    Sasha Banks def. Emma: Alexa Bliss is on commentary for this one. After some evenly matched back-and-forth action in the opening moments, Nia Jax quickly comes out to the stage to interrupt. Nia seems to be turning her attention more towards Bliss at the commentary match than on the action in the ring. Nia joins the commentary table while Emma hits a suplex in the ring. Sasha comes back with some knee strikes and a hurricanrana. Emma dodges a strike and hangs up Sasha in a tree of woe in the corner then stomps on her. Emma follows up with a splash in the corner for a two count. Emma gets frustrated, then Banks grabs her and locks her in the Banks Statement for the win via submission.

    – Michael Cole introduces a video package highlighting the cage match between Braun Strowman and Big Show last week.

    – WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar and his advocate Paul Heyman are out to the ring next. Heyman cuts a promo about No Mercy, and his client’s Universal Title defense against Braun Strowman in the pay-per-view’s main event. Heyman recaps the history between Strowman and Lesnar, and says that for the first time since he faced The Undertaker, the odds are against Lesnar going into this match. Heyman says Strowman might be bigger and stronger than Lesnar, but he’s not badder than him. Heyman says why wait until No Mercy because Lesnar is ready, and he challenges Strowman to come down to the ring right now if he’s ready too. Strowman comes down the ramp and storms into the ring. Lesnar ducks a clothesline and goes for a German suplex, but Strowman elbows Lesnar off of him and goes for a running powerslam. Lesnar escapes and hits a German suplex, but Strowman no-sells it and gets right back up. Lesnar looks shocked that Strowman is still standing, and Strowman delivers a chokeslam to the Universal Champion. Strowman follows up with a running powerslam on Lesnar, then Strowman picks up the Universal Title belt and holds it up. Strowman puts his foot on Lesnar as he holds the belt in the air, then Strowman drops the strap and heads backstage. Heyman runs in the ring to check on Lesnar after Strowman leaves.

    – Enzo Amore will be a guest on Miz TV tonight.

    Bray Wyatt def. Goldust: Before the match, Wyatt comes on the big screen and says he used to think Goldust was different and unique, but now he sees someone who is too afraid to come out from behind the paint. He says Goldust is just like Finn Balor, and they protect themselves from the truth with the paint. Goldust starts off strong with punches and a running big boot on Wyatt. Wyatt falls outside and they brawl around ringside before going back in the ring where Wyatt makes a comeback. Wyatt hits a running senton bomb, then the fight spills out to ringside again. Goldust hits a cannonball splash off the apron onto Wyatt at ringside, then pets Wyatt’s head as he’s on the floor. Back in the ring, Wyatt comes back and hits the Sister Abigail for the win after a short but competitive match. After the match, Wyatt gets a white rag and wipes off some of Goldust’s face paint. Wyatt yells that Goldust is a mortal just like Finn Balor, then Balor runs down for the save and Wyatt. Balor and Wyatt stare each other down as Wyatt slowly backs up the ramp.

    – Cesaro and Sheamus do an interview backstage where they say the true test for Ambrose and Rollins will be at No Mercy. Sheamus promises to break their ribs and puncture their lungs, and after they’re beat down that’s when they’ll lose because their instincts are to be self-serving.

    Sheamus & Cesaro vs. Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows – No Contest: RAW Tag Team Champs Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose join the broadcast table for this one. Before Sheamus and Cesaro and make it down to the ring, they get into a war of words with Ambrose and Rollins on the ramp and a brawl between the teams breaks out. Gallows and Anderson run up the ramp to join in on the fight, and they all take turns beating on the Tag Champs before turning on each other. Gallows and Anderson are brawling with Sheamus and Cesaro on the ramp, then Ambrose and Rollins recover and get back into the fight. Officials are out trying to separate them and control the melee.

    – Rollins and Ambrose approach RAW GM Kurt Angle backstage and demand a match against both of those other teams. Angle says he won’t put his tag champs at risk this close to No Mercy, but if they can find two partners he’ll put them in an eight-man match.

    – The announcers say that Kurt Angle has signed the hottest free agents in WWE, and they lead us to a teaser for Asuka’s RAW debut.

    – Nia Jax and Alexa Bliss are backstage where Bliss says Asuka is coming to try and steal their thunder. Bliss says RAW should be the Nia and Alexa show, but Nia says they aren’t friends. Bliss says she wants to put their problems behind them and be best friends, but then Nia informs her that she went to Kurt Angle and got a match against Bliss next week. Nia walks off as Bliss looks concerned.

    – Elias comes out for a song, but he quickly gets interrupted by Kalisto.

    Elias def. Kalisto: Kalisto starts off strong and sends Elias out to ringside for a suicide Swanton bomb over the top rope. After some brawling at ringside, Kalisto goes to pull Elias up into the ring, but Elias slams Kalisto into the apron. Back in the ring, Elias drops Kalisto with a lariat. It’s all Elias for the next few moments as he beats down Kalisto and works on his left arm. Kalisto comes back with an arm drag and a spinning heel kick. Kalisto follows up with a tornado DDT for a two count. Elias comes back with a powerbomb, then hits his finisher for the win via pinfall.

    – We see a video package recapping what happened earlier tonight between Braun Strowman and Universal Champ Brock Lesnar.

    John Cena def. Braun Strowman via DQ: Cena is out to the ring first and he’s fired up, yelling to the back for Strowman to come out. Strowman enters second, and it’s on. Cena goes full steam ahead offensively towards Braun, but Braun’s power is too much as he repeatedly strikes Cena down to the mat. Strowman continues to control the pace and then he hits a dropkick on Cena which pops the crowd. Strowman charges at Cena in the corner but Cena gets the boot up in Strowman’s Face. Cena charges at Strowman, but Strowman grabs him and hits a fallaway slam that sends Cena rolling out to ringside. Strowman follows Cena outside and whips Cena into the ring steps. Strowman continues to work on Cena, until Cena is able to push Strowman into the ring post. Back in the ring, Cena hits a kick on Strowman then attempts the AA. Cena isn’t able to get Strowman up and Strowman flattens him. Braun misses a spear in the corner and Cena follows up with a back suplex. Cena goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Strowman hops up and hits a spinebuster. Roman Reigns is shown backstage watching on a monitor. Cena fires up and successfully hits the AA on Strowman, and Strowman rolls out to ringside to recover. Cena takes a moment to recover too, then he rolls outside and Strowman hits him in the head with the ring steps. Strowman throws Cena in the ring, then throws some of the ring steps in the ring. Strowman hits a running powerslam on Cena onto the ring steps, and this time the ref calls for the DQ. Strowman stares down at Cena on the mat before heading backstage.

    – We see Roman Reigns backstage again, and an interviewer asks him what he thinks about Strowman beating Cena. Reigns says the monster showed no mercy on Cena, and neither will he.

    – Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins are backstage looking for tag partners for tonight. They ask two random guys first, and decide against it. Then they run into “The Man of 100 Holds” Dean Malenko and Jamie Noble, who seem excited to see them, but Rollins points out that they aren’t dressed to wrestle tonight. The RAW Tag Champs run into Matt and Jeff Hardy next, and the Hardy Boyz seem interested in joining them in the eight man tag match tonight.

    – The Miz is out to the ring next for Miz TV with Enzo Amore. The Miz and Maryse start off by announcing that they’re having a baby. Miz says unlike Kurt Angle, he’ll be there for his child from day one. The Miz begins to read a poem about fatherhood, but he’s interrupted by Enzo’s entrance. The Miz points out that Enzo interrupted a deeply personal moment, and Enzo says it’s great news and he wants to celebrate. Miz says Enzo never thinks before he speaks, and that’s why he’s kicked out of WWE tour buses and why he’s kicked out of the WWE locker room. Miz says Enzo didn’t choose to take his personality to 205 Live, but rather he was kicked off RAW. Miz says he started off unliked but he worked hard and earned respect. Miz says Enzo interrupted the most sacred moment of his entire life. Miz says he sees a lot of talent in Enzo but Enzo keeps making mistake after mistake. Miz says over on 205 Live, Neville perfected his craft, while all Enzo cares about is hanging out with third rate rappers. Enzo says he’s an original, while The Miz is just a copy cat of wrestlers before him. Enzo says he’s going to beat Neville for the Cruiserweight Title, and he has no problem coming back to RAW and beating Miz. Enzo says he’ll fight Miz right here and now, which The Miz accepts. Miz says he’ll dedicate his victory tonight to his unborn child. Enzo says Daniel Bryan was right about Miz – he’s s-a-w-f-t.

