Category: TNA

  • TNA Final Resolution PPV Results (12/20)

    TNA Final Resolution Results – 12/20/2009
    Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida
    Report by: Sean Hopkins

    We get a video package highlighting the main feuds running into tonight’s event.

    The pyro hits and Mike Tenay welcomes us to the broadcast. He and Taz quickly begin to hype the Tag Team Championship match which will be first tonight.

    TNA Tag Team Championship Match
    – The British Invasion (c) vs. The Motor City Machine Guns

    The Guns are out first to a big pop from the crowd, followed by the British Invasion who get a little bit of heat. Sabin and Williams start things out, locking up and going through some quick chain wrestling. Williams puts Sabin down with a hammerlock, but Sabin fights out with an arm drag and gets the quick tag. Shelley comes and and continues to work over the arm, but it doesn’t last long as Williams is able to take Shelley down with a drop toe hold and tag in Magnus, who comes in and works over Shelley’s arm.

    Shelley is able to fight back with an enzugiri, but when he comes off the ropes he’s caught by Magnus. Shelley counters a suplex with an arm bar and makes the tag to Sabin. Shelley and Sabin hit stereo kicks to Magnus, and then to Williams. The heels bail to the floor and the Guns take them out with Stereo dives over the top rope. Back in the ring, Shelley falls victim to some double team work from the BI, followed by a high knee from Magnus. Magnus tags in Williams who gets Shelley in a headscissors and drives him head first into the canvas repeatedly. Shelley fights back with a couple of punches, but Williams gets Shelley in Gory special position and slams him into the corner. Williams tries for a superplex, but Shelley pushes him off and hits a big crossbody which is good for a near fall.

    Magnus hits Shelley with a huge European uppercut and Williams is back in. Williams locks in a modified front face lock and the crowd is popping huge for the guns. Shelley fights out of the hold and drops Williams with a crazy double knee backbreaker. Magnus prevents Shelley from making the tag, and tags in Williams, allowing the continued dominance over the Guns. Magnus locks in a full nelson but Shelley breaks the hold . Shelley tries for a cross body but Magnus catches him with a body slam instead. Magnus goes for a splash but Shelley gets his knees up and he’s finally able to make the tag. Sabin comes in and cleans house on both members of the BI. Sabin tries for the cradle shock, but Williams fights out and makes the tag to Magnus. Sabin makes the tag and Shelley comes in with a top rope thrust kick to Magnus. Shelley hits an STO into the corner, and he fights off Williams with a kick to the back. Sabin dives between the legs of his partner to the floor on top of Williams. Shelley hits Magnus with a superkick and the Sliced Bread #2, but Magnus kicks out. Shelley slams Magnus down and goes up top but he misses the double stomp and falls victim to an exploder from Williams. Magnus hits a modified DVD on Sabin.

    Shelley and Magnus square off and Magnus gets the upperhand with an uppercut. The BI have a communication issue as Magnus sends Williams to the floor with a kick. Sabin tags in and hits an enzugiri, the Guns hit a double team move and follow it up with stereo superkicks, but Williams makes the save. Sabin hits a cutter on Williams to send him to the outside. Shelley and Sabin hit kicks to the head of Magnu in the corner and follow it up with a big cross body but it’s still not enough to finish off Magnus.

    The Guns try for another double team but Williams breaks it up. The BI hit a doomsday European uppercut and Magnus pins Sabin for the three count.

    Winners and STILL TNA World Tag Team Champions: The British Invasion

    TNA Knockout Women’s Championship Match
    – ODB (c) vs. Tara

    Tenay and Taz run down the Tail of the Tape, and Tara’s music hits. She makes her way to the ring to some very nice pops from the crowd. ODB is out next to even more cheers from the crowd, it seems like they may be a bit split during this match. Tara tries to attack ODB right off the bat, but ODB rolls out of the ring and gloats that she is the champ.

    ODB makes her way back into the ring and the match is able to start this time. ODB tries to attack Tara with a kick, but she catches her leg and hits her with a bit chop. Tara is able to lock in the tarantula, which she lets go after a couple of seconds, and follows up with a slingshot legdrop. Tara tries for a powerbomb but ODB fights out. Tara hits a slap, but ODB is able to fight back with a knee, and she jams Tara’s head into the turnbuckle. ODB hits a shoulderbreaker on Tara, which is good for a near fall. She beats down on Tara, and she teases the bronco buster, but she hits a boot to the chest instead. ODB chokes Tara between the ropes and she follows it up with an inverted DDT. Tara tries to fight back, but ODB puts her right back down with a knee and a big fall away slam.

    ODB taunts Tara, but Tara takes her down with a quick roll up that’s good for a two count. ODB is quick to retaliate with a couple of quick stomps and she ties Tara’s arm up in the ropes, pulling back on her wrist. Tara kicks away at ODB’s stomach and she’s able to score a couple of quick chops and punches, and she sidesteps a dive from ODB. Tara slaps ODB and kicks her in the stomach, following it up with a few more slaps. Tara hits a hot shot in the middle of the ring before hitting a snap suplex. Tara hits a standing moonsault that’s good for a near fall.

    ODB tries for a TKO, but Tara is able to slip down with a roll up and score the quick victory.

    Winner and NEW TNA Knockouts Champion: TARA

    An interviewer comes out and asks Tara how it feels. Tara says that this is the pinnacle of her career and that this is what she came to TNA for. She says she loves it and she loves the fans.

