Author: Eric Lynch

  • WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (7/8)

    WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (7/8)

    The July 8th, 2019 edition of WWE RAW took place at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ.

    – Becky Lynch comes out to kick off the show, and we’re opening up RAW tonight with a mixed-tag match.

    Becky Lynch & Seth Rollins vs. Andrade & Zelina Vega: Becky dominates the opening moments of this one against Zelina. Becky misses a shot in the corner and Zelina finally fights back with a kick to the face. Michael Cole informs us this match is under elimination rules. Zelina chokes Becky over the ropes until Becky breaks free and connects with some kicks. Becky hits a vertical suplex, and then Andrade and Rollins tag in. They trade blows until Rollins take control and knocks Andrade out to ringside. Rollins follows up with two suicide dives on Andrade at ringside. Becky tags herself in and goes at it with Zelina again. Becky hits the t-bone suplex, and follows up with the Disarm Her shortly after. Vega taps out and is eliminated. The match will now continue as Andrade vs. Rollins. Becky Lynch sees Lacey Evans at ringside taunting her, and they start brawling into the crowd. Rollins holds back Becky as we go to break. Back from commercial, Rollins is distracted by Becky on the apron, and Andrade attacks Rollins from behind. Andrade puts the boots to Rollins on the mat now and connects with some kicks to the head for a two count. They fight up the turnbuckle and this leads to Andrade hitting a double foot stomp, then he follows up with a series of suplexes. Rollins rolls out to ringside, and Zelina hits a cheap shot on him. Becky and Andrade get involved, and this leads to Becky getting dropped. Rollins checks on her and then brawls with Andrade some more. Back at ringside, Zelina looks for another cheap shot, but Rollins catches Zelina and lets Becky kick her. Back in the ring, Rollins drops Andrade and hits the Curb Stomp for the three count.

    Winners: Seth Rollins & Becky Lynch

    – Rollins and Lynch celebrate on the ramp until Baron Corbin and Lacey Evans attack from behind. Corbin and Evans leave Becky and Rollins laying. Paul Heyman comes out and walks past Rollins and Evans, and he heads down to the ring.

    – Back from the break, we see Baron Corbin and Lacey Evans backstage

    – We go to the ring, where Paul Heyman shares some cryptic words about his client. Heyman teases again that Mr. Money In The Bank Brock Lesnar may or may not be here tonight.

    – Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre approach a random arena employee backstage and ask him to be Roman Reigns’ partner tonight in his tag match against Shane and Drew.

    The Usos & The Miz vs. The Revival & Elias: This one is a best two out of three falls match. Dawson starts off strong against Jimmy Uso, and Elias quickly tags in and continues the offense on Jimmy. Elias drops some knees and hits a powerslam, then tags in Dawson. Dawson and Jimmy go at it, while The Miz and Elias brawl out to ringside and up the ramp. While Miz is distracted by Elias, The Revival hits the Shatter Machine on Jimmy for the three count. The score in this match is now 1-0 for Revival and Elias. It looks like Elias is leaving and going backstage. Dawson and Jimmy go at it on the mat now and Dawson hits several leg drops. Wilder tags in for the double team on Jimmy for a two count. Dawson tags back in and misses a shot in the corner and hits the ring post. Wilder and Jey tag in, and Jey cleans house. Jey hits an enziguri kick on Wilder, then he looks for a cross body, but Wilder escapes. Dawson tags in and hits a brainbuster on Jey for a two count. The Miz finally gets the tag and hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Dawsno for the three count, and the score is now 1-1. The Usos hit double superkicks on The Revival members next, and Jimmy hits suicide dive on Wilder at ringside while Jey pins Dawson in the ring for the three count.

    Winners: The Usos & The Miz

    – We see some videos from 24/7 Champion Drake Maverick and his wife on their honeymoon at Universal Studios Orlando.

    – Back in the arena, Drake Maverick comes out from hiding in a big box with his 24/7 Title. His wife is there and she complains about always having to deal with the 24/7 Title. Drake tells her there’s a lot of room in that box and they should step inside and get it on. She’s not having it, and Drake promises he will show her he’s a great husband and will give her the honeymoon she deserves after he defends her 24/7 Title. She says they can consummate the marriage after that happens, and Drake yells in excitement that he’s going to finally “get it on with his wife.” This alerts the other wrestlers looking for the 24/7 Title of Drake’s position, and a swarm of wrestlers and a referee run in and chase off Drake.

    – Rey Mysterio is backstage getting ready to come out to the ring and issue an open challenge.

    – Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre are backstage talking to a beer vendor about being Reigns’ tag partner tonight.

    – Back from the break, Rey comes out to the ring with a mic. Rey says he’s rehabbed his injury and he’s hungrier than ever to get in the ring. Rey says he beat the doctor’s predictions, and now he’s issuing an open challenge to anyone in the back. Bobby Lashley comes out, and it looks like Bobby is accepting Rey’s challenge.

    Rey Mysterio vs. Bobby Lashley: Lashley starts off strong until Rey drops him with a Tornado DDT. Rey follows up with the 619, and then he goes up to the top rope. Rey comes flying off the top rope, but Lashley catches him and slams him down. Lashley follows up with the spear for the three count after a short match.

    Winner: Bobby Lashley

    – After the match, Lashley beats down Rey and drags him up the ramp. Lashley picks up Rey and it looks like Lashley wants to through him through the stage, but referees get in the way and yell at him not to. Lashley ends up throwing Rey into three referees. Lashley gets on the mic and says he was the only man standing against Braun Strowman, and this Sunday at Extreme Rules he will be the last man standing.

    – Still to come: Ricochet vs. Luke Gallows in a non-Title match.

    – AJ Styles, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson are backstage walking into their locker room. AJ tells a backstage interview to get out of his face because he doesn’t own anyone an explanation for beating up Ricochet last week.

    Cesaro vs. No Way Jose: Jose and Cesaro brawl out to ringside in the opening moments of this one and Jose is fired up. Back in the ring, Cesaro takes control and hits a gut-wrench suplex on Jose. Cesaro swings Jose and then applies the Sharpshooter. Jose taps out for the finish after a short match.

    Winner: Cesaro

    – The Street Prophets are backstage cutting a promo and hyping up Sunday’s Extreme Rules.

    – We see Mike Kanellis backstage giving flowers to Maria and apologizing for the loss last week. He says he’s so excited to make their second debut tonight, and they go back and forth about who loves who more. Maria tells Mike to go get ice cream and pickles for her. He asks if she wants non-fat ice cream, and she yells at him for calling her fat. He leaves to go get them. Maria asks what kind of man taps out to a woman.

    – Michael Cole has Nikki Cross and Bayley on the Titantron on a split-screen for an interview. Nikki and Bayley exchange words, and Nikki says the more Bayley bashes her friend Alexa Bliss, the more it motivates Nikki to smash Bayley. Michael Cole informs Bayley that she is going to face Sarah Logan tonight, and Alexa Bliss is going to face Dana Brooke. There’s going to be a “beat the clock challenge,” and whoever wins their match faster tonight out of Bayley and Nikki will get to choose the stipulation for match on Sunday.

    – The Viking Raiders are shown backstage getting ready to come out to the ring.

    – R-Truth and Carmella are shown backstage looking for Drake Maverick and his 24/7 Championship. Drake Maverick runs by to avoid the mob of wrestlers chasing him, but Truth seems to run in the opposite direction as Maverick.

    The Viking Raiders vs. Enhancement talents: Erik and Ivar of the Viking Raiders are against two unnamed jobbers tonight. The Viking Raiders dominate the opening moments of this one, and Ivar hits a big flying splash off the top rope. Erik hits a powerslam/powerbomb combo on both of the jobbers. The Raiders then hit The Viking Experience double team for the three count.

    Winners: The Viking Raiders

    – As the Raiders are celebrating their win, Drake Maverick and the mob of wrestlers chasing him come out through the crowd and fight at ringside. The Raiders clear the ring. R-Truth runs in the ring, but he see the Raiders and decides to leave. Carmella hops on Truth’s back and they run out through the crowd while the other wrestlers are still at ringside.

    – Ricochet is shown backstage getting ready for his match with Gallows.

    – Roman Reigns is in his locker room for an interview. Reigns says he doesn’t know who the partner will be, and Reigns seems to insinuate that he knows how his partner is.

    – U.S. Champion Ricochet comes out to the ring and talks about AJ Styles attacking him last week. Ricochet says he knows what’s going to happen tonight – Styles and Anderson will come out with Gallows, and he’s going to have to fight all three. AJ, Gallows, and Anderson all come out. AJ gets on the mic and tells Ricochet to slow down and enjoy the moment while he can, because Gallows is going to stomp a mud hole in him.

    Ricochet vs. Luke Gallows: Ricochet starts off with a flurry of strikes on Gallows. Ricochet looks for a shot off the turnbuckle, but Gallows catches him and hits a chokeslam for a two count. Ricochet starts to fight back, but Gallows shuts him down with a big boot. Gallows follows up with some elbow strikes on Ricochet, and then a rear chin lock. Ricochet fights up to his feet, but Gallows puts him back down with a big lariat. Gallows wastes some time and then looks like he’s going to go for a powerbomb, but Ricochet escapes. Ricochet reverses the powerbomb attempt into a pin, and he scores the three count on Gallows.

    Winner: Ricochet

    – After the match, AJ challenges Ricochet to do what he said he was going to do, and fight all three of them. AJ tells Ricochet to take on Karl Anderson right now, unless he’s not man enough. Ricochet accepts.

    Ricochet vs. Karl Anderson: Ricochet and Anderson trade strikes in the opening moments. Anderson takes Ricochet down to the mat and tries to keep him grounded now. Anderson follows up with more strikes. Anderson misses a shot and Ricochet hits a suicide dive on Gallows at ringside. Ricochet hops on the ropes and hits Anderson, and then Ricochet hits a moonsault off the apron on AJ. Back in the ring, Ricochet hits a running dropkick on Anderson, and then Ricochet goes up to the top rope. Ricochet hits the 630 for the three count.

    Winner: Ricochet

    – Immediately after the match, AJ hits the ring and pummels on Ricochet while he’s still down. Gallows comes in and joins in on the beat-down. Gallows and Anderson hit the Magic Killer on Ricochet. Now AJ looks like he’s going for the Styles Clash on Ricochet off the middle rope like last week, but instead he just drops Ricochet. AJ gets on the mic and says he’s a good guy and he’s going to leave a bit of Ricochet left as long as he stays down. He says he doesn’t want Ricochet to have any excuses on Sunday when AJ beats him. AJ, Gallows, and Anderson start to leave, but then they see Ricochet getting back to his feet in the ring. They turn around and get back in the ring. Gallows and Anderson hold Ricochet, and AJ hits the Phenomenal Forearm on Ricochet.

    – Drake Maverick runs back to where his wife has been sitting all night. He says he survived the night as the 24/7 Champion. R-Truth then jumps out of a box and yells to “Hornswoggle” that the belt is his baby. Drake and his wife run off, and R-Truth picks up a referee on his back and runs after Drake.

    – Bayley is shown backstage getting ready for her match.

    – Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre approach another arena employee in the back who is walking with a limp, and they approach him to be Reigns’ tag partner against them tonight. Shane offers him five thousand dollars to be Reigns’ partners, and to just stand there on the apron. Shane says he’s going to get a mask for the guy so people don’t bother him after.

    Bayley vs. Sarah Logan: The opening bell sounds and Bayley immediately starts trying to take Logan down and pin her. Bayley hits a running knee in the corner and then climbs to the top rope, but Logan knocks her down. Logan comes back with a headbutt and a dropkick, and Bayley falls out to ringside. Back in the ring, Logan continues the offense and puts the boots to Bayley. Bayley comes back with a sunset flip powerbomb into the corner, and then the belly to belly suplex for the win at 4:32.

    Winner: Bayley

    Nikki Cross vs. Dana Brooke: Bayley is at ringside for this one. Dana avoids engaging Nikki in the opening moments, but Nikki finally gets her hands on her and takes her down. Dana fights back with a suplex, and then Dana goes up top. Dana goes for a Swanton Bomb, but misses. Nikki follows up with the swinging neckbreaker for the three count at 1:50. Nikki wins the Beat The Clock challenge.

    Winner: Nikki Cross

    – Nikki tells Bayley to get in the ring after the match. Nikki tells Bayley she doesn’t know what real friendship means, so she’s going to show her at Extreme Rules, because the SmackDown Women’s Title match at Extreme Rules is going to be a 2-on-1 handicap match between Nikki Cross and Alexa vs. Bayley. Nikki talks trash until Bayley has heard enough and she gives Nikki a belly to belly suplex. Bayley follows up with a flying elbow off the top on Nikki.

    – We go backstage where Mike Kanellis brings Maria her ice cream and pickles. Maria says to get it away from her because it’ll make her fat. Maria complains about feeling fat, and asks Mike if she wasn’t already pregnant if he would do it again. Maria says he will never impregnate her again, and she’s not sure if he’s the one who impregnated her this time. Mike asks what he’s going on, and Maria screams “look what you’ve done to me,” and throws some flowers at him.

    – Corey Graves is backstage to interview Becky Lynch and Seth Rollins. Becky says they back up everything they say, and this Sunday there are no rules.

    – The Street Prophets are backstage cutting another promo to hype up Extreme Rules.

    – Roman Reigns comes out to the ring, and then Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre come out to the stage with mics. Shane introduces Roman’s mystery partner, the arena worker they talked to earlier. He comes out wearing a mask and limping to the ring.

    Shane McMahon & Drew McIntyre vs. Roman Reigns & mystery partner: Cole tells us that Reigns’ partner’s name is Gary “The Goat.” Reigns starts off strong and looks for the Superman punch early on, but Drew blocks it with a kick. Drew backs Reigns into the corner and his mystery partner is unintentionally tagged in. Shane tells Drew to tag him in, and Shane tags in. Gary hides in the corner from Shane, but then Gary surprises everyone and hits a kick to the face of Shane. Gary starts cleaning house and he hits a dive on Drew at ringside, then he hits a flying cross body on Shane in the ring. Gary starts getting the upper hand on Shane until Drew runs in and boots him in the face. Shane covers the three count.

    Winners: Shane McMahon & Drew McIntyre

    – Shane and Drew head up the ramp while Reigns helps up his partner in the ring. Gary takes his mask off and reveals that it’s Cedric Alexander. Cedric appears to be bleeding from his mouth. Cedric and Roman shake hands and hug in the ring as RAW goes off the air.

  • WWE SmackDown Live Results (7/2)

    WWE SmackDown Live Results (7/2)

    The July 2nd, 2019 edition of WWE SmackDown Live takes place at the AT&T Center in San Antonio, TX. Keep refreshing this page for live results startingat 8 PM ET!

    – The broadcast opens up with a recap of Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley going through the big screens on RAW, and footage of them being take away in ambulances. We’re told we will hear from Bobby Lashley later tonight.

    – Kevin Owens comes out to the ring to kick off the show and host tonight’s installment of “The Kevin Owens Show.” Kevin introduces his guests, Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre. Shane says Kevin’s introduction wasn’t up to par, so he makes Greg Hamilton introduce him again as the best in the world. Shane says he’s not scared of The Undertaker or Roman Reigns, and he turns their tag match at Extreme Rules into a No Holds Barred match. Drew says everyone knows what he and Shane are capable in regular matches, and this No Holds Barred match is going to be a vicious assault like nobody has ever seen before. Owens rolls footage from last night, and points out Shane and Drew appearing to run from The Undertaker last night. Shane tells Owens to do what he’s told and read from the cards Shane gave him. Owens continues prodding at Shane, until Drew stands up and says this interview is over. Dolph Ziggler comes out to interrupt. Owens tells Ziggler he’s sick of hearing about how it was supposed to be him. Owens tells Ziggler it’s never going to happen, so shut up and get over it. Ziggler says everyone knows he deserves to be Champion right now. He tells Owens the only thing he looks the part for is hot dog eating contest. Owens says at least he would win a hot dog eating contest, which is more than Ziggler can say about wrestling matches. Owens and Ziggler both tell Shane they want the next shot at Kofi’s WWE Title. Shane says neither of them, but he’ll give them an opportunity tonight. Shane says Owens and Ziggler have to team up tonight to face Heavy Machinery in a tag match, and the winner gets a shot at the Tag Titles at Extreme Rules.

    – Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan and Eric Rowan do an interview backstage, where Bryan voices his displeasure about Shane’s decision. Bryan says Shane has been making a lot of unpopular decisions lately, but it doesn’t matter because he and Rowan are walking in & out as Tag Team Champions at Extreme Rules.

    – Big E and Xavier Woods do an interview at the gorilla position before coming out to the ring. They also aren’t thrilled with the news of either Heavy Machinery or the team of Owens & Ziggler being added to the Tag Title match at Extreme Rules.

    Big E vs. Daniel Bryan: This one is a non-Title match with Woods and Rowan both at ringside. Big E starts off strong against Bryan and taunts him. Bryan misses a shot and Big E applies the abdominal stretch then spanks Bryan. They run the ropes and Big E hits a shoulder tackle on Bryan. Big E follows up with a clothesline, and Bryan rolls outside for a breather. Back in the ring, Bryan starts fighting back and working over Big E’s left knee. Bryan throws Big E down in the corner and then hits a running dropkick to Big E’s knee. Bryan misses a shot off the turnbuckle and Big E starts fighting back. Big E starts building some momentum with a suplex, but Bryan stuns him with a headbutt. Bryan follows up with a series of kicks on Big E. Bryan misses a kick and Big E answers with a belly to belly suplex. Big E follows up with a running splash for a two count. Bryan rolls out to the apron and Big E looks for a spear on him through the drops, but Bryan dodges and Big E falls out to ringside. Rowan hits a cheap shot on Big E on the floor behind the ref’s back, then Rown also drops Woods. Back in the ring, Bryan hits the running knee to the face of Big E for the three count.

    Winner: Daniel Bryan

    – R-Truth is backstage for an interview. Truth jokes about Drake Maverick’s honeymoon, and says he heard that “Hornswoggle” and his wife were right here in San Antonio. Truth says he’s coming for him because he wants his baby back – the 24/7 Title.

    – Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross are shown backstage. Alexa says she wants Nikki to host A Moment of Bliss tonight, because she deserves it for beating Carmella. Nikki tries to decline, but Alexa says she deserves it and insists.

    – Nikki comes out to host A Moment of Bliss and says hello to the San Antonio fans. She says she admires Alexa Bliss the most and loves her. Nikki introduces her first guest, SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley. Nikki welcomes her and says she has to ask the tough questions, and she asks why Bayley called Alexa a liar. Bayley says Alexa is a liar, but Nikki says that’s not the Alexa she knows. Nikki ends up jumping out of her seat and challenging Bayley, and Bayley accepts.

    Bayley vs. Nikki Cross: This one is a non-Title match. The opening bell sounds and Bayley starts off strong in the opening moments. Bayley throws Nikki down to the mat for a one count, then whips her into the corner. Nikki fights back with a jawbreaker, but Bayley continues putting the boots to her in the corner. Bayley hits a running splash in the corner, but then Nikki comes back with a sleeper. Bayley throws Nikki down to break the hold, but then Nikki grabs Bayley and throws her outside. Nikki hits a kick from the apron and then takes Bayley back in the ring and she hits a flying cross body on the Champion. Nikki continues the offense and hits a running splash in the corner, then a running bulldog for a two count. Bayley dodges a shot and comes back with the belly to belly suplex for the three count.

    Winner: Bayley

    – We see Kofi Kingston backstage heading towards the gorilla position.

    – They air a pre-taped promo from Ali talking about wanting to bring a change to WWE and a change to peoples’ minds.

    – WWE Champion Kofi Kingston comes out to the ring for an interview with a plate of pancakes in hand. Samoa Joe comes out with a microphone next to confront Kofi. Joe tells the interviewer to get out of the ring, then he starts addressing Kofi. Joe says game recognizes game, and he knows a hustler when he sees one, and he knows the truth about Kofi. Joe says Kofi is using Woods and Big E, and soon they’ll just be Kofi’s butlers. Kofi says he will beat Joe all by himself at Extreme Rules, and he talks about Joe losing his U.S. Title to Ricochet. They continue to exchange words, and Joe says Kofi is manipulating the fans to sell them his merch. Kofi says Joe is just jealous, and nicknames him Jealous Joe, because he will never have a moment like Kofi had at WrestleMania. Joe says he wants Kofi to prove him wrong and shake his hand to show his character, but Kofi declines. Joe tells Kofi he’ll give him one more chance to shake his hand before he slaps him all over the ring. Kofi gives Joe the middle finger instead. Joe charges Kofi, but Kofi drops him with the Trouble In Paradise kick.

    – Heavy Machinery is backstage for an interview. Otis and Tucker talk about their match with Owens and Ziggler tonight, and their hopes to win and be added to the Tag Title match at Extreme Rules. Tucker says Ziggler and Owens have a total of 18 Championships combined, but they are not a tag team like Heavy Machinery is.

    – Apollo Crews is backstage warming up for his match against Andrade, coming up next.

    – We see a pre-taped video from Bobby Lashley talking about his crash with Braun Strowman last night on RAW. Bobby says that wasn’t wrestling, and Braun could have electrocuted him. Bobby says when he sees Braun he’s going to send him to the morgue.

    Apollo Crews vs. Andrade: Andrade starts off strong, but Crews fights back and dumps him out to ringside. Crews follows up with a moonsault off the apron on to Andrade, then he takes things back into the ring. Crews connects with some kicks, and then does a gorilla press slam on Andrade. Crews follows up with a standing moonsault for a two count. Andrade comes back with an elbow to the face, and Crews falls out to ringside. Andrade looks for a dive, but Crews catches him and slams Andrade face-first into the apron. Zelina hits a cheap shot on Crews behind the ref’s back. Andrade takes Crews back in the ring for the hammerlock DDT for the three count.

    Winner: Andrade

    – We see Kevin Owens and Dolph Ziggler backstage arguing about what each one of them will do in their tag match tonight.

    – We see a pre-taped promo from Aleister Black in a dark room talking about feeling invigorated. He says at Extreme Rules we’ll find out who is man enough to pick a fight with him.

    Ember Moon vs. Mandy Rose: Sonya Deville is at ringside for this one. Ember starts off strong, despite a distraction attempt by Sonya. Mandy fights back and starts trying to choke Ember over the middle rope. Mandy hits a knee to the face for a two count, then puts Ember in a chin lock. Mandy continues the pace until Ember comes back with a springboard knee strike off the middle rope. Ember goes back up the turnbuckle and follows up with the Eclipse for the three count.

    Winner: Ember Moon

    – Shelton Benjamin is backstage for an interview. He’s asked who he thinks will win the WWE Championship at Extreme Rules, but he just laughs and walks off.

    – Kevin Owens and Dolph Ziggler are backstage walking to the gorilla position together, and it looks like they’re on the same page for now.

    – Xavier Woods and Big E are sitting at ringside at their own orange announce table full of pancakes. Daniel Bryan and Rowan are on commentary at the usual announce table.

    Kevin Owens & Dolph Ziggler vs. Heavy Machinery: Otis and Ziggler start this one off with mat wrestling, and Otis overpowers Ziggler in the opening moments. Ziggler finally breaks free and stuns Otis with a dropkick. Otis starts fighting back, but Owens helps Ziggler out to ringside for a breather. Meanwhile, Big E and Woods start brawling with Rowan and Bryan at ringside. Rowan and Bryan get the upper hand and they chokeslam Woods through the orange announce table. There are pancakes everywhere at ringside. After the commercial break, the ringside area has been cleared of everyone, and Owens and Tucker are going at it in the ring. Tucker dodges a shot from Owens and answers with a dropkick for a two count on Kevin. Owens starts fighting back, and then Ziggler pulls the rope down so Tucker falls out of the ring and down to ringside. Ziggler tags in and puts Tucker in a knee bar, then Owens tags back in and hits a splash on Tucker for a two count. Ziggler tags back in for a double team on Tucker for another two count. Owens tags in but he wastes some time mocking Otis on the apron, and Tucker is able to mount a comeback. Otis and Ziggler get the tags, and Otis cleans house. Otis hits a running headbutt on Ziggler, and then a spinning powerslam. Ziggler starts to fight back, and he drops Otis with a DDT. Owens tags in and hits a superkick on Otis. Owens goes for another kick, but Otis dodges and throws Owens out to ringside. Ziggler (not the legal man) runs in and looks for a Zig Zag on Otis, but Otis shakes him off and slams him. Otis follows up with the Caterpillar on Ziggler. Owens comes in the ring to help, but Ziggler ends up accidentally superkicking Owens. This leads to Heavy Machinery double teaming Owens for the three count.

    Winners: Heavy Machinery

    – After the match, Heavy Machinery celebrates on the ramp, and Owens hits a Stone Cold Stunner on Ziggler in the ring. Owens yells down at Ziggler as SmackDown goes off the air.

  • WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (7/1)

    WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (7/1)

    The July 1, 2019 edition of WWE RAW took place at the American Airlines Center in Dallas, TX.

    – RAW opens up this week with the broadcast team promoting Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch being here live tonight together. They also promote The New Day vs. The Viking Raiders, and Corey Graves says there are rumors The Undertaker is here tonight.

    Braun Strowman vs. Bobby Lashley: This one is a Falls Count Anywhere match. Lashley starts off strong in the opening moments with a spear on Braun in the ring. Braun rolls outside and they brawl at ringside now. Braun starts taking control, but Lashley reverses a slam and drops Braun on the floor. They fight into the timekeeper’s area, and Bobby clotheslines Braun into the crowd. Bobby and Braun brawl through the crowd now, and Bobby grabs a steel chair and nails Strowman with it across the back a few times. Braun fights back and hits a running shoulder tackle on Braun on the floor. Braun throws Bobby into a guard rail, and then throws him up onto the Titantron stage. Bobby fights back now and suplexes Braun on the stage for a two count. Bobby backs up, but then Braun gets to his feet and charges at Bobby. Braun tackles Bobby through a screen on the stage, and the screen shatters. Graves says “holy shit,” as sparks start flying from the hole in the stage. Braun and Bobby are both down, and some technicians spray them down with fire extinguishers. Referees ask for EMTs, and it looks like they’re calling off the match. The camera angle switches to a view from above as we see medics come and load Braun and Bobby on to stretchers. It stays on this zoomed-out shot for the whole process of Braun and Bobby being checked on by medics.

    Winner: No contest

    – Back from the break, we see Bobby and Braun still being stretchered out. Cole is back on commentary now telling us that they’re going to be transported to a local medical facility. We go to replays, and then see the ambulances leaving. The screens and lights on the Titantron all appear to be out now.

    The Viking Raiders vs. The New Day: Big E and Xavier Woods are representing The New Day in this one. Big E starts off strong and works over Erik in the opening moments. Big E hits a big splash on the apron, then takes Erik back in the ring. Ivar finally tags in and he turns things around against Big E. Ivar pummels on Big E on the mat, and then tags Erik back in for the double team. Big E finally starts to fight back, and he looks to tag in Woods, but then Samoa Joe comes out of nowhere and attacks Woods. Joe beats down Woods at ringside, as Kofi Kingston runs down to help, and this match falls apart.

    Winners via DQ: The New Day

    – During the break, this one gets turned into a six-man tag.

    The New Day vs. The Viking Raiders & Samoa Joe: Kofi starts off strong beating on Ivar. Woods tags in with a flying leg drop for a two count. Ivar comes back with a kick to the face of Woods, and then Samoa Joe tags in and puts the boots to Woods. Erik tags in and hits a fallaway slam on Woods. Ivar tags in now for the double team. Joe tags in again for a running senton drop on Woods for a two count. Joe lays into Woods with strikes now, then Erik tags in and beats on Woods some more. Joe tags back in now and looks for a shot on Woods in the corner, but Woods fights back with a kick to the face, and then a missile dropkick off the second rope. Ivar and Kofi tag in, and Kofi cleans house. Kofi hits some kicks on Ivar, and then Ivar fights back with some strikes of his own. Erik tags in Kofi drops him with a clothesline. Kofi follows up with the Boom Drop on Erik, then he knocks Joe off the apron. The distraction from Joe leads to Erik dropping Kofi and kneeing him in the face. Big E hits the ring and starts dumping everyone out to ringside. Woods hits a dive on Erik, but Ivar dodged it. Ivar runs in the ring and hits a dive on Woods now. Kofi hits the Trouble In Paradise on Ivar off the apron. Back in the ring, Joe puts Kofi in the Coquina Clutch and takes him down to the mat. Kofi goes out cold, and the ref calls for the bell.

    Winners: The Viking Raiders & Samoa Joe

    – We see Drake Maverick backstage with his new wife. They walk through the hallways and she complains that Drake is too obsessed with the 24/7 Championship, and he needs to choose between her and the Title. Drake tells her that he chooses her, and he won’t let anything spoil their time together. They hug, and then Drake sees R-Truth behind her. Truth tells Drake not to mind him, he’s a sucker for romance.

    – Michael Cole tells us that rumors have been swirling all day long that The Undertaker is here tonight.

    – We see AJ Styles backstage exchanging words with Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. Anderson says Gallows doesn’t think AJ can beat Ricochet for the U.S. Title. Gallows says he will bet AJ his “hot Asian wife” that AJ can’t beat Ricochet for the Title. AJ seems weirded out, but tells them they’re on.

    No Way Jose vs. Cesaro: Drake Maverick and his wife are sitting at ringside. R-Truth is part of Jose’s conga line, and he taunts Maverick at ringside. A crowd of wrestlers comes out and chases Truth and his 24/7 Title up the ramp. Meanwhile in the ring, before the bell, Cesaro knocks Jose out to ringside and follows him out. Cesaro hits a gut-wrench slam on Jose on the floor, and then follows up with the Neutralizer at ringside. Cesaro leaves Jose laying on the floor.

    Winner: No contest

    – NXT Tag Team Champions The Street Prophets are backstage for an interview. They introduce themselves to the RAW audience and say they’re here to bring the swag back to RAW. They tell all the wrestlers of RAW that they want the smoke.

    – Shane McMahon is backstage walking to the gorilla position with Drew McIntyre.

    – We go to the broadcast table where they tall us that Braun and Bobby are still being evaluated at the medical facility. They tell us several times that they will have an update for us later tonight.

    – The Miz is backstage for an interview. He talks about Shane and Elias beating him down last week on SmackDown. Miz says he’s going to take care of Elias later, and as far as Shane is concerned, Miz says he heard Undertaker is here tonight.

    – Shane McMahon comes out to the ring with Drew McIntyre. The lights and screens on the stage are working again, aside from the section Bobby and Braun went through. Shane climbs on the turnbuckle and makes ring announcer Mike Rome re-introduce him as the Best In The World, again. Shane gets on the mic and starts talking trash about Reigns, then introduces some footage of he and Drew beating down Roman Reigns last week on RAW. Shane and Drew talk about Undertaker saving Reigns, and Shane says he’s looking forward to doing battle with Undertaker again. Shane says he surprised them last Monday, but at Extreme Rules there will be no surprises when they put Reigns and Taker in the ground. Drew says Undertaker scares everyone he’s faced, but Drew is no ordinary man. Drew says he’s a hybrid of every generation Undertaker has competed through, and he isn’t afraid of The Undertaker and doesn’t give a damn about him either. Drew says he came dressed to fight tonight. Drew says if Undertaker is in the building tonight, he’s calling him out right now. There are thunder and lightning effects, and the lights in the arena go out. Lightning strikes the ring, and the lights come on. Drew and Shane look confused, and then the lights go out again and we hear the gong. Undertaker’s music hits and Undertaker slowly makes his way down the ramp. Shane and Drew decide to leave the ring as Undertaker steps into the ring. Shane and Drew walk past the timekeeper’s area and about 50 feet away from the ring in the crowd, as Undertaker stands in the ring. Taker gets on the mic and says Roman Reigns never asked for his help last week. Undertaker says he am and has been the reaper of wayward souls for a long time, and he’s here to collect Shane and Drew’s souls. Undertaker says where he’s sending them, they will never rest in peace. Shane and Drew leave, then Undertaker heads to the back.

    – Baron Corbin and Lacey Evans are shown backstage in a dressing room. Corbin cuts a promo on Seth Rollins and asks him if Becky Lynch is worth all the trouble that comes with her. Lacey talks trash about Becky, and says she’s seen Seth’s wandering eyes backstage.

    Lacey Evans vs. Natalya: Baron Corbin is at ringside. Lacey starts off strong and works over Natalya in the corner. Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch are seen backstage watching on a monitor. Lacey hits a knee to the midsection and a swinging neckbreaker on Natalya for a two count. Natalya starts fighting back and hits a back suplex. Natalya looks for a running knee strike, but Corbin trips her from ringside, and the ref did not see it. Lacey follows up with a right hand to the face of Natalya for the three count.

    Winner: Lacey Evans

    – U.S. Champion Ricochet is backstage for an interview with Charlie Caruso. Ricochet starts talking about his intentions to beat AJ, but then Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson interrupt. They say the only mistake AJ made was not putting down Ricochet in three minutes. They tell Ricochet that AJ has had Ricochet beat from the get go. Ricochet says next time he’s going to beat AJ, and Gallows says it’s time for Ricochet to get put in his place. They tell Ricochet that he’s not in trouble with Gallows and Anderson, but he might be in trouble with someone else.

    – The Miz is shown backstage walking toward the gorilla position. One of Bray Wyatt’s puppets pops out of a box in the corner behind Miz.

    – We see Gallows and Anderson approaching AJ backstage, and they get AJ fired up about Ricochet’s comments. AJ says he’s going to go talk to Ricochet, but Gallows and Anderson tell AJ he’s going soft, because the AJ they know would go up to Ricochet, answer his challenge, and slap him across the face. AJ storms off to look for Ricochet. He finds Ricochet doing some stretches or yoga positions on the floor. AJ gets in Ricochet’s face and tells him if he has something to say to say it right now. AJ tells Ricochet he’s going to take his U.S. Title from him tonight, then slaps Ricochet across the face. Ricochet slaps AJ back. AJ says this is going to be good, then walks off.

    The Miz vs. Elias: This one is a best two out of three falls match. Miz attacks Elias before the bell. The ref lets Elias recover, then calls for the opening bell. Miz starts off with a running knee strike, and then the Skull Crushing Finale for the three count. The score is 1-0 for The Miz in the opening minute of the match. Elias slowly gets to his feet, but Miz takes him down and looks for the Figure Four. Elias fights out and hits the Drift Away on Miz for the three count. The score is now tied 1-1. The third fall starts with Elias in control, as he takes Miz down to the mat and tries to keep him grounded. Elias pummels on Miz and then applies a chin lock. The Miz fights out, but Elias keeps the offense coming with some European uppercuts. The Miz trades chops to the chest with Elias now, but Elias shuts him down with an inverted DDT for a two count. They fight out to the apron, where Elias misses a shot and crashes into the ring post by himself. The Miz takes Elias back in the ring and puts him in the Figure Four for the win via submission.

    Winner: The Miz

    – Becky Lynch and Seth Rollins are shown backstage getting ready for an interview with Charlie Caruso.

    – Back from the break, Seth and Becky do their interview with Charlie. Seth sends his best wishes to Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley. Becky and Seth defend their decision to have a mixed tag match with both their Titles on the line at Extreme Rules. Seth and Becky seem to start arguing about which one of them is more likely to get pinned. Maria Kanellis interrupts and takes issue with Becky and Seth calling themselves the first couple of WWE, because they’re not. Becky and Seth seem confused by the accusation. Maria says Becky may have beat Ronda Rousey, but Maria pushed an eight-pound baby out of her uterus, and let’s see Becky do that. Mike Kanellis walks in and Maria says the only reason Rollins is the Universal Champ is because Mike hasn’t taken it yet. Maria challenges them to a match tonight, and says how about “me and my bitch, take on you and yours.” They accept the challenge, and it looks like we have a mixed tag match tonight.

    – At the broadcast table, Renee Young tells us they’ve been told Braun Strowman may have suffered a ruptured spleen as a result of him going through the screen on the stage with Lashley earlier tonight.

    Maria & Mike Kanellis vs. Seth Rollins & Becky Lynch: Seth and Mike start this one off and trade strikes in the opening moments. Mike starts getting the upper hand, and he lays into Rollins with strikes in the corner. Rollins ducks a shot and comes back with a spinning elbow to the face. Mike misses another shot, and Seth hits the Buckle Bomb. Seth follows up with a superkick on Mike, then he throws Mike into his team’s corner. Maria tags in, and Becky comes in too. Maria ends up climbing out of the ring and grabbing a mic. Maria starts chewing out Mike, and asking him how he could let this happen. She says Mike said he could mop the floor with Seth, but he couldn’t and Mike disgusts her. Becky hops out to ringside to hit Maria, but Maria shouts that she’s pregnant. Becky decides against hitting her. Mike looks shocked at the pregnancy news. Maria continues talking trash to Mike, then Becky pulls Mike into the ring and puts Mike in the Disarm Her. Mike taps out for the finish.

    Winner: Seth Rollins & Becky Lynch

    – After the match, Maria tells Mike that she can’t believe he’s the father of her children. Maria says Mike is a failure and disappointment, and she’s waiting for him to be a man. Maria says the only man here tonight was Becky, so maybe next time she’ll ask Becky to impregnate her.

    – Paul Heyman is backstage for an interview. Heyman says tonight could be the perfect night for his client Brock Lesnar to cash in his Money In The Bank contract. Heyman says maybe Brock is here tonight, maybe he’s not. The Street Prophets interrupt and start asking about Lesnar. They start giving Heyman a hard time, and Heyman says he doesn’t have time for this and he’s a busy man. Heyman leaves as the Street Prophets shout for him to come back.

    – Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross are shown walking together backstage.

    – Alexa Bliss comes out to the stage to host A Moment Of Bliss. Alexa sends her best wishes to Bobby Lashley and Braun Strowman, and then she introduces her guest and best friend, Nikki Cross. Nikki says she’s grateful for Alexa giving her a shot, and wants to thank Alexa. Alexa starts telling Nikki this moment is really all about her, but then Carmella comes out to interrupt. Carmella asks why Alexa is getting the Title match if Nikki is the one who pinned the Champion. Carmella says Alexa is taking advantage of Nikki, and she needs to give Nikki something in return for the Title match she earned her. Alexa tells Carmella that she’s only Truth’s sidekick, and Carmella says she wants to go settle it in the ring.