    The Miz def. Enzo Amore: Enzo rolls out to ringside early on and gets back on the mic where he says The Miz’s wrestling is straight-to-DVD quality. The Miz follows Enzo outside and clotheslines him down on the ringside floor. Miz gets on the mic and asks Enzo how he’s doing, then repeatedly slams him into the ring apron. Miz throws Enzo back in the ring, then he gets on the top turnbuckle with the mic. Miz begins to say something to the crowd, but then Enzo knocks him down. Enzo picks up the mic and says Miz shouldn’t be asking how you doin’, he should be asking who’s Mayse’s baby’s daddy. The Miz tackles Enzo and pummels on him, then Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel beat down Enzo at ringside, and Axel hits a running knee to the face of Enzo up against the fan barricade. On commentary Booker T says “that’s what you get when no one likes you.” They throw Enzo back in the ring and Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale. The Miztourage celebrates in the ring before heading backstage.

    – Michael Cole confirms that Nia Jax vs. Alexa Bliss will take place on next week’s RAW.

    – We go backstage where Enzo is shown recovering from the beat down. He runs into Neville, who laughs in Enzo’s face then walks off.

    Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose & the Hardy Boyz def. Sheamus, Cesaro, Gallows & Anderson: Graves mentions on commentary about Matt Hardy’s well-being as he seems delirious tonight. All eight men brawl all over the ring until it comes down to Jeff and Cesaro and the ref calls for the opening bell. Jeff opens up with an atomic drop and a leg drop, then he starts working on Cesar’s left arm. Matt tags in and they briefly double team Cesro. Cesaro stuns Matt with a European uppercut, then tags in Sheamus. Sheamus goes for a powerslam but Matt escapes. Matt goes for the Twist of Fate but Sheamus escapes. Matt throws Sheamus outside, then Cesaro runs in and Matt throws him outside too. Matt tags in Jeff and they hit the Poetry In Motion over the top rope onto Sheamus and Cesaro at ringside. Gallows and Ambrose tag in, and Gallows knocks Ambrose to the outside with a big boot. Gallows hits another kick to the head for a two count. Gallows throws some punches at Ambrose in the corner, then Cesaro comes in. Cesaro and Sheamus use frequent tags to double team Ambrose a couple times. Gallows and Anderson now take turns working on Ambrose. Sheamus comes in now and knocks Rollins off the apron. Sheamus tags back Cesaro and they hit the double team White Noise. Matt breaks up the pin, so the heels take him outside and throw him into the fan barricade. Anderson comes in and goes for a powerslam, but Ambrose escapes. Anderson escapes a Dirty Deeds attempt, but Ambrose still rolls him up for a two count. Gallows tags in and they go for the Magic Killer on Ambrose, but Ambrose fights out. Sheamus tags in next and misses a spear in the corner. Ambrose almost tags in Rollins, but Cesaro stops him. Cesaro goes for a back suplex, but Ambrose escapes and throws Cesaro to the outside. Anderson and Rollins get the tags, and Rollins hits a blockbuster off the top on Anderson. Forearm shot by Rollins then he goes up top. Anderson dodges him, so Rollins hits a suicide dive on Gallows at ringside. Back in the ring Rollins delivers some kicks to Anderson and pins, but Gallows breaks it up. The Hardys come it and clear the ring, then they tell Cesaro and Sheamus to bring it on, but Cesaro and Sheamus retreat up the ramp inside. Rollins knees Anderson in the face then Ambrose follows up with the Dirty Deeds for the win. The Tag Champs and the Hardys celebrate their victory in the ring, as Sheamus and Cesaro stare down from the stage and RAW goes off the air.

  • Jake Roberts On His Fear Of Snakes, Vader & Honky Tonk Man Injuring Him, Damien Biting Him

    Jake Roberts On His Fear Of Snakes, Vader & Honky Tonk Man Injuring Him, Damien Biting Him

    Jake “The Snake” Roberts recently took part in an Ask Me Anything question & answer session on Reddit. The WWE Hall of Famer fielded questions from fans and shared some intimate stories from his legendary wrestling career.

    When a fan asked if Jake was ever afraid of his massive python Damien, the “Master of the DDT” revealed that he is actually terrified of snakes.

    “Absolutely, I am terrified of snakes, always have been and always will be,” Jake answered. “It was just a great idea. I came up with it years ago, and I go to WWF and they finally let me do it. When the reality of doing it sunk in, I was terrified. […] I’ve been bit over 20 times, they can strangle you… it takes them just seconds to kill you… Ricky Steamboat had to pull one off of me, when I came thru the snake was in the audience and I grabbed him and got him under control.”

    Roberts faced countless opponents during his active years, but when asked if there was one particular wrestler he dreaded working with, he answered “yes, absolutely.”

    “Vader — He broke my sternum twice,” Roberts said. “Back to back. I wrestled him once, he broke it. I wrestled him again after I healed and he broke it again. I’ve had so many injuries over the years, and I don’t need something like that from someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing.”

    His most painful wrestling-related memory is still the guitar shot he took from Honky Tonk Man on WWE Superstars in 1987. “The worst thing that happened was being hit by the guitar, that shattered two discs in my neck and damn near killed me,” he recalled.

    Jake’s most-popular answer in the AMA post was to a fan asking what his proudest moment in wrestling was.

    “There was a young boy in California with brain cancer and he’d just given up, and he had a horrible scar from surgery and he was real ashamed of it,” Roberts recalled. “It was ugly, man, it was damned ugly. I went in to see him and I was like, “Oh my God, I gotta get a haircut like that! It is badass!” It sparked him up a bit. Then they sent a TV crew in and newspaper people in, and he didn’t want that. He just wanted to hang with me. I saw his demeanor change and I told them that if he points at the door, you guys leave. Because it was for him and not for the newspaper, you know? He pointed, so I threw them out and he loved that.

    “I was coming to town in three weeks and I told him I needed him in my corner. The doctor told him that wouldn’t happen. But we got him fighting, and we got him going again and he showed up for my match with the Honkey Tonk Man. I let him put the snake on him and to see that kids face… I don’t know, man, to see that… I could talk about 100 different matches but you asked for a moment, and that was a moment.

    “I should try to find him now, because that’s the kind of stuff I do now. And those are the moments I treasure, because if I can bring happiness to someone, whoever… that’s why I love DDP Yoga, because it makes people feel better about themselves. And I know what’s that like because I’ve hated myself and the way I’ve looked and given up, so I’ve been down that road… so to go on this program with DDP and to watch people help themselves… I thought I was getting high before, but man! It’s an amazing feeling when you’ve helped someone get healthy.

    “Dallas asked me once what DDP Yoga had done for me that nothing else could, and I said it gave me back the dream – when you’re down and out, you don’t dream. But as I got better, I started dreaming again.”

    You can read Robert’s entire Reddit AMA at this link.

  • Matt & Reby Hardy Respond To GFW “Hemorrahaging Funds,” Sale Rumors

    Matt & Reby Hardy Respond To GFW “Hemorrahaging Funds,” Sale Rumors

    After a highly publicized feud with Anthem Sports & GFW/Impact Wrestling over the rights to the “Broken Hardy” characters, Matt Hardy and his wife Reby took to Twitter to apparently respond to recent reports about behind-the-scenes trouble in GFW. Reby also retweeted a report that Anthem is “hemorrhaging funds.”

    Sports Illustrated reported this week that GFW’s parent company Anthem Sports is looking to sell GFW and finish their stint in the wrestling business.

    In August, Reby told Sports Illustrated that they were willing to go to court with Anthem but would rather settle the issue like “civil human beings.” She says Senjor Benjamin (her father) and Maxel (her son) never signed any kind of release or contract for their images to be marketed by GFW/Impact or Anthem Sports. She also claims that she created, shot, directed, and edited a lot of footage which she never gave them permission to use.

    GFY and the Hardys have been locked in a legal battle over the Broken Matt and Brother Nero characters since 2017, with GFW arguing that the characters were created by their employees while working for the company. The Hardys claim that they created the whole gimmick, producing the majority of the Broken Universe segments themselves along with Jeremy Borash and Billy Corgan. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that the Hardys even tried to get Borash to join them in WWE to work on Hardy family storylines, but it didn’t pan out.

  • Finn Balor Reveals Which Superstar Discouraged His ‘Demon’ Alter Ego

    Finn Balor Reveals Which Superstar Discouraged His ‘Demon’ Alter Ego

    Former WWE Universal Champion Finn Balor recently did an interview with Al Arabiya English where he talked about one of his fellow wrestlers advising against using face paint for his “Demon” character. Balor said the first time “the Demon came,” it wasn’t referred to that yet, but was just something he was trying out to get more heat with fans.