    “Feast or Fired” Match

    Tenay and Taz run down the rules, and Jay Lethal’s music hits first, and he’s on his way to the ring with Consequences Creed. The cases are hung above the ring. Cody Deaner is the third man announced, he comes out to basically no reaction. Beer Money Inc, Robdert Roode and James Storm are the fourth and fifth men introduced. Eric Young, Sheik Abdul Bashir, Homicide, Big Rob, Kyoshi and Kevin Nash make their way to the ring, representing WE, and we now have eleven men in the ring.

    Obviously this match is going to be extremely difficult to cover so please just bear with me on this. I’ll of course make sure to get the names of the competitors that get the cases. Samoa Joe is the last man introduced, to a big pop. He makes his way out to the ring and we’re ready to begin. Everything just breaks down as soon as the bell rings and everyone is brawling. Some of the action spills to the outside where people get their heads bashed into various things, but the camera is jumping around too quickly. Lethal is close to grabbing a case but Kyoshi pulls him down. The crowd is chanting for Joe, and everyone is still just brawling everywhere. Deaner almost gets a case but Bashir is able to take him down. He goes for a case and Deaner returns the favor.

    Deaner and Bashir fight in the ring and Bashir takes him down with a vicious Irish whip into the corner. Bashir continues to go for a case, but Deaner is able to pull him off the turnbuckle. Lethal Consequences beat up on Homicide with a tilt a whirl backbreaker/Russian leg sweep combo. Creed goes for a briefcase and Lethal watches his back, but Bashir is able to cut him off and he and Deaner fight over the case. The case falls to the floor and both men go for it and get their hands on it. Bashir wrestles it away and hits Deaner with it and he is declared to have gotten case #2. While everyone is confused, Big Rob grabs a case of his own, case #4.

    Eric Young looks upset with Rob, and BMI use this as an opportunity to come in and clean house on WE, double teaming Nash and hitting a double suplex on Eric Young. BMI hit the DWI on Kyoshi, and follow it up with a slingshot DDT. Roode heads up for a case, but Nase prevents it and goes for the case himself. Nash is able to pull down case #1. Joe is in the ring to fight with Lethal Consequenses. He takes Lethal down with a uranage, but Creed jumps off the turnbuckle on Joe. Everyone hits some big moves on everyone else in super-quick succession, but Lethal ends up being able to go for the case, Homicide is right there though, with a gringo cutter from the top rope. Deaner goes for the case, but Joe comes out of nowhere with a big kick and he climbs the turnbuckle. Joe grabs the case, and he is in possession of case #3. They send it down to the ring, and we’re going to find out what the briefcases hold in them immediately. JB says it will happen right after a backstage segment. Christy Hemme is backstage with AJ Styles and Kurt Angle. Angle says that Desmond Wolfe has his head up his ass. He says Wolfe is smart and devious, but he is more smart and more devious. Angle says Wolfe won’t end his career tonight, especially when he has unfinished business. Styles says Kurt will get his shot, and soon. Styles says Daniels will never take the title from him, and then after he retains the title, he will take care of some unfinished business.

    Back at ringside, JB and So Cal Val are running the ceremony. Nash is out first, JB runs down the possibilities of Nash’s briefcase, and he opens it up to reveal that Nash wins a Tag Team Title shot. Joe is out next with case #3. JB runs down the options left before they open up Joe’s case to reveal that he has won a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship.

    JB calls out Big Rob and Bashir at the same time to open up their cases. He says one will be fired and one will have a shot at the X Division Championship. They open up the cases to discover that Terry wins the X Division Title shot, and Bashir is fired!
    Bashir throws the case away as the crowd sings ‘Goodbye’. JB says that this concludes Feast or Fired 2009.

    Elimination Match
    – Team 3D, Rhino & Jesse Neal vs. The Pope, Matt Morgan, Suicide & Hernandez

    Team 3D, Neal and Rhino are out first to a bit of heat. Hernandez is out solo for his team, and he will wrestle alone for the first five minutes. All four men look to jump Hernandez at the outset of the match, but they decide to leave it to Rhino. Rhino scores a quick kick to Hernandez’s stomach and he follows up with a couple of quick blows, tagging out to D-Von who beats down on Super Mex in the corner. Hernandez is able to fight back with a big slingshot shoulder block. Hernandez fights off everyone but Neal, who distracts him long enough for D-Von to attack from behind. D-Von chokes Hernandez with his boot and tags in Rhino, who comes in with a quick kick and tags in Ray.

    Ray hits a couple of punches and an elbow to the back of the head, and when Hernandez tries to fight back Ray comes out with a quick lariat to put him down. Rhino tags in, and he dodges a splash from Hernandez, countering with a belly to belly suplex. Rhino hits the gore and goes for the pin but Hernandez kicks out at two. Rhino goes for another gore, but Hernandez sidesteps it and pins Rhino, scoring the three count. Rhino is eliminated. All three remaining men are in to beat down Hernandez. Jesse Neal goes to the outside and he grabs a chair, Ray tells him to hit Hernandez, but the music of Hernandez’s team hits, and they are all down to the ring, and it’s four on three. The faces clean house and send all the heels packing to the floor. Hernandez follows out with a big dive over the top rope.

    Pope sends Neal into the ring into Suicide who tries for the pin, but only gets two. Suicide hits an elevated dropkick in the corner that’s good for another near fall. Suicide hits a Finlay roll and follows it up with a big leg drop from the top rope, but Neal is able to fight back with a forearm shot. Neal’s advantage doesn’t last long as Suicide hits a big dropkick. Neal fights back again with a couple of knees, but when he tries for a splash, Suicide ducks out of the way. Neal hits Suicide with a chair, but he’s not DQed, Hernandez in turn hits Neal with the chair, and apparently he gets DQed, so Hernandez has been eliminated.