    Carmella vs. Alexa Bliss: Nikki Cross is at ringside. The opening bell sounds and Carmella immediately rolls up Alexa in a small package pin for the three count.

    Winner: Carmella

    Nikki Cross vs. Carmella: This match was apparently made official during the break. Nikki starts off strong and beats on Carmella in the opening moments. Carmella fights back with a jawbreaker, then a boot to the face. Carmella hits some clotheslines and an atomic drop. Carmella drops Nikki in the corner and then hits the bronco buster for a two count. Nikki mounts a comeback and hits the swinging neckbreker for the three count.

    Winner: Nikki Cross

    – Alexa gets in the ring and yells at Carmella, then celebrates with Nikki.

    – AJ Styles is shown backstage warming up for his match with Ricochet tonight.

    – Alexa and Nikki are backstage for an interview. The interview asks Nikki what she thinks about the WWE Universe wanting her to face Bayley for the Title instead of Alexa. Alexa answers instead, saying no comment, and then she grabs Nikki and walks off.

    – We see Drake Maverick and his wife backstage getting ready to leave the arena. She goes into the bathroom, and outside Drake sees a sea of wrestlers chasing after Truth and his 24/7 Title. They all run past, and Truth comes out from hiding behind the a corner. Drake bashes Truth from behind with his luggage, and Truth goes down. Drake pins Truth and takes the belt. Mrs. Maverick comes out of the bathroom and sees Drake with the Title belt. Drake tells her that he knew this night was supposed to be all about them, but now their honeymoon is going to be even better, because it’ll be 24/7. Drake grabs her and they leave the building.

    – Ricochet is backstage getting ready for his U.S. Title defense against AJ Styles.

    Ricochet (c) vs. AJ Styles: Ricochet’s U.S. Title is on the line in this one. The opening bell sounds and they trade holds until AJ slaps Ricochet across the face. Ricochet comes back with a springboard flying clothesline on AJ. Ricochet looks for a standing shooting star press, but AJ blocks with his knees for a two count. AJ follows up with strikes on the Champion in the corner. Ricochet fights back with some kicks, but AJ decks him with a right hand and follows up with the Phenomenal Forearm. AJ pins for the three count, although Ricochet’s leg was under the bottom rope. After the bell, we go to replays and see Ricochet’s leg under the bottom rope. Another referee gets in the ring to discuss this with the match ref. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson come out to discuss it with AJ. The referees decide to restart the match. After the match restarts, Ricochet hits a series of kicks and a corkscrew suplex for a two count. Ricochet goes up top for a Phoenix Splash but misses and lands on his feet. Ricochet knocks AJ out to ringside, then he looks for a corkscrew suplex suicide dive, but he misses that too. AJ hops in the ring and comes flying out with a flying forearm on Ricochet on the floor. Back in the ring, AJ hits a brainbuster on Ricochet for a two count. AJ looks for the Styles Clash, but Ricochet escapes. AJ keeps the pressure on Ricochet and hits a torture rack into a spinning powerbomb for a two count. AJ takes Ricochet to the top turnbuckle, but Ricochet punches him down. Ricochet leaps off and latches on to AJ, rolling him into a small package pin for the three count.

    Winner & still U.S. Champion: Ricochet

    – AJ looks shocked at the finish, and he looks over to Gallows and Anderson on the floor. AJ comes face to face with Ricochet after the match and they shake hands. Gallows and Anderson get on the apron and tell AJ they want the real AJ back. AJ turns around and nails Ricochet with a cheap shot to the face. AJ starts pummeling on Ricochet on the mat and stomping on him. Gallows and Anderson come in the ring now and continue the beat-down on Ricochet. AJ then hits the Styles Clash on Ricochet off the middle rope. AJ, Gallows and Anderson high-five in the ring, and then AJ grabs Ricochet and pummels on him some more. Anderson pounds on Ricochet next as we go to replays of the middle-rope Styles Clash. AJ stands on Ricochet’s body on the mat and says “we are the club” as RAW goes off the air.

  • WWE SmackDown Live Results (6/25)

    WWE SmackDown Live Results (6/25)

    The June 25, 2019 edition of WWE SmackDown Live took place at the Moda Center in Portland, OR.

    – The show opens up with a shot of Shane McMahon backstage. Shane cuts a promo on Reigns and says that Undertaker won’t be the only dead man at Extreme Rules. Shane says he can’t come and go as he pleases, Shane tells everyone on SmackDown to be on their best behavior tonight, because quite frankly, he’s pissed.

    – WWE Champion Kofi Kingston comes out to the ring with Big E and Xavier Woods. Kofi gets on the mic and talks about his feud with Samoa Joe and their upcoming match at Extreme Rules. Dolph Ziggler quickly comes out to interrupt, and he trashes Kofi and says he should be the Champion right now. Ziggler talks about his singles match with Kofi tonight, and says that if he wins, WWE management is going to add Ziggler to the Joe vs. Kofi match at Extreme Rules, making it a triple threat for the WWE Title. Ziggler also tells Kofi that their singles match tonight is a best two-of-three falls match tonight, and he wishes Kofi good luck.

    – Daniel Bryan and Rowan are shown backstage walking towards the gorilla position. In the background behind Bryan, one of Bray Wyatt’s puppets briefly pops up out of a dumpster.

    – The Miz approaches Shane McMahon’s locker room backstage, but Elias intercepts him. Miz tells Elias to stop playing his guitar or he’s going to shove it up the dark side of the moon. He tells Elias to pass on to Shane that he and Miz have unfinished business. The Miz leaves, and then Shane comes out of his locker room and talks to Elias. Elias says Miz was just running his mouth, so Shane says maybe he should beat up The Miz again tonight. Shane says he’ll beat up Miz, if Miz can get past Elias tonight in a two out of three falls match.

    Big E & Xavier Woods vs. Daniel Bryan & Rowan: The Tag Titles are not on the line in this one. Woods starts off strong against Bryan and drops Bryan for a one count. Rowan quickly tags in and levels Woods with a clothesline, and then he puts the boots to the New Day member in the corner. Bryan hits some cheap shots on Woods behind the ref’s back. Rowan follows up with an elbow drop and some knee drops, then he follows up with a running clothesline in the corner. Woods finally fights back, then Big E and Bryan tag in. Big E cleans house and hits a belly to belly suplex on Bryan. Big E looks for a running splash, but Bryan blocks it and puts Big E in the Labelle Lock. Meanwhile at ringside, Woods drops Rowan on the floor with a dropkick. Back n the ring, Big E breaks free, but Bryan starts nailing him with the Yes Kicks. Big E fights back with a lariat, and then Woods tags in for the double team. The New Day hits the Midnight Hour on Bryan for the three count.

    Winner: Big E & Xavier Woods

    – After the match, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn hit the ring and attack Big E and Woods from behind. Rowan gets in the ring and joins in on the beat-down. Heavy Machinery comes out for the save. Tucker clotheslines Owens out of the ring, and Otis body blocks Sami out of the ring. Rowan drops Otis, but then Tucker superkicks Rowan. Big E gets up and clotheslines Rowan out of the ring. Heavy Machinery, Big E and Woods high-five in the ring as we go to commercial.

    Big E, Xavier Woods & Heavy Machinery vs. Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Rowan & Daniel Bryan: This eight-man tag was made official during the commercial break. Bryan and Rowan control the opening moments of this one, taking turns beating on Otis from Heavy Machinery. Tucker tags in and goes at it with Rowan now. They fight up to the turnbuckle and Rowan hits a superplex on Tucker. Bryan and Rowan trade tags now to continue the offense on Tucker. Bryan looks for a shot off the top, but Tucker ducks and answers with a clothesline. Otis and Sami get the tags. Otis clotheslines Sami and then clears the enemy apron. Otis hits a spinning powerslam on Sami, and then a running splash in the corner. Otis follow up with the Caterpillar on Sami, then he tags in Tucker. Otis and Tucker double team Sami with the Compactor for the three count.

    Winners: Big E, Xavier Woods & Heavy Machinery

    – We see footage from last night of Nikki Cross telling Alexa Bliss she’ll make it up to her for messing up in their match on RAW. Nikki says if she wins a match against Bayley on SmackDown, Alexa gets her rematch. Nikki says she won’t let Alexa down.

    – The Miz is shown backstage getting ready for his two out of three falls match against Elias.

    The Miz vs. Elias: This one is a two out of three falls match. Shane McMahon comes out with Elias and is at ringside for this match. The opening bell sounds and Shane McMahon interferes early on in this one, leading to Elias dropping Miz for the three count within moments of the match starting. The score is now 1-0 for Elias. Elias continues the offense now until Miz starts firing up with some elbows and punches. The Miz hits some running knee strikes in the corner on Elias. Elias tries to fight back but misses a shot, and Miz capitalizes with a DDT for a two count. The Miz hits the Yes Kicks on Elias, until Elias ducks one and rolls up Miz for a two count. The Miz gets up and kicks Elias again, and then Miz knocks Shane off the apron. The distraction from Shane leads to Elias grabbing Miz from behind. The Miz breaks free and hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Elias. Miz pins, but Shane runs in the ring and breaks up the pin. Shane starts pummeling on Miz, and the ref calls for the DQ. The fall count is now tied at 1-1, and Shane freaks out at the ref. Shane continues stomping on Miz, and then Elias joins in. They take Miz out to ringside and throw him over the announce table, and then take him back in the ring. Elias holds up Miz while Shane spears Miz. They instruct the ref to begin the match again for the third fall. Elias hits the Drift Away on a lifeless Miz for the three count, and Elias wins the match 2-1.

    Winner: Elias

    – Shane and Elias head up the ramp, but then turn around. The ref asks them to stop, but they hit the ring. Elias holds Miz down in the corner, and Shane climbs the opposite corner’s turnbuckle. Shane connects with the coast to coast dropkick on Miz. Shane and Elias then head to the back.

    – Intercontinental Champion Finn Balor does an interview, where he talks about his intensity in the ring and wanting to face the best opponents. Shinsuke Nakamura walks in and points at Balor’s IC Title, and Balor smiles.

    – Back to the ring, we see The Miz being helped to his feet by the referee. The ref helps walk Miz to the back.

    – We see Nikki Cross and Bayley on the split screen. They’re backstage warming up for their singles match tonight.

    Bayley vs. Nikki Cross: The opening bell sounds and Nikki starts off aggressively charging Bayley and pummeling on her. Bayley fights back and hits a kick in the corner, then a neckbreaker for a two count on Nikki. Nikki starts to fight back, but Bayley shuts down her comeback with a dropkick in the corner for another two count. Bayley continues the offense until Nikki finally comes back with a lariat. She slams Bayley down for a two count. Nikki wastes some time, and Bayley dumps her out to ringside. Bayley looks for a suicide dive, but Nikki dodges it and Bayley crashes down to the ringside floor by herself. Back in the ring, Nikki hits a neckbreaker on Bayley for a two count. Bayley fights back and kicks Nikki, then attempts to roll her up. Nikki reverses the roll-up and pins Bayley for the three count.

    Winner: Nikki Cross

    – Bayley looks shocked as Nikki celebrates. Alexa now has a Title shot against Bayley.

    – Carmella is backstage looking for R-Truth. She runs into Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville, and they exchange words. Rose and Deville walk off, and then Truth pops out of a container to talk to Carmella. Drake Maverick interrupts, and tells Truth to relax because he didn’t bring a ref with him. Drake says he doesn’t have anything anymore, because Truth ruined his wedding and his wife hates him. Drake tells Truth he’s ruined his life. Truth hugs Drake and apologizes, and says he thought it was Carmella’s wedding. Truth tells “Hornwoggle” that if it means so much to him, he tells Drake to go get a ref. Drake is shocked, and he calls over a ref. Truth says he was just joking though, and adds that he loves his Championship more than Drake loves his wife. Just then, a mob of wrestlers runs by and tramples Drake to chase Truth.

    – Ember Moon is backstage walking towards the gorilla position.

    Ember Moon vs. Sonya Deville: Mandy Rose is at ringside for this one. Ember Moon starts off strong in this one and takes control in the opening moments. A distraction from Mandy at ringside leads to Sonya slamming Ember face-first into the ring post. Sonya pins for the three count after a short match.

    Winner: Sonya Deville

    – We see another pre-taped promo from Aleister Black begging someone to pick a fight with him. He hears a knock at his door, and smiles.

    Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler: This one is a best two out of three falls match. Kofi starts off strong and beats down Ziggler in the opening minutes. Ziggler tries to grab the ropes to cheat during a pin attempt, but the ref catches him. Ziggler argues with the ref, and this leads to Kofi rolling up Dolph from behind for the first three count of the match. The score is now 1-0 for Kofi. They scramble on the mat with a series of pin attempts, Ziggler connects with a knee to the face of Kofi, and Kofi is down. The fight spills out to ringside and Ziggler hits the Zig Zag on Kofi on the floor. Back in the ring, Ziggler superkicks Kofi for the first three count of the match. The score is now tied at 1-1. Ziggler controls the next several moments of the match. He hits a DDT on Kofi for a two count. Kofi hits a series of kicks to come back, until Ziggler catches one and drops Kofi. Ziggler goes to sling shot Kofi into the turnbuckle, but Kofi leaps up and lands on the turnbuckle, then hits a corkscrew moonsault on Ziggler. Ziggler reverses the pin attempt into a pin of his own for a two count. Kofi comes back with a springboard flying clothesline off the top for a two count. Ziggler comes back with some strikes and then looks for the Fameasser, but Kofi reverses it into a powerbomb for a two count. Kofi misses a shot in the corner and Ziggler starts beating on him again. Kofi comes back with a Trouble In Paradise attempt, but Ziggler ducks. Kofi goes for the Trouble In Paradise one more time, and this time he connects. Ziggler is down and Kofi pins for the three count.

    Winner: Kofi Kingston

    – Kofi celebrates as we go to replays. Kofi gets on the turnbuckle and holds up his WWE Title belt as SmackDown goes off the air.

  • WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (6/24)

    WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (6/24)

    The June 24th, 2019 edition of WWE RAW took place at the Angel of the Winds Arena in Everett, Washington.

    – WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins comes out to the ring to kick off the show as we see some still images from his match at Stomping Grounds last night. Rollins gets on the mic and starts talking about beating Baron Corbin last night, but then RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch comes out to interrupt. Rollins tells Becky she interrupted him, and then he goes back to the subject of Baron Corbin. Seth says Corbin was smart enough to get a special guest referee who would be on his side, but he wasn’t smart enough to realize that he has the best backup on the planet with Becky. Becky starts talking, but then Baron Corbin interrupts. While Corbin is walking down the ramp, Lacey Evans attacks Becky from behind. Rollins tries to break it up, but Becky shoves him aside and beast on Lacey in the corner. Corbin hits the ring, but Rollins lays him out. Rollins and Lynch send Corbin and Evans out to ringside. Corbin gets on the mic and says Seth should give Becky his Title because Becky just saved him again and she’s handling all his business. Lacey challenges them to a mixed tag match at Extreme Rules, and Becky accepts on one condition – if they lose they’ll stop challenging them to matches over and over. Corbin and Lacey talk, and they say they’ll see their stipulation and raise them one. Rollins says he doesn’t care what it is, challenge accepted. Corbin says the stipulation is that both Seth and Becky’s title belts will be on the line in their match at Extreme Rules.

    – Still to come: Roman Reigns vs. Shane McMahon & Drew McIntyre in a handicap match; Ricochet vs. AJ Styles for the U.S. Title; and The New Day & The Usos vs. Daniel Bryan, Rown & The Revival in an eight-man elimination match.

    The New Day & The Usos vs. Daniel Bryan, Rown & The Revival: Scott Dawson and Daniel Bryan argue among themselves before the match starts. Dawson takes control against Woods early on, but Big E tags himself in off Woods’ back and they double team Dawson. They run the ropes and Rowan tags himself in. Big E hits a belly to belly suplex on Dawson, but the legal man Rowan clotheslines Big E down and then knocks Kofi and Woods off the apron. Woods and Bryan tag in, and after an exchange of missed shots, Bryan drops Woods with a clothesline and then dumps him out to ringside. Bryan looks for a suicide dive on Woods, but he accidentally hits Dawson. Back in the ring, Bryan hits a series of kicks on Woods. Woods ducks a shot and this leads to Wilder “accidentally” punching Daniel Bryan from ringside as a receipt for the dive earlier. Woods rolls up Bryan for the three count, and now Bryan and Rowan are eliminated. Dawson and Wilder immediately hit the Shatter Machine on Woods for the three count, and now The New Day is eliminated. The Usos and The Revival brawl out to ringside now, and then Jey takes Wilder in the ring. Jey hits the splash off the top for a two count. Uso misses a kick, but then Jimmy tags in and they double team Wilder for another two count. Wilder starts fighting back against Jimmy, and then Dawson tags in for a double team top rope bulldog for a two count. Jimmy and Dawson trade strikes until Jimmy drops him with an enziguri. Jimmy goes up top, but Dawson stops him with a right hand. Dawson knocks Jey out to ringside after Jey tags himself in, and then he looks for a superplex on Jimmy. Wilder gets on the opposite corner in hopes of a double team, but Jey knocks him down. Dawson hits the superplex on Jimmy, but then Jey comes flying off the top with a splash on Dawson. Jey pins Dawson for the three count.

    Winners: The Usos & The New Day

    – Still to come: Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley have a tug-of-war.

    – The Miz is shown backstage getting ready to come out and host Miz TV. One of Bray Wyatt’s Firefly Fun House puppets is behind Miz peeking out from behind a corner.

    – Michael Cole shows us footage from earlier today of Braun Strowman pulling a tractor trailer with a rope to prepare for his tug-of-war with Lashley later.

    – The Miz comes out to the ring for tonight’s edition of Miz TV. He introduces his guests tonight, Carmella and the 24/7 Champion R-Truth. Truth and Carmella come out looking paranoid until Miz tells them that the 24/7 Rules have been suspended for this segment. The Miz questions Truth about attacking Drake Maverick at his wedding to win back his 24/7 Title. The crowd cheers and Truth thanks them. Truth says his 48/7 European Television Championship is no joke, and he has had no time to eat, drink, or be merry, if you know what he means. Truth says he’s always looking over his shoulder and he even has WWE stars showing up to his house dressed as the police telling him to turn his music down or warning him hsi car is on fire, but he’s smarter than that. Drake Maverick interrupts and starts cutting a promo on Truth and complaining that his new wife won’t talk to him or go on their honeymoon. Drake says they haven’t even consummated the marriage, and Truth says “fiber is good for that.” The crowd starts chanting “constipation.” Maverick says he’s here as a man to ask Truth for a rematch one on one, with no one else getting involved. Drake says he wants to win back the love of his life, the 24/7 Championship. The Miz says he has just told in his earpiece that if Truth accepts the challenge, everyone will be banned from interfering. Truth tells Maverick “Hornswoggle, I accept your challenge.”

    R-Truth (c) vs. Drake Maverick: Truth’s 24/7 Title is on the line in this one. The opening bell sounds and Truth immediately drops Drake and pins him for the three count.

    Winner & still 24/7 Champion: R-Truth

    – As soon as the match ends, a swarm of wrestlers run down with a referee and hit the ring. They chase Truth out through the crowd, as Drake looks distraught in the ring. Charlie Caruso gets in the ring to interview Drake. She asks him where he goes from here, but he doesn’t answer and just walks off looking sad.

    – Roman Reigns is shown backstage heading towards the gorilla position.

    – We see Lacey Evans approach Baron Corbin backstage and says she wants to be RAW Women’s Champion. Corbin says Rollins has been a thorn in his side for months, and he can’t wait to stomp him in the mat. Lacey says if they take care of that nasty Becky, they both become Champions.

    Shane McMahon & Drew McIntyre vs. Roman Reigns: This one is a handicap match. Shane takes issue with Mike Rome’s ring introduction, and Shane makes him do it again. Shane still isn’t happy, and he tells Mike Rome to announce this as a two-on-one match rather than a handicap match, as there will be no tags in this match. The opening bell sounds and Reigns immediately takes the fight to Shane and Drew. Reigns throws Dew outside and then pummels on Shane in the corner. Drew pulls Reigns outside and slams him into the ring post, then Shane goes outside and puts the boots to Reigns. Shane holds Reigns and Drew picks up the ring steps and nails Reigns with them. Back in the ring, they continue the two-on-one assault on Reigns. Shane hits a spear on Reigns, and Drew hits two Claymore kicks on him. Drew holds Reigns down in the corner, and Shane gets on the opposite corner. Before Shane can leap for the coast to coast dropkick, the lights go out. The lights come back on, and The Undertaker is standing in the ring. Shane leaps down and Undertaker catches him by the throat and gives him a chokeslam. Drew runs in the ring and Taker drops him with a big boot. Taker lays into Drew with punches in the corner and then clotheslines him out of the ring. Undertaker clotheslines Shane out of the ring next. The Undertaker poses in the ring as Shane and Drew retreat up the ramp.

    Winner: No contest

    – We see footage from earlier today of Bobby Lashley pulling on a rope attached to a phone pole, and the rope breaks.

    – A big rope is laid out in the ring with a red line in the middle for Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley’s tug-of-war. Both men come out to the ring and get in their positions. The referee starts the tug of war, and Lashley starts off strong and pulls Strowman close to the red line. Strowman looks up and smiles and starts pulling Lashley towards him. Braun pulls Bobby over the line to win the tug of war, and Bobby immediately runs over and attacks Braun. Bobby throws Braun into the ring post, and then attacks Braun with the rope. Braun falls outside and Bobby follows. Braun is selling an eye injury. Braun knocks Bobby down at first, but Bobby gets back up and drops Braun with a running knee strike.

    – Still to come: Kofi Kingston vs. Sami Zayn; and AJ Styles vs. Ricochet

    – AJ Styles is backstage for an interview. AJ talks about tonight being his first match back from his injury. AJ says sitting at home was killing him, and he wants to fight the best WWE has to offer. First the interviewer interrupts AJ, and then No Way Jose’s conga line interrupts AJ. AJ gets fed up and goes and takes issue with Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows for dancing with them. AJ says they lost last week because they aren’t the same guys they used to be. Gallows says they’re going to go out and prove AJ wrong right now.

    Gallows & Anderson vs. The Viking Raiders: Gallows starts off strong, but the Raiders quickly turn it around. Anderson tags in and drops Erik with a clothesline. Gallows comes in to continue the offense with elbow strikes and a chin lock. AJ is shown backstage watching on a monitor. Erik fights up, but Gallows drops him again with a superkick. Gallows knocks Ivar off the apron, and then Anderson tags in for the Boot of Doom double team on Erik for a two count. Anderson tags back in and looks for a suplex, but Erik fights out and tags in Ivar. Ivar runs in and cleans house. Ivar hits a suicide dive on Gallows at ringisde, and Erik tags in. Back in the ring, the Raiders hit a double team powerslam on Anderson for the three count.

    Winners: The Viking Raiders

    – AJ is shown again backstage watching the monitor and shaking his head.

    – Nikki Cross approaches Alexa Bliss backstage to talk about her loss to Bayley last night. They decide that Alexa can get a rematch, but they need to come up with a plan.

    – Back from the break, Natalya and Naomi approach Nikki Cross backstage and tell her that Alexa is not a good person and isn’t to be trusted. Naomi explains that they’ve been dealing with Alexa for years and know how it is. Nikki says she knows Alexa’s reputation, and then Alexa barges in and asks if Nikki is talking behind her back. Alexa and Naomi exchange words, and they all walk off.

    – Heath Slater and Mojo are in the ring for a match, but R-Truth and the crowd of wrestlers chasing after the 24/7 Title interrupt before it starts. Truth runs in the ring and Slater drops him and then pins him to win the 24/7 Title. EC3 pulls Slater out to ringside, but Slater drops him. Slater realizes he has to run, and he runs back into the ring, but Truth pops up and hits a facebuster on Slater for the three count. Truth is now the 24/7 Champion again. Cedric Alexaner runs in and hits the Lumber Check on the truth for the three count to win the Title. Cedric tries to escape, but EC3 runs up and hits the One Percenter on Slater for the three count. EC3 is now the 24/7 Title. Carmella runs out and rips the 24/7 Title belt from EC3’s hands, and the distraction leads to Truth rolling up EC3 from behind for the three count. Truth gets his 24/7 Title back and runs backstage with Carmella.

    – Ricochet does an interview backstage where he thanks the fans, his family and his friends for all their support to get him where he is now. Ricochet says tonight he has to face someone he’s looked up to for a long time in AJ Styles, and tonight he will prove he’s worthy.

    – We see WWE Champion Kofi Kingston backstage messing around with a tray of pancakes.

    – Back from the break, Kofi Kingston comes out to the ring for an interview. Before Kofi can say anything, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens interrupt. Sami says that Charlie Caruso’s questions are always terrible, but they’ve got some questions for Kofi. Owens tells Charlie to get out of the ring because it’s time for an impromptu Sami & Kevin Show. Sami and Kevin grill Kofi with some questions and tell Kofi to get the hell out of here. Kofi tells Kevin he has a huge zit on the side of his head that’s bleeding. Sami says Kofi’s whole identity as WWE Champion is a guy who gets help from his friends. Kofi pokes fun at Kevin and Sami’s love-hate relationship with each other, and says his bond with Big E and Xavier Woods can’t be broken. Kofi says he beat both Owens and Dolph Ziggler all by himself, and he’s going to beat Sami Zayn tonight by himself too. Sami says Kofi’s ego is out of control, and Sami is going to give him a dose of reality tonight. Kofi says his WWE Title isn’t just about him, it’s about all of the fans. Their non-Title match is up next.

    Kofi Kingston vs. Sami Zayn: Kofi starts off strong, but Sami fights back and backs Kofi into the corner. Sami pummels on Kofi in the corner until the ref’s 5 count. Sami backs up, then return to hit some chops to the chest on Kofi in the corner. Sami looks for a splash, but Kofi blocks it with an elbow, then he boots Sami in the face. Kofi springboards off the top for a clothesline, then he hits a dropkick. Kofi hits a lariat on Sami and then the Boom Drop for a two count. Sami starts fighting back and rakes Kofi’s eyes. Sami throws Kofi into the corner, but Kofi springboards off the middle rope and dropkicks Sami. Sami rolls outside for a breather. Kofi misses a shot from the apron, and Sami drops Kofi throat-first across the top rope. Sami then distracts the ref and Owens hits a cheap shot on Kofi from the floor. Sami takes Kofi back in the ring and continues the offense. Sami lays into Kofi with punches and kicks until Kofi comes back with a flying clothesline. Kofi looks for a splash in the corner, but Sami catches him and suplexes Kofi into the turnbuckle for a two count. Kofi tries to fight back, but he misses a shot and Sami hits the Blue Thunder Driver for another two count. Sami charges for a kick on Kofi, but Kofi stops him short with a dropkick. Kofi tries to follow up with a shot off the top rope, but Sami kicks Kofi out of mid-air for a two count. Sami looks for a powerbomb, but Kofi escapes and rolls up Sami for the three count.

    Winner: Kofi Kingston

    – Sami and Owens look shocked after the match, and Kofi celebrates with his WWE Title up the rap. Owens gets on the mic and calls out Kofi. Owens dares Kofi to get back in the ring and face him right here and now. It looks like Kofi is accepting the challenge and he heads down to the ring.

    Kevin Owens vs. Kofi Kingston: A distraction from Sami leads to Owens superkicking Kofi early on. Owens looks for the Swanton Bomb, but Kofi blocks it with his knees. Owens looks for a Pop Up Powerbomb, but Kofi escapes and the fight spills out to ringside. Owens looks for a powerbomb on the floor, but Kofi reverses into a back body drop. Kofi slams Owens into the fan barricade, and then he hits the SOS on Owens on the steel part of the entrance ramp. Kofi runs back into the ring and leaves Owens on the floor, and Kofi wins by count out.

    Winner: Kofi Kingston

    – After the bell, Sami hits the ring and tries to attack Kofi. Kofi throws Sami outside and then hits a suicide dive on to Sami and Kevin at ringside. Kofi starts heading up the ramp, but then Samoa Joe runs out and attacks Kofi from behind. Joe picks up Kofi and throws him into the screen on the stage, and then he hits a side suplex on the stage. Referees come out and break it up and Joe heads to the back. The refs help Kofi to his feet, and then Samoa Joe runs back out and puts Kofi in the Coquina Clutch. Kofi is out cold and Joe heads to the back again.

    – Micahel Cole announces Roman Reigns & The Undertaker vs. Shane McMahon & Drew McIntyre in a tag team match at the Extreme Rules pay-per-view.

    Naomi vs. Alexa Bliss: Nikki Cross is at ringside. Naomi dodges some shots early on, but Alexa finally connects and drops her. Naomi fights back and hits the split leg drop for a two count. Alexa rolls outside for a breather. Naomi goes for a baseball slide kick, but she accidentally hits Nikki instead. Back in the ring, Alexa hits a DDT on Naomi for the three count.

    Winner: Alexa Bliss

    – After the match, Alexa beats down Naomi. She tells Nikki to come in and join her. Nikki doesn’t seem to want to take part in the two on one beat down. Natalya runs out for the save, and Alexa and Nikki leave.

    Natalya & Naomi vs. Nikki Cross & Alexa Bliss: This match was booked during the commercial break. Natalya starts off strong against Nikki and clotheslines her down for a two count. Nikki fights back and Alexa tags in. Natalya turns things around against Natalya and hits a series of knee strikes on her in the conrer. Naomi tags in and hits a full nelson slam for a two count. Naomi slams Alexa’s head into the middle turnbuckle, then Natalya tags in and continues the offense. Nikki distracts Natalya which leads to Alexa hitting a right hand on Natalya for a two count. Natalya fights back and hits a powerslam for a two count. Natalya hits a series of suplexes and then looks for the Sharpshooter. Alexa fights out and tags in Nikki. Nikki drops Natalya and then knocks Naomi off the apron. Nikki hits a splash in the corner and then a running bulldog on Natalya for a two count. Nikki dropkicks Natalya and then goes to the top rope. Nikki hits a flying cross body for a two count. Alexa tags in on Nikki’s back. Nikki hits a neckbreaker on Natalya, then Alexa runs in and steals the pin on Natalya for the three count

    Winners: Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross

    – AJ Styles and Ricochet are shown backstage (separately) getting ready for their match up next.

    AJ Styles vs. Ricochet: This one is a non-Title match. The opening bell sounds and they trade holds in the opening moments. Ricochet hits a couple arm drags, and then they stare each other down. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows come out to ringside for a closer look. AJ and Ricochet go at it again, until it looks like Anderson is trying to cheap-shot Ricochet from the floor. AJ rolls outside to exchange words with Gallows and Anderson. AJ tells them he wants them to leave because he doesn’t want them to ruin the match. Gallows and Anderson leave, then AJ gets back in the ring. Ricochet takes control with a dropkick, but AJ gets up and fires back with the Pele Kick. AJ appears to be bleeding from the face in a couple of spots. Ricochet starts fighting back, until AJ shuts him down with a back body drop. Ricochet starts fighting back with strikes on AJ, and AJ rolls outside for a breather. Ricochet follows up with a corkscrew suicide dive on AJ on the floor. Back in the ring, Ricochet hits a kick on AJ for a pin attempt. AJ fights back with a suplex into the turnbuckle for a two count. Ricochet fights back again with kicks, and now both men are down. They get up and trade strikes again until Ricochet hits a running hurricanrana. Ricochet goes up top and hits a flying clothesline, and then a standing shooting star press for a two count. AJ escapes a suplex attempt and elbows Ricochet in the head. AJ misses his moonsault into an inverted DDT, but AJ is still able to grab Ricochet and hit an inverted DDT on him. AJ hits a series of strikes on Ricochet for a two count. Ricochet fights back and hits some chops on AJ. Ricochet follows up with a suplex/neckbreaker, and a springboard moonsault for a two count. Ricochet looks for the 630 splash, but AJ rolls out of the way. AJ follows up with the Phenomenal Forearm for the three count.

    Winner: AJ Styles

    – After the match, AJ helps Ricochet up and raises his hand as RAW goes off the air.

  • WWE Stomping Grounds Results & Live Coverage (6/23)

    WWE Stomping Grounds Results & Live Coverage (6/23)

    WWE’s Stomping Grounds 2019 pay-per-view took place on June 23rd at the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, WA.

    Stomping Grounds Kickoff Show:

    – Jonathan Coachman welcomes us to the Tacoma Dome, with his Kickoff show panel of Charlie Caruso, David Otunga, and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T.

    – The steel cage lowers around the ring, and Booker T and Charlie Caruso step inside to talk about the Kofi vs. Ziggler steel cage match tonight.

    – Back at the Kickoff Show panel table, Big E and Xavier Woods join and give their take on Kofi’s match tonight.

    – Baron Corbin does an interview backstage where he says Seth Rollins has changed and he’s a bad person now.

    – Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan and Eric Rowan are backstage for an interview. Referee Charles Robinson accidentally walks into the frame and Bryan freaks out at him. Bryan says they’re trying to save the tag division from people like Heavy Machinery. Rowan say Otis and Tucker would set a bad example as as Champions, and it would be like Idiocracy. Bryan says people should be thanking them for stopping the Tag division from being a joke.

    – Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre are backstage to cut a promo on Roman Reigns. Shane says he can already smell the victory. Drew says Reigns is too emotional, and all Drew does is tell the truth, which is that he will disfigure Reigns tonight.

    Tony Nese (c) vs. Akira Tozawa vs. Drew Gulak: The WWE Cruiserweight Championship is on the line in this one. The opening bell sounds and Gulak starts off strong and tries to clear the ring. Nese comes back and throws Gulak outside then goes to work on Tozawa. Gulak runs back in and Nese hits a German suplex on him. They fight out to ringside, and Nese hits a superkick on Gulak on the floor. Tozawa hits a suicide dive on Nese, then he gets back on the apron and hits a dive on Gulak. Back in the ring, Tozawa hits a missile dropkick on Nese and pins, but Gulak breaks it up. Tozwa throws Gulak back outside, then Tozawa goes to the top rope. Nese runs up and punches Nese off the top rope, then he hits a kick. Nese follows up with a knee to the ribs for a two count. Gulak gets back in the ring and starts taking control of the match. Gulak looks for a submission on the Champion, but Tozawa breaks it up with a senton bomb off the top on Gulak. Nese and Tozawa fight in the corner, then Gulak gets involved. Gulak drops Tozawa, and then Nese hits an inverted piledriver on Gulak, but Tozawa breaks up the pin with a running knee to the face of the Champion. Nese comes back with a powerbomb on Tozawa in the corner for a two count. All three men fight near the ropes, and Tozawa kicks Nese off the apron. Tozawa turns around into Gulak, who hits him with his finisher for the three count, and we have a new Cruiserweight Champion.

    Winner & new WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Drew Gulak

    – Becky Lynch is shown backstage walking to the gorilla position, as the Kickoff Show comes to a close and the pay-per-view begins.

    WWE Stomping Grounds results:

    – Michael Cole welcomes us to the pay-per-view where it’s time to “kick ass and take names.”

    Becky Lynch (c) vs. Lacey Evans: Becky starts off strong in this one and connects with some kicks on the challenger. Becky controls the opening moments until Lacey grabs Becky by the hair for a cheap shot. Lacey throws Becky into the ring post back-first and then kicks her in the face. Lacey starts working over Becky with kicks to the body, and Becky appears to be selling a rib injury. Becky mounts a comeback with a kick on Lacey, and then she looks for the Disarm Her, but Lacey fights out. Becky misses a shot in the corner and Lacey hits a big dropkick in the corner for a two count. Becky starts fighting back and they trade strikes now. Becky comes back with a t-bone suplex for a two count on the challenger. Becky misses a shot and Lacey fights back. Lacey looks for a slingshot elbow drop, but Becky blocks it with her knees. Becky looks for a slam, but Lacey escapes and fires back with an eblw ot the face. Lacey hits a bulldog and a kick for a two count. Lacey goes up top but Becky pulls her down and puts her in the Disarm Her. Lacey taps out and Becky retains the RAW Women’s Title via submission.

    Winner & still RAW Women’s Champion: Becky Lynch

    – We see a video montage of Ali walking through alley ways saving people from being attacked by muggers and saving a woman from drinking beer.

    – Paul Heyman walks out of Baron Corbin’s locker room and he does a brief interview. Heyman says both the WWE Champion and the Universal Champion are here tonight, and that presents an opportunity for his client Brock Lesnar. Heyman walks off, then Corbin exits his locker room. Corbin asks the female interview if she’s hanging around his locker room for something more than interview. She asks if Corbin has picked his referee. Corbin says he doesn’t need help beating Rollins, he just needs a competent referee.

    Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn vs. Big E & Xavier Woods: Owens starts off strong with several superkicks on Woods right out of the gate. Owens knocks Big E off the apron, and he hits a frogsplash off the top for a two count. Sami Zayn tags in for the Blue Thunder Bomb on Woods and Woods kicks out at two count. Owens tags back in and hits another frogsplash off the top for another two count. Zayn tags back in to continue the offense on Woods. Owens and Zayn continue to trade tags and beat down Woods. Big E gets involved and they look for the double team on Zayn, but Owens breaks it up and dumps Big E back outside. Zayn hits a big boot on Woods, then Owens hits the Pop Up Powerbomb on Woods. Big E breaks up the pin attempt, then he levels Zayn with a lariat. Owens drops Big E with a superkick, then Woods hits the spinning elbow to the face on Owens. Woods and Owens are the legal men and continue to fight, while Big E spears Sami out to ringside off the apron. Woods and Owens fight to the top rope, but Owens knocks Woods down and then hits a version of the Stone Cold Stunner on Woods for the three count.

    Winners: Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn

    – Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross are backstage talking about Bayley. Nikki says Bayley screwed her over on Monday, and she can’t wait to see Alexa take it to Bayley tonight.