    “The first time I did that, I said to my best friend Karl Anderson that I’m going to do this thing,” Balor recalled. “I explained to him what I was doing and he said, ‘Do not do that, you’re going to be laughed out of the building.’ Obviously this didn’t happen. The whole Demon character was designed for people to hate me more and to be scared of me, and it kind of backfired in the sense that people kind of like it now.”

    Balor says leaving New Japan Pro Wrestling and entering the WWE Universe changed him, and he points out that now in every country he goes to there are kids painted up like the Demon.

    “When we go to anywhere—when we go to Germany, or any country we go to, there are kids that look up to you, that are wearing your face paint, wearing your t-shirts, making signs,” he said. “The reach that WWE has through its television, its social media, and the WWE Network—that WWE Universe that we speak about—all the fans—that’s what drives me now. Reaching those, and influencing those people, and to give them something to cheer for, in a way. Before, I was wrestling for me, but now I feel like I’m wrestling for other people, and I feel like that’s much more important.”

    You can check out the full interview with Balor at Al Arabiya English on YouTube.

  • Dolph Ziggler Continues New Storyline (Video), Kurt Angle Praises RAW Match, Shane’s Shocking SmackDown Moment

    Dolph Ziggler Continues New Storyline (Video), Kurt Angle Praises RAW Match, Shane’s Shocking SmackDown Moment

    – Dolph Ziggler had his “re-debut” on SmackDown on Tuesday, with the same entrance music and style as usual, then he cut a promo mocking some of the more popular characters in WWE. WWE continued the angle on YouTube after the show, with the above video where Ziggler interrupts Renee Young backstage and continues ranting about other wrestlers’ gimmicks.

    – RAW General Manager and former WWE Champion Kurt Angle gave high grades to The Big Show & Braun Strowman’s cage match on Monday’s show. The Olympic Gold Medalist took to Twitter to call the bout a “classic cage match” and recommended that fans check it out.

    – WWE ran an opinion poll after Tuesday’s SmackDown where 37% fans voted Shane McMahon being suspended as the “most shocking” moment of the show. 30% of fans voted for Shane’s attack on Kevin Owens, while 22% voted for Carmella kissing James Ellsworth.

  • Roode Speaks On His SmackDown Dark Match (Video), Shane Publicly Apologizes, TJP vs. Swann

    Roode Speaks On His SmackDown Dark Match (Video), Shane Publicly Apologizes, TJP vs. Swann

    – Bobby Roode deafeated Mike Kanellis in the dark match before this week’s episode of SmackDown Live. WWE uploaded a video after the event where Roode discusses the match and performing in front of the WWE Universe. Roode talks about how anything can happen in the ring, and says he was glad to open up the show to make the SmackDown crowd feel a little bit more glorious.

    – The rubber match between TJP and Rich Swann has been booked for next week’s 205 Live in Las Vegas, NV. TJP returned to the ring this week with a win over Ariya Daivari. Perkins had been out of action selling a storyline injury.

    – WWE ran an angle on SmackDown this week where show commissioner Shane McMahon assaulted Kevin Owens, which prompted Owens to sue McMahon and WWE in retaliation. Owens says he’s going to take over SmackDown, and Shane issued an apology on Twitter to the employees who might be effected by what’s about to happen. As noted, WWE Chairman Vince McMahon will be on SmackDown next week to take part in the storyline.

  • WWE SmackDown Live Results & Discussion (9/5)

    WWE SmackDown Live Results & Discussion (9/5)

    The September 5th, 2017 edition of WWE SmackDown takes place at the Denny Sanford Premier Center in Sioux Falls, SD.

    – SmackDown opens up with a video promoting Randy Orton and Shinsuke Nakamura’s match tonight. We then go deep into the backstage area of the arena where Orton cuts a promo about the match later. Orton says that Nakamura will not distract him from his ultimate goal of taking the WWE Title from Jinder Mahal, and no one rises above the Viper. We then go to Nakamura in the locker room where he cuts a promo saying he respects Orton, but he’s going to fulfil his destiny of winning the WWE Title.

    – James Ellsworth and Carmella are in the ring, and Ellsworth starts to introduce Carmella on the mic until he gets interrupted by Kevin Owens. Owens comes down to the ring and says he has good news for them: He’s going to be the special guest referee for Carmella’s next match. Owens tries to forcibly take the referee’s shirt, but Shane McMahon comes out for the save. Shane steps in the ring and says he’s shutting him down, and Owens won’t be making himself a referee tonight. Shane says Kevin needs to stop blaming him for losing. Shane says on SmackDown they won’t hand him a Championship like Triple H did on the RAW brand. Owens blames Shane for not being the U.S. Champ right now, and he says Shane acts like this because Vince didn’t give him enough attention as a kid. Owens says Shane’s family would have been better off had he not survived his recent helicopter crash, including his kids. This sets off Shane and he starts fighting with Owens out of the right and over the announce table at ringside. Shane gets on Owens and starts pummeling on him and shoving off anyone who tries to stop him. Daniel Bryan, Joey Mercury and others come out to pull Shane off and calm him down. Shane heads backstage and Daniel Bryan doesn’t look happy.

    – Kevin Owens is being helped backstage by Charles Robinson and some other referees. Daniel Bryan runs up and apologizes for Shane and says he was way out of line. Owens says Bryan better enjoy his job while he has it because he’s going to sue Shane and literally turn SmackDown into the Kevin Owens Show literally. Owens says he’s suing WWE and every member of the McMahon Family. Bryan asks if there’s another way they can handle this, and Owens says the only other option would be to press criminal charges against Shane.

    Natalya def. Carmella: Carmella hits a hurricanrana early on and follows up with a dropkick. They trade slaps to the face then Natalya drops Carmella with a discus clothesline. Natalya comes back with a suplex, then we see Naomi watching on a monitor backstage. Carmella comes back with a front face lock, but Natalya powers out and slams her down. Natalya goes for the Sharpshooter but Carmella fights out. Carmella hits an elbow and a superkick for a two count. James Ellsworth gets on the apron and hands over the Money In The Bank briefcase. Carmella gets mad and doesn’t want the briefcase now, and Natalya takes advantage of the distraction and rolls up Carmella from behind for the win. Ellsworth apologizes to Carmella and she rips into him. Carmella says Ellsworth is the sorriest excuse for a human being she’s ever met, and she doesn’t need a genetic defect like him. She says Ellsworth is a charity case and his mother should have given him away at birth. She says she’s through with Ellsworth, then she leaves with the briefcase.

    – Shane McMahon is shown backstage looking concerned about what happened earlier.

    – We’re told that Dolph Ziggler will “re-debut” next.

    – Dolph Ziggler comes out with his usual entrance music and gets on the mic on the stage. He says the WWE Universe doesn’t appreciate how great he is in the ring, and they don’t realize that he’s the greatest performer in WWE history. Ziggler says the fans would rather have some dumb gimmick than Ziggler, so the screen goes dark and he walks off. John Cena’s music hits with Ziggler’s name still on the screen, and he comes out wearing Cena’s hat. The crowd boos so Ziggler gets on the mic and says he’s got another one. This time he goes behind the curtain, and comes back out with Macho Man’s music and entrance. Ziggler gets on the mic and says the crowd isn’t going for the nostalgia act like they usually do, but he knows what they want. Ziggler comes out dressed in glow-in-the-dark stuff and does Naomi’s dancing entrance next. Ziggler says anyone can do what he just did, but no one can do what he does in the ring. Ziggler says he doesn’t care about the crowd just like they don’t care about him, and they all make him sick, then Ziggler heads backstage.

    Aiden English def. Sami Zayn: Zayn interrupts English’s song to start the match. Zayn is in control right off the bat with a hurricanrana. Zayn goes up top and misses, and English rolls him up in a small package pin for the win after a very short match. Right after the match, English gets back on the mic to finish his song but once again Zayn interrupts him. Zayn chases English all the way to the back.

    – The New Day & The Usos both walk in to Daniel Bryan’s office and discuss their match next week. The Usos says it’s going to be a Sin City Street Fight in Las Vegas next week. The Usos leave and the New Day seem excited about the match, then Bryan tells them he needs to take a phone call. He calls the person on the other line “sir” and they talk about Bryan going to the ring to do something.