    3D come in and hit a quick 3D on Suicide, D-Von gets the quick pin and Suicide has been eliminated. Pope is in, but Ray just beats down on him for a bit. Pope is able to fight back with a couple of big right hands and he finally puts Ray down with a huge shoulder block. Apparently Neal was eliminated as well. Pope hits Rau with a coupleof big elbows, and when D-Von comes in, he catches a couple as well, as well as a double smack. Pope goes up top and hits a shoulderblock from the top, but it’s only good for a two count. 3D hit another quick 3D on the Pope, and he’s the next man eliminated. Matt Morgan is the only man left for his team, and he’s getting lots of support from the crowd. 3D attack together and push him back into the ropes, where they beat away at him. 3D choke away at him, and apparently the ref just isn’t going to do anything about it. Morgan fights back with a double clothesline that puts down both members of 3D. Morgan hits a big splash on D-Von, then Ray, then D-Von again. He hits rapid fire elbows on D-Von and tries for a chokeslam on Ray, but D-Von clips his knee from behind.

    3D choke Morgan on the ropes and the crowd wants tables. D-Von rips away at Morgan’s face and Ray calls for another 3D. Morgan fights out and hits a Carbon footprint on D-Von, that’s enough to put him down for a three count, and D-Von has been eliminated. Ray is in quickly to beat up on Morgan and he chops away at him in the corner. Morgan starts to fight back but Ray resorts to a low blow. Ray tries for a big splash, but Morgan avoids it. Morgan tries for the Hellavator, but Ray counters with a DDT that’s good for a near fall. Ray goes to the outside and grabs the same char that was used earlier, but when he comes into the ring, he end up eating the chair when Morgan hits a carbon footprint into the chair into Ray’s face. Morgan pins Ray, and we have a winner.

    Winner: Matt Morgan

    After a botch where footage hyping the Foley/Abyss vs. Stevie/Raven tag is shown, more footage (that was meant to by shown) is aired hyping the Lashley/Steiner match which is up next.

    Last Man Standing Match
    – Bobby Lashley vs. Scott Steiner

    Steiner is out first with the pipe he used last month, swinging it like a baseball bat. He doesn’t really get much of a reaction from the crowd. Lashley’s music hits and the crowd goes nuts when he comes out on the entrance ramp. Krystal Lashley is sent to the back before the bell even rings, and Steiner follows her up the ramp. Lashley follows, and he tries to attack Steiner, but he hides behind Krystal for a second and the drills Lashley with a punch. Steiner slams Lashley’s head into the steel guard rail a couple of times and then chokes Lashley with the TV cable before whipping Lashley into the barricade again. The action moves into the ring where Steiner tries for a clothesline, but Lashley counters with a quick T-Bone suplex. Lashley beats on Steiner in the corner before hitting a running shoulder into Steiner’s stomach.

    Lashley’s hits a gutbuster and locks in a dragon sleeper, trying to choke Steiner out. Lashley lets go and the ref begins the count. Steiner is up at six, only to be clotheslined over the top rope. Lashley follows out and slams Steiner into the guard rail before grabbing a chair and smashing Steiner over the head. Steiner fights back with a couple of elbows and he grabs a pipe, hitting Lashley in the stomach and over the back. Lashley is able to answer the count at six, but Steiner puts him right back down with another pipe shot. Lashley is back up a seven and Steiner drags him back to the ring where he slams him into the ring steps. Lashley is able to answer the count at eight and make his way back into the ring where Steiner puts him on the top turnbuckle. Lashley is able to fight Steiner off for a bit, but Steiner hits a crazy jawbreaker (kind of an inverted tower of London) that puts Lashley down for a nine count. Steiner is right back on it and he puts Lashley back up on the top turnbuckle. Steiner hits a top rope belly to belly suplex.

    Taz makes a ‘vintage’ joke, and Steiner goes for a double sledge, but Lashley counters with a belly to belly suplex of his own before hitting a running slam. Steiner answers the count at nine and hits a quick low blow on Lashley who was climbing the ropes. Steiner follows up and hits a big frankensteiner, putting Lashley down for an eight count. Steiner puts him right back down with a clothesline and he bails to the outside.

    Steiner grabs the pipe, but when he makes it back to the ring, Krystal Lashley is down. she grabs the pipe from Steiner and throws it to Lashley who hits a big spear and follows it up with a hit with the pipe. The ref counts ten, and Steiner isn’t moving.

    Winner by KO: Bobby Lashley

    Raven & Dr. Stevie vs. Abyss & Mick Foley

    Raven and Stevie are out first with a kendo stick and chair in hand, respectively. Raven gets a nice reception from the crowd, getting a couple of cheers. Foley and Abyss are out second to a big pop from the crowd. Foley has a mic in hand and says it’s ok that Raven and Stevie don’t want to play by the rules because he’s declaring it a Foley’s funhouse rules and there’s no DQ. All four men go crazy at the outset of the match with Foley laying Stevie out with the kendo stick and Abyss hitting a double splash on Raven and Stevie with Foley following it up with a running knee to Raven.

    Foley and Rave fight on the outside to the back of the Impact Zone where they go through the curtain. Stevie and Abyss continue to fight in the ring where Abyss hits a big splash to Stevie’s back in the corner. Abyss goes for the cover but he can only get two. Stevie bails to the floor and he works his way to the back of the Impact Zone. Abyss follows and he slams Stevie into the barricade and the platform holding up the announce table. Abyss grabs a table from the side and Stevie is crawling away.