    Samoa Joe (c) vs. Ricochet: Joe’s U.S. Title is on the line in this one. They brawl out to ringside where Joe gets the upper hand. Back in the ring, Joe hits a side suplex and a running suplex for a two count. Joe follows up with a splash in the corner and then the Pele kick for another two count. Joe continues the punishment on the challenger with a fight hand and then a sit-out powerbomb for another two count. Ricochet dodges a shot from Joe with a backflip, then he hits an enziguri kick on Joe. Ricochet follows up with more strikes and a hurricanrana. Ricochet goes up top hits a flying clothesline, then Joe rolls outside. Ricochet follows up with a corkscrew suicide dive on Joe at ringside. Back in the ring, Ricochet goes up top and hits a missile dropkick on the Champion. Ricochet hits a springboard moonsault off the middle rope for a two count. Ricochet misses a shot and Joe answers with a spinning powerslam for a two count. Joe drops Ricochet with a clothesline for another two count. Ricochet tries to come back with a kick, but Joe catches it and flips Ricochet back onto the mat. Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch, but Ricochet is able to escape and drop Joe’s neck across the top rope. Ricochet looks for the 630 splash but Joe rolls out of the way. Joe misses a clothesline and Ricochet drops him. Ricochet goes back up top and hits the 630 for the three count, and we have a new United States Champion.

    Winner & new U.S. Champion: Ricochet

    – Ricochet celebrates with his new U.S. Title after the match. We see him arrive at the gorilla position and several wrestlers greet him and congratulate him, including Triple H.

    Heavy Machinery vs. Daniel Bryan & Rowan (c): Bryan and Rowan’s SmackDown Tag Team Titles are on the line in this one. Bryan gets a big ovation from his hometown crowd. Rowan and Otis start this one off as the crowd chants for Bryan. Bryan waves Rowan over and tags in. Bryan and Otis circle each other in the ring now. Bryan starts hitting Otis with several kicks to the leg. Otis blocks one and slams Bryan down. They lock up and Otis throws Bryan back again. Otis hits a gorilla press slam on Bryan, then Tucker tags in for a double team stalling vertical suplex for a two count. Tucker continues the offense on Bryan until Bryan escapes a suplex attempt, then Rowan tags in. Tucker didn’t see the tag, and Rowan blindsides Tucker with a cross body. Rowan hits a couple splashes on Tucker in the corner, and then a dropkick for a two count. Rowan continues beating on Tucker, then Bryan tags in. Bryan starts working over Tucker’s knees, then he tags Rowan back in. Rowan headbutts Tucker down, and he starts working over Tucker’s left knee. Rowan hits a running splash for a two count. The crowd chants “Drive a Prius.” Rowan misses a spear on Tucker in the corner, then Bryan and Otis tag in. Otis starts cleaning house and he hits a series of running shoulder tackles on Bryan. Otis hits a spinning powerslam on Bryan, then backs him into the corner. Otis looks for a running splash in the corner, but Bryan ducks and trips Otis into the middle turnbuckle. Bryan backs up and hits a series of running knee strikes to Otis in the corner. Otis catches Bryan on one and hits a sit-out powerbomb for a two count. Otis goes to the middle rope and looks for the Vader Bomb on Bryan, but Bryan rolls out of the way and Otis crashes down. Bryan hits the Yes Kicks on Otis, but Otis starts hulking up. Otis gets to his feet as Bryan continues throwing kicks. Otis catches a kick and hits a t-bone suplex on Bryan. Otis hits a running plash in the corner, and Bryan is down. Otis hits The Caterpillar on Bryan, then he tags in Tucker. Otis catapults Bryan into Tucker for a belly to belly suplex, but Rowan breaks up the pin. Rowan dumps Otis outside and then goes back to the apron. Bryan hits some kicks to the leg of Tucker, and Tucker fights back with right hands. Bryan misses a kick and Tucker hits a back suplex on Bryan. Tucker goes to the top rope for a moonsault, and Bryan moves out of the way but Tucker’s legs still land on Bryan. Rowan and Otis tag in and they start trading shots in the middle of the ring. Otis slams Rowan down, but Bryan was able to tag himself in. Tucker tags in and drops Bryan. Tucker goes to the top rope, but instead of going for Bryan, Tucker takes out Rowan on the ringside floor. As soon as Tucker gets back in the ring, Bryan rolls him up for the three count.

    Winners & still SmackDown Tag Team Champions: Daniel Bryan & Rowan

    Bayley (c) vs. Alexa Bliss: Nikki Cross is at ringside in Alexa’s corner. The opening bell sounds and Bayley and Alexa immediately brawl into the corner and trade strikes. Bayley gets the upper hand and hits a running knee strike for a two count. Bayley hits the snake-eyes on Alexa in the corner for a two count. Alexa turns it around and starts teeing off on Bayley in the corner. Alexa chokes Bayley over the middle rope, then applies a rear chin lock. Alexa tries to keep the Champion grounded, but Bayley fights back and hits a running cross body for a two count. Alexa comes back with a slap across the face to the Champion. Bayley fires up now and drops Alexa, then hits the rolling thunder elbow drop. Alexa fights back and dumps Bayley outside, then throws Bayley into a ring post. Back in the ring, Bayley reverses a shot and hits a back suplex. They fight out to ringside again and Nikki causes a distraction. Bayley hits a suicide dive on Nikki on the floor, and it looks like Bliss shoved Nikki in the way of the dive to save herself. Alexa then hits a sunset flip bomb on Bayley on the floor. Back in the ring, Alexa goes up top. Nikki runs in the ring to go after Bayley, but the ref chases her off. Alexa goes for the Twisted Bliss, but Bayley gets her knees up to block it. Bayley follows up with the belly to belly suplex for the three count.

    Winner & still SmackDown Women’s Champion: Bayley

    – Nikki gets in the ring earlier and tries to console Alexa as Bayley celebrates. Alexa looks confused by what happened.

    – AJ Styles, Karl Anderson, and Luke Gallows all approach Ricochet backstage to congratulate him on his U.S. Title win. AJ says he’ll see Ricochet tomorrow.

    Drew McIntyre vs. Roman Reigns: Shane McMahon is at ringside in Drew’s corner. Reigns starts off strong and throttles Drew in the corner, then dumps him outside. Shane causes a distraction, leading to Drew turning things around on the ringside floor against Reigns. Drew whips Reigns into the ring steps, then throws Reigns back in the ring. Drew slams Reigns in the corner then hits him with chops and punches. Drew fishhooks Reigns down to the mat and pummels on him. Reigns starts to come back, but Shane gets involved again behind the ref’s back, and Drew capitalizes with a slam on Reigns for a two count. Drew hits another suplex for a two count, and then a running lariat for another two count. Drew puts Reigns in a surfboard-type submission, then he transitions to a modified STF submission. Shane tries to distract the referee from ringside. Reigns fights up and looks for a Samoan drop, but Drew escapes. Drew misses a shot and Reigns successfully hits the Samoan drop this time. Reigns and McIntyre slowly get up trade right hands in the middle of the ring now. Reigns gets the upper hand and backs Drew into the corner for a series of clotheslines. Reigns runs the ropes and hits a big boot on McIntyre. Shane gets on the apron for the distraction, and Reigns superman punches him down. Reigns goes outside and nails Shane again. The distraction leads to Drew getting Reigns at ringside, and Drew hits the reverse Alabama Slam on Reigns onto the announce table. Drew takes Reigns back in the ring for more offense. Drew takes Reigns to the top turnbuckle and chops him on the chest on the way up. Reigns fights back with a right hand, and Drew is how hanging upside down in the corner. Drew sits up and trades strikes right Reigns on the turnbuckle now. Drew latches on to Reigns and they go to the top rope, and Drew hits a superplex for a two count. Drew looks for a big boot and Reigns dodges it, but Drew follows up with a headbutt and Reigns is down. Drew goes up top and comes flying down, but Reigns superman punches Drew out of mid-air for a two count. Reigns looks for a spear, but Drew kicks him. Reigns comes back and drops Drew again, but now Shane gets involved and pulls the referee out to ringside. Shane shoves the referee on his head, then Shane gets in the ring and cheap-shots Reigns. Shane stomps on Reigns in the corner, then Shane climbs the opposite corner and hits the coast to coast dropkick on Reigns. Shane rolls outside and throws the referee back in the ring. Drew covers Reigns for a two count, and Drew and Shane can’t believe it. Drew yells at Reigns to get up, and Drew looks for a big boot, but Reigns dodges it and hits the superman punch. Reigns then superman punches Shane off the apron, and he hits the spear on Drew for the three count.

    Winner: Roman Reigns

    – The cage lowers from the ceiling, and our WWE Championship match is about to begin.

    Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler: This one is a steel cage match for the WWE Title. Kofi looks for the Trouble In Paradise early on, but Ziggler avoids it. They talk some trash and Ziggler slaps Kofi across the face. Ziggler tries to run up the cage to escape, but Kofi pulls him back down to the mat. Ziggler looks for a superkick but Kofi dodges it and drops Ziggler. Ziggler fights back and throws Kofi up against the cage wall. Kofi hits a headbutt, but Ziggler shuts him down and pummels on him in the corner. Ziggler looks for a splash in the corner, but Kofi blocks it with a kick to Ziggler’s face. Kofi follows up with a springboard dropkick off the middle rope. Kofi starts mounting a comeback and repeatedly throws Ziggler into the cage wall. Ziggler comes back with a kick and looks for the Fameasser, but Kofi dodges it and throws Ziggler into the cage wall again for a two count. Kofi starts climbing the cage, but Ziggler follows and grabs his leg. Kofi kicks him away and then hits a springboard cross body on Ziggler. They climb up the cage again and fight on the top of the cage. They both tumble back down to the mat. They’re slow to get up, but Kofi hits the SOS on Ziggler. Kofi covers but Ziggler kicks out at two. Kofi looks for the Trouble In Paradise, but Ziggler dodges it. Kofi seems to be selling a knee injury now. Ziggler slams Kofi’s knee to the mat and look for a knee bar. Kofi fights up, but Ziggler superkicks Kofi. Kofi goes down, but he almost falls right out of the cage door. Ziggler catches Kofi and doesn’t let him fall out. Ziggler hits another superkick but Kofi kicks out at two. Ziggler looks for another superkick, but Kofi blocks it with a kick of his own. Kofi latches on to Ziggler with a front face lock, but Ziggler manages to get near the cage door. Ziggler fights off Kofi and he crawls for the open cage door, but Kofi runs and dives over Ziggler, through the middle ropes, and Kofi hits the ringside floor before Ziggler. Kofi is declared the winner, and Ziggler can’t believe it.

    Winner & still WWE Champion: Kofi Kingston

    – Kofi does an interview on the stage, and Big E and Woods come out to celebrate with him. Kofi says Ziggler is a heck of a competitor, but he’s walking out still WWE Champion tonight.

    – Drew McIntyre and Shane McMahon are shown walking through the hallway backstage. They stop for a brief interview, and they’re not happy.

    – Baron Corbin comes out for his match. As he steps in the ring, he gets in the ring announcer’s face and makes him read a special introduction off a card. Corbin gets an extended ring introduction listing all of his accolades.

    Seth Rollins (c) vs. Baron Corbin: Rollins comes out to the ring, and he grabs a chair and a microphone from ringside. Rollins tells Corbin to get on with it and bring out his special guest referee, and if they try to take his Universal Title he’ll treat them like everyone else. Corbin says after much deliberation, he chose his special guest referee Lacey Evans. Rollins’ Universal Title is on the line in this one. Rollins doesn’t look happy, and Lacey comes to the ring and gets in Rollins’ face. Corbin attacks Rollins from behind before the opening bell and nails Rollins with the steel chair. After four or five shots, Lacey takes the steel chair, and she calls for the opening bell. Corbin starts off with a back suplex for a pin attempt, but Rollins gets out and rolls outside to regroup. Corbin takes Rollins back in the ring, and Rollins starts fighting back with right hands. Corbin shuts him down with a running clothesline. Corbin looks for another one, but Seth fights back with chops and right hands. Seth misses a shot and Corbin comes back with a DDT. Corbin takes Rollins into the corner and hits some right hands. Corbin looks for a superplex, but Seth fights him off. Seth misses a shot and Corbin hits a punch to the throat. Corbin follows up with more right hands until Seth starts to fight back. Corbin misses a clothesline and Rollins drops him with an enziguri kick. Rollins and Corbin trade punches and chops now. Rollins hits a spinning elbow to the face of corbin, and then hits the Sling Blade. Rollins goes to the middle rope and hits the Blockbuster on the challenger. Corbin gets up and Rollins clotheslines him out to ringside. Rollins follows up with the suicide dive on Corbin, then he throws Corbin back in the ring for a springboard flying knee to the face. Rollins follows up with a superkick and pins, but Lacey counts very slowly and Corbin gets the shoulder up before three. Rollins tries to springboard off the top rope for a move, but Corbin punches him out of mid-air. Corbin tries to slam Rollins on the apron, but Rollins escapes and powerbombs Corbin off the apron through the announce table at ringside. Rollins rolls back in the ring and yells at Lacey to start counting out Corbin, and she does, slowly. Lacey reaches the eight count, and then she calls over the ring announcer and declares that there are now no count-outs in this match. Rollins goes out to ringside and throws Corbin back in the ring. Seth kicks Corbin and then looks for the curb stomp, but Corbin dodges it. Corbin hits an uppercut on Rollins, but Rollins comes back and dumps Corbin out to ringside. Rollins looks for a dive, but Corbin catches him and slams him. Back in the ring, Corbin hits a chokeslam for a two count. Corbin grabs Rollins by the legs, but Rollins escapes. Corbin misses a shot in the corner and Rollins nails him with a superkick. Rollins follows up with a frogsplash off the top and pins. Lacey starts counting, but she stops at two because of a supposed shoulder injury. Rollins is not happy. Rollins and Corbin fight out to ringside, where Corbin grabs a steel chair and repeatedly nails Rollins with it. Lacey doesn’t call for a DQ. Back in the ring, Corbin continues to assault Rollins with the steel chair. Lacey declares to the ring announcer that this is a No DQ match. Corbin lays the chair on the mat and looks for a DDT, but Rollins fights out. Rollins hits a Falcon Arrow on Corbin on to the chair on the mat. Rollins pins, but Lacey doesn’t count the pin. Rollins gets in Lacey’s face, and Lacey slaps him across the face. Lacey slaps Rollins and then kicks him to the midsection. Corbin comes over and Rollins hits him, but then Lacey hits a low blow on Rollins from behind. Corbin hits the End of Days on Rollins, but then Becky Lynch runs out and tackles Lacey and pummels on her. Becky beats down Lacey at ringside and suplexes her into the fan barricade. More referees come out to break up the brawl between Becky and Lacey. Referee John Cone gets in the ring now to take over. Corbin picks up Rollins, but Rollins breaks free and superkicks him. Rollins follows up with the curb stomp for the three count.

    Winner & still Universal Champion: Seth Rollins

    – Becky gets in the ring after the match to celebrate with Rollins. They hug in the ring as we go to replays and Stomping Grounds goes off the air.

  • WWE SmackDown Live Results (6/18)

    WWE SmackDown Live Results (6/18)

    The June 18th, 2019 edition of WWE SmackDown Live took place at the Citizens Business Bank Arena in Ontario, California, and was the last episode before Sunday’s Stomping Grounds pay-per-view.

    – Big E, Xavier Woods, and WWE Champion Kofi Kingston come out to the ring with a tray of pancakes to kick off this week’s broadcast. Woods hypes up Sunday’s Stomping Grounds pay-per-view, and Kofi’s match against Dolph Ziggler. Big E starts to talk, but then Dolph Ziggler comes out to the stage to interrupt. Ziggler tells Kofi that without The New Day he would be nothing, and they won’t be able to help him on Sunday when they’re in a steel cage. Kofi says he’s very familiar with cages, and his Championship journey began in a cage in the Elimination Chamber. But that’s Sunday, and tonight Xavier Woods has a shot at Dolph Ziggler in a single’s match. Ziggler says Sunday is what Kofi needs to focus on, because the opportunity should have been his the whole time, and this Sunday it will be his.

    – SmackDown Women’s Champion is backstage walking through the hallways of the building. She will be a guest on Alexa Bliss’ “Moment Of Bliss” tonight.

    Dolph Ziggler vs. Xavier Woods: The opening bell sounds and Ziggler wrestles Woods down to the mat early on for a pin attempt. Woods gets up and trips Ziggler into the middle rope, then dropkicks him for a two count. They fight on the turnbuckle, and then Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn run down and attack Big E and Kofi at ringside. Woods goes flying off the turnbuckle down onto Owens and Zayn on the ringside floor. Back in the ring, Ziggler has recovered and he hits the DDT on Woods for a two count. They briefly brawl out to ringside, and then back in the ring Woods hits a gorilla press slam into a rib-breaker for a two count. They fight out to the apron, where Ziggler shoves Woods into the ring post and then superkicks him off the apron down to the floor. Back in the ring, Ziggler hits the Zig Zag, then he picks up Woods again. Ziggler leans Woods against the ropes and then superkicks him. Ziggler pins for the three count.

    Winner: Dolph Ziggler

    – There’s a line forming outside Baron Corbin’s locker room of wrestlers who want to be his special guest referee. Shelton Benjamin and The B Team are both outside his door. Matt Hardy walks out of Baron’s office and tells “Senor Benjamin” he’s next.

    – Alexa Bliss is shown backstage going over notes with Nikki Cross.

    – Back from the break, Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross come out to host “A Moment Of Bliss.” Alexa demands for someone to bring her a coffee, but Bayley comes out instead. Bayley tells Nikki that she’s never said or tweeted anything bad about Nikki. Bayley is about to say something about Alexa, but Alexa keeps cutting her off. Bayley tells Nikki that Alexa isn’t really her friend, and Alexa is just using her. Alexa interrupts and talks trash to Bayley, saying she’s a liar and says that even Charlotte was nicer to her than Bayley. Bayley says she’s never lied to Alexa, and Alexa just can’t handle the truth, she’s not a goddess and she doesn’t deserve a damn thing. Bayley and Alexa start brawling until Nikki pulls Bayley off. Alexa then blindsides Bayley and drops her. Alexa and Nikki leave.

    – Apollo Crews finds Zelina Vega backstage and asks her where Andrade is. He says he’s been looking for Andrade but can’t find him. Zelina starts to rub Apollo’s chest, then Andrade runs out from the shadows and attacks Crews from behind. Andrade leaves Crews laying and walks off. We see Chad Gable standing in the corner writing something on a clipboard and looking at Crews.

    – We see Daniel Bryan and Rowan backstage talking to each other.

    Heavy Machinery vs. The B Team: Tag Team Champions Rowan and Daniel Bryan are at ringside for a closer look at this match. Axel starts off strong in this one, but Tucker eventually fights him off and tags in Otis. Dallas tags in too, and Otis cleans house. Otis hits a splash on both Axel and Dallas in the corner, then he hits The Caterpillar on Dallas. Tucker tags in for the double team slam on Dallas for the three count.

    Winners: Heavy Machinery

    – After the match, Heavy Machinery leaves, and then Seth Rollins hits the ring and starts hitting Axel and Dallas with a steel chair.

    – We see a limo arrive at the back of the building, and Shane McMahon gets out. Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens greet Shane at the back of the building, and they complain about Seth Rollins’ presence tonight. Owens and Sami say that only bad people attack people from behind. They also call Kofi a bad person, and they say something needs to be done. Shane tells them they should team up tonight to face Seth Rollins and Kofi Kingston in a two-out-of-three falls tag team match. Owens and Zayn don’t seem happy about Shane’s decision.

    – We see a pre-taped promo from Aleister Black calling out anyone to try picking a fight with him.

    – Shane McMahon comes out to the ring with Elias and Drew McIntyre. Shane tells ring announcer Greg Hamilton to save it tonight because everyone already knows Shane’s the best in the world. Shane says he’s here tonight to put the spotlight where it should be, on Drew McIntyre. Drew says he did Reigns a favor by not ending his career already. Drew says last night Reigns ambushed their private function and attacked them when they were unprepared. Drew says he wants Reigns at 100% on Sunday. The Miz comes out to interrupt. Shane and Miz exchange words, then Miz shows some footage on the big screen of Shane running away from Reigns, and then Reigns superman punching Shane last night. The Miz says there’s more, but Shane cuts him off and says if anyone in the production truck adds one more clip of footage they won’t have a job tomorrow. Miz says after Sunday, he’s going to host a special Miz TV with highlights of Reigns knocking out McIntyre. The Miz says Shane’s the boss’ kid, and he’s like the kid on the little league team that always starts because his dad’s the coach. Shane says it’s not his fault his dad is a billionaire, and Miz’s dad came from the dirt – a baked potato. The Miz says SmackDown was supposed to be different, but now Shane has made it all about himself. The Miz blames himself for creating a monster by allowing Shane to win the “Best In The World” cup. Miz says he’s the one who sent Shane on this ego trip, and he will be the one to end it. Shane says Miz didn’t give him anything and Miz couldn’t get the job done, so Shane had to do it himself and earn the Best In The World title. Shane tells Miz to find a partner for a tag match against Drew and Elias in the next ten seconds. Shane starts counting down, and behind him, R-Truth is wandering around the ringside area. The Miz says R-Truth is his partner, and Truth looks shocked. Shane says it’s official, but this match is now an elimination match. Shane calls for a referee to get down here, because that’s up next.

    – The Iiconics are backstage. They walk past The AOP first, and then they come across Asuka, Kairi Sane, and Paige. Paige says they should put up their Women’s Tag Titles against Asuke and Sane, but The Iiconics say they can’t because they’re too busy and traveling too much. Paige says that’s fine because they’re traveling to the same places. Paige says Asuka and Sane will have a match against The Iiconics next week in Tokyo, and if Asuka and Sane win, they get a shot at The Iiconics’ Tag Titles.

    The Miz & R-Truth vs. Drew McIntyre & Elias: Shane McMahon is at ringside. Miz and Elias start this one off while Truth is on the apron getting the crowd pumped up. Elias and Miz trade shots, and then Truth tags in and hits a kick and a leg drop on Elias for a two count. Truth drops Elias with another kick, then he dances and Drew tags in. Truth connects with some strikes on Drew, but Drew dodges the scissor kick and slams Truth into the corner. Drew follows up with a belly to belly overhead suplex, and then some chops to the chest of Truth. Drew distracts referee Charles Robinson while Elias cheap shots Truth from the apron. Drew chokes Truth across the middle rope, then tags in Elias, who knees Truth in the face. Elias misses a clothesline and Truth fires back with right hands. Elias misses another shot and falls out to ringside. Drew throws Elias back in the ring. Drew distracts the ref and Shane pulls Miz off the apron so Truth can’t tag out. Truth realizes Miz is down and he turns around right into a knee to the face from Elias. Truth has now been eliminated. Wrestlers run down the ramp now and Shelton Benjamin grabs R-Truth 24/7 Title from ringside. A referee explains to Shelton that you have to pin Truth to win the Title, you can’t just physically take the belt. Truth grabs his belt back and runs through the crowd, and the line of wrestlers chases him. The Miz is alone in this one now, and the numbers game is working against him. Miz fights back and drops Drew at ringside, but then Elias drops Miz from behind. Back in the ring, Elias looks for a flying knee strike, but Miz dodges him and kicks Elias down. The Miz follows up with more kicks and then running knee strikes. The Miz hits a running clothesline and then rolls up Elias for a two count. The Miz hits a DDT for another two count. The Miz hits more kicks on Elias now. Elias fights up to his feet, and then Miz rolls him up in a pin. Elias kicks out and Drew hits a cheap shot from the floor. Drew tags in and hits the Claymore kick on Miz for the three count.

    Winners: Drew McIntyre & Elias

    – Shane gets in the ring to celebrate with Drew and Elias after the match. Shane picks up Miz and holds him up for Drew to hit another Claymore kick on Miz. Drew wants one more, so Shane picks up Miz again and Drew hits another Claymore kick on him.

    – We see Ember Moon backstage looking for Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville. She runs into Carmella, who is looking for R-Truth, and she tells Ember that she also has unfinished business with Mandy and Sonya. Ember keeps walking and finds Mandy and Sonya eating donuts. They exchange words and start brawling backstage until referees break it up.

    – Seth Rollins and Kofi Kingston are backstage discussing strategy for their tag match against Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn tonight.

    – We see the same Bray Wyatt “Firefly Fun House” video that aired on RAW last night.

    – R-Truth runs out the back of the arena with his luggage and yells for Carmella to come with him. Referee Rudy Charles pulls up, and says he’s an Uber driver in addition to being a referee. Drake Maverick walks over dressed as Carmella, and this leads to Drake rolling up Truth for the three count. Drake takes his new 24/7 Title belt and steals Rudy’s car and drives off.

    Kofi Kingston & Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn: This one is a best two-out-of-three falls match. The opening bell sounds and Kofi immediately nails the Trouble In Paradise on Sami. Rollins runs in and knocks Owens off the apron, while Kofi pins Sami and scores the three count. The score in the opening moments of the match is already 1-0 for Kingston and Rollins. Owens and Rollins go at it in the ring now and Owens gets the upper hand. Rollins finally comes back with the Sling Blade, and then he tags in Kofi for the double team. Rollins tags back in for another double team attack on Owens. Rollins briefly gets distracted by Sami on the apron, and this leads to Owens slamming him and then hitting a DDT. Owens knocks Kofi off the apron and pins Rollins for a two count. Paul Heyman is shown backstage watching on a monitor. Sami tags in and puts the boots to Rollins in the corner. Owens tags back in, but Rollins fights him off. Kofi and Sami tag in and Kofi cleans house. Kofi looks for the Trouble In Paradise, but Sami avoids it and hits Kofi with a kick of his own. Kofi comes back with a flying cross body off the top on Sami for a two count. Sami comes back with a spinning powerbomb on Kofi for a two count. Owens tags in, but Kofi immediately hits him with a dropkick. Sami sneaks back in the ring but Kofi throws him out immediately, then Rollins tags in. Rollins hits a suicide dive on Sami on one side of the ring, and then on Owens on the other side of the ring. Back in the ring, Rollins hits a springboard flying clothesline on Owens. Rollins looks for the curb stomp, but Sami grabs his foot from the floor. Kofi drops Sami at ringside, and then in the ring Rollins and Owens start trading kicks and pin attempts. Rollins looks for a powerbomb, but Owens escapes. Rollins connects with a kick to the face and then the curb stomp for the three count.

    Winners: Seth Rollins & Kofi Kingston

    – We go to replays as Rollins and Kingston celebrate in the ring. We see Paul Heyman again backstage watching on a monitor as SmackDown goes off the air.

  • WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (6/17)

    WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (6/17)

    The June 17, 2019 edition of WWE RAW took place at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA and was the go-home show for Sunday’s Stomping Grounds pay-per-view.

    – Elias is in the ring to open up this week’s broadcast. Elias trashes the L.A. fans, and says the people in L.A. are the only thing more toxic than the air pollution. Elias seems to think that Baron Corbin chose him as the special guest ref for Corbin’s Universal Title match against Seth Rollins. Rollins then hits the ring and nails Elias from behind with a steel chair. Rollins gets on the mic and says after everything he’s been through with Brock Lesnar, he is done playing games. Rollins says if anyone sides with Baron Corbin, they’re going to have to deal with Rollins, so they should choose wisely if they want to help Corbin or not.

    The Miz vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Ricochet vs. Cesaro: The winner of this Fatal 5-way match gets a shot at Samoa Joe’s United States Title on Sunday at Stomping Grounds. As Miz makes his entrance, Elias is still laid out in the ring. Miz picks up Elias and hits the Skull Crushing Finale on him. Lashley makes his entrance, and he hits a spear on Elias. Cesaro enters next, and he swings Elias. Ricochet enters next and hits the Codebreaker on Elias. Braun Strowmn enters last and he hits the running powerslam on Elias. Michael Cole says this match has no count-outs and no DQs. Samoa Joe comes out to ringside for a closer look at this one. The opening bell sounds and everyone starts brawling. Braun starts clearing the ring, but then Cesaro nails Strowman and picks him up and slams him. Strowman comes back and drops Cesaro for the three count for the first elimination of the match. Lashley comes in and goes at it with Braun now, and he drops Braun with a vertical suplex. Miz and Ricochet try to get back in the ring, but Bobby drops them both. Braun gets up and hits the running powerslam on Lashley for the three count, and Lashley is now the second man eliminated. Braun goes out to ringside and runs around the ring for shoulder tackles on both Miz and Ricochet on the floor. Braun runs around the ring again and tackles Miz again. Braun throws Miz in the ring an follows him in. Braun hits a splash on Miz in the corner, and then another. Braun looks for the running powerslam on Miz, but Lashley runs back in the ring and spears Strowman. Cesaro also runs back in the ring and hits the Neutralizer on Braun. Ricochet, who is still in the match, goes up top an hits the 630 on Braun for the three count. When Braun realizes what happened, he clears the ring and runs outside and then drops Lashley and Cesaro. Braun leaves, and Miz and Ricochet start going at it in the ring now. Ricochet dumps Miz outside and hits a suicide dive on him. Ricochet throws Miz in the ring and then he looks for the 630 off the top rope, but Miz rolls out of the way. Ricochet looks for another shot and misses again. Miz rolls up Ricochet for a two count, then hits a DDT for another two count. Miz and Ricochet trade strikes now, and Ricochet starts selling a knee injury. Ricochet flips towards Miz, but he doesn’t get what he’s looking for, and Miz drops him. Miz applies the Figure Four, but Ricochet fights out. Ricochet drops Miz, then he goes up to the top rope and hits the 630. Ricochet pins and gets the three count. He will now be facing Samoa Joe at Stomping Grounds on Sunday for the U.S. Title.

    Winner: Ricochet

    – After the match, Samoa Joe hits the ring and attacks Ricochet. Joe runs and Ricochet ducks, sending Joe out to ringside. Ricochet follows up with a corkscrew suicide dive on Joe on the floor. Ricochet gets back in the ring as Joe recovers on the floor.

    – Daniel Bryan and Rowan are shown arriving to the arena.

    – Becky Lynch is shown walking through the hallways towards the gorilla position.

    – Michael Cole shows us photos of Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch together on the red carpet of the MTV Movie Awards.

    – RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch comes out to the ring and calls out Lacey Evans. She says she’s sick of looking at Lacey, and she’s going to give her what she deserves. Lacey comes out and gets on the mic on the ramp, and says Becky is just mad because she doesn’t understand her and she doesn’t know who Lacey really is. Lacey says she used to be a United States Marine. Becky says she respects that but now Lacey just goes around sucker punching people. Lacey continues to talk trash to Becky and then she steps in the ring. Becky attacks Lacey and drops her in the ring. Becky leaves and steals Lacey’s hat and wears it up the ramp.

    – Still to come: Roman Reigns is here.

    – The camera turns from inside the arena, out into the hallway, and we see Tag Team Champions the Revival walking through the hallway. They walk in to Shane McMahon’s locker room, where they find Drew McIntyre and a table with champagne and food.

    – Baron Corbin is backstage for an interview. Elias is apparently no longer interested in being Baron’s special guest referee. Corbin says he’s not worried about it and he’s got a lot of great choices. He’s going to reveal his choice for referee tonight on a special edition of The Kevin and Sami Show. Seth Rollins interrupts and nails Corbin from behind with a steel chair.

    – The Viking Raiders are shown backstage getting ready for their match.

    – SmackDown Tag Team Champions Rowan and the new Daniel Bryan come out to the stage with microphones. Bryan says the McMahons needed to bring them to RAW tonight as the wild card because this place sucks — meaning both RAW and the city of Los Angeles. Bryan says L.A. is the smog capital of America, and is filled with ignorant and impotent people. Bryan says he’s going to show the RAW roster and the impotent masses of L.A. why they are better than everyone on RAW. The Viking Raiders’ entrance interrupts, and the Raiders walk past Rowan and Bryan.

    The Viking Raiders vs. Rusty and Randy Taylor: The Raiders’ opponents appears to be local enhancement talents. The Raiders make quick work of the jobbers and they hit their double-team slam The Viking Experience for the three count.

    Winners: The Viking Raiders

    – The camera shows 24/7 Champion R-Truth and Carmella sitting at ringside wearing disguises. A bunch of wrestlers run out with a referee looking for Truth. Chaos erupts around ringside until Truth and Carmella run out through the crowd and the wrestlers follow.

    – Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are shown backstage talking to Baron Corbin.

    – Heath Slater walks into Shane McMahon’s office while Shane is partying with The Revival and Drew McIntyre. Slater talks to Shane about his kids getting older and things getting more expensive, and he asks for a raise. They laugh and Shane says no, but he respects that Slater walked in there like a man, so he’s going to let Heath walk out like a man. Slater walks out, then we see him call his wife on the phone to give her the news. Drew walks out of the room and tells Heath he’s sorry about that and it kills him to see Heath like this. Drew says he’s known Heath for a long time and knows his family, and he wants to help him out. Drew takes a wad of cash out of his pocket and Heath says he can’t accept it. Drew insists, and they drop the cash. Slater bends down to pick it up, and then Drew attacks Slater. Drew repeatedly slams Heath’s head into the wall until it gets broken up by Shane and The Revival. They haul off Drew, then The Revival comes out and picks up the cash.

    – Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are in the ring for “The Kevin and Sami Show.” They introduce their guest Baron Corbin, and they tell him that this is a safe space from Seth Rollins. Sami takes issue with Rollins attacking him when he was a referee last week. Speaking of referees, Corbin announces his referee for Stomping Grounds: EC3. EC3 comes out to the stage, but before he can walk down the ramp, Seth Rollins comes out and nails him with a chair then leaves. The New Day interrupts next. Sami says he looked at the sheet and The New Day weren’t the wild cards tonight, so they should leave the building right now. Kofi says hes the WWE Champion and he goes where he wants when he wants. They exchange words until Corbin challenges them to a six-man tag match right now. Big E picks up the unconscious EC3 on the stage and nods his head “yes” that he can officiate this match.

    – We see AJ Styles backstage in the trainer’s office, and it looks like he’s been medically cleared to return. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson walk in wearing doctor jackets. AJ says Gallows and Anderson got comfortable here and this is not funny, and he asks them when is the last time they won a match. He asks when the last time they’ve been on WWE TV. AJ tells them to get serious, and says he misses the old Gallows and Anderson. Anderson tells AJ they have a match against The Usos tonight, and AJ will see how serious they are.

    The New Day vs. Sami Zayn, Baron Corbin & Kevin Owens: Michael Cole tells us this is a best 2-out-of-3 falls tag team match. Zayn and Woods start off trading holds. Owens tags in for the double team, then Corbin tags in and puts the boots to Woods in the corner. Owens tags in and looks for a senton drop, but Woods blocks it with his knees. Sami tags in and Woods rolls him up in a small package for the three count, for the first fall of the match. Big E tags in and Corbin comes in next for his team. Corbin gets the upper hand, and then Owens comes in and stomps on Big E. Owens follows up with the senton for a two count. Sami tags in and continues the offense on Big E. It looks like Owens tagged himself in. Big E tries to mount a comeback and he knocks Corbin and Owens off the aprons. Big E dumps Sami out to ringside, then Owens superkicks Big E from behind for a two count. Corbin tags in and continues the offense on Big E. Owens tags back in and misses a spear in the corner. Big E comes back with a belly to belly suplex on Owens. Corbin and Kofi tag in. Kofi cleans house and drops Corbin with a kick to the face. Kofi goes up top and hits a frog splash for a two count. Kofi hits another kick and then the Boom Drop. A distraction on the apron leads to Corbin hitting the Deep Six on Kofi. Corbin pins but Woods breaks it up. Sami and Kevin clear the ring, but then Corbin accidentally hits Sami. Owens is not happy and he gets in a shoving match with Corbin. Owens superkicks Corbin in the face. Owens and Sami leave, and now Corbin is in the ring alone with Kofi Kingston. Kofi hits the Trouble In Paradise on Corbin for the three count.

    Winners: The New Day

    – Still to come: Seth Rollins vs. Daniel Bryan in their first one-on-one match in four years.

    – Nikki Cross is shown backstage in her locker room. Alexa Bliss walks in and gives Nikki a written invitation to team up with Alexa in a Women’s Tag Team Titles match tonight.

    – Paul Heyman is shown backstage getting ready to come out to the ring.

    – Back from the break, Paul Heyman walks out to the ring with no entrance music. Heyman says he’s not that comfortable being out here tonight, with Rollins smashing people with a steel chair all night long. Heyman says he is not going to be the special guest referee and doesn’t want to be. Heyman asks what the Los Angeles Lakers and Seth Rollins have in common – they both traded away their “balls.” Heyman says maybe his client Brock Lesnar is here tonight after all, or maybe not. Heyman says he doesn’t know when Lesnar will cash in his Money In The Bank contract, the fans don’t know, and most importantly, Rollins doesn’t know. Heyman drops the mic and leaves.

    – We see Baron Corbin backstage trying to convince Eric Young to be his special guest referee. Corbin leaves and Seth Rollins walks over. Young tells Rollins he told Corbin no and he would never do it. Rollins tells Young he knows they go way back and knows Young would never do anything to compromise their friendship. Rollins tells Young to take it easy, and he walks off. Rollins turns around and nails Young with the steel chair from behind. He repeatedly nails Young with the chair on the floor.

    – We see a pre-taped promo from The Usos talking about their match with Gallows and Anderson tonight.

    The Usos vs. Gallows & Anderson: AJ Styles is backstage watching on a monitor. Gallows starts off strong against Jey and knocks Jimmy off the apron. Anderson tags in for the double team with the Boot of Doom for a two count. Gallows tags back in for the Magic Killer, but Jimmy breaks it up. Jey hits a superkick on Gallows, then Jimmy tags in. The Usos hit the double superkick on Gallows for the three count after a short but competitive match.

    Winners: The Usos

    – We see Shane McMahon, Drew McIntyre and The Revival still eating and drinking in Shane’s private dressing room.

    – Roman Reigns is shown walking through the hallways of the arena.

    – Michael Cole introduces a video recording from Hulk Hogan talking about the USA Women’s World Cup team. Cole says the whole team are Hulk Hogan fans. Hogan gives the team a shoutout and asks what you’re gonna do when they run wild on you, brother.