    – Daniel Bryan comes out to the ring without his entrance music, and he tells Shane to come down to the ring. Bryan says back when The Miz used to call him out, Shane told him to put WWE, the fans, and the employees first so Bryan restrained himself from punching Miz in the face. Bryan says Shane can’t assault an employee and they can’t run SmackDown like that. Shane says he’s right and he takes responsibility for his action. Bryan says they’re in legal trouble now and the company employees are in jeopardy. Shane says he’ll talk to Owens and smooth this over, but Bryan says it’s too late for that. Bryan says he just got a call from WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, and effective immediately Shane is indefinitely suspended. Bryan leaves first, then Shane heads backstage.

    – Jinder Mahal is backstage with the Singh Brothers, where the WWE Champion cuts a promo about how he’s already beaten Orton and Nakamura. Jinder says he represents Asia better than Nakamura ever could, and for over 100 days he’s proven that he’s the greatest WWE Champion of all time. Jinder says tonight he’ll be watching Orton vs. Nakamura very closely.

    – AJ Styles is on commentary where he talks about auctioning off his gold elbow pad he’s wearing tonight for the Connor’s Cure charity.

    Baron Corbin def. Tye Dillinger: Corbin rolls outside immediately to talk trash to AJ at ringside. Tye takes advantage of the distraction with a suicide dive onto Corbin. Back in the ring, Tye lays into Corbin with chops to the chest then clotheslines him back to the outside. Back in the ring, Corbin comes back with a chokeslam backbreaker and then a clothesline. Corbin and Tye trade strikes in the ring until Tye drops him with a flying forearm shot. Tye stomps on Corbin in the corner, then he goes for the Tyebreaker but Corbin escapes. Corbin puts the boots to Tye and Tye starts selling a leg injury. Back in the ring Tye hits ten punches in the corner, but Corbin gets in a cheap shot to the throat then hits the End of Days for the win. AJ takes issue with Corbin’s win on commentary. Corbin and AJ stare each other down after the match before Corbin heads backstage.

    – Tye Dillinger is backstage selling the cheap shot to the throat when AJ Styles approaches him. AJ offers Tye another shot at the U.S. Title on SmackDown next weeks, and Tye says that would be phenomenal.

    – A special look at Bobby Roode is up next and we see a video package looking back at Roode’s NXT career highlights.

    – James Ellsworth finds Carmella and apologizes to her again for messing things up. He begs her for another chance and says he’ll do anything she wants. Carmella says from now on they’re doing things her way, and she grabs Ellsworth and gives him a big kiss then slaps him across the face. Carmella walks off and Ellsworth looks confused.

    Shinsuke Nakamura def. Randy Orton: Orton goes for an RKO early on but Nakamura avoids it. Orton also goes for a DDT early but Nakamura escapes and rolls outside. Back in the ring, Orton drops Nakamura across the top rope then keeps him grounded with a chin lock. Nakamura fights up and delivers some elbows to the head of Orton. Orton rolls outside and pulls Nakamura out with him. Nakamura throws Orton into the announce table, then Orton grabs Nakamura and suplexes him on top of the table. Orton takes Nakamura back in the ring for a two count. Nakamura unleashes an extended flurry off kicks on Orton, then sets up Orton in the corner for a running knee strike to the ribs. Nakamura goes up top but Orton stops him and executes a top rope superplex. Nakamura tells Orton to bring it, so Orton charges forward and Nakamura trips him. Nakamura follows up with a series of knee strikes to a grounded Orton, then Nakamura goes for another one but Orton reverses into a spinning powerslam. Orton hangs Nakamura off the middle rope and DDTs him, then he gets ready for an RKO. Orton goes for it but Nakamura reverses and puts Orton in an armbar. Orton blocks the armbar so Nakamura goes for a triangle choke and Orton powerbombs him to get out. Orton goes for the RKO but Nakamura counters with a backbreaker. Nakamura hits the Kinshasa for the three count, and Nakamura has now earned another shot at Jinder Mahal’s WWE Title. Jinder Mahal and the Singh Brothers are shown watching as referee Charles Robinson holds up Nakamura’s hand.

    – Backstage, Daniel Bryan runs up to Kevin OWens and tells him that Shane has been suspended so this situation is done. Owens tells him he’s just getting started, and next week he will make SmackDown his personal playground. Owens says there’s nothing Bryan can do about it, but Bryan says there is someone who can do something about it – Vince McMahon – and Vince will be in the house on SmackDown next week!

    – We go back to the ring where Shinsuke Nakamura is still celebrating his victory as SmackDown goes off the air.

  • WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (9/4)

    WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (9/4)

    The September 4th, 2017 edition of WWE RAW took place at the Century Link Center in Ohama, NE.

    – Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW, then John Cena comes out right away to kick off this week’s show. We see a replay of Cena making his WWE debut against Kurt Angle, and then Angle’s “son” Jason Jordan makes his way out to the ring for the first match of the night.

    John Cena def. Jason Jordan: Jordan starts off strong with lots of offense on Cena and attempts a couple of pins early on. Jordan repeatedly wrestles Cena down to the mat until Cena comes back with a slam of his own. Cena comes back with a forearm shot and a suplex, then throws some punches at Jordan. Cena hits a shoulder block then attempts a back suplex, but Jordan escapes and levels Cena with a dropkick. Cena and Jordan go back and forth with right hands in the middle until Jordan goes for a spinebuster and Cena reverses into a sunset flip. Cena hits a back suplex and follows up with the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena goes for the AA but Jordan escapes and rolls up Cena for two. Cena puts Jordan in the STF, but Jordan escapes and puts Cena in a crossface-type hold of his own. Cena goes for the AA again but Jordan escapes. Jordan hits a Northern Lights suplex for a two count. Jordan hits a spear in the corner then goes for a back suplex but Cena escapes. Cena follows up with the WWE for the win.

    – After the match Cena and Jordan shake hands then Jordan heads backstage. Before Cena can leave the ring, Roman Reigns comes out to interrupt. Reigns steps in the ring with a mic and criticizes Cena for taking 20 minutes to beat a rookie (Jordan). Reigns feels if Cena was as good as he says he is, he would have beat Jordan immediately. Reigns says maybe Cena isn’t as good as he thinks he is, and calls him a “lying, fake-ass little bitch.” Cena says he’s disgusted by Reigns’ face, and says using his brain isn’t Reigns’ strong suit. Cena says Reigns came out with his fly down and that Reigns has no balls. Cena says Reigns needs to be taught a lesson in respect, and says he doesn’t respect Reigns. Cena says Reigns is the one who is really a fake-ass bitch, and says the fans don’t agree with Reigns that he’s “the guy.” Cena says he might have to beat some common sense into Reigns, so Reigns tells him to do It right now. Reigns asks the fans if they want to see Cena kick his ass, which gets a big pop from the crowd. Cena seems to decline. Reigns says Cena is all talk and he doesn’t respect Cena, then he walks off. Reigns heads backstage as Cena looks at him from the ring.

    – RAW Tag Champs Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose come out to join the commentary table with Michael Cole, Booker T, and Corey Graves.

    Sheamus & Cesaro def. Rhyno & Heath Slater: Slater rolls up Cesaro for a one count to start the match, then when Cesaro gets up he decks Slater with a right hand. Cesaro works over Slater in the corner and tags in Sheamus. Cesaro tags back in and goes back to work on Slater until Slater comes back with a spinning heel kick. Rhyno and Sheamus gets the tags and Rhyno cleans house. Cesaro knocks Slater outside, then Rhyno knocks Cesaro outside, and when Rhyno turns around he walks right into a big boot from Sheamus. Sheamus pins and scores the three count for the victory. After the match, Sheamus and Cesaro stare up at Rollins and Ambrose at the announce position.

    – Over to the commentary table, Cole, Booker T and Graves promote the flooding relief efforts in Texas right now.

    – The Hardy Boyz do an interview backstage where Matt says this would be a WONDERFUL evening for a new Intercontinental Champion. Jeff says he and his brother wrestle each match like it’s their first or could be their last. Jeff says tonight he’s either going to burn out in a blaze of glory, of he’s leaving the new IC Champ. Matt says if the dastardly Miztourage tries to run in, he’ll give them a twist of fate.