    Abyss wails away on Stevie before pulling him up to the entrance ramp, he gets him in powerbomb position, but Raven comes in from behind with a kendo stick and cracks Abyss across the back. Raven uses the stick to choke Abyss and he bites away at Abyss’ leg (which is supposed to have 3rd degree burns). Raven and Stevie beat Abyss down the ramp and back toward the ring. Raven bites away at Abyss’ leg again, causin Abyss to scream in pain. Stevie hits Abyss with a chair as Raven pulls a gas can out from under the ring. Foley is on his way down to the ring with a shopping cart full of weapons that he rams into Raven. Foley uses some of the signs to wail on Stevie and Raven before hitting them both with a barbed wire bat. The gas is spilling on the floor. Foley hits a stump puller pile driver on Raven in the ring before hitting a double arm DDT on Stevie. Foley lays Stevie on top of Raven and Abyss hits a bit running senton. Foley grabs Mr. Socko but Raven throws powder in Foley’s eyes.

    Raven tries for the mandible claw but Foley fights out. Abyss hits a shock treatment on Stevie and a leg drop on Raven at the same time. Abyss goes into his pants and apparently he has a Socko too. They get stereo mandible claws, but Raven is able to hit a Raven effect DDT for two. Foley wraps a roll of barbed wire around Stevie and lays him on the table next to the entrance ramp before going up to the top and driving Stevie through the table with a big elbow drop. Back in the ring, Daphne hits Abyss with a chair. He tries for the shock treatment on her, but Raven distracts him. Abyss hits the black hole slam on Raven and this one is over.

    Winners: Abyss and Mick Foley

    JB is backstage with Samoa Joe, he asks him about his shot at the TNA World Championship. Joe said he told people for weeks that he was going to walk out with the briefcase that he now has. Joe says that now the most vicious man in the world is in possession of the most dangerous thing possible, a title shot whenever he wants it. Joe says when will he use it? Maybe he’ll wait for the end of the match tonight, or maybe he’ll wait until January 4th, to make the biggest statement of all. Joe says that when he walks down to the ring to cash in that briefcase, he will walk out the TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

    Three Degrees of Pain Match
    – Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe

    We get a video package before the match highlighting the events over the past two months that have led to this match. Tenay and Taz talk over the match for a bit. Apparently this whole match will be contested inside of a steel cage. The first fall is pin only, the second is submission and the third is escape from the cage. Wolfe is on his way out to the ring first, to a little bit of heat from the crowd. Angle is out second to a warm reception from the crowd.

    The bell rings and the first fall is on. Angle backs Wolfe up immediately into the ropes. Apparently in the first fall, you can’t use the steel cage as a weapon or you risk being DQed. Wolfe and Angle lock up in a test of strength, and Wolfe comes out on top with a keylock. Angle counters with a go behind take down into a front headlock. Wolfe comes out into an armbar and he also wrenches away at Angle’s neck. Angle fights out with a single leg takedown and he scissors the leg to put pressure on Wolfe. Wolfe gets out with a well placed kick.

    Wolfe locks in a modified front face lock and he slams Angle down to the mat, but Angle rolls through into a hammer lock, lots of chain submissions here. Wolfe gets out of it with a snapmare but Angle is right back into a hammer lock. Wolfe hits another snap mare, but Angle rolls right back into another hammer lock. Wolfe fights out with an elbow, and a quick throat chop. Wolfe hits a giant European uppercut and he tries for a quick series of pinfalls but Angle will not stay down for three. Wolfe tries for a knee drop but Angle avoids it and Angle goes to work on the knee stomping at it. Wolfe pokes Angle in the eye before taking Angle down with a headlock takedown. There’s a dueling chant but the crowd is much more behind Angle. Wolfe hits another headlock takedown, just trying to wear Angle down. Angle is able to fight out of the hold, but he’s taken down by a shoulder block. Angle comes back with a hip toss and a quick suplex, but he gets hit with another elbow. Angle hits a huge bucklebomb, but Wolfe hits a snapdown armbar, falling to the canvas.

    Wolfe fights out of a roll up attempt and slams Angle’s hand and arm down into the canvas. Desmond goes right back to work with another modified front face lock. Angle fights his way out of the submission and ducks a lariat only to hit a flying lariat and a belly to belly suplex. Angle tries for the Angle slam, but Wolfe counters out with a flying hammer lock. Wolfe tries for a lariat, but Angle counters with FIVE German suplexes. Angle goes up to the top turnbuckle, but Wolfe knocks him down and hits the tower of London. Kurt is able to kick out of the pin attempt at two.

    Angle hits the Angle slam to counter the tower of London, but Wolfe kicks out at two. Angle goes back up to the top turnbuckle and he goes for a moonsault but Wolfe rolls out of the way. Wolfe hits a big lariat and puts Angle on the top turnbuckle, hitting another tower of London. This time, Wolfe puts Angle down for the three count.

    Winner of the first fall: Desmond Wolfe

    As soon as the bell rings for the second fall, Wolfe works over Angle’s arm, stretching his shoulders, but Angle rolls over and goes right into the figure four. Wolfe struggles for a bit but he’s eventually able to make it to the ropes to force a break. Wolfe locks in a modified gogoplata before floating over into a top wrist lock. Angle fights tries to fight out of it, but Wolfe puts him down with an arm drag while maintaining the submission. Wolfe hits another arm drag, and he goes back to the modified gogoplata. Angle works out of Wolfe’s submission directly into the ankle lock right in the middle of the ring. Wolfe rolls through though right into an figure four armbar.

