Eric Lynch

Eric covers pro wrestling and MMA news at SEScoops, & He's been a wrestling fan since Hulk Hogan said to "stick it, brother" 20 years ago.

Latest Articles

Backstage: Russo's TNA Future & Possible Replacement, Hogan

Backstage news on Hulk Hogan's power in TNA and much more

Backstage: Russo’s TNA Future & Possible Replacement, Hogan

Backstage news on Hulk Hogan's power in TNA and much more

TNA Wrestlers’ Reactions To Hogan & Bischoff, Russo, More

The latest backstage news on Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff's impact in TNA

TNA iMPACT Rating Breakdown: Hogan Draws Lowest Numbers

TNA iMPACT's rating was up, but The Hulkster drew the lowest numbers of the evening

Recap Of Hulk Hogan On Late Night w/ Jimmy Fallon

Recap of Hulk Hogan on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon - October 27, 2009

Hulk On Larry King: TNA, His Son Wrestling?, Suicide, More

Recap of Hulk Hogan on Larry King Live - October 27, 2009

Update On J.R.’s Condition, Linda Hogan, UFC, Jericho, Foley

Lesnar incident edited out of UFC DVD, and more news

Ratings Race & UK Viewers, Goldberg vs. Mark Henry?, More

Bill Goldberg faces off with Mark Henry and Maria in NYC tomorrow, and more news

TNA Talent Not Paid?, Sting’s BFG Screw-Up, iMPACT Rating

TNA's stage manager freaks out at Sting during Sunday's PPV, and more news