    The Miz (c) def. Jeff Hardy: The Miztourage and Maryse are at ringside in Miz’s corner, and Matt Hardy is in Jeff’s corner. The Miz’s IC Title is on the line in this one. Jeff clotheslines Miz to the outside early on, but Miz moves out of the way so Jeff doesn’t jump. back in the ring, Jeff hits a neckbreaker on the champion then the Whisper In The Wind for a two count. Jeff goes up top for a Swanton Bomb, but Curtis Axel knocks him down while the ref is distracted by Bo Dallas. Matt takes out Axel and then attempts a Twist of Fate on Dallas, but Dallas shoves Matt off. The ref sees the brawl at ringside and ejects Matt and the Miztourage from ringside. Back in the ring, Jeff rolls up Miz from behind for a near-fall. Russian leg sweep by Jeff then an inverted atomic drop for another two count. Jeff goes for a leg drop but Miz blocks it and hits a DDT for a two count. Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale but Jeff escapes. Miz hits a knee strike and both men are down. Miz hits some kicks on a grounded Jeff, but Jeff comes back with a kick of his own. Jeff follows up with a dropkick in the corner for a two count. Jeff goes for a high risk move off the apron but Miz trips him and Jeff wipes out on the ringside floor. Back in the ring, Miz puts Jeff in the Figure Four until Jeff reaches the ropes. Jeff hits a Twist of Fate out of nowhere on Miz, but Miz reaches the ropes to break the pin fall. Jeff kicks Miz to the outside then hits the Poetry In Motion off the steps. Back in the ring, Miz is down and Jeff goes up top. Jeff goes for the Swanton but Miz rolls out of the way and Jeff hits the mat. Jeff goes for another Twist of Fate but Miz escapes and hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Jeff for the win. The ref hands Miz his IC Title belt and Maryse helps him out of the ring.

    – Nia Jax approaches RAW GM Kurt Angle backstage and she wants the Women’s Title match. Emma interrupts and says she’s the one who deserves a chance at the Women’s Title. Nia gets in Emma’s face and Kurt separates them. Kurt says on RAW you don’t ask for opportunities, you earn them. He books a tag match and if the duo of Nia & Emma win tonight, they both get added to the Women’s Title match at No Mercy to make it a Fatal 4 Way.

    – We see the steel cage hanging above the ring. Big Show and Braun Strowman will face off in the cage later tonight.

    Gran Metalik, Enzo Amore & Cedric Alexander def. Tony Nese, Drew Gulak & Noam Dar: Enzo cuts a promo before the match. Enzo says he creates controversy everywhere he goes, and controversy creates cash. Enzo says 205 Live always had great talent, but since his arrival 205 Live has become the realest hour on TV. The opening bell rings and Cedric takes the offense to Nese in the opening moments. Cedric hits a hurricanrana then a dropkick. Enzo tags himself in on Cedric’s back and Enzo hits a drop toe hold on Nese. After some back and forth fighting between Enzo an Nese, Cedric and Gulak get the tags. Gulak hits an elbow to the face, but Alexander fires back with a kick to the head. Nese breaks up the pin and Metalik takes him out with a kick. Cedric and Metalik follow up with suicide dives in tandem to the outside onto Nese and Dar. Enzo and Gulak are legal and Enzo pokes Gulak in the eye when the ref isn’t looking. Enzo follows up with the JawdonZO for the win.

    – Alexa Bliss approaches Sasha Banks backstage and they both says they aren’t happy about teaming up tonight. Bliss says Banks needs to let her be in charge because she’s the champ, and Banks gets in Alexa’s face. Banks says she’s going to make Bliss scream at No Mercy when she makes her tap out.

    – Finn Balor makes his entrance to the ring and gets on the mic. Balor mentions that he used to have the NXT Title and Universal Title, but he hasn’t had the Intercontinental Title yet due to Bray Wyatt. Balor takes issue with Wyatt costing him his opportunity last week to face The Miz. Balor says the next time Wyatt appears, he’ll be ready for him. The lights go out and we see Wyatt on the Titantron. Wyatt cuts a promo about remembering his first time going hunting and killing something. Wyatt says he got bored of hunting, so he stopped using weapons and started using his bare hands. Wyatt tells Balor he will run like a scared little rabbit, then says “run” one more time before the screen cuts to black.

    Nia Jax & Emma def. Alexa Bliss & Sasha Banks: Sasha starts off against Nia and gets her in a sleeper hold early on. Nia throws Sasha off then misses a splash in the corner, and Sasha fires back with punches. Sasha goes for an arm drag, but Nia reverses and slams Sasha down. Emma tags herself in on Nia’s back then pummels on Sasha. Emma and Sasha trade pin attempts until Emma drops Banks with a clothesline. Emma goes for a vertical suplex but Sasha reverses it into one of her own. Alexa tags in and continues the offense on Emma. Banks tags back in and continues stomping on Emma. Banks hits a double knee drop on Emma for a two count. Sasha and Emma trade forearm strikes and elbows, but when Emma goes for the tag Sasha trips her. Bliss tags in and together with Banks they hit a double suplex on Emma. Alexa beats down Emma some more then goes up to the top rope. Emma rolls away before Bliss can jump, so she climbs back down. Emma hits a neckbreaker on Bliss and Nia tags in. Bliss shoves and slaps Nia and Nia comes back with a clothesline. Nia hits a splash in the corner then some elbow drops on Bliss. Bliss comes back with some elbows to the face and attempts a DDT, but Nia reverses into a Samoan Drop. Nia pins but Sasha breaks it up. Bliss ducks a clothesline and tags in Sasha. Sasha goes for a cross body off the top on Nia, but Nia catches her. Sasha goes for a sunset flip and Nia attempts a bonsai drop, but Banks rolls away. Banks hits a knee to the face and goes for the Banks Statement, but Nia fights up and clotheslines Banks down. Emma tags in blind as Nia runs off the ropes then hits a leg drop on Sasha. Emma is the legal woman and she runs in and pins Sasha for the win. Nia is not pleased that Emma stole the pin, so she hits a Samoan Drop on Emma after the bell.

    – Braun Strowman is backstage to talk about his first-ever steel cage match tonight. Strowman questions what Kurt Angle is thinking by locking him in a steel cage with the Big Show just weeks away from his match against Brock Lesnar. Strowman says he’s going to hurl Big Show’s carcass into the steel cage, slicing him to ribbons. Then he’ll slam Show in the ring for the three count. Strowman says he’s taking this opportunity tonight to send a message to Kurt Angle, Big Show, Brock Lesnar, and everyone else.

    – Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins are backstage walking towards the gorilla position. They get distracted by Elias playing his guitar backstage, but they keep walking.

    Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose def. Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson: Gallows & Anderson come out first, and Sheamus and Cesaro meet them in the ring and they argue. Sheamus and Cesro intend to watch this one from ringside. Ambrose and Rollins come out next the opening bell rings. Rollins takes control of Anderson early on and stomps a mud hole in him in the corner. Ambrose tags in and they briefly double team Anderson but Ambrose takes him to the corner for some chops to the chest. Ambrose hits a boot to the face then a diving elbow to the face of Anderson. Anderson backs into the corner and Gallows tags in. Gallows overpowers both Rollins and Ambrose at first, but the champions come back with dropkicks on both Gallows and Anderson. Rollins & Ambrose hit suicide dives in tandem on Gallows and Anderson at ringside as Sheamus & Cesaro look on. Back in the ring, Anderson comes back with a spinebuster on Ambrose then he tags in Gallows. Gallows hits a two-handed chokeslam on Ambrose then tags in Anderson. Anderson stomps on Ambrose then hits a series of knee drops for a two count. Anderson drops Ambrose again with an elbow, then he tags Gallows back in. Gallows knocks Rollins off the apron, then hits a splash on Ambrose in the corner. Anderson tags back in and they hit a double back suplex on Ambrose. Anderson mounts Ambrose in the corner for some punches then he goes for a superplex, but Ambrose fights him off. Ambrose knocks Anderson down to the mat, then Gallows tags in and knocks Ambrose off the turnbuckle. Ambrose hits a shot to Gallows and Gallows answers with a big boot. Ambrose comes back with a lariat, then Rollins and Anderson get the tags. Rollins cleans house then hits the Sling Blade on Anderson. Rollins hits a splash on Anderson in the corner, while Ambrose hits a suicide dive on Gallows at ringside. Rollins sits Anderson on the top turnbuckle and hits a Frankensteiner. Sheamus and Cesaro hop on the apron for the distraction, but Rollins is still able to roll up Anderson for the win.

    – After the match, Anderson and Gallows attack Sheamus and Cesaro from behind. This leads to the two teams brawling all over the ring until Sheamus and Cesaro hit a big boot and a European uppercut, then they clear the ring of Anderson and Gallows.

    – Michael Cole introduces a Connor’s Cure video package showing Finn Balor and the Miz at a charity event.

    – We see another shot of the cage hanging over the ring and we’re told the main event is up next.