    Angle rolls right back through into the ankle lock, but Wolfe is able to roll right through again into a kimura. Wolfe locks in the London dungeon, but when he tries to pull him back to the middle of the ring Angle is able to lock in the ankle lock yet again. Wolfe counters yet again into an ankle lock of his own.

    Angle locks in a modified triangle choke, but Wolfe is able to work right back into the modified gogoplata, which he turns right into a tight triangle choke. Kurt is almost counted out, but he rolls over and through into the ankle lock. Wolfe tries to kick out but Angle holds on and locks his legs on, applying more pressure and forcing Wolfe to tap.

    Winner of the second fall: Kurt Angle

    Angle hits a big Angle slam to start off the third fall and he goes right to the top turnbuckle. Angle gets caught by Wolfe who climbs up after him and slams his arm into the cage. Wolfe hits a big superplex and both men are down. Wolfe tries to climb the cage but his left ankle is too hurt. Angle slams Wolfe’s ankle into the cage and he follows up, but Wolfe knocks him off. Kurt is right back up with a huge German superplex, and both men are down again.

    Angle slams Wolfe into the cage face first. Angle hits a big running lariat, and Wolfe is split open and bleeding bad. Angle climbs to the top turnbuckle and he tries for a frog splash, but Wolfe gets a leg up. Wolfe is hurt too though as he put up the leg with the hurt ankle. Wolfe calls for the foor to be open and when Angle tries to run up behind him, Wolfe slams the cage door into his head. Wolfe is almost out of the cage, but Angle grabs him by the foot and locks in the ankle lock. Wolfe taps but it doesn’t matter.

    Angle finally lets go of the hold and Wolfe is just shaking on the canvas. Angle goes to the top rope and he tries to climb to the top. Angle makes it to the top and Wolfe goes for the door. Angle drops the last six feet or so and falls to the floor before Wolfe can make it.

    Winner of the third fall and the Three Degrees of Pain Match: Kurt Angle

    JB is backstage with Mick Foley. Foley says he can’t take credit for the win tonight since Abyss got the 1-2-3. Foley says the person he really wants to talk to is Hulk Hogan. Foley says that Hogan is going to turn his life upside down before he even gets to the Impact Zone, so January 4th, he and Hogan are going to spend a little quality face time together.

    TNA Championship Match
    – AJ Styles (c) vs. Daniels

    There’s a lot of stalling as the crew takes down the cage. Daniels is finally shown warming up and walking in the back. His music hits, and he makes his way out to the ring to a bit of heat from the crowd. AJ Styles is shown backstage on his way to the ring. He gets a huge pop when he makes his way out to the ring. We get formal ring introductions for both men from JB. So after the opening bell, this one is ready to go.

    AJ and Daniels jaw at each other before the match starts as Slick Johnson displays the TNA World Championship belt. Daniels and AJ stare each other down at the ring bell, and both men are slow to make a move. When they do, they tussle around the ring in a collar and elbow tie up. AJ backs Daniels up into a corner, but Daniels slaps him across the face when Styles breaks. Styles backs him up into another corner and teases hitting him, but ultimately doesn’t. Daniels comes right back out and ties up Styles’ arm.

    Daniels ties up AJ’s arm and he gloats, calling himself the next world champion. Daniels takes AJ down with an arm drag, but Styles fights out with a headscissors. Daniels floats over into another arm bar and continues to work on AJ, trying to wear him down. AJ fights out and locks in a rear chin lock, but Daniels fights out, though he quickly falls victim to a shoulder block. Daniels knocks AJ over and goes right back to work on AJ’s arm.

    Daniels hits a pretty inventive flying arm drag, but when he goes for a dropkick, AJ avoids it. AJ tries for a spinning back kick, but Daniels sends him out to the apron. AJ is back in the ring and he surprises Daniels with a beautiful dropkick. AJ slams Daniels head into the corner and beats on him for a bit before hitting a kick between Daniels’ shoulder blades. AJ hits a quick headscissors takedown which he follows up with a crisp snap suplex. AJ chops at Daniels’ chest but Daniels bails to the floor. AJ follows out with a beautiful flipping senton directly on top of Daniels. AJ sends Daniels back into the ring, following in with a slingshot dive and hitting a discus lariat. AJ locks in a rear chin lock, but Daniels fights out of it, hitting a monkey flip sending Styles into the turnbuckle.

    Daniels sends Styles to the floor where he lands straight on top of his head. Daniels grabs a chair and he sits Styles in it, he grabs another and goes to hit Styles but the ref takes it away. While the ref has his back turned, Daniels picks up Styles and puts him through the chair with a uranage. Daniels sends Styles back into the ring and he tries for the pin but Styles kicks out. Daniels hits a big side slam but again it’s only good for a two count. AJ hits a headscissors out of nowhere and he goes to work on Daniels in the corner with a couple of forearms. AJ goes for a springboard move but Daniels punches him in the back. Daniels hits a crazy back suplex slamming AJ straight down into the top turnbuckle. Daniels goes for the pin but he can only get two.

    AJ tries to fight back with punches to the midsection, but Daniels continues to work over AJ’s back with knees and a body slam. Daniels does a springboard splitleg moonsault on AJ’s back and locks in a rear chin lock, but AJ is able to grab the ropes to force a break. Daniels slams AJ down to the mat and he goes for a lionsault. AJ moves and Daniels lands on his feet. AJ surprises Daniels with a hammer lock back suplex and both men are down.