    – Roman Reigns comes out to the ring and gets on the mic. Reigns says Super ShowDown wasn’t good for him, but he’s not here to give excuses. Reigns says excuses don’t entertain the people, him whooping someone’s ass does. Reigns calls out Shane and tells Shane to do something himself for once. Shane appears on the big screen, and he tells ring announcer Mike Rome to give him the proper introduction as the best in the world. Shane tells Reigns not to be ashamed of losing to the best in the world. Shane says it was hot in the outdoor arena at Super ShowDown, and Reigns couldn’t take the heat like Shane could. Shane says Drew is the one Reigns needs to be worried about now. Drew starts talking about kicking Reigns ass, and says he’s going to assault Reigns until it becomes very uncomfortable. Drew says he’s going to physically disfigure Reigns, and make his children scream at the sight of their father when he goes home. Reigns hops out of the ring and walks through the crowd, and it looks like he’s going to head up to Shane’s private dressing room. The Revival meets Reigns in the hallway, but Reigns drops them both. Reigns walks over to Shane’s room and steps in. Reigns hits Drew with a right hand, then he pushes Shane up against the wall. Drew runs over and brawls with Reigns until Reigns spinebusters Drew though a table. Shane crawls out the door and runs through the hallway towards the ring, and Reigns chases him. At ringside, Reigns leaps over the fan barricade and pummels on Shane on the ringside floor. Reigns throws Shane in the ring and hits the Superman punch on him. Reigns follows up with a spear on Shane. Reigns tells Shane to tell Drew he’s going to kick his ass Sunday. Reigns leaves, and Shane appears to have a small cut on his face.

    – Women’s Tag Team Champions The Iiconics are shown walking backstage.

    – We see Bayley, Natalya and Naomi talking backstage. Charlie Caruso comes in and asks Bayley about the rumor on the internet about Bayley not taking pictures with fans. Bayley says that sounds like something Alexa Bliss made up, and she leaves. Natalya and Naomi wonder if the rumor could be true.

    The Iiconics (c) vs. Nikki Cross & Alexa Bliss: The Iiconics’ Tag Titles are on the line in this one. Bayley is at ringside. Billie and Peyton trade frequent tags in the opening moments of this one to control the pace early on. Nikki starts to fight back, but Billie shuts her down with a knee to the face. Billie then shoves Alexa off the apron, and Alexa gets into it with Bayley at ringside. Meanwhile in the ring, this leads to Billie rolling up Nikki for the three count.

    Winners & still Women’s Tag Team Champions: The Iiconics

    – Bayley and Alexa continue to exchnge words after the match.

    – Michael Cole runs down the card for sunday’s Stomping Grounds pay-per-view.

    – Still to come: Bray Wyatt’s Firefly Fun House

    – We go backstage where Alexa is consoling Nikki after their loss. Nikki says tonight Bayley crushed her dreams. Nikki says she’ll be in Alexa’s corner at Stomping Grounds, because she wants to see Alexa crush Bayley’s dreams.

    – It’s time for Bray Wyatt’s Firefly Fun House. Wyatt is watering his garden, and says that’s where ideas grow. Bray talks about building “this place” where “we can all be together,” and then we see shots of all of Bray’s various puppets who have made cameos. They keep saying “join us”, and Bray says people worship fear, and fear equals power. Bray says to follow him, then the screen starts cutting to various random video clips and audio clips. It cuts to Bray in a mask and he yells “let me in.”

    – We see Daniel Bryan and Rowan at the gorilla position. Bryan questions why no one had the sense to take that steel chair out of Seth Rollins’ hands. Bryan says without the chair, Seth is not a better wrestler than Daniel Bryan. Bryan says Seth has never beaten him, and never will.

    – We see Rollins walking through the hallway with his steel chair and he walks past Becky Lynch.

    Seth Rollins va. Daniel Bryan: This one is a non-Title match, and Rowan is at ringside. Rollins starts off strong in this one and hits a springboard flying clothesline off the top on Bryan. Rollins dumps Bryan out to ringside, then he hits suicide dive on Bryan. Rollins goes for a second suicide dive, but this time Rowan catches Rollins and claw slams him into the fan barricade. In the ring, Rowan hits the Claw slam again on Rollins, and the referee calls for the DQ.

    Winner via DQ: Seth Rollins

    – After the match, Owens, Sami Zayn and The Revival come out to get revenge on Rollins. The New Day and The Usos come out for the save, and The Usos end up hitting a suicide dive on all the heels at ringside. The ring announcer announces that this match will restart, with just Bryan and Rollins, and everyone else is banned from ringside.

    Seth Rollins vs. Daniel Bryan: The match re-starts and Bryan starts off strong. Bryan takes Rollins out to ringside and throws him into the ring steps, then he takes Rollins back in the ring for some running knee strikes. Rollins starts fighting back and hits the Sling Blade for a two count. Rollins looks for the curb stomp, but Bryan dodges it and trades roll-up attempts with Rollins now. Bryan hits some European uppercuts, and Rollins fires back with chops to the chest. Rollins looks for a Pele Kick, but Bryan catches it and puts Rollins in an ankle lock. Rollins reverses, but Bryan shuts him down with a German suplex. Rollins rolls out to ringside, and Bryan hits a flying knee off the apron on to Rollins on the floor. Back in the ring, they fight on the turnbuckle until Bryan headbutts Rollins down. Rollins runs back up the turnbuckle and hits a superuplex off the top on Bryan. Rollins tries to follow up with the Falcon Arrow, but Bryan reverses and puts Rollins in the Yes Lock. Rollins gets his foot on the rope to break the hold. Bryan gets up and hits a series of kicks on Rollins. Bryan wastes some time playing to the crowd. Bryan looks for the running knee strike on Rollins, but Rollins catches him and powerbombs Bryan into the turnbuckle. Rollins follows up with a superkick for a two count. Rollins is selling a shoulder injury. Rollins goes up top and goes for a frog splash, but Bryan blocks and applies the Yes Lock. Rollins fights out and hits the Curb Stomp on Bryan for the three count.

    Winner: Seth Rollins

    – After the match, Rollins celebrates on the stage with his Universal Title belt until Baron Corbin runs out and nails Seth from behind with a steel chair. Corbin nails Seth with the steel chair a few more times, then he drags Seth into the ring. Corbin hits the End of Days on Rollins in the ring, then he holds up Rollins’ Universal Title belt as RAW goes off the air.

  • WWE SmackDown Live Results (6/11)

    WWE SmackDown Live Results (6/11)

    The July 11, 2019 edition of WWE SmackDown Live took place at the Golden 1 Center in Sacramento, CA.

    – The Miz comes out to the ring to kick off this week’s SmackDown with an installment of Miz TV. Miz is wearing a shirt with a picture on it of his dad’s fighting stance against Shane McMahon. The Miz holds up a piece of paper saying he was told he must stick to the script tonight, and then he reads and introduction to his guests. “He is Roman Reign’s opponent at Stomping Grounds, and he is the Scottish psychopath, Drew McIntyre.” Miz then introduces his second guest, Shane, but there’s a smudge on the paper and he reads his introduction as “the breast in the world,” and then “the pest of the world.” Shane and Drew come out to the ring, and Elias is with them. Shane gets on the mic and takes issue with Miz not reading his introduction properly, so Shane makes the ring announcer introduce him again as “the best in the world.” Shane says every show like Miz’s has a musical guest, so that’s why Elias is here, and Elias plays his guitar a little bit. Shane starts talking about beating up Reigns, but Miz has heard enough and he calls out Shane for cheating and using others to win. Miz says Shane wouldn’t have won the Best In The World trophy if not for him, and Miz beat the hell out of Shane last time they faced. Drew says Roman always lets his emotions get the best of him, and that’s what’ll happen when they face each other at Stomping Grounds. Drew says he has no remorse or pity when he hurts people, he loves it. The Miz gets fired up after a comment about his dad. Shane says that if Miz beats Elias, and then beats Drew McIntyre, then Miz can have another shot against Shane in the ring. Shane orders for the ring to be cleared of the Miz TV set, and for a referee to get down to the ring.

    The Miz vs. Elias: Shane and Drew are still at ringside. Elias starts off strong in this one and stuns Miz with a leaping knee to the face. He hits his own version of Undertaker’s “Old School” on Miz with a flying knee strike. The Miz tries to come back with some kicks, but Elias ducks and follows up with a powerbomb for a two count. Elias goes up top for a flying elbow drop, but Elias misses and crashes into the mat by himself. Miz immediately follows up with the Skull Crushing Finale for the three count after a short match.

    Winner: The Miz

    – Shane and Drew don’t look happy. Drew climbs in the ring and immediately goes after Miz. Drew beats down Miz before the bell at ringside, then throws him back in the ring.

    The Miz vs. Drew McIntyre: This one is a pretty one-sided beat-down by Drew. Miz briefly fights back and dumps Drew outside for a baseball slide kick. Miz gets distracted by Shane, and Drew takes control again. Drew gets the win with the Claymore Kick after a short match.

    Winner: Drew McIntyre

    – After the match, Shane gets on the mic and decides that since Miz wanted to face him so bad, they can still have their match even though he lost. Shane says that match starts right now.

    Shane McMahon vs. The Miz: Shane starts beating on Miz while he’s still down. Miz starts trying to fight back, but he’s too hurt and Shane chokes him out for the finish.

    Winner: Shane McMahon

    – Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose exchange words with Ember Moon backstage, and walk off. Ember is not happy, and she freaks out and starts throwing things.

    – SmackDown Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan and Rowan come out to the ring. There are two local enhancement talents in the ring with them wearing cardboard Title belts of “Yolo County”, and Bryan says this will be a Title unification match. Heavy Machinery comes out to interrupt and says Bryan and Rowan are elitist cowards who are ducking their challenge. Bryan says they haven’t earned an opportunity, and tells them they have to beat the Yolo County Tag Champs first.

    Heavy Machinery vs. Unnamed jobbers: Tucker starts off and clotheslines one jobber down, then Otis tags in for a double team on the other one. Otis hits The Caterpillar on the guy, and then Tucker tags back in for the double team for the win.

    Winners: Heavy Machinery

    – Rowan looks like he wants to hit the ring after the match, but Bryan holds him back and they leave up the ramp.

    – Backstage, R-Truth is telling Carmella about how the “7/11 Championship” has ruined his life. They hear someone coming, so Carmella hides Truth in a big blue box for production equipment, and it locks shut. Someone tells Carmella her match is up next, so she leaves and tells Truth to stay in there. Truth starts freaking out and can’t breath, and he starts yelling. Jinder Mahal is walking through the hallway and hears him. Jinder tries to make his voice sound like Carmella’s and tells Truth he’ll get him out of there.

    Sonya Deville vs. Carmella: Mandy Rose is at ringside. Sonya starts off strong with a flurry of strikes on Carmella. Carmella comes back and looks for a submission on Sonya, but Mandy helps pull Sonya to the apron for a rope break. Carmella chases Mandy around the ring, then gets back in the ring and throws Sonya out to ringside. Carmella hits a suicide dive on both of them at ringside. On the way back in the ring, Mandy gets involved again behind the ref’s back. Carmella kicks Mandy down on the floor, but that gave Sonya time to recover, and when Carmella gets back in the ring Sonya hits her with a running knee to the face for the three count.

    Winner: Sonya Deville

    – Nikki Cross walks into Alexa Bliss’ locker room, and Alexa says she has bad news for her. Alexa says that Bayley and her fans have been saying mean things about Nikki. She tells Nikki not to hold back when she says Bayley.

    – All three members of The New Day come out to the ring, marking Big E’s return to TV after surgery. They talk about Big E’s comeback, and Woods says he wants to finish their match quickly tonight so he can go back to E3. Woods talks about Kofi already beating their opponents tonight in their six-man tag match against Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens and Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler comes out to interrupt and says there’s only one reason why Kofi beat him and is still Champion: Xavier Woods interfering. Ziggler says at Stomping Grounds they’ll be locked in a steel cage so no one can help him, and then the world will know that Kofi could never beat Ziggler without cheating. Owens and Zayn come out to the stage to join Ziggler, and Zayn gets on the mic. Zayn says that if he did what Woods did, people would be outraged, but the fans are hypocrites so they cheer Woods. Big E says this WWE Title run isn’t about the guys on the stage, it’s about Kofi. He says tonight will be a preview of what Kofi will do to Ziggler at Stomping Grounds.

    – Bayley does an interview backstage on her way to the gorilla position. She says to “consider the source” regarding Alexa telling Nikki that Bayley was saying mean things on Twitter about her.

    – We see Aleister Black cutting a promo in a dark room. He tells someone off-screen to open the door, and Black starts yelling out the door for someone to come pick a fight with him.

    Bayley vs. Nikki Cross: Nikki starts off strong in the opening moments and the fight spills out to ringside. Back in the ring, Nikki continues the offense until Bayley ducks a shot and turns things around in the corner. Bayley goes up top and hits the flying elbow drop for the three count after a short match.

    Winner: Bayley

    – Alexa helps Nikki to her feet at ringside and she stares up at Bayley in the ring.

    – Jinder Mahal comes back looking for the box that R-Truth is in. Jinder is told that the boxes were already packed up and they’re being sent to Los Angeles for the next show. Jinder says he has to get there and runs off. Carmella walks in and wonders where Truth’s box went.

    – We see the episode of Bray Wyatt’s Firefly Fun House that aired yesterday. It shows Bray killing his rabbit puppet and tasting the blood.

    – Apollo Crews is backstage for an interview about Andrade attacking him from behind last week. Apollo says the first opportunity he sees Andrade he’s gonna… — but Zelina Vega interrupts and warns Crews not to provoke Andrade. Zelina walks away and Crews laughs it off. Crews turns around it looks like Chad Gable is writing something about Crews on a clip board.

    The New Day vs. Kevin Owens, Dolph Ziggler & Sami Zayn: Ziggler and Woods start this one off with a collar and elbow tie up, and Ziggler takes Woods down. Ziggler comes back with a single leg takedown on Woods, but Woods fights up and continues working on Ziggler’s shoulder. Ziggler comes back with a kick and then Zayn tags in, and Zayn continues the offense on Woods. Woods comes back and drives Sami into the corner, then The New Day members start trading frequent tags for the Unicorn Stomp on Zayn in the corner. Kofi works over Zayn now and he looks for a splash in the corner, but Zayn dodges it and Kofi crashes all the way down to the ringside floor. Ziggler hits a cheap shot on Kofi on the floor while the ref is distracted by Zayn. Ziggler tags in now, and he knocks Kofi back out to ringside, where Owens hits a senton drop on Kofi while the ref is distracted again. Back in the ring, Ziggler pummels on Kofi, and then Owens tags in and stomps on the Champion. Woods gets the hot tag and cleans house. Zayn tags in and Woods drops him with an elbow to the face. Zayn rolls outside for a breather with Ziggler, and Woods hits a baseball slide kick on both of them. Back in the ring, Woods goes up top, but Ziggler knocks him down while Owens distracts the ref. Owens tags in and dropkicks Woods in the corner. Ziggler tags in and tries to keep Woods grounded, and he looks for a sleeper hold. Woods breaks free, but Ziggler holds on to Woods’ leg so he can’t get the tag. Sami tags in and pummels on Woods on the ground, then applies a chin lock. Woods fights up and trades chops and punches with Sami. Sami mounts Woods and starts slapping him. Owens tags in and hits a slam on Woods. Owens hits a moonsault off the turnbuckle on Woods for a two count. It looked like Woods was trying to roll out of the way, but Owens landed on him. Owens misses a shot and Woods comes back with a DDT. Big E and Ziggler get the tags. Big E hits a series of belly to belly overhead suplexes on Ziggler. Big E runs the ropes and hits the running splash on Dolph, then Ziggler rolls out to the apron. Big E looks to spear Ziggler off the apron, but Ziggler blocks it with knee to the face. Ziggler looks for a kick, but Big E blocks it and picks up Ziggler. Kofi tags in and they look for the double team, but Ziggler breaks free and runs back to his corner. Sami tags in. Kofi still thinks Dolph is legal, then Sami gets involved. Kofi ducks a superkick from Ziggler, and Ziggler accidentally kicks Sami. Kofi hits the Trouble In Paradise on Ziggler, and then he hits it on Sami and pins for the three count.

    Winners: The New Day

    – The New Day celebrates in the ring as their opponents lay at ringside and SmackDown goes off the air.

  • WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (6/10)

    WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (6/10)

    The June 10th, 2019 edition of WWE RAW was the first episode after the Super ShowDown, and took place at the Sap Center in San Jose, CA.

    – WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins comes out to the ring to kick off the show. Rollins has a steel chair in his hand, and he gets on the mic and talks about how good it felt to get some revenge on Brock Lesnar at Super ShowDown. Baron Corbin comes out to interrupt, and he tells Rollins that he should be worried about Corbin and not Lesnar. Corbin says he’s been in meetings all day, and the referee from his match with Rollins will be severely punished. Corbin says he’ll get a rematch with Rollins at Stomping Ground, with a special guest referee picked by Corbin. Rollins says it doesn’t matter who Corbin picks for the referee, he’s going to stomp Corbin’s head into the mat either way. Sami Zayn comes out to interrupt and says he’s on “Team Corbin” on this one. Sami says that being Universal Champion is not good for Rollins, and Rollins is in a cycle of toxic masculinity with Brock Lesnar. Sami says he means well for Rollins, and he thinks it would be better for Rollins if Corbin was the Universal Champion. Rollins has heard enough of Sami, but then Kevin Owens comes out to interrupt. Owens says he agrees with Sami. Rollins tells Owens that if he doesn’t like what he’s saying, then Owens should come into the ring and do something about it. Owens seems to accept Rollins’ challenge. Rollins walks up the ramp and stares down Owens, then walks to the back.

    – Lars Sullivan is shown backstage warming up for his match against the Lucha House Party.

    Lucha House Party vs. Lars Sullivan: This one is a three-on-one handicap elimination match. Lars starts off strong from the opening bell and clears the ring. Lars singles out Kalisto and drops him for the three count, and Kalisto is the first man eliminated from this match. Lars hits a running powerbomb on Lince Dorado for the three count. Dorado has been eliminated. Metalik goes after Sullivan next, but Lars catches him and slams him down. Lars pins, but then picks up Metalik before the three count so he can punish him more. Lars goes outside and drops Kalisto again for good measure. Back in the ring, Lars hits a flying headbutt off the top on Metalik for the three count.

    Winner: Lars Sullivan:

    – R-Truth and Carmella are shown running backstage away from a mob of wrestlers after Truth’s 24/7 Title. Truth and some wrestlers get into the elevator, and others are in the hallway. We go to a camera inside the elevator, and the elevator appears to stop, and now they’re stuck in it.

    – We see Lacey Evans putting on makeup in her locker room.

    – They show Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch talking backstage, and Michael Cole refers to Rollins as Becky’s boyfriend.

    – Back from the break, Michael Cole hosts a split-screen interview with Becky Lynch and Lacey Evans. Lacey says Becky is scared of losing her Championship and sinking back down to obscurity, and her fear will come true at Stomping Ground when Lacey takes her Title. Becky doesn’t seem impressed by Lacey and says she’ll see her in the ring.

    – Still to come: Bayley & Becky Lynch vs. Lacey Evans & Alexa Bliss

    – Alexa Bliss is backstage telling Nikki Cross about how fake she thinks Bayley is. She says Bayley is only nice to people who she wants something from. It sounds like Nikki will be in Alexa’s corner tonight.

    – We see a video package looking at highlights from Super ShowDown and clips of fans in Saudi Arabia talking about how excited they were for the show.

    – The Miz comes out to the ring to host Miz TV. He introduces his guest, United States Champion Samoa Joe. Joe sits down and talks about “winning” his U.S. Title back. The Miz rolls footage of Rey Mysterio forfeiting the Title, and then Joe attacking Rey from behind. The Miz takes issue with Joe attacking Rey and threatening his son, despite Rey gladly giving up the Title. The Miz says Joe crossed a line, and Joe says so what, he’s a habitual line-stepper and there’s no such thing as too far. Joe says he’s really here to discuss potential challengers for his Title, but now maybe he should cross the line with Miz. Joe gets in Miz’s face, but then Braun Strowman comes out to interrupt. Braun says if Joe’s looking for a challenger, why doesn’t he shut his mouth and get these hands. Bobby Lashley interrupts next, and says he isn’t done with Strowman yet, and if anyone deserves a shot at the U.S. Title it’s Bobby. Ricochet interrupts next, and he wants a shot at the Championship. Cesaro interrupts next, but he has nothing to say, he just sucker punches Ricochet on the stage. Joe, Miz, Braun and Bobby all start brawling in the ring now. Cesaro and Ricochet fight into the ring, but Braun ends up clearing the ring aside from Ricochet and Miz.

    Bobby Lashley, Cesaro & Samoa Joe vs. Braun Strowman, Ricochet & The Miz: Bobby starts off strong against Braun, but Braun kicks up to his feet and runs the ropes. Lashley leap frogs Braun, but Braun and looks for a hip toss, but Braun blocks it and clotheslines Bobby down. The Miz tags in, but Bobby turns it around on Miz and tags in Joe. Joe lays into Miz with strikes, then Cesaro tags in and keeps Miz grounded with a chin lock. Miz escapes and Ricochet tags himself in. Ricochet knocks Bobby and Joe off the apron and lays into Cesaro with strikes. Ricochet hits a springboard flying clothesline on Cesaro. Lashley runs in, but Ricochet takes him down with a flying cross body. Cesaro runs in, but Ricochet sends him back outside with a spinning hurricanrana. Ricochet hits a twisting suicide dive out of the ring onto Cesaro at ringside. Joe tags in and turns things around on Ricochet, then Lashley tags in to continue the offense. Miz tags in and starts laying into Lashley with knee strikes. Miz hits a kick and a DDT, then Cesaro runs in and Miz DDTs him too. Miz hits the Yes Kicks on Cesaro and Lashley. Lashley ducks the last one and hits a facebuster on Miz. Joe tags in and knocks Braun off the apron, then he hits a senton on Miz. Joe pins but Braun breaks it up. Cesaro tags in and swings Miz. Lashley and Strowman start brawling at ringside. After a lengthy swing, Cesaro drops Miz, and then Cesaro applies the Sharpshooter. Ricochet breaks it up with a Codebreaker on Cesaro. Braun gets the hot tag and hits a series of shoulder tackles and splashes on Cesaro. Cesaro rolls outside, so Braun runs around the ring and tackles him on the floor. Back in the ring, Braun hits a splash on Cesaro in the corner, then drops him for a pin, but Joe breaks it up. Braun grabs Joe for a running powerslam, but Joe escapes and rolls out of the ring. Joe grabs his U.S. Title at ringside and he jogs up the ramp. Braun tags out and goes to chase Joe, but Lashley intercepts him with a spear. Ricochet barely clips Lashley with a suicide dive flip out to ringside. Cesaro looks for the Neutralizer on Miz in the ring, but Miz escapes and hits the Skull Crushing Finale. Ricochet tags in and hits the 630 on Cesaro for the three count.

    Winners: Braun Strowman, The Miz & Ricochet

    – Baron Corbin is backstage for an interview where he talks about who he might pick for the guest referee in his rematch with Seth Rollins. Sami Zayn interrupts and says he has an idea to tell Corbin in private.

    Becky Lynch & Bayley vs. Alexa Bliss & Lacey Evans: Nikki Cross is at ringside. Bayley and Alexa start this one off,and Alexa takes control early on. Lacey Evans comes in and goes at it with Becky now. Alexa tags back in and Becky hits a big running forearm shot on her. Lacey pulls Alexa to safety at ringside, but then Becky and Bayley come off the apron and drop them both on the floor. Back in the ring, Alexa and Lacey double team Becky. Lacey pounds on Becky on the mat, then sits her in the corner for a splash for a two count. Lacey knocks Bayley off the apron. Lacey and Becky trade strikes, then Becky reverses a slam and throws Lacey out to ringside. Becky follows up with a baseball slide dropkick, then she dumps Alexa out to ringside too. Becky looks to tag in Bayley, but Lacey runs back in the ring and stops it by spearing Becky into the corner. Becky and Lacey trade strikes, then Lacey hits a swinging neckbreaker and a standing moonsault for a two count. Lacey goes up top for a twisting moonsault, but Becky rolls out of the way and Lacey crashes on the mat. Bayley and Alexa tag in, and Becky connects with a series of kicks on Alexa. Bayley hits the sunset flip powerbomb into the corner and pins, but Lacey breaks it up. Becky chases Lacey out of the ring and around ringside now, but she bumps into Nikki Cross at ringside, which leads to Lacey punching down Becky. The distraction leads to Lacey hitting a cheap shot on Bayley too. Alexa goes up top for the Twisted Bliss, but Bayley gets her knees up. Lacey tags in and hits the Woman’s Right on Bayley for the three count.

    Winners: Lacey Evans & Alexa Bliss

    – Sami Zayn approaches Shane McMahon in his office backstage. Sami says he should be the special guest referee for tonight’s match between Rollins and Owens, like an audition for the referee spot in Rollins vs. Corbin at Stomping Ground. Shane tells Sami he can be the special ringside referee, to have a second set of eyes on everything.

    – Paul Heyman comes out to the ring and gets on the mic. Heyman talks about Brock Lesnar’s decision not to cash in his Money In The Bank contract yet. Heyman says Lesnar will choose any day he wants to cash in the contract, and he could beat up Rollins every day if he wanted. Heyman talks about Rollins repeatedly bashing Brock with the steel chair, and says he is a thug not worthy of the Universal Title. Heyman says they aren’t going to be nice anymore, and they’re not going to tell anyone when Brock will be cashing in his contract, it’ll be a surprise. Heyman says he won’t confirm whether Brock is there or not tonight. Heyman says Brock would be anywhere any time, and he could even be the special guest referee for Rollins and Corbin’s match at Stomping Ground. Heyman says Brock could put a beating on Rollins that would violate the “PG era” of WWE.

    – Back to the elevator security camera, we see 24/7 R-Truth, Carmella, EC3, Heath Slater, Cedric Alexander and Drake Maverick all stuck in an elevator. R-Truth calls Drake Maverick “Hornswoggle.” Drake insists he’s not Hornswoggle and he’s just a very small man.

    – The Iiconics come out to the ring and say they are the longest reigning and defending WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions. They introduce two local wrestlers from San Jose, and say they’ll never be the the Champions.

    The Iiconics vs. Two enhancement talents: Billie starts off with kicks on one of the jobbers, then Peyton tags in for the double team. Peyton continues the offense with knee strikes, and then Billie tags back in for another double team. Billie pins for the three count.

    Winners: The Iiconics

    – We see an interview with Roman Reigns that was taped at Super ShowDown after his match. Reigns says at Stomping Grounds he will bounce back, and the first name on Reigns’ list is Drew McIntyre.

    – The ring is being set up with balloons and tables for a celebration for Shane McMahon.

    – We see R-Truth and the others still in the elevator.

    – Drew McIntyre comes out to the ring with bagpipe players, then Shane McMahon comes out. They step in the ring, where a table is set up with champagne bottles and Shane’s Best In The World trophy. Shane talks about all of Reigns’ accomplishments in WWE, but Shane still beat him, because Reigns’ best wasn’t good enough to beat The Best In The World. Shane also thanks Drew for helping him prepare. Drew says that at Stomping Grounds, he’s going to beat, maim and humiliate Reigns. Drew says Shane is the best in the world, but Drew is the most dangerous, and he owes Reigns an assault that will leave him unrecognizable. Shane pours some champagne into glasses, but Shane ends up drinking out of the Best In The World cup, and Drew drinks straight out of the bottle. Shane introduces two more people he wants to celebrate with them, and they are Dawson and Wilder of The Revival. The celebration continues as we go to commercial.

    – Ryder and Hawkins do an interview backstage about defending their RAW Tag Titles tonight.

    Zach Ryder & Curt Hawkins (c) vs. The Usos vs. The Revival Ryder and Hawkins’ RAW Tag Titles are on the line in this one. The Revival takes control of this one early on as the fight spills out to ringside and they throw the Champions into the barricades. Back in the ring, Jimmy Uso tags himself in and cleans house. Hawkins tags himself in on Dawson, and Hawkins and Jimmy start brawling now. Ryder tags himself in for the double team on Jimmy for a two count. Jey tags in and starts superkicking everyone. Jey hits the splash on Ryder, but Dawson tagged himself in and steal the pin on Ryder to win the RAW Tag Titles. The Usos can’t believe it after the bell.

    Winners & new RAW Tag Team Champions: The Revival

    – The Revival celebrates up on the stage with their new RAW Tag Titles.

    – We see the elevator security camera, and Truth and the others seem to be bonding. Then the elevator door opens, and there are more wrestlers, and a referee. A brawl breaks loose, but Truth and Carmella end up escaping into the elevator again, alone this time.

    – It’s time for Bray Wyatt’s Firefly Fun House. Bray puts a sign up on his door saying “abandon hope ye who exit here.” Bray is wearing a clown nose, and he ends up tasting the blood of his rabbit puppet, then makes a condiment out of the rabbit.

    Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens: Sami Zayn is a especial guest ringside enforcer for this match, and he pats down both wrestlers before the match. This one is a non-Title match. Owens and Rollins trade holds fairly evenly in the opening moments. Rollins gets Owens down and rolls him up, but Sami distracts the referee from the apron. Sami causes another distraction, and this leads to Owens and Rollins brawling out to ringside. Owens slams Rollins into the barricade, then hits a DDT on the ringside floor. Back in the ring, Owens controls the pace until Rollins fires back with a Sling Blade. Owens reverses another shot and slows down Rollins’ momentum. Owens drops Rollins then goes up top for a flying senton, but Rollins gets his knees up to block it. Rollins connects with some kicks and then goes to the top rope, but Sami Zayn runs in the ring and causes a distraction. Owens rolls up Rollins from behind for a two count. Rollins dumps Owens out to ringside then hits a suicide dive on him, and he hit Sami Zayn in the process too because Sami ran in the way. Rollins takes Owens back in the ring for the curb stomp. Rollins pins, but Sami pulls the other referee out of the ring and they get in a shouting match. Sami complains to the referee about Rollins hitting him. Rollins grabs Sami by the shirt, and Sami calls for the DQ.

    Winner via DQ: Kevin Owens

    – Rollins appears to be bleeding from above his left eye. After the match, Rollins beats down Sami Zayn until Baron Corbin interrupts. Corbin attacks Rollins frmo behind and stomps on him. Corbin gets a steel chair from ringside and brings it back in the ring. Before Corbin can use it, Rollins kicks Corbin down and sends him out to ringside. Rollins then drops Sami Zayn and nails him with the chair instead. Rollins yells up at Corbin on the ramp, then he repeatedly nails Zayn with the chair in the ring. Rollins rips Sami’s referee shirt off and then hits the curb stomp on him. Rollins holds up his Universal Title belt as RAW goes off the air.

  • WWE Super ShowDown Results & Live Coverage (6/7)

    WWE Super ShowDown Results & Live Coverage (6/7)

    WWE’s Super ShowDown pay-per-view took place on Friday, July 7th at the King Abdullah Sports City Stadium in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

    Kickoff Show:

    – Today’s Kickoff Show panel consists for Charly Caruso, Dave Otunga and Beth Phoenix. They’re broadcasting from WWE Headquarters in Connecticut instead of the arena in Jeddeh. They run down the card for today’s show, and then we go to some video packages.

    – We see pre-taped promos from Paul Heyman and Seth Rollins. Rollins says he’s not at 100% tonight after Lesnar beat him down on Monday.

    The Usos vs. The Revival: Michael Cole mentions on commentary that it’s 100 degrees in the arena. The Usos control the opening moments of this one and they dump both Revival members out to ringside. The Revival takes a breather and regroups on the floor. Back in the ring, Wilder turns things around against Jimmy and stomps on him in the corner. Dawson tags in for the double team, and then a vertical suplex for a two count on Jimmy. Wilder tags back in, but Jimmy drops him with a boot to the head. Jey finally gets the hot tag and cleans house. Dawson tags in and Jey kicks him down then hits the running butt bump in the corner for a two count. Jey follows up with a running cross body for another two count. Jey looks for another running butt bump, but Dawson dodges it. Jey rolls up Dawson in an inside cradle, but Wilder distracts the ref from counting. Uso knocks Wilder off the apron, then Dawson hits Uso with a spinebuster for a two count. Jimmy tags in and the Usos clean house now. The Usos hit double superkicks on both Revival members, then Jimmy pins Wilder for the three count.

    Winners: The Usos

    – Back at WWE headquarters, Caruso, Otunga and Phoenix wrap up the Kickoff Show and send us to Super ShowDown.

    WWE Super ShowDown results:

    – The broadcast open up with a video package looking at tonight’s marquee matches. We go to the King Abdullah Sports City Stadium where they launch a big fireworks display above the arena.

    Seth Rollins (c) vs. Baron Corbin: Rollins’ Universal Title is on the line in this one. The Champion appears to be selling a rib injury after Brock Lesnar beat him down on Monday. Corbin starts off strong in this one and he focuses in on the taped up ribs of Seth Rollins. It’s looking bad for Seth, but he starts fighting back with chops and elbow strikes. Rollins dodges a shot from Corbin and hits the Sling Blade on him. Corbin rolls out to the floor and Rollins hits a dive on him. Rollins throws Corbin back in the ring, but Corbin rolls back outside, so Rollins hits another dive on him. Back in the ring, Corbin rolls out again and Rollins looks for the dive one more time, but this time Corbin intercepts Rollins with an uppercut. Corbin follows up with a suplex for a two count. Corbin freaks out at the ref. Corbin nails Rollins again for another two count, and now he really freaks out at the referee. Corbin grabs a steel chair from ringside but the referee stops him. Corbin gets into it with the ref again, and this time the referee gets fed up. The referee shoves Corbin and this leads to Rollins rolling up Corbin from behind for the three count.

    Winner: Seth Rollins

    – After the match, Corbin attacks Rollins. After Corbin leaves, Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman come out with his Money In The Bank contract. Heyman trips on his way in the ring and distracts Lesnar. Before Lesnar can cash in, Rollins hits a low blow on Brock and starts beating on Brock with the chair in the ring. Rollins curb stomps Lesnar face-first onto the briefcase. Rollins leaves, and then Brock and Heyman leave with the briefcase. There was no cash-in.

    Finn Balor (c) vs. Andrade: Balor is dressed as The Demon tonight. Balor starts off strong and works on keeping Andrade grounded. Andrade fights back with a jawbreaker and a running knee strike to the face. Andrade looks for the hammerlock DDT early, but Balor fights out and dropkicks Andrade. Balor follows up with a double foot stomp, then he sends Andrade out to ringside. Back in the ring, Andrade hits a series of three vertical suplexes to turn things around. Balor fights back with some chops and a Sling Blade, but Andrade shuts him down with a big knee strike. They fight out to ringside and Andrade looks for a powerbomb, but Balor reverses it into a double foot stomp. Back in the ring, Balor hits another double foot stomp for a two count. Andrade fights back and hits his hammerlock DDT, but Balor gets the shoulder up at two. Balor comes back with a powerbomb and a running dropkick, then he climbs to the top turnbuckle. Andrade meets Balor at the top turnbuckle, but Balor knocks him off and follows up with the Coup De Grace for the three count.

    Winner & still Intercontinental Champion:

    – We see some pre-taped promos for the Battle Royal tonight from The Miz and Jinder Mahal.

    Roman Reigns vs. Shane McMahon: Drew McIntyre comes out with Shane, and it looks like he’ll be in Shane’s corner at ringside. Reigns gets a big fireworks display for his entrance. The opening bell sounds and Drew causes a distraction right out of the gate, leading to Shane scoring a flurry of strikes on Reigns. Reigns starts to mount a comeback, but Drew causes a distraction again and Shane drops Reigns with a flying back elbow. Shane continues the strikes until Reigns fights back with a powerbomb for a two count, then Shane rolls outside for a breather. Reigns follows Shane outside and drops Reigns at ringside. Back in the ring, Shane and Reigns go at it until Reigns hits Shane with a stiff right hand and Shane goes down. Shane seems to accidentally hit referee Charles Robinson in the eye with his hand, and the ref is down. Drew McIntyre runs in and hits Reigns with the Claymore kick while the ref is down. Drew rolls out of the ring, then Shane covers Reigns for the three count.

    Winner: Shane McMahon

    – After the match, Drew carries Shane up the ramp on his shoulders and there is a big fireworks display.

    – Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods are backstage for an interview with Byron Saxton about Kofi’s WWE Title defense tonight.

    Lucha House Party vs. Lars Sullivan: Lars overpowers the Luchas and takes control of this one early on. Lars clears the ring and then starts focusing on Kalisto. Lars hits some clubbing blows on Kalisto, then he climbs to the top rope. Before Lars can leap, Metalik and Dorado come in and knocks down Lars. The ref calls for the bell since the non-legal members of House Party wouldn’t leave the ring. Dorado, Metalik and Kalisto triple team Lars down and hit a series of flying strikes on him.

    Winner via DQ: Lars Sullivan

    As the Lucha House Party starts walking up the ramp, Lars Sullivan follows them and beats them down at ringside. Lars leaves them all laying and laughs.

    Triple H vs. Randy Orton: Orton and Triple H lock up off the opening bell, and Orton backs HHH into the corner. HHH turns the tide and holds Randy in the corner until the ref calls for the break, then the former Evolution members have a stare-down. They brawl out to ringside and Triple H works over Orton’s shoulder until Orton slams HHH into the announce table. Back in the ring, Orton controls the pace now and he tries to keep The Game grounded and wears him down. Triple H fights back with a facebuster and then a clothesline for a two count. They fight into the corner, then Triple H looks for a spinebuster, but Orton escapes. Orton looks for the RKO, but Triple H escapes and clotheslines Orton down from behind. Triple H does the “suck it” gesture at Randy and then charges at him, but Orton catches him and spins him around for a powerslam for a two count. Orton follows up with the draping DDT from the middle rope. Orton wastes some time and then looks for the RKO, but HHH fights him off and hits a spinebuster for a two count. Orton tries to reverse the pin into a pin attempt of his own, but HHH kicks out and puts Orton in the Crossface on the mat. Orton breaks free, and Triple H looks for the Pedigree, but Orton reverses into a back body drop. Orton follows up with the RKO and pins, but HHH kicks out at two. Triple H fights back and takes things out to the ringside floor, where HHH slams Orton on top of the announce table four times. HHH takes Orton back in the ring. HHH goes to grab Orton on the mat, but Orton leaps up and hits the RKO out of nowhere. Orton pins for the three count.