    – Enzo, Cedric Alexander and Grand Metalik are backstage celebrating their win when Cruiserweight Champion Neville interrupts. Neville says he just talked to Kurt Angle, and tomorrow night there will be a Fatal 5 Way elimination match on 205 Live tomorrow night to determine who gets a shot at Neville’s Title Belt at No Mercy.

    – There’s a crew around the ring supposedly reinforcing it. Backstage, the ref who worked the Big Show vs. Strowman match where the ring broke does an interview. He says he doesn’t know what to expect from Strowman and Show tonight, and he’s just going to stay out of the way.

    – The Big Show does an interview backstage where he discusses his 23 year career, and says he’s never face an opponent like Strowman. Show says when he throws Strowman into the cage he’s going to shred his face and his bones will break. Show says he plans to chokeslam Strowman straight to tell and walk out victorious. Big Show says there hasn’t be one person in 23 years big enough or bad enough to break him, because he’s the world’s largest athlete.

    Braun Strowman def. Big Show: The cage is lowered and it’s on. Strowman starts off with a big boot, then hits some splashes on Big Show up against the cage. Strowman runs in for another splash, but Big Show stick his hand out and Strowman runs into it face-first and goes down. Both men get to their feet and Strowman charges at Big Show, but Show side-steps and Strowman catches into the cage. Big Show throws Strowman into the cage a few times Strowman is down and Big Show starts climbing up the side of the cage. Strowman climbs up behind him and they start trading strikes on the top rope up against the cage. Strowman throws some headbutts and Big Show gets crotched on the top rope. Strowman tries to keep climbing, but Big Show hits him and Strowman gets crotched on the top rope next. Big Show goes up to the top rope and he hits a flying elbow drop off the top onto Strowman. Big Show tries to crawl out of the cage door, but Strowman stops him and slams the cage door in Show’s face. Strowman tries to walk over Show, so Show slams the door in Strowman’s face too. Big Show hits a shoulder tackle on Strowman, then he calls for the chokeslam. Big Show goes for the chokeslam, but Strowman escapes and hits a DDT For a two count. Big Show and Strowmn both throw punches and headbutts until Big Show catches Strowman with a chokeslam for a two count. Big Show starts climbing but Strowman pulls him back down. Strowman and Big show fight on the turnbuckle until Strowman hits the superplex on Big Show. Strowman picks up Big show and hits the running powerslam for the win. Strowman raises his hands up in the air and celebrates his win. After the match, Strowman gets on the mic and asks the fans if they see what he’s one to this so-called legend. Strowman delivers a verbal warning to Brock Lesnar on the mic, then he turns his attention back to Big Show. Strowman picks up Big Show and hits a running powerslam right through the wall of the cage. Referees come to check on Big Show, who is selling a hip injury, as Braun Strowman heads backstage to close the show.

  • WWE SmackDown Live Results & Discussion (8/29)

    WWE SmackDown Live Results & Discussion (8/29)

    The August 29th, 2017 edition of WWE SmackDown aired live from the Verizon Arena in North Little Rock, AR.

    – The Singh Brothers come out to the stage to kick off SmackDown and they introduce WWE Champion Jinder Mahal. The Modern Day Maharaja hits the ring with a mic and tells the crowd that he will be displaying his superior skills for them tonight. In the main event tonight, Mahal teams up with his old partner Rusev to take on the team of Randy Orton and Shinsuke Nakamura. Jinder says that he’s a representative of the continent of Asia and he’s tired of being disrespected by Americans, which prompts a USA chant. Mahal says he was made to look like a fool by Nakamura, but he is no fool, he is the best of the best and your WWE Champion. Mahal says someone must pay for what happened last week, which prompts the Singh Brothers to interrupt and apologize to the Maharaja. The Singh Brothers apologize on behalf of the entire continent of Asia, and they apologize to the WWE Champion for failing him. They tell Mahal that their ignorance last week allowed Nakamura to lay a finger on Mahal, but they vow that Nakamura will never touch Mahal again. The Singh Brothers say on behalf of the nation of India, they want to kiss the feet of the WWE Champion. The Singh Brothers get down on the mat and are about to voluntarily join the “kiss my boots” club, but before they make contact Nakamura’s music hits and he interrupts. Nakamura comes in to the ring and pushes the Singh Brothers aside then he starts brawling with Jinder. The Singh Brothers grab Nakamura’s feet so he can’t move then Jinder boots Nakamura in the face. All three men start beating on Nakamura while he’s down until Orton runs in for the save. Orton cleans house until Rusev runs in and boots Orton in the face. Jinder picks up Nakamura and drops him with the Khallas. Jinder holds up his WWE Title as the heels make their way backstage.

    – AJ Styles’ U.S. Title Open Challenge will resume later tonight. Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin are shown backstage walking towards the gorilla position for their first match as a tag team up next.

    – Orton vs. Nakamura is announced for next week, and the winner will get a future shot at Mahal’s WWE Title.

    Chad Gable & Shelton Benjamin def. The Ascension: Gable starts off against Viktor and turns him inside out with a clothesline early on. He drops Viktor with a knee to the midsection, then he tags in Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin puts the boots to Viktor then hits a double underhook suplex. Shelton tags in Chad and throws Viktor to him for a belly to belly overhead suplex. Konnor pulls Gable outside behind the ref’s back and The Ascension double teams Gable to get control of the match. Konnor and Viktor use frequent tags to keep the pressure on Gable back in the ring. Gable tries to make the tag but Konnor stops him and hits a spinebuster for a two count. Viktor tags back in and puts the boots to Gable. Gable and Vitkor trade chops to the chest until Viktor backs him into the corner with elbows to the face. Konnor tags in and talks some trash to Shelton, then he misses a spear on Gable in the corner. Shelton gets the tag and cleans house then hits a back body drop on Viktor. Shelton hits a spinning heel kick on Konnor, then leapfrogs over the top rope and kicks Viktor in the face. Shelton comes off the top with a flying clothesline on Viktor for a two count. Gable throws Konnor outside, then throws Viktor to Shelton for a facebuster for the win.

    – Baron Corbin does an interview backstage where he says he’s sick of people asking him “where’s your briefcase?” because he doesn’t live in the past like the WWE Universe. Corbin says he’s going to take down AJ Styles tonight and will be leaving SmackDown tonight as the new United States Champion.

    – AJ Styles comes out to the ring and announces that he’s reopening the U.S. Title Open Challenge. Tye Dillinger comes out to accept, but Baron Corbin stops him on the ramp to complain that he wanted the open challenge tonight. Corbin and Tye brawl around until until Tye drops him from the apron, then the open challenge begins.

    AJ Styles def. Tye Dillinger: AJ and Tye both start off fired up and Tye blocks the Phenomenal Forearm early on. Tye goes for the Tye-breaker but AJ escapes and locks on the Calf Crusher for the win after a short match.

    – After the match, Corbin freaks out at ringside and AJ knocks him off the apron with a forearm.

    – Jinder Mahal approaches Rusev backstage and tells him how great it is that their nations India and Bulgaria are teaming up to crush Nakamura and Orton. Rusev tells Jinder he’s not his friend, and says he came to SmackDown for one reason – to be a champion. Rusev says after tonight, he’s coming for the WWE Title, then he walks off. Jinder does not look pleased.

    Bobby Roode def. Mike Kanellis: Roode takes down Mike early on, but Mike comes back with a flurry of strikes. Roode and Mike trade punches and chops until Roode hits a running forearm shot to the face. Roode hits a Blockbuster off the middle rope, then a spinebuster and the Glorious DDT for the win.

    – Aiden English is in the ring for a song, but he quickly gets interrupted by Kevin Owens and English leaves the ring. Owens gets on the mic and shows a replay from last week, then he complains about how Shane McMahon treated him last week. Owens says he wanted Corbin to stay as referee, but Shane had to come down and take another opportunity away from the talent. Shane comes out and explains that Corbin was leaving the ring last week and threw his ref shirt in Shane’s face, so Shane resumed the ref duties so the match could finish. Shane says that Owens lost to AJ plain and simple, and Owens is not happy. Shane tells Owens to leave and let English back in the ring because English has a match scheduled. Owens leaves and sits down at the announce table next to JBL.

    Aiden English def. Sami Zayn: English gets in some offense early on, but Zayn quickly dumps him outside and hits a suicide dive on him. Back in the ring, Zayn continues working on English. Owens freaks out on commentary and says the ref isn’t doing his job, so he’s now taking over the ref duties. Owens takes the ref’s shirt off and puts it on himself, then says he’s the ref now. Zayn asks Owens what he’s doing, then English knocks down Zayn from behind. Owens throws Zayn off the ropes and hits the Pop Up Powerbomb, then allows English to pin Zayn for the three count. The bell rings and Owens raises English’s hand, then throws the shirt back to the real ref at ringside.