    AJ beats on Daniels in the corner and he hits Daniels with a big spin kick. The action spills to the outside, Daniels tries for a hurricarana over the top rope to the floor but AJ counters with a huge powerbomb. AJ sends Daniels shoulder first into the steel ring post. AJ pounds on Daniels and Daniels rolls back in the ring where he tries to beg off. AJ doesn’t fall for it and he hits a fireman’s carry neckbreaker. AJ hits a springboard backflip into an inverted DDT, but he can only keep Daniels down for a two count. Daniels crotches Styles on the top rope after a back body drop. Daniels hits a crazy superplex from the middle of the ropes but again it’s only good enough for a near fall.

    Daniels puts Styles on the top turnbuckle, but AJ tries to fight him off. Daniels hits AJ with a huge thrusting right hand. Daniels hits a big hurricarana off the top rope and follows it up with a shining wizard, but he still can’t keep AJ down. Daniels has a disgusting knot on the top of his head. Styles blocks a suplex and hits a big brainbuster.

    Styles hits a springboard clothesline, but Daniels gets his foot on the rope to end the pin attempt. Styles calls for the Styles clash but Daniels falls out. Styles hits the Pele. Styles tries for the Styles clash again but Daniels grabs onto the ropes and fight out of it. Styles tries for a German suplex but Daniels grabs onto the referee. Daniels puts Styles down and hits the BME but Styles kicks out.

    Daniels beats on Styles, but Styles fights back, slingshotting Daniels into the corner. Styles rolls through into the Styles clash but Daniels kicks out at two. Styles goes up to the top turnbuckle, but Daniels is there to knock him down with another uppercut. Daniels goes for another hurricarana, but AJ counters with a top rope Styles clash. AJ pins Daniels, and that’s all folks.

    Winner and STILL TNA World Champion: AJ Styles

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    Solomonster Sounds Off (Episode 93)

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    Est. Runtime: 65 minutes

    Some of the topics discussed in this edition of the Sound Off include:

    | Bret Hart signs a contract to return to WWE, so what will he be doing and when will he debut?

    | Thoughts on TLC (a good show) and Raw is Slammys (not a good show)

    | Will Undertaker really face Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 26 or is this … a SWERVE (â„¢Russo)?

    | Jim Ross signs a contract extension with WWE (NOT a new long-term contract)

    | Debunking expectations for the January 4th head-to-head battle and what TNA should be doing to promote it

    Want your question on the air? Send feedback to

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  • Final Card For Tonight’s TNA Final Resolution PPV

    Below is the final card for tonight’s TNA Final Resolution pay-per-view from Orlando:

    TNA World Heavyweight Title Match
    Daniels vs. AJ Styles

    TNA World Tag Team Title Match
    Motor City Machineguns vs. The British Invasion

    TNA Knockouts Title Match
    Tara vs. ODB

    Three Degrees of Pain Matches
    Desmond Wolfe vs. Kurt Angle

    Last Man Standing Match
    Scott Steiner vs. Bobby Lashley

    Challenge Match
    Mick Foley & Abyss vs. Raven & Dr. Stevie

    Eight-Man Elimination Match
    D’Angelo Dinero, Matt Morgan, Suicide and Hernandez vs. Team 3D, Rhino and Jesse Neal

    Feast or Fired Match
    Samoa Joe, Robert Roode, James Storm, Kevin Nash, Eric Young and Sheik Bashir vs. Kiyoshi, Homicide, Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed and Cody Deaner

  • Hogan Frustrated, More Changes Coming To TNA, Nash

    – There is said to be some frustration among those on team Hogan over TNA’s lack of marketing.

    – There was a half-hour meeting with TNA talents at the recent iMPACT tapings where everyone was told to go back to working holds and telling stories in the ring with their matches.

    – The Wrestling Observer reports that Kevin Nash has been talking to former WCW personality Mark Madden, trying to convince him to come to TNA as an announcer. Apparently Nash doesn’t like Taz as an announcer and was complaining loudly when Taz replaced Don West.

    Nash responded on his Twitter with the following: “just found out i wanted Taz out and madden in. let me see dave meltzer. nash’s christmas wish list…..more money for me, more money for me”

    Visit to read more from pro wrestlers and Divas on Twitter!

  • Details On Flair’s TNA Negotiations, Danielson, Nash

    — Ric Flair and TNA Wrestling are closing in on the financial aspect of their negotiations. An interesting rumor going around claims that Flair wants to be contracted to Panda Energy, rather than TNA, so that he would still be entitled to a pay day if TNA went out of business.

    — To update the earlier story on Bryan Danielson’s status, he is actually training at Randy Couture’s “Xtreme Couture” gym in anticipation of his call from WWE.

    — Kevin Nash has reportedly been vocal in conveying his disapproval of Taz as a commentator.

    — WWE presently has a SmackDown! house show scheduled for 1/11, which would be the night WWE RAW goes head-to-head with UFC Fight Night. WWE has not yet committed to running that episode as a three-hour RAW, but should it make such a call, the assumption is that the house show would be postponed so that the SD wrestlers could work the TV show.

  • Mick Foley Rumor Killer, RVD & AJ Styles Appearing Together

    — To clear up an unfortunate rumor, Mick Foley is alive and well. Foley posted a blog today on his page saying a friend informed him of an Internet rumor that he had died. Foley wrote, “A friend of mine since middle school actually heard I had died on the Internet today. Just want to clear that one up. I am very much alive and well,” Foley said. “I don’t know how these things get started, but hopefully no one beside my friend took it seriously.”