    Winner: Randy Orton

    – Michael Cole introduces footage of R-Truth and Jinder Mahal fighting for the 24/7 Title at the airport and in the airplane. Jinder wins the Title, but then Truth finds Jinder sleeping on the plane and pins him in his seat. The other wrestlers in the plane start chasing after Truth to try to pin him for the Title. Truth locks himself in the restroom, then starts talking to his Title belt.

    – Baron Corbin approaches Byron Saxton backstage and complains about the referee screwing him over in his match against Rollins. Corbin tells Byron to go find someone who can fix it.

    Bobby Lashley vs. Braun Strowman: Bobby Lashley has a new entrance, where he stands and poses on a podium with a spotlight on him. When Braun makes his entrance after, he picks up Bobby’s podium and throws it off the stage. Lashley gets in a lot of offense in the opening moments of this one, and he takes Braun down to the mat. Bobby tries to keep Braun grounded with mat wrestling and a chin lock. Braun fights back with a spinebuster, and then he hits some running shoulder tackles on Bobby. Braun hits the running splash in the corner, then Lashley rolls outside for a breather. Braun runs around the ring and tackles Bobby on the floor twice. Lashley fights back and returns the favor with a running tackle of his own. Bobby takes Braun up the ramp and suplexes Braun on the steel with ease. Back in the ring, Bobby goes to the top rope, but Braun gets up and grabs him and throws Lashley down to the mat. Braun hits a slam on Lashley, then follows up with the running powerslam for the three count.

    Winner: Braun Strowman

    – We see promos from Samoa Joe and Ali talking about their spots in the 50-Man Battle Royal tonight.

    Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler: Kofi Kingston’s WWE Title is on the line in this one. Xavier Woods is at ringside. Ziggler starts off strong and dropkicks the Champion for a one count. Ziggler follows up with a neckbreaker for another pin attempt, then Ziggler continues the offense on the mat. Ziggler repeatedly kicks out Kofi’s legs and tries to keep him grounded. Kofi finally fights back after slamming Ziggler in the corner. Kofi hits a lariat and then the Boom Drop on Ziggler. Ziggler steps out to the apron to buy himself some time, then he elbows Kofi in the face. Ziggler follows up with a DDT for a two count. Ziggler looks for a superplex, but Kofi knocks him off the turnbuckle and then hits a frogsplash. Ziggler reverses the pin for a two count. Ziggler looks for the Fameasser, but Kofi escapes and they scramble on the mat and trade pin attempts. Ziggler misses a punch and Kofi hits the SOS for a two count. Ziggler rallies back and lays out Kofi, but then behind the ref’s back, Woods kicks Ziggler in the face from the apron. This leads to Kofi getting the pin on Ziggler to retain the Title.

    Winner & still WWE Champion: Kofi Kingston

    – Kingston and Woods celebrate in the ring as referee Charles Robinson walks Ziggler up the ramp. Kofi high-fives some kids at ringside.

    – Ziggler is backstage for an interview now. Ziggler says he thought Kofi was a hero, but now we all know Kofi is a coward, because they cheated to win. Ziggler says it should have been him, but Kofi has his buddy Woods taking care of his business for him. Ziggler demands a rematch with no interference this time. Ziggler says he wants Kofi in a steel cage.

    – Michael Cole introduces a video package of fans in the arena before the show talking about how excited they are for tonight.

    50-Man Battle Royal: Most of the wrestlers all come out at once before the match, including Shinsuke Nakamura, Robert Roode and others. The Miz, Cesaro, Samoa Joe, Titus, and Elias have their own individual entrances. As Elias is singing for his entrance, The Miz hops out of the ring and grabs him and throws him in the ring. The opening bell sounds and all fifty men start brawling. Both Singh Brothers are the first two eliminations. Karl Anderson is eliminated next, then Eric Young. Gallows and Slater are out next. Axel, Dallas and Tozawa are eliminated next. No Way Jose gets eliminated next, then Mojo and Kendrick. Gulak gets eliminated next, and then Tony Nese. The Viking Raiders find each other in the melee in the ring and start teaming up on people. The Raiders face off with Heavy Machinery and the AOP and all three teams strt brawling with each other. The AOP throw Tucker out, then the Raiders eliminate Akam and Rezar. We see Titus emerge from under the ring, and it looks like he’s been hiding the whole match so far. Titus gets in the ring fresh and starts dropping people. Titus eliminates both Viking Raiders. Xavier Woods eliminates Buddy Murphy, then Joe eliminates Ryder and Hawkins. Rusev and Nakamura team up to eliminate Gable, then Nakamura eliminates Crews. Ricochet eliminates Jinder. Otis drops Rusev and Nakamura, then hits the Caterpillar on them. Rowan hits Otis from behind then eliminates him. Rowan hits the Iron Claw on Xavier Woods then eliminates him. The Usos double superkick Rowan and eliminate him, then The Revival eliminates The Usos. Matt hits the Twist of Fate on Wilder and eliminates him, then he does the same to Dawson. Cesaro runs up behind Matt and eliminates him. Cesaro swings Cedric Alexander and then slingshots him over the top rope for the elimination. Sin Car hits hurricanrana on Cesaro, then on Nakamura. Sun Cara eliminates Nakamura, then Rusev eliminates Sin Cara. Rusev gets eliminated next, then Roode gets eliminated. The Miz starts hitting Cesaro and Elias with kicks, but Cesaro ducks one, and then Elias eliminates Miz. Ali and Ricochet take turns beating on Cesaro, but then Joe flattens both Ali and Ricochet. Ali and Ricochet team up to suplex Joe outside for the elimination. Cesaro then knocks Ricochet and Ali out for the elimination. Mansoor then eliminates Cesaro. It’s down to Mansoor and Elias. Elias drops Mansoor and it looks like Elias is in control, but then Mansoor superkicks Elias and then back body drops Elias to the outside for the elimination.

    Winner: Mansoor

    – Mansoor runs into the crowd to celebrate after the match, and he shakes hands with Ali. Byron interviews Mansoor in the ring after the match and asks him how it feels to win the most prestigious battle royal in WWE history, and do it in his home country. Mansoor says he doesn’t have words to describe how important this moment is. He talks about his dream coming true, and winning the most historic battle royal in WWE history.

    Goldberg vs. The Undertaker: We see the outside of Goldberg’s locker room door backstage. We hear what is presumably Goldberg headbutting the inside of the door, and then he emerges with a cut on his forehead and makes the walk to the ring. The Undertaker enters second. The opening bell sounds and Goldberg and Taker come to the center of the ring and stare each other down. Goldberg does the throat cutting motion at Taker, then Taker nails him with a right hand. Goldberg bounces off the ropes and answers with a spear on Undertaker. Goldberg gets up and hits a second spear on Undertaker, for a two count. Undertaker sits up, then grabs Goldberg by the throat. Goldberg fights out and puts Undertaker in a knee bar. Undertaker reaches the bottom rope to break the hold. Goldberg looks for a spear, but Taker dodges, and Goldberg hits the ring post hard. It looks like Goldberg cut himself open the hard way on the ring post, and he is bleeding heavily now. Taker starts working over Goldberg’s shoulder, then Undertaker does the Old School walk across the top rope and he nails Goldberg. Taker grabs Goldberg and chokeslams him. Undertaker calls for the Tombstone and he nails it, but Goldberg kicks out at two. Undertaker takes Goldberg into the corner for some punches. Taker misses a clothesline and Goldberg runs the ropes, then they collide mid-ring and both men are down. They get up and trade right hands now. Taker whips Goldberg in the corner and hits a running splash on him, then the Snake Eyes on the top turnbuckle. Taker bounces off the rope for a clothesline, but Goldberg explodes out of nowhere with a spear on the Dead Man. Goldberg calls for the Jackhammer and goes for it, but he doesn’t quite get it right and Taker lands on his head. Goldberg pins for a two count. Goldberg looks for a Tombstone of his own, but Taker fights out and gives Goldberg a chokeslam for the three count.

    Winner: The Undertaker

    – A medic immediately hits the ring to check on Goldberg and they walk Goldberg to the back. Undertaker stands in the ring with the lights off and he doesn’t look happy. Taker poses on one knee as a massive fireworks display goes off above and inside the stadium and Super ShowDown goes off the air.

  • WWE SmackDown Live Results (6/4)

    WWE SmackDown Live Results (6/4)

    The June 4th edition of WWE SmackDown Live took place at the Sames Auto Arena in Laredo, TX.

    – The broadcast opens up with a tease that Shane McMahon will call out Roman Reigns tonight.

    – WWE Champion Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods come out to the ring with pancakes to kick off the show. Kofi gets on the mic and talks about his journey as Champion so far, then he introduces a video package looking at his return to Ghana, Africa. Kofi talks about how great his trip was, and then Dolph Ziggler comes out and interrupts. Ziggler comes out to the stage and says he respects Kofi’s journey, but this isn’t about Kofi, it’s about why Ziggler is the way he is. Ziggler then introduces a video package looking at his career. Ziggler says it should have been him, and Kofi agrees that Dolph has had an incredible career, and Kofi also knows how it feels to be passed over. Ziggler and Kofi continue to exchange words, and then Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn come out to interrupt. Zayn and Owens head to the ring for their match, and Ziggler heads backstage.

    Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods vs. Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens: Dolph Ziggler is shown backstage watching on a monitor. Owens gets in a lot of offense on Kofi early on, and he isolates Kofi in the corner. Kofi fires back with a dropkick, then Zayn tags in and Kofi levels him with a dropkick too. Woods tags in for the double team, and Kofi and Woods now take turns stomping on Sami in their corner. Sami rolls outside for a breather with Owens. Kofi goes flying and hits a suicide dive on Owens, then Woods hits a baseball slide kick on Zayn. Back in the ring, a cheap shot from Owens leads to Sami hitting a kick on Woods. Owens tags in, then takes Woods out to ringside and slams him into the barricade. Back in the ring, Woods comes back with a missile dropkick off the top on Owens. Kofi and Sami tag in, and Kofi cleans house. Kofi hits a series of strikes on Zayn, then Owens gets involved from the floor. Woods takes out Owens on the floor, which leads to Kofi hitting the Boom Drop for the three count.

    Winners: Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods

    – After the match, Dolph Ziggler hits the ring and attacks Kofi from behind with a superkick, then he lays out Woods too.

    – Shane McMahon is backstage for a promo. He shows us footage of Shane spearing Reigns last night, while Drew and The Revival held Reigns back. Shane says anything Reigns can do, Shane can do better, because he’s the best in the world. Shane says he’s going to the ring soon to call out Reigns, and he wants to know if Reigns is a big dog or a little pup with his tail between his legs.

    – Alexa Bliss comes out to the stage to host ‘A Moment of Bliss.’ She introduces her guest, SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley. Before asking any questions, Alexa complains about her coffee and demands for a new one to be brought to her before she interviews Bayley. They exchange words, and Bayley gets fed up and slaps Alexa’s new coffee out of her hand. Carmella comes out to interrupt, and she thinks she’s in line ahead of Alexa for the Women’s Title. Charlotte comes out to interrupt next, and says she’s the one next in line for the Title, because she just talked to Shane McMahon about it. Charlotte reveals that there will be a triple threat match between Charlotte, Bayley and Alexa to determine the number one contender for Bayley’s Title.

    – Carmella is shown backstage meeting with R-Truth. Truth gives her a pep talk about going after the Women’s Title. Truth says having the 24/7 Title is driving him insane, and he can’t get Shane to call him back about it. Shane calls and Truth asks him for help, because the 24/7 Title is ruining his life. Truth apologizes to Shane for interrupting Shane’s Appreciation Night. Shane tells Truth he needs a proper match tonight with standard rules. It sounds like that match is next. Truth runs to the Gorilla position.

    R-Truth (c) vs. Elias: This one appears to be a lumberjack match, and there is a number of wrestlers surrounding the ring. After some distraction from the lumberjacks, Elias hits a knee to the face of Truth for the three count, and Elias is now the 24/7 Champion.

    Winner: Elias

    – After Elias wins, the lumberjacks swarm Elias in the ring and start brawling. Elias sneaks out and crawls around the ring, trying to hide from the lumberjacks. He crawls right into Truth, and Truth chases Elias under the ring while all of the lumberjacks brawl in the ring. A referee follows Truth and Elias under the ring. While the lumberjacks brawl in the ring, we hear the ring bell sound. Truth emerges from under the ring with the referee and the 24/7 Title. Truth runs out through the crowd as the lumberjacks chase him.

    – Shane McMahon is backstage walking towards the gorilla position.

    – We see a pre-taped promo from Aleister Black once again issuing and open challenge to anyone who wants to man-up and face him. Black says this ain’t your daddy’s WWE anymore.

    – Shane comes out to the ring with The Revival by his side. Shane makes Greg Hamilton give him his extended “Best in the world” ring introduction. Shane thanks The Revival for being with him tonight for emotional support. Shane rolls some footage of them beating down Roman Reigns last night on RAW. Shane talks about how to deal with dogs like Roman, and he says he’s going to “snip, snip, snip” and neuter the big dog on Friday at the Super ShowDown. Roman comes out to interrupt now. The Revival runs up the ramp to meet Reigns, but Reigns drops them both. Reigns goes down the ramp, but then Drew McIntyre runs out from the crowd and hits the Claymore kick on Reigns out of nowhere on the floor. Drew throws Reigns in the ring, and he holds up Reigns for Shane to beat on him. Shane hits a spear on Reigns, then he leaves with Drew.

    Charlotte vs. Carmella vs. Alexa Bliss: The winner of this match gets a shot at Bayley’s SmackDown Women’s Title. Charlotte starts off strong in this one and lays out both Carmella and Alexa early on. Alexa comes back with a Code Red on Charlotte. Carmella comes back in and drops Alexa, then trades holds with Charlotte. Charlotte sends Carmella outside, then Alexa comes back in and Charlotte drops Alexa with a big boot. Carmella comes back in and superkicks Charlotte out of the ring. Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville come out to cause a distraction at ringside. Charlotte drops Carmella at ringside, then she starts brawling with Alexa on the floor too. Back in the ring, Carmella hits a flying cross body on Alexa and Charlotte. Carmella hits a Frankensteiner off the top on Charlotte for a two count. Charlotte fights back and puts Carmella in the Figure Four, but Alexa interrupts with the Twisted Bliss off the top on Charlotte. Carmella breaks up the pin. Alexa starts going at it with Carmella now until she misses a shot, then Charlotte runs over and hits the Natural Selection on Alexa. Carmella breaks up the pin again. Charlotte kicks Carmella off the apron, then fights with Alexa in the corner. Alexa slams Charlotte’s face on the middle turnbuckle, then dumps her outside. Carmella gets back in, but Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville grab her feet. The distraction leads to Alexa pinning Carmella for the three count.

    Winner: Alexa Bliss

    – Kayla Braxton is in the ring, and she introduces Lars Sullivan for an in-ring interview. Lars says him attacking people is like a lion stalking their prey and sinking their teeth in them. Lars says he’s no man, for his entire life he’s been described by one word. Lars tells Kayla to say the word that he’s been called his entire life. She answers “freak.” Lars says when a lion performs his primary function they call it a lion, but when Lars performs his primary function they call him a freak. Lars says his function is to destroy and dehumanize people, and to show the people the world is full of pain, agony, and real life freaks of nature like him. Lars says he has a nursery rhyme about the Lucha House Party. “Three blind mice, watch how they run, watch how they’re caught, watch how their tails are ripped apart with my bare hands and a beautiful portrait is painted with their bodily fluids.” Lars laughs and leaves.

    – We see the outside of Goldberg’s locker room door backstage.

    Andrade vs. Apollo Crews: Within the first minute of this one, Finn Balor runs in and the ref ends the match. Balor goes at it with Andrade, but Zelina Vega causes a distraction and Andrade drops him with the hammerlock DDT. Balor is down, and Andrade leaves with Zelina Vega.

    Winner: No contest

    – We see a shot of Goldberg’s locker room backstage again, and this time there is security waiting in the hallway for the former WCW World Heavyweight Champion to exit his room.

    – The broadcast team introduces some highlights from RAW last night, and promote Friday’s Super ShowDown pay-per-view.

    – Goldberg’s music hits in the arena, and he gets the knock on his locker room door. Goldberg exits and makes his walk to the gorilla position surrounded by security. Goldberg comes out to the ring without his usual pyro and gets on the mic. The crowd chants for Goldberg and he thanks them. Goldberg says he’s been waiting for 20 years to see what it’s like being in the ring with The Undertaker, and now he’s finally got the match he wanted. Goldberg addresses Undertaker’s promo last night, saying he isn’t interested in Goldberg being a family man now, he wants to face the old Goldberg. Goldberg says Undertaker’s right, and the family man wouldn’t stand a chance against Taker, so Goldberg left his ass at home. Goldberg says that Friday night, Undertaker is going to get the Goldberg he watched and wondered how he could stack up against. Goldberg says Undertaker is going to get the ass-kickin’ he asked for, and on Friday night we will find out who the better man is once and for all. Goldberg tells Undertaker that he’s next to rest in peace. Goldberg drops the mic, and then the lights go out and the gong sounds. The lights come back on and Undertaker is standing behind Goldberg. Goldberg turns around and faces Taker. The gong sounds and the lights go out again. The lights come back on, and Undertaker is gone. Goldberg is alone in the ring and he picks up the mic. Goldberg says “Friday night it is then.” He tells Undertaker to bring his jock strap and tighten it up, because it’s going to be a hell of a ride. Goldberg heads up the ramp and hugs and high-fives some fans. Goldberg yells into the camera “Goldberg’s what you want, Goldberg’s what you’re gonna get,” then he heads to the back.

    – The broadcast team runs down the card for Friday’s Super ShowDown pay-per-view and SmackDown goes off the air.

  • WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (6/3)

    WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (6/3)

    The June 3, 2019 edition of WWE RAW took pace at the Frank Erwin Center in Austin, Texas.

    – Roman Reigns comes out to the ring to kick off tonight’s show. Michael Cole tells us on commentary that Brock Lesnar will be cashing in his Money In The Bank contract tonight, and they are awaiting Brock’s arrival at the back of the arena. Before Reigns can say anything in the ring, Shane McMahon comes out to interrupt. Shane gets on the mic on the stage and talks to Reigns about his plans to beat him at the Super Show Down. Shane says he’s going to make Reigns tap out for the first time in his career, and he’s going to triangle choke Reigns until his eyes pop out of his head. Reigns tells Shane to shut up, and says if Shane tries to triangle choke him, Reigns is going to powerbomb him. Drew comes out to join Shane and says he doesn’t like the Texas fans’ attitudes towards him and Shane. Drew talks trash to Reigns, then The Revival hits the ring from behind and attacks Reigns. Shane and Drew join in, but then The Usos come out for the save. The Revival, Shane and Drew roll out to ringside as The Usos and Reigns stand tall in the ring. It looks like we have a match.

    The Revival & Drew McMintyre vs. The Usos & Roman Reigns: Jey hits a superkick on Wilder early on and looks for the big splash, but Dawson pulls him out to safety at ringside. The Usos hit a double suicide dive on both Revival members at ringside. Back in the ring, Uso continues the offense on Wilder. Dawson causes a distraction from ringside and Wilder hits a cheap shot on Uso, then Drew tags in. Drew continues the offense and looks for a pin but Reigns breaks it up and stares down Drew. Dawson tags in for the double team on Uso. Reigns finally gets the tag, and Drew tags in too. Reigns drops Drew and then looks for the Superman Punch, but Drew ducks it and counters with a headbutt. Jey gets the tag and superkicks Drew, but then a distraction from the ringside leads to Drew hitting a cheap shot for the three count.

    Winner: Drew McIntyre & The Revival

    – After the bell, The Revival gets in the ring and hits the Shatter Machine on Reigns. Then they hold up Reigns and Shane spears Reigns and mocks him.

    – Still to come: The Miz hosts Miz TV with Seth Rollins.

    – Lance Armstrong and Matthew McConaughey are shown sitting in the front row.

    – The Miz comes out to the ring to host Miz TV, and he introduces his guest WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins, and talks about the looming threat of Brock Lesnar’s Money In The Bank cash-in. Rollins comes out to the ring and says that Heyman never tells the truth, and he’ll believe it when he sees it regarding Lesnar cashing in tonight. Rollins points out that despite not a single soul in the world liking Baron Corbin, Corbin is the number one contender for his Universal Title, so Rollins is focused on stomping Corbin’s head into the mat. On the big screen, we see an SUV pull up to the back of the arena, and Heyman and Lesnar hop out. Heyman says “let’s cash in,” and Lesnar shoves the briefcase into Heyman’s chest. Lesnar and Heyman start walking into the arena, and Heyman exclaims “here comes the pain,” but then they stop and walk away from the entrance. It looks like they won’t cash in right now, but Cole says he will still cash in tonight.

    Lucha House Party vs. Lars Sullivan: The opening bell never sounds before they start going at it. The three Lucha House Party members gang up on Sullivan, but Sullivan overpowers them and fights back. The Luchas start fighting back, and they hit a triple dropkick on Lars that knocks him out to ringside. Lars is still on his feet at ringside and he screams at the Luchas in the ring.

    Winner: No contest

    – The Iiconics are backstage talking trash to Nikki cross in the locker room. Alexa Bliss interrupts and The Iiconics leave. Alexa offers her friendship to Nikki, and Nikki says she already is friends with Alexa.

    – Still to come: Rey Mysterio addresses the WWE Universe; Braun Strowman vs. Bobby Lashley in an arm wrestling match; and The Undertaker returns.

    – RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch comes down to the ring. Becky says she won’t become a content fighter, and Charlotte and Lacey Evans ganging up on her woke something up in her. She says there is no woman in this business who can keep her down, and she will get to anyone who has wronged her. Lacey comes out to interrupt. Lacey says “Becky Two Belts” shouldn’t be the face to represent the women of WWE, and they exchange words. Lacey says when she gets her hand on Becky, she will become “Becky No Belts.” Charlotte comes out to interrupt and also talks trash to Becky, but then Lacey interrupts and starts talking trash to Charlotte. Lacey calls Charlotte a daddy’s girl who needs attention. Charlotte says she’s on her way to beating her dad’s Championship record, and Lacey has only been here for like four minutes. Lacey says Charlotte is yesterday’s news and she should run back to SmackDown, because Lacey is the new face of WWE. Lacey hits Charlotte across the face, and Charlotte is stunned. It looks like we have a match.

    Charlotte vs. Lacey Evans: Becky is at ringside. The opening bell sounds and Charlotte and Lacey immediately start brawling all over the ring. Charlotte throws Lacey out to ringside in front of Becky. Back in the ring, Lacey and Charlotte trade holds on the mat. Lacey starts getting the upper hand, but Charlotte comes back with a big boot to take control of the pace. Lacey comes back with a kick of her own, but then she misses a slingshot elbow drop. Charlotte comes back with a backbreaker and a clothesline. Lacey starts fighting back in this fairly evenly matched fight, but then Becky gets tired of watching and she yanks Charlotte out to ringside. The ref calls for the DQ.

    Winner via DQ: Lacey Evans

    – Rey Mysterio comes out to the ring to relinquish his U.S. Championship due to injury. Rey gets on the mic and says this is in his blood and his family’s blood, and he’s been in WWE for a long time. Rey talks about his son Dominic training to do what we does, and he has trust that he will carve a path of his own. But tonight, Rey says he has to set the right example tonight and do the right thing as a man and as a Champion. Rey starts talking about his shoulder injury and his Title, but then Samoa Joe comes out to interrupt. Joe walks down to the ring and apologizes to Rey for interrupting his big moment, but he heard Rey say the world “Champion” and Joe thought that was his que. Joe starts arguing that Rey never beat him and his shoulders never touched the mat. Rey says he’s not here to have a moment or fool anybody, and this isn’t the moment he wanted it to be, but he’s won Championships his whole career through pain and injuries, and if he’s man enough to do that then he’s man enough to do this. Rey tells Joe to give him a moment, and he continues with his statement. Rey says due to his shoulder injury, he’s here to relinquish his United States Championship to Samoa Joe. Rey lays the U.S. Title on the ring, and says he’ll be back. As Rey is exiting the ring, Samoa Joe blindsides Rey and attacks him. Joe puts Rey in the Coquina Clutch and chokes him out in the ring until referees pull him off.

    – Brock Lesnar is shown backstage putting his gloves on in his locker room, and Paul Heyman is on the phone.

    – We see pre-taped promos from Cesaro and Ricochet promoting their singles match tonight.

    – Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley come out to the ring for an arm wrestling match. There is a podium in the ring for them to have it on, and referee Rudy Charles is there to officiate it. Braun and Lashley almost get into a brawl early on, but the referees restore order. They start the arm wrestling, but their hands seem to slip apart so the referee calls for a reset and they put chalk on their hands. They start arm wrestling again, and after briefly struggling back and forth, Strowman wins. After Braun is declared winner, Bobby throws the lifting chalk in BRaun’s eyes. Braun is blinded and Lashley picks him apart now. Lashley hits the running powerslam on Strowman then leaves.

    – Michael Cole shows us video footage of 24/7 Champion R-Truth with Carmella on a golf course. Jinder Mahal appears in his ring attire and attacks truth, then rolls him up for the three count to take the 24/7 Title. Truth then comes back and rolls up Jinder for the three count to regain his Title.

    – Back in the arena, we see Drake Maverick and EC3 sneaking around looking for R-Truth.

    Nikki Cross vs. Peyton Royce: Billie Kaye and Alexa Bliss are at ringside for this one. Peyton starts off strong and stomps on Nikki in the corner. Peyton misses a shot and Nikki comes back with a choke attempt. Peyton fights her off and applies a shoulder submission. Alexa has someone bring coffee to her at ringside, which distracts Peyton. Peyton kicks Alexa’s coffee out of her hand from the ring, then Billie runs up to Alexa and Alexa slips on her coffee on the ringside mats. Back in the ring, Nikki hits a suplex/neckbreaker on Peyton for the three count.

    Winner: Nikki Cross

    – After the match, Alexa runs in ther ing and attacks Billie. Nikki celebrates with Alexa in the ring.

    – Brock Lesnar is shown warming up in his dressing room.

    – Universal Champion Seth Rollins is walking backstage, and it looks like he’s heading to the gorilla position.

    – After the break, Seth Rollins comes out to the ring to call out Lesnar. Lesnar’s music hits, but he doesn’t come out and the music stops. Rollins says he’s sick of Brock’s games just like everyone else. Rollins says Lesnar used to be one of the most feared men on planet earth, now he’s a shell of that. Rollins dares Lesnar to come out, but Baron Corbin comes out instead. Corbin gets on the mic and says Rollins need to worry about him and not Lesnar. Rollins tells Corbin he’ll have to take his Title from his cold dead hands, and Corbin says he’s already with that. Rollins throws a right hand at Corbin and they start brawling all over the ring. Corbin starts to get the upper hand, until Rollins catches him with a kick to the head that knocks Corbin out to ringside. Rollins follows up with a suicide dive on Corbin on the floor. Lesnar’s music hits again and Rollins gets back in the ring, but Lesnar doesn’t come out. Corbin gets back in the ring and hits the End of Days on Rollins. Lesnar’s music hits and this time Lesnar does come out to the ring, with Paul Heyman and a referee. Lesnar kicks Rollins between the legs, then he nails Rollins with a steel chair a few times. Brock hits Rollins with a German Suplex. Heyman yells at Brock to cash in the contract now, but Brock says not now, and he nails Rollins with the steel chair again, then he throws Rollins out to ringside. Lesnar hits an F-5 on Rollins on the ringside floor. Back in the ring, Lesnar nails Rollins with the chair a few more times. Heyman yells again to cash in now, but Brock goes back to Rollins for another German suplex. Heyman pleads with Brock to cash in now, but Brock shakes his head now. Brock says “Friday,” and Heyman complains that he promised everyone they’d cash in tonight. Brock starts to leave with Heyman, but then Brock turns around and gets back in the ring with the briefcase. Brock hits Rollins with the case, and then a few more times with the steel chair. Brock and Heyman leave again with the case. Medics come out and put Rollins on a stretcher.

    – Back from the break, we see Rollins on a stretcher being taken into an ambulance, and Becky Lynch is there helping. Becky gets in the ambulance and rides with Rollins. Jamie Noble sends them off.

    – It’s time for Bray Wyatt’s Firefly Fun House. Bray is wearing 1980’s style workout gear, and he starts talking to a pig puppet named Huskus who doesn’t take care of himself. Bray gives a pep talk to the pig to get in shape, then a devil puppet enters the door and Bray calls it boss. The devil puppet looks like Vince and is wearing a suit. Bray tells the Vince devil puppet that he will get huskus into shape, and then we cut to an 80’s style workout video of Bray singing about pulling up your pants and doing the muscle man dance. We see Bray’s other puppets in the video. The pig says he feels better already, and Bray says that’s what happens when you trust him. Bray reminds everyone to let him in, and the segment comes to a close.

    – Triple H is shown walking through the hallways of the arena.

    – Back from the break, Triple H comes out to the ring and gets on the mic. He says he’s here tonight to talk about Randy Orton, and Orton immediately comes out to the ring to face him. Triple H says it’s been a long time since he’s stared into Orton’s eyes. He says that these segments are meant to drum up interest for a fight, but he and Orton can’t say anything to each other they haven’t already said in their past. Triple H tells Orton not to let the suit fool you, he’s going to kick Orton’s ass Friday. Orton says he’s not Batista, and he would gladly put another notch on his belt by taking out Triple H at Super ShowDown. Triple H says lots of people have tried to take him out, but they’re all gone and he’s still here. Triple H starts to leave, but before he leaves, Orton tells HHH he should retrieve his balls from Stephanie purse before their match Friday. Triple H gets back in the ring, and says that’s a hell of an idea, they’re just so big that it’s a burden carrying them around, but maybe he can put them in his carry-on bag. He says Orton wouldn’t know because Orton has never had any. HHH leaves again and heads to the back.

    – Baron Corbin does an interview backstage where he says he’s shaken up about Rollins leaving in an ambulance earlier. Corbin says he’s going to leave now so he can celebrate, and says Brock did him a favor. Corbin tells the WWE Universe that you’re looking at your new next Universal Champion.

    Ricochet vs. Cesaro: The opening bell sounds and Cesaro starts off strong with a shoulder tackle and a backbreaker. Cesaro slams Ricochet in the corner and then goes for a sleeper. Ricochet comes back with a flying head scissor takedown, and they fight out to the ringside floor. Back in the ring, Ricochet goes up top, but Cesaro stuns him with a European uppercut. Cesaro follows up with a superplex out of the corner for a two count. Ricochet starts to fight back, but Cesaro counters and swings him. Cesaro hits a European uppercut for another two count. Cesaro talks some trash, and Ricochet comes back with a chop and a kick. Ricochet goes for a flying crossbody, but Cesaro catches him and pins for a two count. Ricochet rolls up Cesaro for a two count of his own. They get up and Ricochet spins around Cesaro, then rolls him up again for a three count, and Cesaro can’t believe it.

    Winner: Ricochet

    – After the match, Cesaro attacks Ricochet from behind. Cesaro grabs a table from under the ring, and discovers the 24/7 Champion R-Truth hiding under the ring. Carmella helps knocks Cesaro over, then a bunch of wrestler srun out and chase after Truth. Cedric Alexander hits ther ing and takes out everyone with a suicide dive. It’s down to Truth and Drake Maverick in the ring, but Carmella kicks Drake in the face and drops him. Truth and Carmella run away through the crowd and the wrestlers chase him to the back.

    – The lights go out and The Undertaker comes out to the ring. The crowd chants Undertaker’s name and he gets on the mic. He asks if you ever wonder what happens when you come face to face with death for the first time. He says Goldberg will have the answer to that question this Friday, when he stands across the ring from him for the first time. Taker says he doesn’t want Goldberg the family man, he wants Goldberg the unstoppable mythical icon. Taker says that at Super ShowDown, he will claim Goldberg’s soul for all of eternity. He finishes with “Goldberg: you’re next.”

  • WWE SmackDown Live Results (5/28)

    WWE SmackDown Live Results (5/28)

    The Tuesday, May 28th edition of WWE SmackDown Live took place at the BOK Center in Tulsa, OK.

    – Kevin Owens comes out to the ring to kick off tonight’s show. He says he was going to do “The Kevin Owens Show,” but he’s not in the mood after being in Oklahoma all day, and the fans here don’t deserve it. Owens moves on and talks about his beef with Kofi Kingston. He adds that he had nothing to do with attacking Big E backstage, despite Big E saying it was him. WWE Champion Kofi Kingston comes out to interrupt with a tray of pancakes. Kofi tells Owens to stop lying about his attack on Big E, and he says even though he’s not at 100% tonight he’s going to make Owens pay, and we have a match.

    Kofi Kingston vs. Kevin Owens: This one is a non-Title match. Owens starts off strong off the opening bell, but Kofi comes back and tackles Owens then pummels on him. They brawl out to ringside, and Owens hits a running senton drop on Kofi on the floor. Back in the ring, Owens misses a shot and Kofi dumps him outside then hits a suicide dive on him. Kofi takes Owens back in the ring and looks for the SOS, but Owens escapes. Owens misses a shot, and Kofi comes back with a successful SOS for a two count. They fight to the apron and Owens knocks Kofi down to the ringside floor, then he hits a frogsplash off the apron down on to Kofi on the floor. Kofi gets back in the ring at the ref’s 9 count. Owens then hits a frogsplash off the top rope on Kofi for a two count. They fight up to the top turnbuckle and Owens knocks Kofi back down to the mat. Owens goes up top and hits a Jeff Hardy-style Swanton Bomb on Kofi for another 2 count. Owens misses a shot and Kofi comes back with the Trouble In Paradise for the two count.

    Winner: Kofi Kingston

    – We see Shane McMahon backstage talking to Drew McIntyre and Elias. We’re told that tonight is Shane McMahon Appreciation Night.

    – R-Truth and Carmella are shown running around backstage. They stop to talk, and Truth complains about people trying to take his 24/7 Championship at airports and malls. They run off, and then Drake Maverick walks by putting up posters asking for information on Truth’s location.

    – SmackDown Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan and Eric Rowan come out to the ring for an interview. Bryan and Rowan say there’s no tag team competition for them, and then Bryan goes on a tangent about the environment and meat. Bryan talks about fans eating “hyper-intelligent” pigs in the form of hot dogs. Heavy Machinery comes out to interrupt, and it looks like they want to challenge for the SmackDown Titles. Tucker gets on the mic and says he knows Bryan and Rowan are a great tag team, but it’s time for Heavy Machinery to get down to some serious business. Bryan says he accepts their challenge, but not here in Oklahoma where they do “fracking.” Bryan and Rowan head to the back.

    – SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley is backstage warming up for her match with Lacey Evans tonight.

    – Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville are backstage handing out copies of Mandy’s new Muscle & Fitness Hers cover magazine to people. They give them to The Iiconics and Ember Moon. Ember throws hers away.

    – Michael Cole informs us that WWE now has more than 1 billion followers on their social media profiles.

    Mandy Rose vs. Carmella: Sonya Deville is at ringside. Mandy pushes her magazine cover in Carmella’s face, and Carmella kicks it away. Carmella tackles Mandy and pounds on her, then she takes her into the corner for more strikes. Mandy turns the tide in the corner and stomps on Carmella in the corner now. Mandy hits a kick to the face for a two count. Carmella comes back with a slam, then she hits the Bronco Buster on Mandy in the corner. Sony distracts Carmella on the apron, which leads to Mandy rolling up Carmella for the three count.

    Winner: Mandy Rose

    – R-Truth is shown sneaking around backstage. Jinder Mahal attacks him and tries to pin him, but Truth fights him off and then hides in a photo booth. A bunch of wrestlers run by and don’t see him. Truth gets out of the booth and backs into Drake Maverick. Truth runs and Maverick chases him.

    – Shane McMahon comes out to the ring with Elias and Drew McIntyre. Greg Hamilton does the over-the-top ring introduction for Shane. Shane gets on the mic and says the idea for Shane Appreciation Night came from his good friend Drew. Shane says he enjoys his life and being in front of the fans, and he’s a humble man. Shane introduces a video package looking at his lengthy career on WWE television. Shane thanks their incredible production team including Kevin Dunn. Shane says that video was amazing, and also educational, particularly for Roman Reigns. Shane says WWE isn’t Roman’s yard and he has to obey the rules, and he says the McMahon family has been putting food on his family’s table for generations. Shane says Roman bit the hand that feeds him when he attacked Vince. Shane says he’s not only going to beat Reigns at Super Show Down, he’s going to beat some respect into Reigns. Elias tells Shane that was incredible, and he wrote a song in honor of Shane tonight. Elias sings about Shane being the greatest man in the world. As Elias is singing, R-Truth runs into the ring with Drake Maverick following him. Truth holds up his 24/7 Title, and then starts fighting Drake. Truth suplexes Drake and pins him for the three count. Truth dances to celebrate, but then he turns around and sees Shane, Drew and Elias staring him down. Shane and Drew attack and they all beat on Truth. Elias hits the Drift Away, then Drew hits the Claymore kick. Elias covers Truth and wins the 24/7 Championship. Shane congratulates Elias on the win, then Shane says he has an idea. Shane says tonight, Elias and Drew will team up to take on R-Truth and Roman Reigns in a tag match. Shane says he’s suspending the 24/7 Title rules right now until after their tag match tonight.

    – Lacey Evans and Charlotte are backstage drinking tea and talking trash about Becky Lynch and Bayley.