    – Shane McMahon does an interview backstage where he says English’s victory will not count, and he’s not happy with Owen’s actions in that match. McMahon says Zayn’s loss will be off the records, then he gets ready to leave the arena.

    – Dolph Ziggler does an interview backstage where he complains that he was the best athlete in sports entertainment for years and was overlooked year after year, and now he has nothing to show for it. Ziggler says fans get distracted by fancy jackets and lights, and he asks what Cena’s “you can’t see me” hand gesture even means. Ziggler says there’s a guy who comes out to the ring with a guitar on RAW, so he’ll have to come down to the ring in a motorcycle with a double necked guitar to get attention. Ziggler jokes that he might come down to ther ing in a four-wheeler like Stone Cold and drink beers to get attention. Ziggler says he will reveal more of his plans next week.

    The Usos def. The New Day: Big E and Kofi Kingston are in this one. The Usos use frequent tags to get the upper hand on Big E early on, but Big E fires up and comes back then tags in Kofi. Kofi hits a suicide dive onto both Usos at ringside, then Xavier comes over with the trombone to celebrate. Big E misses a splash and the Usos take control. Kofi comes in again and hits a flying knee on Jey, then a series of kicks. Kofi hits a jumping clothesline on Jey and follows up with the boom leg drop. Kofi misses the Trouble In Paradise and Jey hits a kick. Kofi comes back with a spinning crossbody for a two count. Jimmy and Big E run in, and Jimmy hits a superkick on Big E. Kofi kicks Jimmy to the outside, then Kofi puts Jey in a dragon sleeper. Jimmy gets the blind tag and rolls up Kofi with a handful of tights for the win. The Usos run up the ramp with their Tag Titles and hold them up.

    – James Ellsworth and Carmella do an interview backstage and get interrupted by Natalya. Natalya tells Carmella to keep her pet Ellsworth on a leash, and if she ever tries to cash in on her, Natalya will make Carmella the “Baron Corbin of the women’s division.” Natalya says she’ll take on Carmella next week, and Carmella seems to accept. Naomi walks in next and tells Natalya she has a difficult two weeks ahead, because in two weeks Naomi gets her rematch for the Title.

    – “Season two” of The Fashion Files with Tyler Breeze and Fandango is coming up next.

    – Lana is in the ring and she introduces Tamina. Tamina has a local wrestler in the ring waiting for her.

    Tamina def. Tina Stock: Just seconds after the opening bell, Lana gets on the mic at ringside and starts yelling “Tamina crush.” Tamina throws her jobber into the corner and hits a series of headbutts, then follows up with a superkick for the win. Lana and Tamina celebrate the win in the ring after the match, and two photographers get in the ring to take pictures.

    – In the new episode of The Fashion Files, Breeze and Fandango briefly discuss going on vacation, but decide against it because “crime never takes a vacation.” They look at some new “technology” including friendship bracelets. They find some evidence that says “to be or not to be,” which they decide leads them to Aiden English, who they will presumably talk to in the next episode.

    Shinsuke Nakamura & Randy Orton def. Jinder Mahal & Rusev: The action starts before the bell here as both teams start brawling as soon as they hit the ring. The fight spills out to ringside where Nakamura throws Mahal into the fan barricade, and Orton throws Rusev into the barricade on the other side of the ring. Back in the ring, the opening bell rings and Rusev and Jinder double team Nakamura to get in control early on. Orton gets the hot tag and beats down Jinder. He takes Jinder outside for a back suplex onto the fan barricade, then in the ring he DDTs the Champion off the middle rope. The Singh Brothers get on the apron to distract the ref, which leads to Rusev and Jinder double teaming Orton and throwing him into the ring post. Rusev tags in and continues the offense on Orton. He hits a spinning heel kick for a two count before tagging Jinder back in. The Champion hits a knee drop on Orton then puts him in a chin lock. Mahal goes for a spear in the corner but Orton dodges and Jinder crashes into the ring post. Nakamura and Rusev tag in, and Nakamura starts off with a big boot on Rusev. Nakamura follows up with a series of kicks. Nakamura hits some knee strikes on Rusev for a two count. Nakamura goes for a suplex but Rusev elbows his way out. Nakamura puts Rusev in an armbar but Jinder breaks it up. Orton DDTs Jinder, then Nakamura hits a flying knee on Rusev. Nakamura follows up with the Kinshasa on Rusev or the win. Orton and Nakamura celebrate their win after the bell, but then Orton drops his partner with an RKO out of nowhere. Orton poses on the turnbuckle as SmackDown goes off the air.

  • WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (8/28)

    WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (8/28)

    The August 28th, 2017 edition of WWE RAW aired live from the FedExForum in Memphis, TN.

    – The Miz is in the ring to kick off RAW with Miz TV. He is immediately interrupted by RAW GM Kurt Angle. The Miz argues that he’s not getting any respect, but Angle says he’s going to give Miz a contender for his Intercontinental Title. Angle says they’re going to determine the best contender for Miz by holding an over-the-top-rope battle royal, and that starts right now!

    Battle Royal: This battle royal is to determine the #1 contender for Miz’s IC Title and it will consist of The Big Show, Matt & Jeff Hardy, Finn Balor and more. Curt Hawkins is first to be eliminated as everyone gangs up on him and throws him over the top. Everyone gangs up on Big Show next, but Show shoves them all off. Show drops Kalisto with a slap to the chest, then Axel and Dallas throws Kalisto outside. Big Show chops Samson, then Balor and Gallows briefly team up to eliminate Big Show. Gallows, Anderson and Balor make eye contact, but then Balor gets dropped from behind by Samson. R-Truth gets eliminated next, then Goldust gets eliminated by Gallows & Anderson. Crews is eliminated, then Gallows is eliminated by Hardy. Matt and Anderson brawl on the apron which leads to Matt throwing Anderson into the ring post and Anderson falling down for the elimination. Gallows then pulls Matt off the apron and beats him down with Anderson. The referees are distracted by the beat down on Matt, so Miz hits a cheap shot on Jeff and Balor. Balor hits a series of kicks on Axel then some on Elias. Balor drops Dallas and Jordan, then Jeff hits the Twist of Fate on Balor. Balor dropkicks Bo into the corner then does the same to Jeff. The lights go out and Bray Wyatt hits the ring. Wyatt throws Balor outside for the elimination, then the lights go out again and when they come back on Wyatt is gone. Jordan fires up and starts handing out suplexes, then he eliminates both No and Curtis. Jordan eliminates Elias, then Jeff eliminates Jordan for the win. Jeff now has a shot at Miz’s IC Title. Jeff celebrates in the ring as Miz and Maryse look on from ringside with concern.

    – We see a video hyping up the match between Brock Lesnar and Braun Strowman at No Mercy, then we’re told Enzo Amore is up next.

    – Alexa Bliss does a backstage interview where she questions how great of a champion Sasha Banks really is. Bliss says that Banks has never successfully defended the RAW women’s title, and the tradition is going to continue tonight when Bliss says she’ll reclaim the championship.

    – Enzo Amore is out next. Enzo hits the ring and says he wants to remind everyone what happened to Cass for picking on him, and we see a replay of Cass getting injured last week. Enzo talks about now competing on 205 Live and mentions the Mayweather vs. McGregor fight. Enzo says he can dance and announce his opponent at the same time, and he announces his opponent Noam Dar. Dar comes out and Enzo does the “SAWFT” chant and we go to commercial.

    Enzo Amore def. Noam Dar: Dar hits a leg kick early on that drops Enzo. We see Neville watching backstage. Enzo fires back with strikes until Dar does a drop toe hold into the middle turnbuckle. Dar delivers some kicks to a grounded Enzo, but Enzo snatches him and rolls him up for the three count to win. Neville does a backstage interview after the match where he calls Enzo a weasel and says he’s no competition for him.

    – WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar and his advocate Paul Heyman are out to the ring next to kick off the second hour of RAW. The step in the ring and Heyman starts cutting a promo. Heyman says that Strowman is the most worthy contender for Lesnar’s Universal Title of anyone in WWE right now. Heyman shows some replays from last week, and then starts talking about No Mercy — but Lesnar cuts him off. Lesnar takes the mic from Heyman, and says “what he’s trying to say is: suplex city bitch.” Lesnar drops the mic and leaves with Heyman.