    — Former WWE superstar and Spirit Squad member Ken Doane (“Kenny Dykstra”) will be appearing in a new FOX Reality channel series called “Seducing Cindy” – where a group of young guys compete to win the love of model/actress Cindy Margolis. Doane wrote on Twitter, “WWE don’t want me,TNA don’t want me right now. Guess I’m gonna get ready for “Seducing Cindy” Jan 30th 2010 see the promo!”

    • Visit to read more Tweets from pro wrestlers and divas.

    — TNA Champion A.J. Styles and free agent Rob Van Dam are scheduled to appear on tonight’s Between The Ropes radio show, hosted by Brian Fritz and D-Lo Brown. The show airs at 6PM (ET) at

  • nWo Reunion In TNA On 1/4? Bischoff Meets With TNA

    Monday Night iMPACT!
    Monday Night iMPACT!

    – Eric Bischoff has been in Nashville this past week working with TNA officials. There was a Christmas party for the company this past Friday night but no word yet if he attended. Bischoff is said to be very behind the scenes in preparation for January 4th and is working on those “surprises” TNA is hyping.

    -Kevin Nash recently posted a message on Twitter hinting at an nWo reunion on TNA’s Monday Night iMPACT! special. Nash wrote, “might see PAC Hogan Hall and Nash on tna together real soon.”

    Visit to follow all Pro Wrestlers & Divas on Twitter!

    – Several readers sent word that the Hulkamania Australia program that was set to air on One HD this past weekend did not air. TNA’s Explosion show aired instead. No word yet on why Hulkamania didn’t air.

    – Rick and Scott Steiner reunited at last night’s Prime Time Wrestling show in Belleville, Michigan. The Steiners defeated Beer Money in the main event after Rick hit his top rope bulldog.

  • Hogan Said Vince Got Mad Over TNA’s MSG Press Conference

    Hulk Hogan tells the UK Sun that he really pissed off WWE CEO Vince McMahon when he held his TNA press conference at Madison Square Garden in New York City.

    “I don’t think he’s too happy. Knowing Vince the way I do and holding the press conference at Madison Square Garden…I know some people in house at the WWE and I know he didn’t respond favourably. There’s been nobody in the Garden for about 100 years really except Vince, his dad, his grandfather and his great grandfather promoting events and I kind of slipped in there and made the press conference for TNA. Then the other night I announced we’re going head to head with WWE on Monday nights.”

    Hogan also hyped TNA’s live 3-hour Monday Night iMPACT! special January 4th, which he says could re-ignite the Monday Night Wars and begin a new era in the pro wrestling industry. “I can’t imagine what’s going to happen when the Monday night wars start again but it’s great because it gives the fans a choice and the talent room to negotiate and have somewhere else to go.”

  • Sound Off 92: Gimme Mah Gun, I’m Off To War Brother!

    Solomonster Sounds Off

    Solomonster Sounds Off (Episode 92)

    *right-click, “Save As”, or stream it!

    Est. Runtime: 64 minutes

    Some of the topics discussed in this edition of the Sound Off include:

    | Hulk Hogan and TNA rekindle the Monday Night Wars with WWE on January 4th, including a look at who may debut thAt night and Hogan’s ridiculous prediction on the “iMPACT!” rating

    | Bobby Lashley signs with Strikeforce to continue his MMA career, but will he still be able to wrestle?

    | Thoughts on Mark Cuban on Raw and the one thing WWE did wrong in his final segment with Sheamus

    | TLC thoughts and predictions and which match should be the sleeper of the PPV

    | A rant on another INCREDIBLY STUPID SEGMENT produced by TNA that not only does NOT make television, but is made to look like a REHEARSAL of a segment (idiots!)

    Want your question on the air? Send feedback to

    Wanna subscribe to the Sound Off via iTunes? CLICK HERE!

    Visit The Solomonster on Twitter @

  • Hulk Hogan Lowers His Expectations For 1/4 iMPACT! Rating

    After being publicly linked to a 3.0 ratings projection for the upcoming 1/4 edition of TNA iMPACT!, Hulk Hogan scaled back his claims in an interview with the Toronto Sun.

    “Jan. 4, we’re going head to head with WWE,” said Hogan. “We’ve got to pick a fight. I don’t know what’s going to happen that night. If we get bodyslammed by WWE, we’ll get back and go at them again.”

    As WWE RAW rarely posts a rating in significant excess of a 3.0, there is no way TNA would be “bodyslammed” if it posted such a figure (in fact, as there is a finite limit to the pro wrestling audience size on Monday, a 3.0 rating for TNA would almost definitely mark a victory for the number two wrestling group).

    Hogan thus appears to be lower the expectation for his initial impact, instead hoping analysts focus on the big picture benefit he–and those wrestling standouts who accompany him in TNA–will bring to the table.

    Hulk Hogan makes his live TNA television debut during a special three-hour iMPACT! on January 4. The TNA show will go head-to-head with RAW for at least two hours that Monday.

  • Abyss Set On Fire Video, Jeff Jarrett’s TNA Status

    TNA founder Jeff Jarrett was backstage at the television tapings in Orlando, Florida this week. There was no formal reintroduction of Jarrett from management, nor any type of update on what his position with the company is at this time, according to One source did say having Jarrett back was ackward, considering nobody knew what his specific role was, and whether he actually holds any authority. For those wondering, Jarrett is still a minority owner in the company and has been back in the TNA office for several weeks now.On this week’s iMPACT!, a segment aired where Mick Foley convinced Jarrett to return to TNA television next week.