    Bayley vs. Lacey Evans: Charlotte is on commentary for this non-Title match. The opening bell sounds and this one is evenly matched in the opening moments. Bayley looks for a DDT, but Lacey escapes. Lacey drops Bayley and hits a slingshot elbow drop from the apron for a two count. Bayley rolls out to ringside for a breather. Lacey takes Bayley back in the ring and works over her left shoulder. Bayley fights back with a cross body for a two count. Lacey comes back and drops Bayley in the corner, then throws her sweat rag at her. Lacey hits a dropkick in the corner for a two count. Lacey goes to the apron for another slingshot elbow drop, but Bayley hits her in mid-air and then plants her with a DDT. They fight out to ringside, and Charlotte distracts Bayley. Bayley hits Charlotte, then Bayley gets back in the ring and the ref holds back Charlotte. Lacey rolls up Bayley from behind off the distraction, but only gets a two count. Bayley reverses the pin and rolls up Lacey for the three count.

    Winner: Bayley

    – After the match, Lacey attacks Charlotte in the ring and they brawl until referees break it up.

    – Carmella is backstage giving R-Truth a pep talk after losing his 24/7 Title.

    – We see a graphic promoting The Undertaker’s return to RAW next week.

    – Andrade and Zelina Vega are backstage for an interview. Andrade talks trash about Balor, and Balor not being medically cleared to wrestle tonight.

    – They air the same Bray Wyatt “Firefly Fun House” segment from RAW last night.

    Roman Reigns & R-Truth vs. Elias & Drew McIntyre: Elias and Drew attack Truth from behind during his entrance. Reigns gets in on the brawl, then he takes Elias in the ring and the ref calls for the opening bell. Reigns beats on Elias until Shane distracts him, then Elias drops Reigns and stomps on him. Drew tags in and continues the offense on Reigns. Elias tags back in, but Reigns takes him down with a Samoan Drop. Truth and Drew tag in and start going at it. The fight spills out to ringside, and Drew gets the upper hand on the floor. Back in the ring, Drew continues the offense on Truth and then tags in Elias for the double team. Elias hits a slam on Truth, then beats on him in the corner with punches and knee strikes. Drew tags back in and drops Truth with a chop to the chest. Drew starts working over Truth’s shoulder and tries to keep him grounded. Elias and Drew trade frequent tags now and they look for a double back body drop, but Truth fights them both off. Truth dumps Drew out to ringisde, and he throws Elias into the ring post. Reigns gets the hot tag and hits a series of clotheslines on Elias. Reigns knocks Drew off the apron, then hits a series of standing clotheslines on Elias in the corner. Reigns superman punches Drew off the apron, then he dumps Elias outside and hits the Drive By on him. Shane tries to get involved, but Reigns punches him and Shane runs off. Drew looks for the Clymore Kick on Reigns at ringside, but Reigns dodges it and Drew lands on the announce table. Back in the ring, Reigns dodges a shot from Elias and then hits the spear on Elias for the three count.

    Winners: R-Truth & Roman Reigns

    – Drew joins Shane on the ramp, and Reigns helps Truth to his feet in the ring. Elias is still in the ring, and Reigns hits another spear on him. Reigns gets Truth’s attention, and Truth crawls over and pins Elias for the three count. Truth has regained his 24/7 Title. Reigns and Truth celebrate in the ring as SmackDown goes off the air.

  • WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (5/27)

    WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (5/27)

    The May 27th, 2019 edition of WWE RAW took place at the Sprint Center in Kansas City, MO.

    – This week’s broadcast opens up with a video package for Memorial Day.

    – Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman are shown backstage with the Money In The Bank briefcase. Michael Cole tells us on commentary that tonight we will find out if Brock will challenge the Universal Champion or the WWE Champion.

    – WWE Champion Kofi Kingston comes out to the ring with a plate full of pancakes. Kofi gets on the mic and talks about Dolph Ziggler attacking him from behind last week. Kofi says he’s not here for Ziggler through, he’s here for Mr. Money In The Bank, Brock Lesnar. Universal Champion Seth Rollins comes out to the ring next, and he also calls out Lesnar. Brock and Paul Heyman come out to the ring, and Brock’s briefcase is done up like a boombox. Brock has different entrance music tonight and he dances into the ring. He’s wearing a shirt that says “Brock Party,” and then he apparently plays Kofi and Seth’s entrance songs at them from the boombox, and Heyman plays air guitar. Seth leaves. Heyman says it’s just like Rollins to pee on everybody’s parade. Heyman says Lesnar was about to announce who he would challenge, but Rollins ruined it for everyone. Heyman and Brock leave, then Dolph Ziggler attacks Kofi from behind. Ziggler hits the Zig Zag on Kofi on the ramp, then he grabs a steel chair. Xaiver Woods comes out for the save and chases off Ziggler.

    – Back from the break, Woods and Ziggler are still brawling on the stage, as referees help walk Kofi to the back. Kofi and Ziggler brawl into the crowd. They fight back to ringside and Ziggler repeatedly nails Woods with a steel chair. Ziggler continues the assault on Wood until Kofi comes back out for the save. Ziggler runs away, and Kofi helps Woods to his feet in the ring. Ziggler appears on the stage, and tells Kofi he needs to worry about Ziggler and not Lesnar. Ziggler calls Kofi a great champion, but says the opportunity should have gone to Ziggler. Ziggler says at Super Show Down he will take what belongs to him from Kofi, the WWE Title.

    – We see various members of the WWE roster having a Memorial Day party in a big white tent in the parking lot of the Sprint Center. The Usos appear to be the hosts of the party, and they get on the mics and say welcome to the “Uso block party.”

    – Shane McMahon is backstage in his ring gear warming up. He’s joined by Drew McIntyre, and they head out to the ring together. They come out to the stage, but then they turn around and head to the back again.

    – Back from the break, we see a video package looking at the history between Randy Orton and Triple H, leading up to their match at the Super Show Down.

    – Shane and Drew come back out to the ring, and Shane gets on the mic. Shane cuts a promo about his match with Roman Reigns at Super Show Down, and he talks about the Samon wrestling dynasty including The Rock and Yokozuna. He talks about knowing Afa and Sika and growing up around them. Shane says his father Vince was there to clean up Afa and Sika’s mistakes.

    Shane McMahon vs. Lance Anoai: Back from the break, we’re told Lance is a cousin of Roman Reigns. Before the opening bell, Drew beats down Lance. Drew hits a belly to belly overhead suplex on Lance at ringside. Shane tells Drew to relax, but Drew pulls of Lance’s shirt and chops him across the chest. Drew throws Lance in the ring, then Shane orders the ref to ring the opening bell. The bell sounds and Shane starts teeing off on Lance with strikes. Lance comes back with a kick to Shane’s head, and it looked stiff. Shane comes back with a spinning elbow, then he pummels on Lance on the mat. Shane applies a choke, and Lance taps out.

    Winner: Shane McMahon

    – After the match, Shane talks trash to Lance and Drew beats him down. Roman Reigns comes out for the save. Reigns drops Drew, then he chases Shane out to ringside. Reigns hits the Superman punch on Shane at ringside.

    – Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar come back out to the ring. He starts talking about who Lesnar will choose to challenge, but then Seth Rollins comes out to interrupt. Seth challenges Brock right now, and calls Brock a coward hiding behind Heyman. Heyman speaks up and reads from Brock’s Money In The Bank contract. Heyman mentions that Brock has one year to make his challenge, and Brock is not happy. Brock takes the contract and smacks Paul across the face with it, and they argue. Brock takes the mic from Paul and tells Rollins he has a whole year to decide, so “screw you” Seth Rollins. Brock and Heyman leave and head to the back.

    – The camera pans out and we see R-Truth and Carmella running through the crowd, with a line of wrestlers chasing after him. Truth fights them off, and then he and Carmella run to the back.

    – We go to the trainer’s office for an interview with AJ Styles. AJ talks about his injury, and Baron Corbin replacing him tonight. During the interview, Corbin attacks AJ from behind. The trainer breaks it up.

    Becky Lynch & Nikki Cross vs. The Iiconics: This one is a non-Title match. The Iiconics double team Nikki early on, but Nikki fights back and dumps Billie out to ringside. Nikki hits a flying cross body on both Peyton and Billie at ringside. Back in the ring, Becky gets the tag and cleans house. Becky hits a running forearm on Peyton on the corner then stomps on her. Billie tags herself in and they double team Becky. Nikki takes out Billie, and then in the ring Becky puts Peyton in the Disarm Her. Peyton fights out, but Becky comes back with the Rock Bottom for the three count.

    Winners: Becky Lynch & Nikki Cross

    – After the match, Lacey Evans comes out and walks around the ramp, then leaves.

    – We go back to the Memorial Day tent party in the parking lot. Naomi and Tamina hug in front of the Usos. The Revival comes to interrupt and they exchange words with The Usos. Naomi tells them to relax and says everyone is there to party.

    Ricochet vs. Cesaro: Cesaro and Ricochet trade strikes in the opening minute until Ricochet kicks Cesaro out of the ring. Ricochet follows up with a suicide dive. Back in the ring, Cesaro turns things around with a belly to belly overhead suplex. Cesaro continues the offense until Ricochet starts fighting back and then hits a flying forearm to the face. Ricochet follows up with a standing shooting star press for a two count. Cesaro starts to fight back, but Ricochet catches him with a Frankensteiner into a pin for the three count.

    Winner: Ricochet

    – Samoa Joe comes out to the announce table and cuts a brief promo about Rey Mysterio. Joe talks about his plans to take back the U.S. Title.

    – Back at the Memorial Day parking lot party, we see The Usos and The Revival playing cornhole.

    – We see a pre-taped promo where The Miz talks about his intentions to go after the Universal Title. He says Maryse is pregnant with another child.

    – Braun Strowman cuts a promo at the gorilla position. He congratulates Miz on the reveal of his new child.

    The Miz vs. Braun Strowman vs. Baron Corbin vs. Bobby Lashley: The winner of this elimination match gets a Universal Title shot at Super Show Down. The opening bell sounds, and Lashley and Strowman clear the ring early on. Lashley and Strowman go at it now and trade shoulder tackle attempts. The Miz and Corbin come back in, and Corbin suplexes Miz. Corbin works over Miz on the turnbuckle, and Lashley gets the upper hand against Strowman on the ringside floor. Back in the ring, Lashley and Corbin look for a double superplex on Miz in the corner. Strowman runs in the ring and turns it into a powerbomb/superplex pyramid, and everyone crashes down to the mat. Strowman controls the pace now and starts tackling everyone at ringside. Back in the ring, Lashley hits a stalling vertical suplex on Miz. Lashley misses a shot in the corner and Miz fights back with strikes. Miz hits some running kicks and a running clothesline on Lashley in the corner. Corbin comes in and hits the Deep Six on Miz for a two count. Strowman comes in and hits several running splashes on Corbin and Lashley in opposite corners of the ring. Strownan rolls outside and tackles Corbin into the timekeeper’s area. Lashley then goes after Strowman at ringside, but Strowman dodges him and throws Lashley out to the front row. Strowman and Lashley brawl through the crowd now. Meanwhile back in the ring, The Miz hits a series of kicks on Corbin. Miz hits some running knee strikes, but then Corbin blocks one and hits the End of Days on Miz for the three count.

    Winner: Baron Corbin

    – Corbin will now have a shot at the WWE Universal Title at Super Show Down.

    – We see Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman sitting in their dressing room backstage.

    – Back at the Memorial Day parking lot party, R-Truth runs in, and everyone starts trying to pin him for his 24/7 Title. An all-our brawl breaks out, then everyone chases Truth.

    – It’s time for Bray Watt’s newest Firefly Fun House video. We see bray holding a paper mask over his head that looks like The Joker, but then he drops it and we see his normal face. Bray asks if he liked his surprise, and he talks about the mask giving him confidence to be anything. The witch puppet starts calling Bray a sicko, and Bray insists he’s not. Bray dresses up like a doctor and calls her a bully. She tells Bray to let her rest, but Bray says he will never let her rest, and she says she’s tired of being stuck in this limbo. Bray does the limbo under a pole, and tells everyone to let him in.

    – Sami Zayn comes out to the ring for his new segment, “The Electric Chair.” There’s a wooden chair with straps in the ring, and Cole says Sami is going to answer any and all questions. Corey Graves joins Sami in the ring, and apparently he will be hosting the segment, where Sami will take “any and all” questions from the WWE Universe, no matter what it is. Charly Caruso is in the crowd taking questions from fans. The first fan asks when is Sami’s retirement date, and Sami asks the fan if his father and mother are related, since they are in Kansas City. The second question is from a little kid who asks if he misses his team in the Mixed Match Challenge. Sami asks where her parents are, and says their kid has no manners and her parents should be ashamed. Sami asks if she’s asking about Becky, or if she’s really asking about Seth Rollins. The next fan asks what it’s like when Braun Strowman destroys him, and Sami says he wants to jump over the barricade and beat up the fan, but he won’t because they’re in America and he would get sued. Sami says since the fan his American his healthcare probably sucks. Sami complains about the quality of the questions. The next fan asks why Sami hasn’t won the Universal Championship yet. Sami says that’s a dumb question, and he could win the Universal Title any time he wants, but he’s more interested in calling out the fans. Sami says the fans can ask about anything, even AEW. Seth Rollins comes out to interrupt. Sami and Graves leave the ring, and Rollins throws the chair out to ringside and it breaks.

    Sami Zayn vs. Seth Rollins: Zayn avoids engaging Rollins in the opening moments, until Rollins drops him with an elbow to the face. Rollins continues the offense with chops to the chest, then he takes Sami out to ringside and slams him against the barricade. Back in the ring, Sami turns it around and tries to keep Rollins grounded. Rollins fights up and knocks Sami outside with a running knee to the face. Back in the ring, they trade blows until Rollins drops Zayn with a superkick. Rollins follows up with the Sling Blade, and then a boot to the face. Rollins then hits a Blockbuster off the turnbuckle, but Sami rolls outside so he can’t be pinned. Rollins hits two suicide dives on Sami at ringside. Rollins is selling a knee injury now. Back in the ring, Rollins looks for a powerbomb, but Sami escapes and hits a DDT. Rollins comes back with a superkick on Zayn. Rollins misses a curb stomp attempt, and Zayn applies a Figure Four leg lock on Rollins. Rollins escapes, but he misses a running knee strike attempt, and Zayn counters with the Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Sami brings Rollins up top, but Rollins knocks Sami down. Rollins goes for a frogsplash, but Sami gets his knees up to block it. Rollins fights back and hits the Curb Stomp. Rollins covers for the three count.

    Winner: Seth Rollins

    – Rollins celebrates after the match and raises his Universal Title belt as RAW goes off the air.

  • WWE SmackDown Live Results (5/21)

    WWE SmackDown Live Results (5/21)

    The May 21, 2019 edition of WWE SmackDown Live took place at the Dunkin’ Donuts Center in Providence, RI.

    – Shane McMahon and Elias are backstage, and Elias is apologizing to Shane for letting him down against Roman Reigns. Elias says he will be in Shane’s corner against Reigns at Super Show Down, but Shane declines. Shane says he will be at ringside tonight, because Elias is facing Reigns again tonight.

    – Still to come: Kofi Kingston vs. Sami Zayn

    – Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods come out to the stage, and they announce that Big E will return tonight. They bring someone out on the stage with a black curtain over them. They take the curtain off him, and it’s not Big E. It’s some other guy in a New Day costume, and Kofi and Woods tell him to get lost. The Real Big E comes out now, and all three New Day members head down to the ring. Big E gets on the mic and talks about how much he missed the fans, and The New Day cracks some jokes. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn come out to interrupt. Sami complains that he didn’t get anything for his return after 9 months, and Big E is getting a celebration after 9 weeks. The New Day taunts Kevin Owens about losing on Sunday. Owens gets upset and leaves. Sami continues exchanging words with them until Woods keeps interrupting him with the trombone. Sami threatens that they won’t be laughing at the end of the night when Sami is done with them. Woods says he’ll walk through Sami like he walked through Owens.

    – Carmella is backstage looking for R-Truth, who is hiding because he holds the new 24/7 Championship. Carmella finds Truth wearing a wig, and she pulls him aside. Truth seems to misunderstand the rules of the 24/7 Title. Carmella says she’ll help truth because everyone is looking for him, and they run off.

    Andrade vs. Ali: Zelina Vega is at ringside. Andrade and Ali lock up off on the opening bell. Andrade looks for a back suplex, but Ali escapes and hits an inverted Frankensteiner on Andrade for a two count. Ali goes up top, but momentarily gets distracted by Zelina on the apron. Ali goes flying towards Andrade, but Andrade dropkicks him out of mid-air. Andrade works over Ali now, until Ali fires up and dumps Andrade outside. Ali follows up with two suicide dives on Andrade. Ali appears to be selling a lower back injury. Back in the ring, Andrade gets the upper hand and starts focusing his offense on Ali’s lower back. Andrade takes Ali out to ringside and slams him into the ring post, and then tosses him into the timekeeper’s area. Ali climbs back in the ring at the referee’s count, and Andrade pummels on him in the corner. Andrade wastes some time and Ali rolls him up in a small package for the three count.

    Winner: Ali

    – Andrade and Zelina look shocked and are not happy after the match.

    – We see Carmella giving R-Truth a makeover backstage in an attempt to conceal his identity. Truth has a blonde women’s wig and a bra.

    – They air a video package looking at Lars Sullivan’s reign of terror in WWE.

    Carmella vs. Mandy Rose: R-Truth (in disguise as a woman) and Sonya Deville are at ringside. Sonya gets on the apron at one point early on and Carmella pummels on her. Mandy rolls up Carmella off the distraction, but Carmella kicks out at two. A mob of wrestlers run down the ramp now and chase R-Truth through the ring and out of the arena through the crowd. The ref calls for the bell.

    Winner: No contest

    – SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley is backstage for an interview. Bayley says she’s moved past the hugs, and she wants everyone on the roster to bring their best.

    – We see Carmella and R-Truth running around backstage trying to flee the mob of wrestlers seeking the 24/7 Title.

    – Elias is shown in the parking lot with his guitar, waiting for Roman Reigns to arrive.

    – Big E is laying on the floor selling a knee injury. Kofi, Woods and referees check on Big E, and Big E seems to be saying that Kevin Owens attacked him. Woods says he’ll stay with Big E, and tells Kofi to go handle Sami.

    Kofi Kingston vs. Sami Zayn: Kofi starts off fired up and pummels on Sami in the corner. They brawl out to ringside and Kofi clotheslines Sami down on the floor. Kofi continues the offense back in the ring, until Sami ducks a shot and dumps Kofi out to ringside. At ringside, Sami slams Kofi into the ring steps, then throws him back in the ring. Kofi comes back with a dropkick and both men are down. Sami mounts some offense again, but Kofi shuts him down with the Trouble In Paradise for the three count.

    Winner: Kofi Kingston

    – After the match, Paul Heyman comes out to the stage and distracts Kofi. Dolph Ziggler then runs in the ring from behind and ambushes Kofi. Dolph beats Kofi down all over the ring and ringside. Ziggler uses a steel chair on Kofi, and then trainers and referees come out and check on Kofi. They end up putting Kofi on a stretcher and taking him to he back. At the top of the stage, Kofi gets off the stretcher and slowly walks backstage on his own.

    – We see Roman Reigns arriving in the parking lot of the arena. He hears a guitar playing, and looks up to see Elias standing on top of one of the 18-wheelers in the parking lot and singing a song.

    – RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch does an interview at the gorilla position where she says she doesn’t feel right without her two belts. Bayley joins her and briefly exchanges words with Becky.

    Charlotte & Lacey Evans vs. Becky Lynch & Bayley: Bayley and Charlotte trade blows in the opening moments, then Charlotte gets the upper hand and repeatedly stomps on Bayley’s head. Lacey tags in and continues the offense on Bayley. Charlotte tags back in, and Bayley stuns her with a knee to the face. Charlotte fires back with a spear in the corner, then Lacey and Charlotte start trading frequent tags to double team Bayley. Bayley finally gets the hot tag to Becky, and Becky cleans house. Bayley hits a flying elbow on Charlotte, and then the t-bone suplex. Charlotte fights back with an elbow to the face, then she slams Becky in the corner. Becky dodges a shot and knocks Lacey off the apron, but then Charlotte boots Becky in the face. Charlotte looks for the Figure Four, but Becky escapes and they trade roll-up attempts. Becky goes for the Disarm Her on Charlotte, but Lacey breaks it up. Bayley tags in and dumps Lacey outside, then she goes at it with Charlotte. Charlotte looks for the Figure Four, but Bayley reverses into a rollup for the three count on Charlotte.

    Winners: Bayley & Becky Lynch

    – Backstage, Jinder Mahal assaults R-Truth and tries to pin him, but Truth fights him off. Carmella tries to help Truth hide, but The B Team grabs him next. The B Team fights about which member should in him, and Truth ends up dropping them both and then running off.

    – Dolph Ziggler is backstage for an interview, but he ends up taking the interviewer’s mic and says he’s going to go address the fans. Dolph walks through the gorilla position and out to the top of the stage. Dolph says if he was in the crowd he would boo him too. Ziggler is upset that Kofi got the opportunity and knocked it out of the park, and Ziggler thinks it should have been him instead. Ziggler says Kofi’s success should be his, and at Super Show Down he’s going to take Kofi’s WWE Title.

    – We see a video package looking at the history between Triple H and Randy Orton, and their match at Super Show Down.

    – Shane McMahon comes out to the stage with a microphone, and he introduces “SmackDown Live’s greatest acquisition,” Elias.

    Roman Reigns vs. Elias: Shane is at ringside for this one. Reigns starts off strong, but Elias fights back after a low blow that the ref didn’t call. Reigns fights back with a series of clotheslines in the corner, and then a big boot. Reigns looks for a Superman Punch, but Shane causes a distraction from ringside and Elias strikes. Reigns fights back and punches Elias in the corner. Reigns goes for a Samoan Drop off the turnbuckle, but Elias escapes and powerbombs Reigns off the corner for a two count. Elias looks for a suplex, but Reigns fights out and hits some headbutts and punches. Elias comes back with a knee to the face. Reigns comes back with the Superman Punch. Reigns covers, but Shane puts Elias’ foot on the rope. Reigns runs around the ring now and hits the Drive By kick on Shane on the floor. Elias rolls outside and beats down Reigns at ringside now. Elias throws Reigns back in the ring and then he goes up top. Elias hits a flying elbow drop for a two count. Elias rips the cover off one of the turnbuckles. The ref goes to fix the turnbuckle, and Shane slides the guitar in the other side of the ring for Elias to use. Elias picks it up, but before he can use it, Reigns hits the Superman Punch for the three count.

    Winner: Roman Reigns

    – After the match, Shane attacks Roman and picks up the guitar. Before Shane can use the guitar, Reigns hits a Superman Punch on Shane. Reigns picks up the guitar and walks towards Shane, but then Drew McIntyre hits the ring and attacks Reigns. Shane raises Drew’s arm in the air as SmackDown goes off the air.

  • WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (5/20)

    WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (5/20)

    The May 20th, 2019 edition of WWE RAW took place at the Times Union Center in Albany, NY.

    – Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar come out to the ring with Lesnar’s Money In The Bank briefcase to kick off tonight’s show. Heyman gets on the mic and talks about Lesnar’s big win in the men’s ladder match at Money In The Bank. Heyman talks about Sami Zayn getting taken out of the match last night, and Heyman quickly negotiated for Lesnar to take his place. Heyman says Universal Champion Seth Rollins should be paranoid right now. Heyman says the whole world isn’t out to get Rollins, but Brock Lesnar is, and Lesnar has a shot at his Universal Title any time he wants. Rollins comes out to interrupt and gets in the ring with a mic. Rollins says he should be in a good mood for beating the Phenomenal One AJ Styles last night, but instead he’s out here looking at Brock and his briefcase. Rollins says he wants to be the champion that Brock never had the guts to be. Rollins tells Brock to be a man right now and cash the contract in tonight, and lets get it on for the Universal Title right now. Heyman says no, and Rollins has to wait until Brock feels like cashing it in. Heyman says Rollins will have to wait like he did for 7 hours at WrestleMania because his girlfriend was the main event. Rollins and Lesnar come nose to nose. Heyman says Rollins might not even be worthy of facing Lesnar, and maybe Lesnar will cash in his contract against Kofi Kingston over on SmackDown. Kofi’s music hits, and the WWE Champion comes out to the ring to interrupt. Kofi says he’s not trying to steal Rollins’ thunder, but Kofi wants to establish his own legacy and beat the best. Kofi congratulates Brock on becoming Mr. Money In The Bank, and tells Brock to cash the contract in on him. Heyman says it looks like Brock has his pick of the two Champions. Heyman says Brock and his contract aren’t going anywhere, and that he heard Seth and Kofi are scheduled to compete later, so stay tuned. Heyman drops the mic and heads to the back with Lesnar.

    – Mick Foley is shown arriving outside the arena and walking in the building. He has what looks like the new WWE Title belt over his shoulder in a black bag covering the whole thing.

    – Sami Zayn is backstage complaining to Bobby Lashley about Braun Strowman. Sami says he has an opportunity for Bobby tonight to team up to help him soften up Braun tonight. Bobby declines and wishes Sami good luck.

    – Kofi Kingston and Seth Rollins are backstage, and they run into Triple H. Triple H informs them that they’ll be in a tag match tonight against Baron Corbin and Bobby Lashley.

    Braun Strowman vs. Sami Zayn: As soon as Braun steps in the ring, Sami runs out of the ring and into the crowd. Braun chases Sami all the way to the backstage area. Braun runs into Bobby Lashley and they have a stare down. Sami takes advantage of the distraction and blindsides Braun with a sucker punch. Braun fights back and drops Sami. Sami begs Bobby to help him, but Bobby declines. Braun says he’ll deal with Bobby later, and then Braun drags Sami all the way back down the ramp towards the ring. Back in the ring, Sami starts to mount a comeback, but Braun shuts him down with a clothesline. Sami rolls out to ringside, and then Braun runs around the ring and tackles him. Back in the ring, Braun hits the running powerslam for the three count.

    Winner: Braun Strowman

    – We see Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross chatting backstage.

    – Lars Sullivan is shown walking through the hallways. He’s heading to the ring for an in-ring interview.

    – Lars Sullivan comes out to the ring and we see a video package looking at all of the people he’s attacked so far. Charly Caruso is in the ring to interview Lars, but before Lars can answer the first question, The Lucha House Party comes out to interrupt. They want revenge for last night, and they surround the ring and hit missile dropkicks on Lars. They knock Lars out to ringside and he lands on his feet. The Lucha House Party tries to brawl with Lars at ringside, but Lars turns it around and starts beating down the Lucha House Party members at ringside. Lars takes Linda Dorado in the ring for a powerbomb, but Metalik and Calisto pull Dorado out to safety at ringside. The Lucha House Party retreats and heads up the ramp.

    – Cesaro approaches Ricochet in the trainer’s office backstage and talks trash to him about being sore after his match last night. Ricochet says he’s not too banged up to compete tonight, and they come nose to nose before Cesaro leaves.

    Ricochet vs. Cesaro: The opening bell sounds and Cesaro starts off by throttling Ricochet into the corner. Ricochet tries to fight back, but Cesaro hits a back body drop and Ricochet falls out to ringside. Ricochet is selling a back injury from last night. They brawl at ringside and Cesaro continues to target the back of Ricochet. Back in the ring, Ricochet fights back and hits a spinning headscissors on Cesaro. Ricochet looks for a shot off the top rope, but Cesaro knocks him out of mid-air with a European uppercut. Cesaro follows up with a backbreaker and then the Neutralizer for the three count.

    Winner: Cesaro

    – Referees check on Ricochet’s back after the match.

    – AJ Styles is backstage for an interview, but Baron Corbin interrupts and they briefly exchange words.

    – We see Kofi Kingston and Mick Foley backstage talking. Foley is still holding the Title belt covered in a black bag.

    – Roman Reigns comes out to the ring with a mic, but before he can talk, Shane McMahon comes out to the stage. Shane talks about beating The Miz last night, and says he’s done with The Miz, so now he wants to deal with Reigns. Shane talks about Reigns hitting his dad Vince McMahon with the Superman punch. Reigns says it’s good Shane is done with Miz, because Reigns is done with Elias, and now they can get it on. Shane says they won’t face off tonight, because like all spoiled rich kids Shane does what he wants when he wants. Shane says he has a better idea, and he brings out Drew McIntyre. Reigns says no matter who he faces, they’ll all be saying the same thing as everyone else, that Reigns just beat them. Shane says he’ll face Reigns, but not tonight, they’ll face off at the Super Show Down.

    – Becky Lynch is shown backstage getting ready for an interview with Alexa Bliss later.

    – Lesnar and Heyman are backstage polishing the Money In The Bank Briefcase.

    – Shane and Drew are shown walking backstage. They stop for an interview, but they’re interrupted by The Miz. Miz says he’s done done with Shane. Shane hides behind Drew. Drew tells Miz that if Shane has a problem, he has to take it up with Drew. Miz says it looks like Shane has other people fighting his battles for him now, but that’s fine because he’ll take out Drew and then Shane. Miz walks off.

    The Usos vs. The Revival: The Revival attacks off the opening bell and gets the upper hand early on. Jimmy finally fires back with a kick on Dawson, then Jey gets the hot tag and cleans house. Jey hits Samoan Drops on both Dawson and Wilder. Dawson tags himself in for a double team powerbomb/elbow drop on Jey for a two count. Dawson and Jey trade right hands in the middle of the ring now until Jimmy tags himself in and they hit the double superkick on Dawson. Wilder breaks up the pin. Wilder hits a tornado DDT on Jimmy at ringside, then Jey hits a suicide dive on Wilder at ringside. Back in the ring, Dawson and Jey trade strikes. A distraction from Wilder leads to Dawson rolling up Jey for the three count with a handful of tights.

    Winners: The Revival

    – We see Alexa Bliss having her makeup done backstage. Nikki Cross walks over. Alexa says Nikki did a great job filling in for Alexa at Money In The Bank, except for one problem, Nikki didn’t win. The Revival interrupts with their victory celebration. The Revival says they should be the next guests on A Moment of Bliss.

    – We see a new Bray Wyatt “Firefly Fun House” video, with Bray Wyatt wearing the freaky mask again. There’s lots of footage edited in of kids with “let him in” written on their foreheads or shirts.

    – Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross come out to the stage for A Moment Of Bliss. Alexa has someone bring coffee out to her, and then she introduces her guest Becky Lynch. Becky comes out and sits down. Alexa asks about Becky losing one of her belts last night, but before Becky can answer, The Iiconics come out to interrupt. Becky says The Iiconics haven’t defended their Titles since they won them, and she would beat them and take both their belts. Lacey Evans comes out to interrupt. This leads to Becky challenging Lacey and The Iiconics. Nikki Cross says she’ll team up with Becky. Becky tells Alexa she has to team with them too, but she can just stand on the apron and let Becky do all the work. It looks like we have a six-woman tag match.

    The Iiconics & Lacey Evans vs. Nikki Cross, Becky Lynch & Alexa Bliss: Alexa is standing at ringside instead of on the apron, and she’s holding a cup of coffee. Becky and Nikki take turns beating on The Iiconics in the opening moments. Becky wants Lacey to tag in, but she won’t yet. The Iiconics get the upper hand on Nikki and they try to keep her grounded. Lacey tags in and beats on Nikki some more, then Peyton tags back in. Peyton misses a spear in the corner and Becky tags in. Becky cleans house, and it looks like Lacey Evans is going to walk up the ramp and leave the ringside area. Becky lays out both Iiconics members, then Becky goes to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick on Billie. Becky follows up with flying leg drop for the three count.

    Winners: Becky Lynch, Nikki Cross and Alexa Bliss

    – Mick Foley is backstage walking through the hall with the black bag over his shoulder containing the new WWE championship belt he’s unveiling tonight. Foley is scheduled to come out to the ring next.

    – Mick Foley walks out on the stage and down to the ring. Mick has the bag over his shoulder, and says it’s time to get down to business. Mick says he has an announcement to make, and there’s been something missing on RAW. Mick says he wants to focus on the name of he show, and he wants to make Monday Nights “raw” again. Mick says a Championship Title isn’t just something you defend, it’s something you live and breathe, and will sacrifice teeth or an ear for. He says it’s something you bring with you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He says with that spirit in mind, he is presenting to us, the new 24/7 Title. He explains that as the name may imply, the Title may be defended any time, any place, any where. This seems to get a mixed reaction from the crowd. Mick says you don’t have days off when you own that Championship. Mick says he’s laying the new Title on the line tonight, and starting tonight, the third hour of RAW is going to get mean and dirty. Mick says tonight the first 24/7 Champion will be crowned in a scramble open to everyone on the WWE and NXT rosters. Mick says when the bell rings, the first person to retrieve the belt from the ring takes it. Mick exits the ring and calls for the bell. Several wrestlers now run down the ramp and start fighting at ringside, trying to get into the ring to grab the belt. Eric Young and Ricochet get in the ring, but Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows drop them both. Gallows and Anderson fight over the belt now. EC3 knocks them both out, then he brawls with No Way Jose. They both spill out to ringside. Drake Maverick gets in the ring, but Titus comes in and throws him out. Titus picks up the belt and celebrates at ringside, then he runs up the ramp. Bobby Roode attacks Titus on the stage and rolls him up for the three count, and no Roode is the 24/7 Champion. Roode runs backstage as all the other wrestlers chase him through the curtain.

    – WWE airs an ad for Super Show Down promoting the Goldberg vs. Undertaker match.

    – Bobby Roode runs and hides backstage, and the mob of wrestlers chasing the 24/7 Belt run past him.

    The Miz vs. Drew McIntyre: Shane McMahon is at ringside in Drew’s corner. The opening bell sounds and Miz starts off strong with some kicks and punches. Drew stops Miz’s momentum with a headbutt. Drew looks for a slam, but Miz escapes and fights back. Miz takes Drew out to ringside and drops him. Back in the ring, Miz looks for a roll-up, but Drew stops it and throws Miz into the corner. Drew and Miz trade blows in the corner until Drew sends Miz flying with a belly-to-belly overhead suplex. Drew follows up with a vertical suplex for a two count. They fight up the turnbuckle and Miz throws Drew down to the mat. Miz hits a series of kicks on Drew, and then some running knee strikes. Drew misses a spear in the corner and hits the ring post. Miz hits a running clothesline in the corner, and then an axe handle off the top for a two count. The Miz hits another series of kicks on Drew, until Drew ducks one and attempts a powerbomb. Miz reverses the powerbomb attempt into a hurricanrana. Drew connects with an elbow in the corner, then he gives Miz a reverse Alabama Slam for a two count. Drew misses a shot, and Miz starts working over Drew’s knee now. Shane hits a cheap shot on Miz behind the ref’s back. Drew follows up with a spinebuster on Miz for a two count. Drew misses a big boot, and Miz locks Drew in the Figure Four. Drew breaks out and Miz gets distracted by Shane. Miz chases Shane at ringside, then Shane hits a cheap shot on Miz behind the ref’s back again. Shane rolls Miz in the ring, then Drew hits the Claymore Kick for the three count.

    Winner: Drew McIntyre

    – After the match, Drew holds Miz down in the corner. Shane gets on the opposite corner and it looks like he’s going for the coast to coast dropkick. Before Shane can leap, Roman Reigns comes out for the save. Shane exits the ring, and Reigns hits a Superman punch on Drew. Shane tries to sneak in the ring to ambush Reigns, but Reigns sees him and Shane retreats. Shane and Drew retreat up the ramp while Reigns helps Miz to his feet in the ring.

    – Bobby Lashley and Baron Corbin are backstage going over strategy for their tag match tonight. Bobby Roode runs past with his 24/7 Title, with a mob of wrestlers chasing him.

    – Seth Rollins and Kofi Kingston are backstage for an interview with Charly Caruso. They discuss having to focus on their match tonight, without forgetting that Brock Lesnar could cash in at any moment. Kofi says Champions need to multi-task. Rollins says not a single human in the world has ever liked Baron Corbin.

    – We see a pre-taped promo from Samoa Joe in the locker room, talking about Rey Mysterio. He wants Rey to give back his United States Championship.

    – Robert Roode is running through the arena and ends up at the loading bay at the back of the arena. R-Truth is loading up his car, and Roode asks him for help. Truth hides Roode in the trunk of his car. After the mob of wrestlers leaves, Truth lets Roode out of the trunk. Roode opens the passenger door to Truth’s car, and there’s a referee in there. Truth drops Roode and pins him, and the ref counts the three count. Truth takes the 24/7 Title belt and drives away from the arena.

    Kofi Kingston & Seth Rollins vs. Bobby Lashley & Baron Corbin: This one is a No DQ match. Corbin and Lashley attack Rollins from behind on the ramp as Rollins is making his entrance. Kofi runs up to help, but Lashley drops him. They take Rollins down to the ring, and the ref calls for the opening bell. Rollins starts firing up and fighting back, but Corbin shuts him down with the Deep Six. Kofi breaks up the pin. Corbin dumps Kofi outside, then Lashley slams Kofi into the barricade on the floor. Corbin continues the offense on Rollins in the ring and tries to keep him grounded. Kofi finally gets the tag and he stuns Lashley with a dropkick and a flying clothesline. Kofi follows up with the Boom Drop, then he knocks Corbin off the apron. Lashley fights back against Kofi and dumps him outside. Lashley and Corbin double team Kofi at ringside, and then they double team Rollins on the floor too. Back in the ring, Rollins and Corbin go at it now. Corbin misses a shot and Rollins capitalizes with the Sling Blade on Corbin. Corbin rolls outside. Rollins looks for a suicide dive on Corbin, but Corbin catches him and slams Rollins into the ring apron. Corbin buries Rollins in chairs and garbage in the timekeeper’s area. Lashley and Corbin double team Kofi in the ring now. Corbin hits a chokeslam backbreaker on Kofi for a two count. Lashley and Corbin take Kofi to the top turnbuckle. They look for a double superplex, but Rollins runs in and nails both Corbin and Lashley with a steel chair. Rollins lays out Corbin and Lashley with kicks. Rollins looks for a curb stomp on Corbin, but Lashley pulls Rollins outside and stomps on him on the floor. Lashley gets back in the ring but Kofi dumps him back outside. Kofi dumps Corbin outside next. Rollins gets back in the ring and hits suicide dive on Corbin and Lashley, then Kofi does the same. Kofi throws Corbin in the ring and hits the Trouble In Paradise for the three count.