    Cesaro def. Seth Rollins: Dean Ambrose and Sheamus are at ringside for this one. Rollins dumps Cesaro outside, then back in the ring Rollins hits a flurry of strikes and a knee to the face. Rollins stomps a mud hole in Cesaro in the corner, but Cesaro comes back and throws Rollins outside. Sheamus walks over to Rollins but Ambrose backs him off. Cesaro comes flying at Rollins but Rollins hits him with a shot to the midsection. Back in the ring, Rollins hits ten punches in the corner on Cesaro and a kick to the midsection, but Cesaro comes back with a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Cesaro drops Rollins again then hits a leg drop for a two count. Cesaro hits a couple gut wrench suplexes for another near-fall. Rollins comes back with kicks to the head and both men are down. Cesaro fires up again until Rollins powerbombs him into the corner. Sheamus and Ambrose start brawling at ringside which distracts Rollins. Cesaro capitalizes on the distraction with a European uppercut on Rollins, then he rolls up Rollins for the win.

    – After the match, Sheamus cuts a promo at ringside and says he wants a piece of Ambrose next.

    Dean Ambrose def. Sheamus: Ambrose clotheslines Sheamus to the outside early on, then they brawl around ringside. Sheamus throws Ambrose into the fan barricade to take control of the match. Ambrose goes up top but Sheamus turns the tide and hits the White Noise backbreaker. Sheamus locks in the Texas Cloverleaf but Ambrose reaches the ropes to break the hold. Ambrose comes back with a Tornado DDT. They trade strikes until Ambrose drops Sheamus with a swinging neckbreaker. Sheamus comes back with a senton off the middle rope on Ambrose for a two count. Sheamus goes for the big boot but Ambrose ducks and hits a lariat. Rollins and Cesaro brawl at ringside and the ref gets distracted. Sheamus goes for the White Noise but Rollins makes the save with a flying knee to Sheamus behind the ref’s back. Rollins hits a suicide dive on Ceasaro at ringside, then Ambrose hits the Dirty Deeds on Sheamus for the win.

    – Emma is backstage talking to Mickie James about trying to get trending on Twitter. Emma tells Mickie that she started the women’s revolution, and Mickie tells her if Emma beats her she’ll tweet any hashtag Emma wants. But if Mickie beats Emma, then Emma can never say she started the women’s revolution again.

    Emma def. Mickie James: Emma gets some offense in early on and drops Mickie. Mickie fires up and comes back with a kick then goes for a back suplex, but Emma escapes. Mickie keeps control with a neckbreaker for a two count. Mickie hits another kick then goes for a sunset flip, but Emma reverses into a pin of her own for the three count to win. Emma gets on the mic after the match and says “I started the women’s revolution” ten times before she gets to the back.

    – RAW GM Kurt Angle is in the ring to introduce the contract signing for Roman Reigns vs. John Cena at No Mercy. Cena is out first to kick off the third hour of RAW. Cena gets in the ring with a mic and says his match with Reigns is WrestleMania-worthy, but we’re going to do it at No Mercy since everyone’s ready. Cena says Reigns is the reason why he came to RAW, to face the man who says he runs the yard. Cena signs the contract on the table as Angle applauds, and then Reigns comes down to the ring. Reigns gets on the mic and tells Cena he’s not as big of a deal as he thinks he is. Reigns says he did something Cena never will – retired Undertaker. Cena says Reigns doesn’t need to face him, but the fans aren’t sold on him yet. Cena says the fans cheer and boo him and maybe want a “heel turn,” but he won’t change his character. Cena says Reigns is a corporately created John Cena ripoff, and he will never fill Cena’s shoes. Cena says he’s not a veteran at the end of his career with a bad hip like Undertaker, Cena is in his prime. Cena says Reigns wont sign the contract because he knows when Cena wins the “Roman Empire” will crumble. Reigns says the reasons fans boo Cena is because he sucks and then pauses, and Cena tells Reigns if he wants to be a star he has to learn how to cut a promo. Reigns finishes his thought and says the fans see through Cena and he’s a phony and a “fake bitch.” Reigns says “not only that, but he’s a part-timing fake ass bitch.” USA Network bleeped “bitch” the second time he said it. Reigns says Cena buries as much young talent as he can so he can stay on top of the mountain. Reigns talks about how he works more than Cena, and says Cena is a backstabbing shark. Reigns says Cena can’t bury him or touch him, and he’s the one guy in WWE that Cena can’t see. Cena says Reigns is a fool and says Reigns is using pathetic excuses to duck him. Cena says it took Reigns five years in WWE to cut a halfway decent promo. Cena says Reigns actually believes that he holds down talent, and Cena points out that he hasn’t main-evented WrestleMania in five years. Cena says he helped introduce new stars like Kevin Owens and AJ Styles, and Cena says he’s still in WWE because Reigns can’t do his job. Cena says he can do this part-time better than Reigns could ever do it full-time. Reigns signs the contract then flips the table, and then Gallows & Anderson’s music hits. Gallows and Anderson come out to the stage and say there isn’t enough room in this arena for Cena and Reigns’ egos. They say Cena and Reigns aren’t good brothers, and they need to teach them lessons. Gallows says it’s time to beat up the nerds in the ring, then Kurt Angle chimes in and makes the match right now.

    John Cena & Roman Reigns def. Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows: Cena starts off strong but Gallows shuts him down with a big boot. Gallows and Anderson work over Cena until he gets the hot tag to Reigns. Reigns cleans house then gears up for a Superman punch on Anderson, but Gallows grabs Reigns leg to distract him. Anderson rolls up Reigns but Reigns kicks out. Cena and Gallows run in and Cena hits the AA on Gallows while Reigns Superman punches Anderson for the win. Reigns and Cena stare each other down in the ring before we go backstage.

    – Elias is backstage tuning his guitar then heading to the gorilla position.

    – Elias comes out to the ring and sings a negative song about Memphis. Jerry “The King” Lawler interrupts and says his hometown doesn’t appreciate those lyrics. Lawler introduces,’s Southpaw Regional Wrestling’s “Pelvis Wesley.” Heath Slater comes out dressed as Elvis Presley. Slater challengers Elias to a dance-off, but Elias kicks him then clotheslines him down. Elias hits the Drift Away then stands over Slater as the crowd boos.

    – We see a live shot of Lawler’s restaurant in Memphis before going back to the arena.

    – It’s announced that next week The Miz will defend his Intercontinental Title against Jeff Hardy. Miz does an interview in the back where he complains that one match is all it took for Jeff to get a Title shot. Miz and the Miztourage walk off.

    – Sasha Banks does an interview in the back where she says Alexa should stop running her mouth because talking doesn’t win Championships. Banks says tonight she will successfully defend her title against Bliss, then gets ready to head out.

    Alexa Bliss def. Sasha Banks: Banks Womens Championship is on the line in this one. After back and forth chain wrestling early on, Bliss stuns Banks with a kick. Banks comes back with a dropkick that sends Bliss rolling outside. Banks follows up with a flying double knee strike on Bliss at ringside as we go to commercial. Bliss spears Banks into the fan barricade then slams her head into the ring apron to take control of the match. Back in the ring, Bliss works over Banks’ shoulder. Banks starts to fight back but Bliss grabs her by the hair and hits a backbreaker for a two count. Alexa starts working on Sasha’s lower back and stomping on her. Sasha comes back with an elbow, then she throws Alexa in the corner. Sasha fires up with a series of clotheslines and a dropkick, then she hits a running double knee strike in the corner. Banks goes for another one, but Bliss rolls outside and Banks crashes into the turnbuckle. Back in the ring, Bliss goes for a cross body off the top but Banks ducks. This leads to a series of pins, which stops after Bliss hits a right hand to the face. Bliss hits the Canadian Destroyer for a two count. Bliss hits a knee drop then goes for a moonsault but misses. Banks comes back with a shining wizard for a two count. They trade strikes in the corner and fight their way up to the top rope. Bliss superplexes Banks off the top and both women are down. Sasha grabs Bliss and locks her in the Banks Statement. Bliss reverses into a pin for a two count. Bliss drops Sasha’s throat across the top rope then hits a DDT for the win. Bliss has recaptured the Womens Championship, and immediately after the win Nia Jax comes out to congratulate her. Nia shakes hands with Bliss, then she hits a running splash on Sasha in the corner. Nia lifts Bliss up on her shoulders to “celebrate,” then she turns on Alexa out of nowhere and slams her down. Nia looks at the Womens Title belt then heads to back as Alexa recovers in the ring. Nia stares down at the new Women’s Champion as RAW goes off the air.