Eric Lynch

Eric covers pro wrestling and MMA news at SEScoops, & He's been a wrestling fan since Hulk Hogan said to "stick it, brother" 20 years ago.

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Santino Speaks On WWE Main-Eventers Not Sharing The Locker Room, Cena As Leader, & More Former WWE United States champ Santino Marella was recently interviewed by the Two Man Power Trip podcast about his WWE experience. You can listen...

Bubba Dudley Speaks On Young Bucks & Velvet Sky Possibly Joining NXT, Why He Left TNA Bubba Ray Dudley did a Twitter Q&A with his fans on Friday night. Here are some highlights: On The Young Bucks possibly joining NXT: On why...

New WWE Show “Breaking Ground” To Premiere After Hell In A Cell The WWE Network has updated its 24/7 streaming schedule for next week. Included in the schedule is the premier of Breaking Ground, a behind...

Attendance Numbers For Raw & Smackdown Tapings Are Down

Low TV ratings aren't the only problem for Raw and Smackdown. The attendance at recent WWE TV events has been dropping. Fans at the...

Video: Watch The Steiner Brothers Destroy A Restaurant In A New Commercial Scott and Rick Steiner commandeered a front-end loader and demolished a building in a new ad for a restaurant chain called Shoneys. The legendary...

Vince Softening His Stance On Using TNA Talent, Details On Joe & Storm’s Roles With TV ratings declining and Vince McMahon taking full control of his company once again, it appears he is opening up to the idea...

Dolph Ziggler Possibly Turning Heel Soon Due To Lana/Rusev Engagement News With Dolph Ziggler on his own again after separating from Summer Rae in WWE storylines, reports that a heel turn is likely in...

Backstage News On The 2016 Hall Of Fame, WWE TV Demographics -- reports that talk within WWE these days is that The Fabolous Freebirds will in fact be inducted into the WWE Hall of...

Hogan Speaks On His Expendables 4 Role: There Should Be Less Young Actors Variety reports that The Expendables 4 will film next year, be released in 2017, and feature none other than Hulk Hogan. Despite Hogan admitting that...