    Winners: Kofi Kingston & Seth Rollins

    – Immediately after the bell, Lashley hits a spear on Kofi. Lashley then hits a spear on Rollins. Lashley picks up the steel chair and misses a shot on Kofi, then Rollins kicks the chair into Lashley’s face. Brock Lesnar’s music hits, and Lesnar and Heyman walk down the ramp. Brock and Heyman circle the ring, and Lesnar steps on the apron. Lesnar then backs off and retreats with Heyman up the ramp. Heyman says next week they’ll tell the whole world which champion they’re going to cash in on.

  • WWE Money In The Bank 2019 Results & Live Coverage

    WWE Money In The Bank 2019 Results & Live Coverage

    WWE’s annual Money In The Bank pay-per-view took place on May 19th at the XL Center in Hartford, CT.

    Kickoff Show results:

    – The Kickoff Show panel tonight is hosted by Jonathan Coachman, Sam Roberts, Dave Otunga, and Charlie Caruso. They welcome us to the show and start off by running down the card for tonight’s show.

    – Becky Lynch is backstage for an interview where she talks about the mountain she’s facing tonight, having to compete in two separate singles matches.

    – We see Kevin Owens backstage where he does an interview about his WWE Title match tonight. Owens says he doesn’t have any issue with Kofi personally and thinks Kofi is a good role model, but Kofi’s got something he wants, the WWE Title, and he’ll do anything to get it.

    – They show a pre-taped promo from Nikki Cross. Nikki is speaking calmly and normally, and says he’s going to give Alexa Bliss a chance because she’s been nice to her.

    – Beth Phoenix and Sonya Deville join the Kickoff Show panel now. Beth and Sonya exchange words about Sonya giving the MITB Ladder Match spot to Mandy Rose, and Beth thinks Mandy is inexperienced. Zelina Vega interrupts and says Sonya is irrelevant, and they start arguing.

    Daniel Bryan & Rowan vs. The Usos: This one is a non-title match. The opening bell sounds, and Bryan and Jimmy start this one off. Jimmy hits several chops to the chest of Bryan, then Jey tags in and continues the offense on Bryan. Bryan mounts a comeback and connects with several chops and kicks on Jey. Jey tries to fight back, but Bryan tackles Jey into the corner and then tags in Rowan. Rowan drops an elbow on Jey, then continues the offense and tries to keep Uso grounded. Rowan knocks Jimmy off the apron, then he tags in Bryan. Bryan works over Jey on the mat and fishhooks Uso a couple of times until the ref calls for the break. Bryan hits a loud chop to the chest, then some running kicks in the corner. Jey ducks a kick and hits the Samoan Drop on Bryan. Rowan tags in and goes for a spear, but Jey dodges and Rowan crashes into the ring post by himself. Jimmy gets the hot tag and pummels on Rowan in the corner. Uso hits some kicks on Rowan an then looks for the Samoan Drop but he can’t get Rowan up. Jimmy goes up top and hits a corkscrew moonsault on Rowan for a two count. Jimmy goes up top and looks for a cross body on Rowan, but Rowan catches him and reverses it into a vertical suplex for a two count. Jey tags in. Rowan then fights with both Uso brothers in the corner, and Rowan hits a double superplex on both Uso brothers off the top turnbuckle. Bryan tags in now and tees off on Jey with a series of kicks. Jey fights back and they trade kicks now. Jey hits a superkick, then he goes to the top turnbuckle. Jey goes for the big splash, but Bryan dodges it and puts Jey in the Yes Lock. Jimmy runs in and breaks up the hold. Jimmy dumps Rowan outside, and he looks for a suicide dive, but Rowan catches him. Jey comes over for the save, and they hit a double superkick on Rowan at ringside. Jimmy and Jey then hit a double suicide dive on Rowan at ringside. Bryan goes for a suicide dive on the Usos at ringside, but they superkick Bryan before he exits the ropes. Jimmy and Jey both go to the top rope and they hit the double splash on Bryan for the three count.

    Winners: The Usos

    – Back at the Kickoff Show panel table, Coachman is joined by Beth Phoenix, Sam Roberts, and Dave Otunga. They introduce a video package looking at the feud between AJ Styles and Seth Rollins. Coachman tells us it’s time for Money In The Bank to start, and up first will be the women’s MITB Ladder Match.

    WWE Money In The Bank 2019 results:

    – The broadcast opens up with an image memorializing the late Ashley Massaro.

    Carmella vs. Naomi vs. Nikki Cross vs. Mandy Rose vs. Ember Moon vs. Bayley vs. Dana Brooke vs. Natalya: This women’s Money In The Bank ladder match is to determine who will get the Money In The Bank contract, which they can cash in on either the RAW or SmackDown Women’s Champion. Sonya Deville is at ringside. All the women got at it in the opening moments of this one, and the ladders get brought into the match early on. Mandy starts working over Carmella’s knee and Carmella sells a knee injury now. Ember knocks down Mandy, then it looks like everyone is ganging up on Naomi. She dodges all their attacks until Natalya suplexes Naomi on to a ladder. We see Carmella at ringside, and it looks like trainers and a referee are escorting her to the back. Dana throws Ember into a ladder in the corner, then Bayley sunset flips Dana into the ladder. Natalya and Mandy come in and work over Bayley with a ladder now. Noami fights back and clears the ring, then starts climbing the ladder. Ember Moon runs in and throws Naomi off the ladder and starts climbing. Dana Brooke knocks her down, then Mandy runs up the ladder and fights with Dana. Dana hangs from the chain the briefcase is on, and he knocks Mandy off the ladder. Mandy, Naomi, Nikki and Natalya all run in now and fight with Dana on the ladder. Natalya pushes the ladder over and knocks them all down to ringside. Ember Moon comes in and takes out Natalya. Mandy then takes out Ember, and it looks like Mandy is the only woman standing. She sets up a ladder, and Carmella limps back down to the ring from the back. Mandy runs out to meet Carmella on the ramp, and Carmella brawls with Mandy at ringside. Sonya gets involved, and Sonya helps a near-lifeless Mandy climb the ladder for the briefcase. Bayley runs up the ladder and pushes off both Mandy and Sonya. Bayley grabs the briefcase for the win.

    Winner & new Money In The Bank contract holder: Bayley

    – Bayley does an in-ring interview after the match, where she says she reminded everyone what she’s capable of.

    – Sami Zayn walks in to Triple H’s office and bothers Triple H while he’s on the phone. HHH hangs up, and Zayn talks about how they both have a Braun Strowman problem tonight. Sami asks Triple H for protection tonight, but Triple H doesn’t seem interested. Triple H says Braun is banned from the building tonight.

    – We see Rey Mysterio backstage in his locker room with his son Dominic, who will be watching Rey’s match backstage on a monitor.

    Rey Mysterio vs. Samoa Joe (c): Joe’s U.S. Title is on the line in this one. Joe starts off strong and tees off on Rey with heavy kicks. Rey fights back and hits a flying seated senton on Joe, and it looks like Joe has begun bleeding. Joe drops Rey and takes control of the match again. Joe goes for a powerbomb on Rey, but Rey reverses into a hurricanrana. Rey turns the hurricanrana into a pin and steals the three count out of nowhere. Joe can’t believe it, and it looks like he may have a broken nose.

    Winner & new United States Champion: Rey Mysterio

    – Dominic comes out to celebrate with Rey. On their way up the ramp, Joe runs down and blindsides Rey. Joe takes Rey into the ring and beats down Rey as Dominic looks on from ringside. Joe finally leaves and Dominic goes in the ring to check on Rey.

    – We go backstage, and Braun Strowman is throwing stuff around in the loading bay of the arena. He says he’s looking for Sami Zayn.

    Cage Match: Shane McMahon & The Miz:We see a video package before the match looking at the history between The Miz and Shane. The opening bell sounds and Shane immediately tries to run up the cage, but Miz pulls him down to the mat and pummels on him. Shane tries to run up the cage again, but Miz pulls him back down and connects with a series of kicks. Miz misses a shot, and Shane throws Miz against the cage and pummels on him. Shane continues the offense until Miz pulls him down and applies the Figure Four. Shane breaks free and tries to climb out the cage door, but Miz grabs him by the foot and drags him back in. Shane brings a chair in the ring, but Miz takes it from him. The Miz unloads on Shane with a series of chair shots. The Miz hits about 20 chair shots, and then he hits the Skull Crushing Finale on the chair. Miz goes for the pin, but Shane puts his foot on the rope and the ref breaks the count. Michael Cole complains on commentary that the ref is wrong, because this is a No DQ match. The Miz takes Shane to the top rope, but Shane pushes Miz down, and they both fall down to the mat. Miz and Shane both climb to the top of the cage and they fight seated on top of the cage. The Miz gets the upper hand and he throws Miz down to the mat. Miz then hits a splash off the top rope on to Shane for a two count. Miz goes to pick up Shane, but Shane turns it into a version of a triangle choke. The Miz reverses it into a pin, but Shane kicks out. Shane tries to climb out the ring, but Miz grabs him again and pulls him in the ring. Miz goes to throw Shane into the cage, but Shane latches on to the cage and crawls up. Miz follows him up and stops Shane at the top. Shane slips out of his shirt and falls down to the floor for the win.

    Winner: Shane McMahon

    – Michael Cole reveals that Mick Foley will be on RAW tomorrow to announce “WWE’s newest Title,” and we see a Championship belt graphic with a question mark over it.

    – We see a camera man and referees running backstage. They run to a section of the backstage where where Sami Zayn is shown hanging upside down from a structure. Triple H runs over and tells the camera man to get lost.

    Tony Nese (c) vs. Ariya Daivari: Nese starts off strong with kicks, and he covers Daivri early on for a two count. Nese misses a moonsault and Daivari fights back. It looks like Daivari hit a cheap shot to Nese’s eyes. Daivari controls the next several moments of the match until Nese fights back with a kick and a moonsault for a two count. Daivari comes back with an inverted DDT for a two count. Nese misses a shot at Daivari fires back with a kick to the face of the Champion. Daivari hits a series of kicks and chops in the corner, and he sends Nese out to ringside. They fight up the turnbuckle and Daivari slams Nese down to the mat for a two count. Nese sends Daivari out to ringside and hits a corkscrew suicide dive on him at ringside. Back in the ring, Nese goes up top and hits a 450 splash for a two count. Nese misses a shot and Daivari hits a superkick. Daivari hits a frogsplash, and then he hits a hammerlock lariat for a two count. Daivari goes up top, but Nese sends him down with a Frankensteiner. Nese hits the running knee on Daivari in the corner for the three count.

    Winner & still Cruiserweight Champion: Tony Nese

    – Triple H approaches Braun Strowman backstage and tells him that he’s telling him as his boss right now to leave the arena. Braun says “whatever man,” and walks off.

    Becky Lynch (c) vs. Lacey Evans: Becky’s RAW Women’s Champion is on the line in this one. Becky starts off strong with some dropkicks and a suplex. Lacey rolls outside for a breather. Back in the ring, Lacey comes back with a slam, and then she targets Becky’s left arm and beats her down. Lacey hits a slingshot elbow drop over the top rope onto Becky for a two count. Lacey continues the offense, then she takes out a tissue. Lacey wipes the tissue on her face, her armpit, and then her own face again. She then shoves it in Becky’s face. Becky fights back and hits a flying forearm. Becky hits some clotheslines and kicks, then a t-bone suplex. Becky hits a missile dropkick off the top and Lacey falls out to ringside. Becky takes Lacey back in the ring for a two count. Becky misses a shot and Lacey hits a neckbreaker and then a knee to the face for a two count. Becky fights back, but she gets distracted arguing with the ref. Lacey rolls up Becky from behind, but the referee doesn’t count for some reason. Becky reverses into the Disarm Her for the win via submission.

    Winner & still RAW Women’s Champion: Becky Lynch

    – Immediately after the Becky vs. Lacey match, Charlotte comes out and gets in the ring. It looks like Charlotte wants to have their SmackDown Women’s Title match right now.

    Becky Lynch (c) vs. Charlotte Flair: The opening bell sounds and Charlotte immediately spears Becky into the corner, then starts pummeling on her. It’s all Charlotte in the opening moments, until she goes up to the top rope and Becky throws her down to the mat. Charlotte and Becky trade chops to the chest now, and Charlotte gets the upper hand. Becky comes back with a kick, but when she goes for another kick, Charlotte reverses it into a Boston Crab. Becky fights out and trades punches with Charlotte now. Charlotte misses a Natural Selection attempt and she falls to ringside. Lacey Evans runs down and hits a cheap shot on Becky when the ref isn’t looking. This leads to Charlotte hitting the big boot on Becky for the three count.

    Winner & new SmackDown Women’s Champion: Charlotte

    – Becky attacks Lacey after the match and beats her down at ringside. Charlotte gets involved and attacks Becky from behind. Lacey takes Becky in the ring, and they double team Becky. Bayley runs down for the save and she suplexes Lacey out of the ring. Charlotte drops Bayley from behind, then goes back to stomping on Becky. Charlotte misses a spear and crashes into the ring post. Bayley picks up her Money In The Bank briefcase and tells the ref she’s cashing it in.

    Bayley vs. Charlotte (c): The opening bell sounds and Bayley immediately goes up top and hits a flying elbow drop for the three count to win the SmackDown Women’s Championship.

    Winner & new SmackDown Women’s Champion: Bayley

    – Bayley celebrates all over ringside after the match.

    – Roman Reigns is shown walking through the hallways of the arena. Elias sneaks up behind him and smashes a guitar over his back. Elias then walks out around the stage to the ringside area. Elias comes out to the ring and sits on a stool. The lights go out and Elias picks up an electric guitar. Elias trashes the fans and Reigns. Elias does a brief song, then he heads up the ramp. Right before Elias is about to get to the curtain, Roman Reigns runs out and hits the Superman Punch on Elias. Reigns takes Elias to the ring.

    Roman Reigns vs. Elias: The opening bell sounds, and Reigns immediately hits a spear on Elias for the three count.

    Winner: Roman Reigns

    – We go to a video package looking at the Universal Title match between Seth Rollins and AJ Styles.

    Seth Rollins (c) vs. AJ Styles: The opening bell sounds and Rollins starts off strong. AJ stops the Champion’s momentum with a dropkick, then AJ takes Rollins into the corner for more punishment. AJ hits a knee to the face of Rollins, and then a backbreaker. They fight out to the apron, and it looks like AJ is going to try to give Rollins a Styles Clash off the apron, but Rollins fights out. Rollins dumps AJ outside and then hits a suicide dive on him. Rollins hits a second suicide dive, then takes AJ back in the ring. Rollins hits a series of kicks on AJ. AJ fights back with a fireman’s carry neckbreaker on the Champion. Rollins fights back and hits a frogsplash off the top for a two count. They fight up to the top rope and Rollins hits a reverse superplex and then a Falcon Arrow for a two count. Rollins looks for a kick and misses, and AJ locks Rollins in the Calf Crusher. Rollins breaks free. AJ follows up with the moonsault into a reverse DDT. Rollins and AJ trade kicks now, and Rollins drops the challenger with a superkick. It looks like Rollins is going for the curb stomp, but AJ grabs him and hits the Styles Clash for a two count. AJ looks for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Rollins ducks it and knees AJ in the face. Rollins follows up with a superkick. Rollins then hits the curb stomp for the three count.

    Winner & still Universal Champion: Seth Rollins

    – After the match, AJ gets up and shakes Rollins’ hand.

    – Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods are backstage for a brief interview with Charly Caruso.

    – Lucha House Party comes out to the ring, and they’ve got microphones. They talk about Money In The Bank only coming once per year, but every day is a Lucha house party. Lars Sullivan interrupts and he demolishes the Lucha House Party members. Lars slams Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado at ringside. Lars gets in the ring and beats down Calisto, then hits a powerbomb on Calisto. Lars Sullivan is bleeding heavily from his forehead, he might have knocked heads with Gran Metalik on Metalik’s suicide dive.

    Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Kevin Owens: Kofi’s WWE Championship is on the line in this one. The opening bell sounds and the fight spills out to ringside early on. Kofi runs up the turnbuckle and hits a big suicide dive on Owens on the floor. Back in the ring, Owens fights back with a superkick. Owens follows up with a senton drop for a two count. Kofi fights out to the apron, and Owens knocks him down to the floor. Owens does a frogsplash off the apron down on to Kofi laying on the floor. Back in the ring, Kofi reverses a powerbomb attempt into a back body drop on Owens. Owens comes back with a Boston Crab on Kofi, but Kofi reaches the ropes to break the hold. They fight out to the apron, and Kofi drops Owens down to the floor. Kofi goes for a suicide dive off the turnbuckle, but Owens superkicks Kofi out of mid-air. Back in the ring, Kofi comes back with the SOS for the two count. Kofi goes for the Trouble In Paradise, but Owens blocks it. Owens looks for a submission but Kofi breaks free. Kofi fires up and pummels on Owens. Owens fights back and looks for the Stunner, but Kofi reverses it and hits the Trouble In Paradise on Owens. Owens is out, but he falls out of the ring and Kofi can’t pin. Back in the ring, Owens mounts a comeback. Owens appears to throw Kofi’s boots out of the ring. Kofi is now wrestling in socks. Owens misses a shot and Kofi fires back with the Trouble In Paradise. Kofi covers for the three count to retain the WWE Title.

    Winner & still WWE Champion: Kofi Kingston

    – Xavier Woods comes out to celebrate with Kofi after the bell.

    Finn Balor vs. Ricochet vs. Baron Corbin vs. Andrade vs. Ali vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton This one is the men’s Money In The Bank ladder match. The opening bell sounds, and Orton rolls out to ringside and lets the other wrestlers brawl in the ring. Ali gets sent outside, and Orton back suplexes him onto an announce table. Balor goes outside next, and Orton suplexes him onto the table too. Ricochet comes out next and he also gets suplexed on a table. Orton brings a ladder in to the ring. Corbin also brings a ladder in the ring, and so does Drew. Ricochet runs in and takes out Dre, then Ali takes out Corbin. Ali and Ricochet go at it now and climb the ladder. Corbin and McIntyre come over and slam both Ali and Ricochet down to the mat. Drew slams Ricochet into a ladder, and Corbin slams Ali into another ladder. Orton throws Corbin to the apron and hits the draping DDT. Balor and Andrade come in and clean house. Balor and Andrade fight to the top of the big ladder in the middle of the ring, and Andrade sunset flip powerbombs Balor off the top of the ladder on to another ladder beside it. Ricochet comes in but Andrade drops him, then Andrade goes at it with Ali. Andrade and Ali fight upwards on two side by side ladders. Ali hits a Spanish Fly on Andrade off the ladder down to the mat. McIntyre and Ali go at it at ringside now, then Corbin comes over and chokeslams Ali through the announce table. Corbin then turns on Drew and throws Drew over the barricade into the ground. Back in the ring, Corbin chokeslams Balor on to the narrow edge of a ladder. At ringside, Corbin hits the Deep Six on Ricochet. Drew comes back to ringside and drops Corbin, then he gets in the ring and slams Balor on another ladder. Drew then hits an Alabama Slam on Andrade on top of Balor on a ladder. Ricochet runs back in the ring and drops Drew. Drew fights back and throws Ricochet outside, and Ricochet crashes through a ladder at ringside. Orton then hits the RKO on Drew, and then Corbin runs in and throws Orton into the ring post. Corbin climbs the ladder, and Ali climbs up behind Corbin and climbs up his back. Ali reaches for the contract, but Corbin grabs him. Ali ends up sending Corbin out to ringside. Ali climbs back up the ladder and reaches for the contract. Brock Lesnar’s music hits, and Lesnar comes out to the ring. Ali is shocked. Lesnar runs down and knocks some ladders out of his way. Lesnar runs in the ring and knocks Ali off the ladder. Lesnar quickly climbs up the ladder and grabs the contract.

    Winner & Money In The Bank contract winner: Brock Lesnar

    – Brock celebrates on the ladder with his briefcase as Money In The Bank goes off the air.

  • WWE SmackDown Live Spoiler Results (5/14)

    WWE SmackDown Live Spoiler Results (5/14)

    The May 14th, 2019 edition of WWE SmackDown Live was taped at the O2 Arena in London, England.

    – Roman Reigns kicks off this week’s episode of SmackDown. Reigns introduces The Miz, but Elias and Shane McMahon interrupt. Shane bands Miz from the arena. Daniel Bryan and Rowan then come out, and all four men hit the ring to attack Reigns. The Usos come out for the save. Shane books a three-on-four handicap match for tonight between the two sides. Shane says Miz is banned from the arena, and if Miz interferes, their cage match at Money In The Bank will be called off.

    – Andrade def. Randy Orton, Finn Balor, and Ali in a Fatal 4 Way. Balor’s Intercontinental Title was not on the line. Ricochet runs down after the match to stop Andrade from taking the Money In The Bank briefcase.

    – WWE Champion Kofi Kingston is backstage with Xavier Woods. Kofi says he wants to go on The Kevin Owens Show by himself tonight.

    – Charlotte cuts a brief promo on RAW & SmackDown Women’s Champion Becky Lynch. Charlotte says she’ll end her rivalry with Becky once and for all when she takes the Championship on Sunday.

    – We see another promo from Aleister Black in a black room.

    – Shane McMahon, Elias, Daniel Bryan and Rowan def. Roman Reigns and The Usos in a four-on-three Handicap Match. After the match, The Miz runs in and helps even the odds for Reigns and The Usos.

    – We see Paige backstage giving a pep talk to Asuka and Kairi Sane.

    – Ember Moon is backstage hyping up her Money In the Bank match.

    – Asuka and Kairi Sane def. Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville in the tag match. Paige gets on the mic and says that Sane and Asuka’s team name is “The Kabuki Warriors.” Women’s Tag Team Champions The IIconics were at ringside for this one.

    – Lars Sullivan is backstage for a brief interview.

    – We see Kevin Owens backstage for a promo. Kofi Kingston comes out to the ring and they exchange words while Owens is still backstage and on the big screen. Owens ends up running down to the ring and starts brawling with Kofi at ringside. Sami Zayn runs in to help Owens for the double team. Xavier Woods runs out next and evens the odds. Kofi fights back, and Kofi and Woods end up fighting off Owens and Zayn. Owens and Zayn retreat as Kofi stands tall in the ring to end SmackDown.

  • WWE RAW Spoiler Results (5/13)

    WWE RAW Spoiler Results (5/13)

    The May 13th, 2019 edition of WWE RAW was taped at the O2 Arena in London, England.

    – The Miz comes out to the ring to kick off the show with a special international edition of Miz TV. The Miz brings out his special guest, Roman Reigns. Reigns talks about “the new Miz,” and how he chased Shane all over the arena last week. They’re quickly interrupted by Elias, and then Shane. Elias gets in the ring, and then Bobby Lashley hits the ring out of nowhere and attacks Shane and Miz. Lashley and Elias brawl with Reigns and Miz, and then Shane announces a tag match between both sides tonight.

    – The Miz & Roman Reigns def. Elias & Bobby Lashley via DQ: Shane McMahon interfered for the DQ. Reigns lays out Shane after the match.

    – We go to a video package for Styles vs. Rollins at Money In The Bank.

    – Braun is backstage for a brief interview about Sami Zayn. Shane calls for Braun Strowman to come to his office. Sami Zayn is in Shane’s office complaining, so Shane books Sami vs. Braun tonight. If Sami wins, he gets Braun’s spot at MITB.

    – Mojo Rawley def. Apollo Crews in a short match.

    – Alexa Bliss is backstage on her phone, and it sounds like the airline lost her luggage. We see Nikki Cross backstage doing a new gimmick where she’s very timid and not crazy-acting like before. She’ll fill in for Alexa Bliss tonight in a Fatal 4 Way.

    – It’s time for the contract signing for the two separate Women’s Championship matches at Money In The Bank. Double champion Becky Lynch comes out, and her two opponents Charlotte and Lacey Evans. Flair gets the “What” treatment from the fans for her interview. Charlotte and Lacey put Becky through a table to end the segment.

    – Ricochet def. Baron Corbin

    – Cesaro and Rey Mysterio get into a brawl backstage after Cesaro insulted Rey’s son.

    – Nikki Cross def. Dana Brooke, Naomi & Natalya in a Fatal 4 Way. Nikki seemed to go back to her old gimmick and usual moves in this match.

    – Rey Mysterio def. Cesaro in a singles match.

    – The Revival cuts a promo backstage where they say they’re done with being embarrassed, and they challenge The Usos to a tag match.

    – We see another Bray Wyatt “Firefly Fun House” segment to tease Bray’s upcoming return.

    – Sami Zayn def Braun Strowman in a singles match, and Sami wins Braun’s spot in the Money In The Bank ladder match on Sunday. Baron Corbin and Drew McIntyre both got involved, and Sami used a steel chair on Braun. After the match, Braun fights back and slams Sami through the announce table to finish the show.

  • WWE SmackDown Live Results (5/7)

    WWE SmackDown Live Results (5/7)

    The May 7th, 2019 edition of WWE SmackDown Live took place at KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, KY.

    – AJ Styles comes out to the ring to kick off toight’s show. AJ gets on the mic and talks about the new “Wild Card rule”, which will involve superstars from opposing WWE brands crashing the opposing shows. Sami Zayn comes out to interrupt, and says he doesn’t want to be here on his day off, but someone has to call out AJ for his toxic ego spiraling out of control. AJ makes fun of Sami for getting thrown in a dumpster last night. Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston come out to interrupt. They get in the ring and Kofi and AJ come nose to nose. Sami says instead of AJ, Kofi should face him instead, because he deserves the Title shot. Woods and Kofi make fun of Sami’s odor from being in the dumpster last night. Kofi says last night he took that match to prove that his WrestleMania wasn’t a fluke, and he’s a fighting champion. Kofi says he’ll defend it against either Styles or Kingston tonight.

    – Still to come: Shane McMahon crowns new Tag Team Champions after the Hardy Brothers had to relinquish the Titles.

    – We see a pre-taped video from Kevin Owens, who says he’s taking tonight off for his birthday, and he doesn’t want to deal with everyone at SmackDown.

    – During the commercial break, Kofi Kingston is booked in a triple threat match against AJ Styles and Sami Zayn for the WWE Title.

    Andrade vs. Ali: We see a pre-taped promo from Ali before the match, and then Andrade and Zelina Vega cut a promo at ringside. The opening bell sounds, and Andrade and Ali brawl out to ringside early on. Zelina causes a distraction on the floor, which leads to Andrade getting the upper hand. Randy Orton hits the ring out of nowhere and attacks both Ali and Andrade. The ref calls for the bell.

    Winner: No contest

    – Orton dumps Andrade outside, then Ali fires up and beats down Orton. Ali backs up and charges, but Orton springs up and hits the RKO on Ali. Andrade then comes flying in off the top rope towards Orton, and Orton hits the RKO on him too.

    – Shane McMahon comes out to the ring and gets on the mic. He complains about Miz attacking him with a steel chair like a coward last night on RAW. Shane moves on and talks about The Hardy Boyz having to vacate the Tag Team Titles due to Lars Sullivan’s attack injuring Jeff. Shane says with the tag titles vacated, he had to come up with a team that is worthy of holding the belts. Shane says the answer became clear to him, and he introduces the new SmackDown Tag Team Champions: Daniel Bryan and Rowan. Bryan and Rowan make their way down to the ring to accept their new Tag Title belts. The Usos quickly come out to interrupt, and they complain about the Titles just being handed to Rowan and Bryan. Shane seems to agree that maybe the Titles should be earned, and he says he wants to watch Bryan and Rowan beat up the Usos . Shane books a Tag Title match between the two teams, and that starts right now.

    The Usos vs. Daniel Bryan & Rowan: The vacant SmackDown Tag Team Titles are on the line in this one. Rowan gets the tag and turns things around. Rowan levels Jimmy with a running cross body and takes control. Bryan tags in and works over Jimmy’s knee, then connects with the Yes Kicks. Jimmy ducks a kick and breaks free from Bryan. Jey tags himself in and hits a superkick on Bryan for a two count. Jey looks for the big splash off the top, but Bryan blocks it with his knees and puts Jey in the Yes Lock. Jey escapes, then Jimmy and Rowan both tag in. Jimmy hits a superkick and then hits the Uso Splash, but Rowan gets the shoulder up at two. Jey tags back in and both Usos go to opposite top turnbuckles. Bryan pulls Jimmy down, then Jey superkicks Bryan off the apron down to ringside. Rowan misses a clothesline, and Jey dumps Rowan outside too. Both Usos look for suicide dives on to Rowan, but Rowan catches both of them. Bryan takes out Jimmy and Rowan throws Jey into the barricade. Back in the ring, Rowan hits the Iron Claw on Jey for the three count.

    Winners & new SmackDown Tag Team Champions: Rowan & Daniel Bryan.

    – Shane presents the Tag Title belts to Bryan and Rowan after the match.

    – We see the same Bray Wyatt “FireFly Fun House” segment that aired on RAW last night.

    – Shane McMahon stays at ringside, and gets in the ring with a couple of Money In The Bank briefcases. Shane says he has some news about the Money In The Bank Ladder Match. Shane discusses the nature of the match and how the winner is almost guaranteed to become Champion. As Shane is Talking, The Miz runs in from the crowd and attacks Shane from behind. Miz knocks Shane out of the ring and beats him down at ringside. Miz chases Shane up the ramp and beats on him on the stage. The B Team runs out to save Shane and they beat down Miz on the stage. The former Miztourage members beat down the Miz, but The Miz starts to fight back. The Miz throws both Bo and Axel off the stage, but then Shane nails Miz from behind with a steel chair. Shane nails Miz again while he’s down.

    – We see Daniel Bryan backstage talking to Rowan about the great job they just did in the ring. Bryan says now they just need to “fix these titles.” They walk past Heavy Machinery backstage, and Otis eyes their Title belts.

    Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville vs. Carmella & Ember Moon: Carmella starts off with a hurricanrana on Sonya, then a kick to the face. Mandy causes a distraction, which leads to Sonya hitting a spear on Carmella for a two count. Mandy tags in and continues the offense on Carmella. Ember gets the tag and cleans house. She hits a fallaway slam on Mandy, and then follows up witha splash in the corner. Ember hits a springboard cross body, but Sonya breaks up the pin attempt. Carmella superkicks Sonya, then Mandy knees Carmella in the face. Ember hits an enziguri on Mandy, and Mandy falls out to ringside. Ember hits a suicide dive on Sonya, then Mandy knees Ember in the face on the floor. Back in the ring, Mandy hits her finisher for the three count.

    Winners: Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville

    – After the match, Paige comes out to the stage with Asuka and Kairi Sane. Paige talks about how she used to represent Mandy and Sonya, but she has traded up now, and Asuka and Kairi are going to rip through the tag division. Paige says they’re going to start next week with Mandy and Sonya.

    – Matt Hardy is backstage for an interview. Matt says it was heartbreaking to have to relinquish the Tag Titles due to Lars Sullivan’s attack. Matt says Jeff’s surgery was a success, and they’ll be back stronger than ever. R-Truth walks in and says he has something to say to Matt, but he forgot. Matt asks if he was going to say something about Lars Sullivan. Truth says that’s right, and he talks about how Lars isn’t like anyone else he’s ever faced. The interviewer suddenly leaves, and it turns our Lars is standing behind Truth and Matt. They turn around, and Lars drops Truth. Matt brawls with Lars and Lars ends up throwing Matt into the bathroom. Lars then powerbombs Truth through a table in the hallway.

    – We see a pre-taped promo from Aleister Black. He talks about how he must prevail no matter what at the expense of whoever he’s in the ring with.

    Kofi Kingston (c) vs. AJ Styles vs. Sami Zayn: This one is a Triple Threat match for Kofi’s WWE Title. Xavier Woods is at ringside. The opening bell sounds and the three men talk trash to each other in the opening minute. AJ fakes out Kofi and then levels him with a kick to the face. AJ drops Sami next. Kofi gets up and brawls with AJ, then Kofi connects with a missile dropkick. Kofi follows up with a knee to the face of AJ, and then a springboard splash for a two count. Sami runs over to Kofi, but Kofi sends Sami falling out to ringside with a dropkick. AJ backs Kofi into the corner and pummels on him. AJ follows up with a backbreaker, then AJ turns his attention to Sami and beats on Sami in the corner. Kofi comes back and drops AJ, then hits a splash on him. Sami starts beating on Kofi now, until Kofi drops Sami with a clothesline, then AJ drops Sami with a clothesline of his own. Kofi clotheslines AJ down, then he hits the Boom Drop on Styles. Sami trips Kofi from ringside, then he does the same to Styles. Back in the ring, Sami hits a sit-out powerbomb on Kofi for a two count. Sami then hits a Tornado DDT on Styles for another two count. Kofi and Sami fight up to the top turnbuckle, and Sami successfully hits a superplex on the Champion. Sami then turns his attention to AJ, and takes him to the top turnbuckle too. AJ escapes from Zayn and slams Sami face-first into the turnbuckle. AJ hits a Frankensteiner on Zayn off the top rope. AJ picks up Kofi and hits the Fireman’s Carry neckbreaker. AJ goes for his patented moonsault reverse DDT on Sami, but Kofi gets involved and turns it into an SOS on AJ. Sami gets taken down in the process. Kofi and AJ trade punches in the middle of the ring now, until AJ ducks one and fires back with the Pele Kick on Kingston. AJ looks for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Kofi knocks AJ off the rope to the apron. Kofi follows up with the Trouble In Paradise, and AJ falls down to the ringside floor. While all three competitors are down, Kevin Owens runs down and brawls with Xavier Woods at ringside. Owens throws Woods into the ring steps and leaves, which distracts Kofi. Sami runs up behind Kofi and hits the Blue Thunder Bomb on the Champion. Sami pins, but Kofi gets the shoulder up at two. Sami immediately hits a second Blue Thunder Bomb on Kofi, and Kofi once again gets the shoulder up at the two count. Sami hits a third Blue Thunder Bomb, and Kofi once again kicks out of the pin. Sami backs up and charges forward for the big boot, but Kofi cuts him off and connects with the Trouble In Paradise on Sami. Kofi covers for the three count.

    Winner & still WWE Champion: Kofi Kingston

    – After the match, Kofi helps Woods to his feet at ringside. Kofi does a brief interview on the ringside floor where he says Kevin Owens is not in his head, and there’s going to be hell to pay for Owens at Money In The Bank.

  • WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (5/6)

    WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (5/6)

    The May 6th, 2019 edition of WWE RAW took place at the U.S. Bank Arena in Cincinnati, OH.

    – Vince McMahon comes out to the ring to kick off tonight’s show. Vince gets on the mic and welcomes us to RAW, and he says tonight will be a night that none of us will ever forget. Roman Reigns comes out to interrupt, and he’s got a mic. Vince is upset that Reigns, a SmackDown star, is on RAW. Reigns talks about the fans being the real authority now, and Reigns says if the crowd keeps making noise like this, he’ll be on RAW every week. Daniel Bryan comes out to interrupt. Kofi comes out to interrupt quickly after, and he starts arguing with Bryan. Bryan says Kofi is an undeserving champion. Vince yells and tells them to stop arguing, and he says he might implement a wild card rule between RAW and SmackDown. He says they are going to switch three wrestlers back and forth between RAW and SmackDown every week as a wild card. Drew McIntyre comes out to interrupt, and complains about the SmackDown invasion, and he particularly takes issue with Reigns. Vince says it’s time for a WrestleMania rematch. Vince books Kofi vs. Bryan, and Reigns vs. McIntyre for their Titles. AJ Styles then comes out to interrupt. AJ takes issue with Vince having SmackDown Live stars here on RAW as soon as AJ arrived on RAW. Vince says the explanation is the wild card rule that he just came up with. AJ complains that Reigns is back on RAW with his buddy Rollins. AJ says maybe he and a couple of his friends will show up on SmackDown. Vince reiterates the Wild Card rule, and then Seth Rollins comes out to interrupt. Rollins gets in the ring and gets in AJ’s face. Rollins takes issue with AJ saying SmackDown is the house that he built, and with AJ sucker punching him last week. Rollins says SmackDown was around long before AJ arrived. Vince interrupts and says it sounds like they want to compete tonight. Rollins says he wants to go right now. Vince interrupts again and says not in a singles match, they’re going to team up in a tag team match tonight, against a team of Vince’s choosing. Vince says this is going to be an incredible night, and he says to the crowd “let’s hear it for me.”

    Seth Rollins & AJ Styles vs. Bobby Lashley & Baron Corbin: Rollins and Styles start off strong and dump Corbin and Lashley out to ringside early on. Back in the ring, Lashley mounts a comeback against Rollins and stomps on him in the corner. Corbin tags in and continues the offense on Rollins. Rollins fights back with kicks and hits a Blockbuster off the middle rope on Corbin. Styles and Lashley get the tags and AJ unloads with a flurry of strikes. AJ hits a splash on Lashley in the corner, but then Lashley comes back with a spear in the corner. AJ gets distracted by Corbin on the apron, then Lashley spears AJ through the ropes out to the ringside floor. Lashley takes AJ back in the ring, but AJ fights back with a dropkick and a Pele kick. Corbin tags in, and Lashley takes Rollins out to ringside for a beat-down. Corbin gets the upper hand on AJ and dumps him out to ringside too. Back in the ring, Rollins tags in and cleans house. Rollins hits a Sling Blade on Corbin and then dumps him outside. Rollins follows up with a suicide dive on both Lashley and Corbin at ringside. Back in the ring, a mix-up on the apron leads to Styles accidentally hitting the Phenomenal Forearm on Rollins. AJ realizes what he did, and then he leaves and walks up the ramp. Rollins is not happen at AJ. Corbin grabs Rollins from behind and hits the End of Days for the three count.

    Winners: Baron Corbin & Bobby Lashley

    – The Miz is shown backstage looking for Shane McMahon. It looks like Miz is going to sit outside of Shane’s locker room until Shane comes out.

    – Sami Zayn comes out to the ring next. Zayn gets on the mic and trashes the fans, saying he feels sorry they have to look at themselves in the mirror every day. Zayn talks about the fans complaining too much, and then Braun Strowman comes out to interrupt. Braun chases Sami around ringside, and Sami escapes. Braun chases Sami backstage and the cameras follow. Braun chases Sami to the very back of the arena, and Sami has his back against a wall now. Sami opens the big garage door, but Braun catches him by the foot. Braun picks up Sami and throws him into a big red dumpster. Braun notices a garbage truck coming up, and it picks up the dumpster. Braun shakes his head and walks off as the dumpster empties the load into the truck.

    Lucha House Party vs. Enhancement talent: This one is a one-sided squash match. The Lucha House party hit all their finishing moves and score the three count after a very short match.

    Winners: Lucha House Party

    – We go to the women’s locker room where Natalya, Dana Brooke and Naomi look at formal invitations they’ve received from Lacey Evans.

    Robert Roode vs. Ricochet: Roode starts off strong and backs Ricochet into the corner then stomps on him. Roode hits a chop to the chest, but Ricochet comes back with a hurricanrana and a dropkick. Roode dumps Ricochet out to ringside, then slams his head into the apron a few times. Roode tries to keep Ricochet grounded and Roode controls the pace for the next several moments. Ricochet finally mounts a comeback, and he drops Roode then hits the 630 splash for the win.

    Winner: Ricochet

    – Rey Mysterio and his son are shown backstage. Dominic walks off and Rey goes into his locker room. We then see Samoa Joe following Rey’s son as we go to commercial.

    – We see Samoa Joe backstage talking to Rey Mysterio’s son Dominic. Joe talks trash to Dominic for a couple minutes, then Dominic walks off.

    Lacey Evans vs. Enhancement talent: Alexa Bliss, Natalya, Naomi and Dana Brooke are at ringside, because Lacey invited them. Lacey beats the unnamed jobber in the ring with her pretty quickly with the “Women’s Right” hand.

    Winner: Lacey Evans

    – After the match, Lacey cuts a promo on the women at ringside. Becky Lynch comes out to interrupt. Becky drops her belts at ringside and hits the ring. Becky and Lacey brawl all over the ring, and Becky looks for the Disarm Her. Lacey escapes and backs up the ramp as Becky talks trash to her from the ring.

    – The Usos are shown walking through the hallways of the arena.

    The Viking Raiders vs. Hawkins & Ryder: Hawkins and Ryder start off strong in this one and trade frequent tags to control the opening moments. The fight spills out to ringside and all four men are down. Back in the ring, Ryder looks for the Rough Ryder, but Erik fights back with a double knee strike. The Viking Raiders hit a double team powerslam on Ryder for the three count.

    Winners: The War Raiders

    – We go to another Bray Wyatt “Firefly Fun House” segment. The Buzzard puppet gets into an argument with the witch puppet, and it appears the Buzzard puppet has ripped apart the bunny puppet. Wyatt talks about forgiveness, and says the buzzard puppet should be not only forgiven but rewarded. The camera pans out to reveal a bunch of kids sitting on the floor of the fun house. Wyatt says they’re going to have a picnic, and repeats his catch phrase to “let me in.”

    – We see a replay of AJ Styles hitting Seth Rollins earlier in the night. Rollins cuts a brief promo backstage on AJ.

    Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre: Drew starts off strong and trades right hands with Reigns in the ring. Drew hits a slam for a two count early on, then he hits a suplex for another two count. The fight spills out to ringside and Drew slams Roman into the ring post, then takes him back in the ring. Reigns fights back with a suplex, and then he clotheslines Drew out to ringside. Reigns looks for the Drive-By Kick at ringside, but Drew blocks it with a boot to Reigns’ face. Drew then hits a reverse Alabama Slam on Reigns into the ring apron. Back in the ring, Reigns fights back and looks for a Superman punch, but Drew catches him and hits a spinebuster for a two count. They trade right hands until Drew hits a headbutt for a two count. They fight out to ringside again, where Drew hits a big boot and throws Reigns into the ring steps. Back in the ring, Drew hits a spinning side suplex for a two count. Drew and Reigns trade strikes until Reigns ducks one and comes back with the spear. Reigns pins, but Shane McMahon and Elias hit the ring out of nowhere and assault Reigns. They pummel on Reigns as the ref calls for the DQ.

    Winner via DQ: Roman Reigns:

    – Shane and Elias continue beating down Reigns until The Miz comes out with a steel chair. Miz chases Shane through the crowd and out of the arena. Meanwhile in the ring, Elias picks up Reigns, and Drew boots Reigns in the face. We go backstage where Shane is hiding from Miz, and Miz runs right past him. An interviewer finds Shane and Shane walks away. We see Shane run over to a limo in the parking area, but then The Miz runs over and nails Shane with the chair. Shane and Miz brawl next to the limo. Shane hits a low blow, then he gets in the limo and drives off.

    – We see a replay of Braun Strowman dumping Sami Zayn into a dumpster, and then the garbage truck dumping it into the back of the truck.

    The Revival vs. Gallows & Anderson: Before the opening bell, The Usos interrupt from the stage with mics. They talk about The Revival claiming to be the hottest team in WWE. They ask if you’ve heard of Icey Hot, and they bring out a jar of something called “Uso Hot,” and they say it should be activating right about now. The Revival members start selling that there is something in their trunks burning them. The Usos tell the Revival to come up to the stage and take some bottled water to relieve the pain. The Revival grabs the water and pours it in their trunks. The Usos then inform them that that will make the burning worse, and they were supposed to drink the water. The Revival keeps selling the burning in their trunks and they run backstage.

    Winners: No contest

    – Kofi Kingston cuts a promo in his locker room about winning the WWE Title and defying the odds. He says he’s going to send Bryan back to where he came from.

    No Way Jose vs. Lars Sullivan: Before the match, Lars beats down Jose’s conga dancers at ringside. Lars then drops Jose, and continues the onslaught on the conga dancers. Lars takes Jose back in the ring and hits a running powerbomb.

    Winner: No contest

    – We see Vince McMahon backstage in his office talking to someone on the phone. Vince is talking to someone on the phone about his 3-person weekly “wild card” between RAW and SmackDown. Lars Sullivan walks in. Vince tells the person on the phone they’re going to make it four individuals instead of three. Lars doesn’t say anything. Vince says “good talk,” and Lars walks off.

    Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Daniel Bryan: Kofi’s WWE Title is on the line in this one. Bryan strikes first with kicks and knees on Kofi in the corner. Kofi fights back with a lariat and then he clotheslines Bryan out to ringside. Kofi follows up with a suicide dive on Bryan at ringside. Back in the ring, Bryan fights back and dumps Kofi out to ringside. Bryan follows him out and slams Kofi into the ring post. Back in the ring, Kofi misses a shot and Bryan comes back with a slam and an armbar attempt. Kofi fights out and Bryan dumps Kofi outside, and Kofi hits his head on the floor. Bryan follows Kofi outside and continues the beat-down at ringside. Bryan tries to whip Kofi into the ring steps, but Kofi leaps on to the steps and runs up the turnbuckle. Kofi then hits a moonsault off the turnbuckle down on to Bryan at ringside. Back in the ring, Kofi hits a cross body off the top on Bryan for a two count. Bryan applies the Yes Lock, but Kofi reaches the rope to break the hold. Kofi fights back and hits the Boom Drop. Kofi looks for the Trouble In Paradise, but Bryan intercepts with a dropkick on Kofi. Bryan follows up with a German suplex on Kofi. Each man misses a kick now and Bryan looks for the Yes Lock. Kofi escapes and connects with the Trouble In Paradise for the three count.

    Winner & still WWE Champion: Kofi Kingston

    – Kofi celebrates with his WWE Championship on the turnbuckle as we go to replays and RAW goes off the air.

  • WWE SmackDown Live Results (4/30)

    WWE SmackDown Live Results (4/30)

    The April 30th, 2019 edition of WWE SmackDown Live took place at the Schottenstein Center in Columbus, OH.

    – Michael Cole is in the ring to kick off SmackDown, and he introduces WWE Champion Kofi Kingston, who comes out to the ring by himself. Kofi steps in the ring for an interview with Cole, and Cole shows us some footage of Kofi’s road to the Championship on the big screen. Cole says that Kofi’s Title win over Daniel Bryan might be the greatest WrestleMania moment event. Kofi says winning the Championship was the greatest moment in his life, and then they talk about Kevin Owens taking aim at Kofi. Owens comes out to interrupt and he talks trash to Kofi. Xavier Woods runs out and attacks Owens from behind, but Owens gets the upper hand and drops Woods with a superkick. Kofi runs up to check on Woods as Owens retreats to the back. Kofi helps Woods walk backstage.

    – The Hardy Boyz are backstage in street clothes. They will be addressing the audience about Jeff Hardy’s injury tonight.

    – Kofi and Woods are backstage in the trainer’s office. Kofi says he’s worried about Woods, and he wants Woods to hang back and heal because Kofi’s got this.

    Bayley vs. Becky Lynch: This one is a non-title match. Becky controls the opening moments of this one until Becky comes back with a slam into the turnbuckle and then a clothesline from behind. Becky fights back with European uppercuts and then hits a t-bone suplex. Bayley fights back with a clothesline and both women are down. Bayley hits a suplex, then she goes to the top rope. Bayley looks for the flying elbow drop, but Becky gets her knees up to block it. Becky then applies the Disarm Her on Bayley, and Bayley taps out.

    Winner: Becky Lynch

    – Immediately after the bell, Charlotte hits the ring and attacks both Becky and Bayley, and she throws them both outside.

    – We see a pre-taped promo from Aleister Black in front of a black background.

    – SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Hardy Boyz come out to the ring, and Jeff is walking on crutches. The Hardy Boyz get in the ring, and they say Jeff needs surgery and he’ll be out for a long time. Because of this, they will have to relinquish the Tag Team Titles. Jeff talks about how hard it is to never be able to defend the Titles due to his injury. Then, Lars Sullivan comes out to interrupt. Lars hits the ring and throws Matt out to ringside. Jeff tries to get out of the ring, but he has difficulties due to his injury. Matt gets back in the ring and attacks Lars, but Lars fights him off and slams him in the corner. Lars hits a big spinebuster on Matt. Jeff picks up his crutch and dares Lars to come at him. R-Truth hits the ring and hits Lars with a steel chair from behind. Jeff makes his escape now as Lars turns around to stare-down Truth. Truth goes for another chair shot, but Lars punches the chair away. Lars hits a spinebuster on Truth, and then a running powerbomb on him.

    – The broadcast team reveals Ali, Finn Balor, Andrade, and Randy Orton as SmackDown’s participants in the men’s ladder match at the Money In The Bank pay-per-view.

    Kairi Sane & Asuka vs. Enhancement talent: The Iiconics are on commentary for this one, and Paige is at ringside. This one is a fairly one-sided squash match in the opening moments as Kairi and Asuka take turns getting their offense in. Asuka hits a reverse DDT on one of the enhancement talents, then Kairi tags in and hits the flying elbow drop for the three count.

    Winners: Kairi Sane & Asuka

    – Kairi and Asuka talk some trash to The Iiconics after the match.

    – We see Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose in their locker room watching the match finish on a monitor. Mandy says she learned that they will have a shot in the women’s ladder match at Money In The Bank, but only one of them will. Mandy says Sonya should take the spot, but Sonya insists that Mandy takes the spot in the match. They hug and it looks like Mandy will be in the women’s ladder match at the MITB pay-per-view.

    – Roman Reigns comes out to the ring and gets on the mic. Reigns says he wanted to make a good first impression on his first night on SmackDown, so he knocked out Mr. McMahon last week. Reigns says it didn’t have to be McMahon and it could have been anyone, he just wanted to get the point across that he’s the big dog and this is his yard now. Shane McMahon comes out to interrupt. First, Shane makes ring announcer Greg Hamilton introduce him as the best in the world. Shane says Reigns wants to be the big dog in the yard, but the McMahon family owns the land. Reigns says no, your dad owns the land, and when they were in the ring together, he was on his back. Shane says we all know that Reigns took down a national treasure in Vince, but at the end of the night Reigns was left laying. Reigns says Shane needed Elias’ help to put Reigns down, and he asks if Shane can come down to the ring and do it on his own. Shane says he has to get on a jet and go train for his cage match at Money In The Bank. Shane says there are lots of other people on SmackDown who want an opportunity, and he introduces The B Team – Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel. Shane says The B Team wants to make a good first impression here on SmackDown too, so they’re going to have a handicap match tonight. Reigns asks if Shane also wants to blindfold him or tie his arm behind his back. Shane says Reigns is on the right track and this match needs a little something extra. Shane introduces special guest enforcer for this match, Elias.

    Roman Reigns vs. The B Team: Elias is at ringside. The B Team members will be in the ring one at a time in this match. Dallas starts off strong, but Roman quickly makes a comeback. A distraction from Axel leads to Dallas nailing Reigns from behind, then the B Team double teams Reigns for a two count. The B Team trades frequent tags now to repeatedly double team Reigns. Reigns fights back with a big boot and a Samoan Drop on Dalls for a two count. Elias causes a distraction and The B Team drops Reigns again. Reigns falls out to ringside, and Elias hits a cheap shot on him while the ref isn’t looking. Back in the ring, Reigns finally fights back with a big boot and a flurry of clotheslines. Reigns superman punches Dallas off the apron down to the floor. Axel rolls up Reigns from behind for a two count, then Reigns hops up and nails Axel with the Superman punch too. Reigns pins, but Elias yanks the referee out of the ring. Reigns goes outside and Elias slams Reigns into the barricade and ring post. Elias throws Reigns back in the ring, and Axel hits the Perfect Plex on Reigns. Elias slides in and counts the pin, but Reigns kicks out at two. Elias grabs his guitar and takes it in the ring. Reigns superman punches Elias before Elias can use the guitar, then Reigns spears Axel. The other referee gets back in the ring, and Reigns pins Axel for the three count.

    Winner: Roman Reigns

    – Finn Balor and Ali are backstage getting ready for their tag team match against Andrade and Randy Orton tonight.

    – We see the same Bray Wyatt “Firefly Fun House” segment from RAW last night.

    Finn Balor & Ali vs. Randy Orton & Andrade: We see a pre-taped promo from Orton before the match. Andrade and Zelina Vega cut a promo on the ramp saying they’re going to teach everyone in there to fear Andrade. The opening bell sounds and Orton knocks Ali out to ringside to take control of this one early on. Back in the ring, Orton continues the beat-down on Ali until Ali fights back with a dropkick. Balor and Andrade get the tag, and Balor and Ali end up throwing Andrade and Orton out to ringside. Balor and Ali hit suicide dives in tandem on Orton and Andrade. Back in the ring, Zelina distracts Balor, which leads to Andrade hitting the running knee strike in the corner. Andrade looks for the DDT, but Balor escapes. Balor hits the Sling Blade and Ali tags in. Ali hits the 450 splash for the three count.

    Winners: Ali & Finn Balor

    – After the match, Orton hits the RKO on Balor, then Ali throws Orton out to ringside.

    – Ember Moon is backstage for an interview. She says she hasn’t made a name for herself yet, but she’s going to seize the moment at Money In The Bank and win the contract. Carmella interrupts and says she is the two-time winner of Money In The Bank, and she’ll do whatever it takes to win again.

    – Kevin Owens comes out to the ring to host The Kevin Owens Show. His guest tonight is scheduled to be Xavier Woods. Owens says the desk and graphics are gone, because the gimmicks are tired and that’s something The New Day would do. Owens says he doesn’t need that, because he is the show. Owens says tonight he had a great idea for his Owens Show guest, because he knows all about Kofi but he wants to learn more about Xavier. He tells Xavier to come out to the ring if he’s still table to. He tells Xavier to trust him and just sit down and have a chat. Woods doesn’t come out, so Owens pulls an Xavier Woods action figure out of his pocket. He puts the action figure on the chair in the ring and talks to it. Owens also pulls out a Big E action figure, with his leg taped up, and puts it down beside Woods’ action figure. Owens says obviously the real Woods and Big E aren’t here to speak his mind, and the action figures are useless pieces of trash, and he kicks over the chair with the figures on them. Kofi comes out to the stage to interrupt. Kofi runs down the ramp and hits the ring, and he starts trading right hands with Owens. Kofi gets the upper hand and takes Owens out to ringside. Kofi continues the beat-down at ringside and they brawl over the announce table. Owens hits Kofi with a thumb to the eye and then Owens retreats through the crowd. Kofi stands in the ring and yells at Owens as SmackDown goes off the air.

  • WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (4/29)

    WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (4/29)

    The April 29, 2019 edition of WWE RAW took place at the Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY.

    – Alexa Bliss comes out to the ring to kick off tonight’s episode of RAW. Alexa gets on the mic and talks about the upcoming Money In The Bank matches. She begins to announce the RAW participants for the Money In The Bank matches, and the first competitor will be Braun Strowman. She then announces Ricochet, Drew McIntyre, and last but not least, Baron Corbin. Corbin gets in the ring with a mic, but Drew McIntyre quickly interrupts him and they exchange words. Ricochet interrupts, but Drew interrupts him and tells him to shut up. Drew goes back to talking trash with Corbin, and they come nose to nose. Braun yells at everyone and says they can all talk, because none of them can beat him. Braun asks if they want a preview for what’s to come at Money In The Bank. He proposes a tag team match — Ricochet & Braun vs. Baron & Drew. Braun says he wants to give them these hands right now, and it looks like we have a match.

    Braun Strowman & Ricochet vs. Braun Strowman & Drew McIntyre: Braun knocks Corbin outside early on, then tags in Ricochet who hits a moonsault on Corbin at ringside. Back in the ring, McIntyre tags in and drops Ricochet with strikes. Corbin tags back in and connects with knees to the body of Ricochet. Ricochet starts to fire up, but when he springboards off the ropes, Corbin dodges him and throws him down to the mat. The fight spills out to ringside, and Drew ends up hitting the Claymore on Strowman out of nowhere on the floor. Corbin takes Ricochet back in, and Ricochet looks for a tag but Braun is still on the floor. Ricochet finally fights back with kicks on Corbin, and Braun gets to his feet and climbs up to the apron. Braun gets the hot tag and cleans house. Drew tags in and Braun hits a splash on him in the corner. Braun misses a spear in the corner and Ricochet tags back in. Ricochet hits a kick on Drew, but Drew comes back with a headbutt. Corbin tags himself in, and it looks like Corbin wants to make the pinfall himself, but Braun runs in and slams Corbin down. Ricochet then hits the shooting star press on Corbin for the three count.

    Winners: Braun Strowman & Ricochet

    The Usos vs. Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows: The Usos take control against Anderson early on, but Anderson finally fights back against Jimmy and connects with a series of strikes in the corner. Gallows tags in and continues the offense. Anderson misses a big boot and Jimmy sends him out to ringside. Uso looks for a suicide dive, but Gallows punches him through the ropes to stop him. Back in the ring, Gallows beats down Uso on the mat and chokes him against the ring rope. Jimmy starts to fight back, but Gllows drops him with a big boot to the face. They fight out to ringside, and Gallows slams Jimmy into the fan barricade. Back in the ring, Anderson and Gallows trade tags and take turns beating on Jimmy. Jey and Anderson get the tags and Jey cleans house. Jey hits a splash on Karl in the corner for a two count. Jey misses a second splash, and Anderson answers with a spinebuster for a two count. Gallows tags in, but Uso hits a superkick then tags in Jimmy. Jey takes out Anderson at ringside, then Jimmy hits the splash off the top on Gallows for the three count.

    Winners: The Usos

    – After the match, The Usos cut a promo on The Revival. They say The Revival has another side to them, and they introduce a video on the big screen. We see The Usos backstage showing us The Revival shaving each other’s backs in the showers. The Revival comes out to interrupt and says that’s an invasion of privacy. They say that they are men, and due to his muscles it’s a scientific impossibility for him to shave his own back. Wilder says he has his partner’s back. The Revival says they have better things to do, like facing the Tag Champions tonight, then they’ll come after The Usos later. The Usos welcome them to the Uso penitentiary, and they go their separate ways.

    – The Miz comes out to the ring to host Miz TV. The Miz welcomes us to Miz TV, and then he introduces his guest, Bobby Lashley. Lashley comes out and starts speaking in the third person, and says he’s only going to answer questions that he wants to answer. Miz and Lashley start trading verbal jabs, and Miz starts putting himself over for all his accomplishments. Lashley brings up Shane beating up Miz’s dad, and Miz not getting payback. Lashley says Miz’s dad thinks he’s worthless, and Miz jumps Lashley. They brawl all over the ring. Lashley spears Miz into the corner, but Miz comes back with a kick and he knocks Lashley out to ringside.

    The Miz vs. Bobby Lashley: Lashley starts off strong and works over Miz in the corner. The Miz fights back and turns things around in the corner, then hits a series of kicks on Lashley. Miz backs up for a running knee strike, but then Shane McMahon’s music hits and Shane comes out to the stage to distract Shane. Miz turns his attention back to Lashley and they go at it on the mat. Miz hits the Yes Kicks on Lashley, but then Shane gets on the apron and distracts Miz. Shane put a picture of Miz’s dad on the big screen to distract Miz further. Lashley hits a spear and covers Miz for the three count.

    Winner: Bobby Lashley

    – After the match, Shane gets in the ring and kicks Miz and slaps him around while he’s down. Miz fights back and pummels on Shane, but Lashley gets back in the ring and hits a huge spinebuster on Miz. Shane goes back to beating on Miz while he’s down. Shane puts Miz in a choke until he goes out. Shane takes a mic and tells Miz to remember that Shane is the best in the world.

    The Viking Raiders vs. Lucha House Party: The Lucha House party attacks The Raiders on the ramp before the match. The Raiders get back up and into the ring, and the opening bell sounds. Ivar dodges a shot from Metalik early on and takes him out with a big lariat. Erik tags in and continues the offense. Ivar and Kalisto tag in, but Erik hits a big powerslam on Kalisto. The Raiders trade frequent tags now and double team Metalik then Kalisto. They hit a big alley-oop powerslam on Kalisto for the three count after a short match. The Raiders grab Lince Dorado after the match at ringside, and Dorado briefly fights them off, until the Raiders double team him with a version of the Hart Attack.

    Winners: The Viking Raiders

    – Alexa Bliss comes out to the stage, this time to announce the female competitors in this year’s women’s Money In The Bank match. First, she introduces Natalya, who takes a seat next to Alexa on the stage. Natalya thanks her for the introduction, but Alexa cuts her off to make the next announcement. She introduces Dana Brooke next, who comes out and talks about how excited for the opportunity she is. She says Natalya gets all the opportunities instead of her, then she exchanges words with Natalya. Alexa introduces Naomi next, and she talks about her success over on SmackDown. Naomi exchanges words with Dana and Natalya, until Alexa interrupts again to introduce the next competitor. Alexa says the next competitor is her, and she tells the other women on the stage to leave. Naomi says they should give the WWE Universe a preview tonight, in the ring. Alexa accepts, and it looks like Alexa vs. Naomi will take place tonight.

    – There’s a new segment of Bray Wyatt’s “Firefly Fun House.” Bray is making a painting, and some puppets around the fun house start talking to him. He shows us his painting of fire. Bray apologizes to one of the puppets for everything he did, then he apologizes to the TV audience. He explains that one of the puppets is named Abbey The Witch. The rabbit puppet tells him that the word of the day is “sociopath.” Bray says that’s all the time he has for today, and he tells the audience that he’ll light the way and they just have to let him in.

    Alexa Bliss vs. Naomi: Alexa complains about her shoes being untied after the bell sounds, but Naomi continues the offense. Naomi drops Alexa and hits a splits leg drop on Alexa for a two count. Alexa fights back with a facebuster on Alexa. Alexa throws Naomi in the corner and stomps on her. Naomi tries to fight back, but Alexa turns the tide and throws Naomi into the turnbuckle face-first. Alexa’s shoes keep coming untied. Alexa ties them, and Naomi fights back with a sunset flip and then a jawbreaker. Naomi tries to grab Alexa by the feet, but Alexa’s shoes slide off, and Alexa then throws Naomi into the turnbuckle. Alexa argues with the ref, and Naomi comes back with the running hip attack, and then the split legged moonesault for the three count.

    Winner: Naomi

    – Still to come: Rey Mysterio vs. Samoa Joe

    – Rey Mysterio is shown in his locker room warming up, and his son is with him. Rey does a brief interview where he talks about his issues with Samoa Joe and Lars Sullivan.

    – RAW & SmackDown Women’s Champion Becky Lynch comes out to the ring for an in-ring interview. Becky talks about her decisions to defend both Title belts at the Money In The Bank pay-per-view. Becky says she didn’t make history by dodging anybody, she made it by beating everybody. She says bring on her opponents. Becky then calls out Lacey Evans specifically and tells her to come out to the ring right now. Lacey comes out and tells Becky it’s on. She storms the ring and Becky meets her at ringside, and they brawl on the floor. Referees run out to pull them apart, but they keep breaking free and fighting. Road agents come out to help pull them apart and they finally do.

    Zack Ryder and Kurt Hawkins vs. The Revival:The Revival starts off strong, and they trade frequent tags to double team Ryder early on. They continue the beat down on Ryder and cut him off every time he tries to tag in Hawkins. The Revival is totally in control of this one in a one-sided beat-down, until Ryder rolls up Dawson out of nowhere to steal the pin.

    Winners: Ryder & Hawkins

    – Ryder and Hawkins immediately roll out of the ring to celebrate on the ramp. The Revival looks shocked in the ring.

    – The Miz is backstage for an interview. He officially challenges Shane McMahon to a cage match at the Money In The Bank pay-per-view.

    – Sami Zayn comes out to the ring and gets on the mic. He trashes the WWE fans and says that they suffer from “psychological entitlement.” Zayn thinks the fans feel entitled to more than they deserve. He says the people of Lexington probably can’t understand what he’s talking about, and he tells a story about turning down a kid who wanted him to sign an action figure for him then the kid crying. He says the fans aren’t entitled to anything from him, and he will give the fans whatever he wants to from now on. Sami says the fans want him to quit WWE, and it would be amazing to quit, but even more amazing would be coming out and holding the fans accountable every week. Sami says he’s standing up the to the critics and taking power back, then he makes his exit.

    – Michael Cole informs us that Shane McMahon has accepted The Miz’s challenge to a cage match.

    – U.S. Champion Samoa Joe comes out to the ring and gets on the mic. He says he watched Rey’s interview earlier, and he says Rey’s kid looked ashamed of Rey. Joe continues to trash Rey, then he turns his attention to AJ Styles, and Joe says he should be the one getting the Universal Title match. Rey says today is a day of reckoning for Rey Mysterio.

    Rey Mysterio vs. Samoa Joe: This one is a non-Title match. The opening bell sounds and Joe knocks Rey outside early on. Joe looks for a suicide dive, but Rey dodges him then hits flying seated Senton on Joe off the apron. Rey gets back in the ring and goes for a dive on Joe, but Joe blocks it with a knee and Rey is down. Back in the ring, Joe comes back with a spinning powerslam on Rey. Joe misses a senton bomb attempt, and Rey comes back with a flying seated senton and a series of kicks. Joe grabs Rey, but Rey turns it around into a DDT for a two count. Rey sends Joe on to the ropes and hits a 619 to Joe’s body while he’s standing, then Joe falls and Rey goes for a 619 again, but Joe blocks it. Joe looks for the coquina clutch, but Rey escapes. Joe hits a side suplex on Rey, then he picks up Rey by the mask. Joe goes for another side suplex, but Rey reverses and rolls up Joe into a pin. Rey scores the three count and Joe can’t believe it.

    Winner: Samoa Joe

    – Rey’s son comes out after the match to celebrate with Rey on the stage. Joe does not look happy.

    – Michael Cole is in the ring to host the contract signing for the Universal Championship match at Money In The Bank. Cole introduces the challenger first, AJ Styles, and then the Champion, Seth Rollins. They both sit down at the table in the ring, and Cole talks about AJ coming to RAW. AJ says SmackDown was good to him for two years, but now he’s on RAW where the craziest fans are, and he is gunning for the Universal Title. Rollins say he never wanted to be the next AJ Styles, he wants to be the first Seth Freakin’ Rollins. Seth tells AJ that things are different on RAW, and this is not the house AJ built, this is Monday Night Rollins. AJ says that Rollins’ team isn’t here anymore to hold him up, and he doesn’t think Rollins has much left after his WrestleMania match. AJ says he’s ready to go now, and he never rests or rusts, and he’ll be standing over Rollins as the new Universal Champion. AJ signs the contract. Rollins says they have a lot of things in common and a lot of differences, for example Rollins beat Brock Lesnar and AJ didn’t. Rollins signs the contract, and AJ picks up the Universal Title belt and looks at it. AJ and Rollins come face to face, and Cole exits the ring. AJ hands the belt back to Rollins. Rollins talks some trash and AJ decks him with a right hand. AJ pummels on Rollins, then Rollins fights back with some punches of his own. Rollins kicks AJ out to ringside, then he hits a dive on AJ at ringside. Rollins gets back in the ring with his Universal Title belt and talks trash to AJ. AJ gets up on the apron and hits a right hand on Rollins, then AJ hits the Phenomenal Forearm on Rollins through the table in the ring. AJ stands over Rollins as RAW goes off the air.

  • WWE SmackDown Live Results (4/23)

    WWE SmackDown Live Results (4/23)

    The April 23, 2019 edition of WWE SmackDown Live took place at the Pinnacle Bank Arena in Lincoln, NE.

    – Shane McMahon comes out to the ring to kick off the show, with his extended introduction from the ring announcer. There’s a kid in a full Ultimate Warrior costume in the front row. Shane says he’s here tonight to talk about Roman Reigns, and how Reigns punched Vince McMahon last week. Shane shows us a replay of the punch and talks about how disgusting it was. Shane said that was like attacking a national treasure, and Shane wonders about what the appropriate action to take against Reigns would be. Shane says instead of a fine or suspension, they’re going to settle it in the ring.

    Shane tells Reigns to get his butt out here, and this isn’t a request, because Reigns works for Shane and his family, it’s an order. Reigns comes out and steps in the ring with a microphone. Roman and Shane come face to face and they both drop their microphones. Elias ambushes Reigns from behind, then Shane attacks him and stomps on Reigsn in the corner. Reigns comes back with a big boot and some punches. Elias runs back over and double teams Reigns with Shane now. Elias hits the Drift Away on Reigns and then they leave.

    – Still to come: Kofi Kingston vs. Shinsuke Nakamura; and Finn Balor vs. Andrade

    – We see Shane and Elias talking backstage about how good it felt to get revenge on Reigns.

    – WWE Champion Kofi Kingston is backstage for an interview. Xavier Woods joins to be his hype man. They talk about Kofi being the WWE Champion and his match against Shinsuke tonight. Kevin Owens walks in wearing a New Day shirt and helps get Kofi pumped up for his match tonight.

    Finn Balor vs. Andrade: We see a pre-taped promo from Andrade and Zelina before the match. The opening bell sounds and this one spills out to ringside early on. Andrade leaps from the turnbuckle for a corkscrew moonsault down onto Balor at ringside. Back in the ring, Andrade continues the offense and controls the pace of the match after hitting a flying knee to the face of Balor. Balor finally fights back and then hits a double stomp on Andrade. They fight into the turnbuckle and Andrade goes for a Frankensteiner, but Balor rolls through and dumps Andrade out to ringside. Balor hits a big suicide dive on Andrade, then takes him back in the ring. Andrade fights back with a spinning elbow, then the running knee strike in the corner for a two count. Balor comes back with an inverted DDT, and both men are down. Zelina climbs to the top rope and tries to leap down on to Balor, but Balor moves and she lands in Andrade’s arms. Andrade puts her down, then Balor hits a dropkick on Andrade. Balor follows up with the Coup De Grace on Andrade for the three count.

    Winner: Finn Balor

    – We see Elias backstage warming up his guitar and singing about Roman Reigns. Elias proposes that Roman should face him one on one at Money In The Bank. Shane hops up next to Elias and says that was great, but Reigns will never accept, so it’s time for them to go. Shane and Elias get in a limo and drive out of the arena.

    – We see some video from earlier today of Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville telling Paige they are way out of her league, and it’s too late for Absolution to return.

    Kairi Sane vs. Peyton Royce: Kairi is joined by Paige and Asuka. Peyton and Billie Kay cut a promo on them before the match. Peyton starts off strong against Kairi and chokes her up against the ropes then stomps on her. Kairi fights back and hits an axe kick, then a neckbreaker. Kairi hits a running elbow on Peyton in the corner, then she goes up to the top rope. Kairi hits the flying elbow drop for the three count after a short match.

    Winner: Kairi Sane

    – Paige and Asuka celebrate with Kairi after the match. Mandy and Sonya interrupt their celebration and they have a face-off on the ramp. Jinder Mahal and the Singh Brothers then interrupt, and it looks like Jinder’s match against Chad Gable is up next.

    – We see a pre-taped promo from Aleister Black in a black t-shirt in front of a black background.

    – Chad Gable comes out for his match with Jinder, but on the ramp Lars Sullivan ambushes him from behind. Lars beats down Gable at ringside and slams him into the ring post. Lars then turns his attention to Jinder, and he slides in the ring. Jinder and the Singh Brothers start to flee the ring. Lars grabs one Singh brother and suplexes him down, and then he powerbombs the other Singh brother while Jinder escapes. R-Truth comes out to interrupt and he charges Lars. Truth hits the ring and starts trading punches with Lars now. They brawl all over the ring until Sullivan hits a suplex, and then a running powerbomb.

    – We go to Roman Reigns’ locker room for an interview. Reigns says he accepts Elias’ challenge and he’s going to break his jaw.

    – Charlotte comes out to the ring, and she’s got a mic. She talks about her WrestleMania loss to Becky Lynch in their triple threat match with Ronda Rousey. Charlotte says she was robbed at WrestleMania, and she wants Becky to come out and explain why she thinks she’s the rightful Champion when she didn’t beat Charlotte. Becky comes out and gets on the mic. She tells Charlotte that it was a winner takes all match, and Charlotte must not have understood what that meant. Becky says she beat the woman Charlotte couldn’t beat – Ronda, and Becky has beaten Charlotte more times than she can count. They continue to talk trash until Bayley comes out to interrupt. Bayley says the Superstar Shakeup was supposed to be a fresh start, but all she sees is a rerun between Charlotte and Becky. Bayley says Becky has never beaten her. Charlotte tells Bayley to get in the back of the line because this is Charlotte’s show. Bayley challenges Charlotte to a match to determine the #1 contender, but Charlotte says she’s not worth her time. Bayley slaps the microphone out of Charlotte’s hand, and it looks like we might have a match now.

    Charlotte vs. Bayley: Charlotte starts off strong and backs Bayley into the corner off the opening bell. Charlotte shoves Bayley, and Bayley shoves her back and knocks her down. Charlotte misses a spear and Bayley comes back with a neckbreaker. Charlotte fights back and slams Bayley into the corner. They trade slaps to the face now and Charlotte gets the upper hand and drops Bayley. Bayley rolls up Charlotte for a two count, then hits a springboard cross body for another two count. Bayley hits some strikes in the corner, but Charlotte ducks one and takes out Bayley’s knee. Charlotte starts focusing her offense on Bayley’s knee now, and Bayley rolls out to the apron for a breather. Charlotte looks for the Figure Four, but Bayley fights out and drops her. Both women are down now and Bayley is selling the knee. Charlotte escapes a suplex attempt, then she drops Bayley with a big boot for a two count. Charlotte goes for a moonsault off the top, but Bayley rolls out of he way. Bayley follows up with a German suplex. Bayley hits a sunset flip into the turnbuckle, then pins for a two count. Bayley misses a shot and Charlotte answers with a spear. Charlotte immediately pins for the three count.

    Winner: Charlotte

    – Charlotte will now receive a shot at Becky’s Championship. We see Becky backstage watching on a monitor. Becky does an interview where she says she doesn’t underestimate her competition, but she’s betting on herself at Money In The Bank. She says she’ll defend her RAW Title against Lacey Evans and her SmackDown Title against Charlotte at Money In The Bank.

    – We see Kofi, Xavier and Kevin Owens backstage in front of a table of pancakes. Kofi is warming up for his match against Nakamura up next.

    – They air Bray Wyatt’s “firefly fun house” vignette that also aired on RAW. Bray says he can’t wait to show everyone what he learned, and he introduces us to the buzzard box and the witch doll. Bray says he used to be a bad person, but he’s done being that “pathetic slob loser.” Bray takes a chainsaw to a cardboard cutout of himself and cuts it in half.

    Kofi Kingston vs. Shinsuke Nakamura: Woods and Owens are at ringside, and Owens does the ring introduction that Big E usually does. Rusev and Lana are at ringside in Nakamura’s corner. The opening bell sounds and Kofi and Nakamura trade strikes evenly in the opening moments. Kofi fires up and hits a cross body off the top on a standing Nakamura for a two count. Kofi connects with a kick, but then he misses a spear and Nakamura answers with a knee drop. Nakamura follows up with kicks and he sends Kofi out to the apron. They fight out to ringside where Nakamura connects with more kicks to the head and upper body. Back in the ring, Nakamura tries to toss Kofi but Kofi lands on his feet. Kofi taunts Nakamura and then clotheslines him. Kofi hits a dropkick, but then he misses a shot in the corner. Nakamura boots Kofi in the head then slams him down on the mat. Nakamura misses a shot and Kofi comes back with a double stomp on Nakamura. Kofi and Nakamura trade kick attempts now but miss all of them. Kofi latches on to Nakamura and hits the SOS. Kofi pins, but then Rusev runs in to break it up, and the ref calls for the DQ.

    Winner via DQ: Kofi Kingston

    – Owens and Xavier hit the ring to break it up and this one turns into an all-out brawl. Woods gets taken out at ringside, but Owens and Kofi are able to clear the ring. Owens then turns on Kofi and kicks him in the face. Owens beats down Kofi and Woods now, then he grabs the WWE Title belt from ringside and yells at Kofi. Owens takes Kofi out to ringside and looks to powerbomb him, but then Xavier Woods dropkicks Owens to break it up. Owens comes back with a clothesline on Woods and beats him down. Referees finally come out and Owens leaves. Kofi and Woods are hurting at ringside as Owens stares them down from the stage, and SmackDown goes off the air.