    Also on this week’s iMPACT!, TNA hyped an The angle that was considered “too graphic for Spike TV.” TNA has since released some shocking footage from Thursday afternoon of Abyss being set on fire by Raven and Stevie Richards. According to the TNA website, Abyss was hospitalized with “severe burns covering his entire left leg.” Check it out:

  • Pictures Of TNA’s Times Square Billboard Ad

    Earlier this week, TNA president Dixie Carter wrote a message on Twitter that New York City’s Time Square would soon feature a TNA Wrestling billboard.

    The billboard is now up and it’s promoting TNA’s upcoming Monday Night iMPACT! special on Janaury 4th.

    As always, you can follow Dixie Carter at

    Check it out these pictures of TNA’s Time Square billboard ad:

  • Hogan Predicts 3.0 Rating For Monday iMPACT! (POLL)

    Monday Night iMPACT!
    Monday Night iMPACT!

    With reports coming out that Spike TV is a bit nervous about how TNA iMPACT! will perform on Monday, January 4th head-to-head with WWE RAW for the first time, Hulk Hogan sounds pretty confident he’ll make an immediate impact and is is setting the bar pretty high.

    Hogan told hosts, “Everybody (at Spike) was scared of their own shadow. ‘What if we don’t do a number?’ The thing is, I said, ‘Don’t even worry about it. You have to give the audience a choice,’”

    During an interview on the “Right After Wrestling” SIRIUS satellite radio show, Hulk Hogan predicted that Nielsen ratings would triple to a 3.0 on his debut appearance on TNA Impact on Monday January 4.

    Hogan said he sees “something there” with guys like AJ Styles and Matt Morgan and wants to “bring to life” the TNA superstars who he feels have that “it” factor.

    The full interview will air on “Right After Wrestling” on Monday night December 14 at 11pm EST on SIRIUS Channel 98, Hardcore Sports Radio.

    [poll id=”12″]

  • Big Names Missing Monday Night War, Vince No-Selling TNA

    – With January 4th shaping up to be an eventful night, WWE’s top star will not be appearing on WWE RAW for the “Monday Night War.” WWE champion John Cena will miss the January 4th edition of Raw (from Ohio) because he’ll in Arizona for the Fiesta Bowl coin flip to promote Wrestlemania XXVI.

    – On the TNA side, we can confirm that Team 3D’s Brother Ray and Brother Devon will be in Japan on January 4th as they’re booked to work that day’s New Japan Tokyo Dome event.

    – In related news, there has been no talk of making the January 4th edition of RAW a three-hour broadcast yet. While many within WWE management have taken notice of TNA’s Monday Night iMPACT! special, Vince McMahon is said to be “no-selling” the move and is not giving the imprsesion that he feels threatened in the least.

    — The most recent issue of WWE Magazine has an interview with the Bella Twins answering questions on psychic links between twins, “the creepy girls” from The Shining, one day battling each other for a WWE championship, and more. When asked how people can tell them apart, they replied with the following.

    “I have two beauty marks on my chest, and our faces are shaped differently,” Brie told WWE Magazine. “We joke that I have more of a banana head, and Nikki has an apple head. She has the bigger booty, too, which she’s proud of.”

    Nikki added, “Oh, heck yeah! I carry way more curves than Brie. And I usually have a flower in my hair. I love celebrating my Mexican-Italian heritage, and a flower makes me feel Spanish…and pretty!”

  • TNA Billboard In Times Square, Cuban Talks RAW, Timbaland

    – TNA president Dixie Carter has updated her Twitter account with an announcement about a new TNA Wrestling ad campaign in New York City:

    TNA’s 1st Times Square billboard goes up tomorrow in NYC. TNA package of goodies to the 1st person who tweets me a pic!

    She didn’t specify, but its likely that the ad will be promoting Hulk Hogan’s TNA iMAPCT! debut on Monday night, January 4th. To read more from Dixie Carter on Twitter, click here.

    – WWE’s website has confirmed what was reported here yesterday, that hip hop recording artist and producer Timabland will host the final WWE RAW of 2009.

    – During the pre-show before Tuesday night’s Dallas Mavericks NBA game, owner Mark Cuban talked about hosting WWE RAW this week and said he he loved every minute of it. Cuban enjoyed catching up with Vince McMahon and called WWE family, saying anytime they get together is fun. He said the energy at WWE RAW was like a Mavericks game, except he didn’t have to worry about his team winning. He also mentioned that the NBA told the Mavericks players they could attend RAW but were not allowed in the ring.

  • *Spoilers* TNA iMPACT! Taping Results For 12/10

    Here are the tapings from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida for the Impact episode to air on Thursday, December 10, 2009. Thanks to reader JP Nichols for sending in the following:

    The show starts off with Kevin Nash coming to the ring and he lets everyone know that he is in control of tonight’s show and he announces the following matches:

    • British Invasion versus Chris Sabin
    • Scott Steiner and a Mystery Partner versus Bobby Lashley and Kristal
    • Eric Young versus Hamada
    • Team 3D, Jesse Neal, and Rhino versus D’Angelo Dinero, Hernandez, Matt Morgan, and Suicide with the stipulation that the person who gets pinned starts the match at Final Resolution alone against their opponents for five minutes
    • Lacey Von Erich versus Velvet Sky in a mud wrestling match

    Chris Sabin defeated the British Invasion after pinning Big Rob Terry.

    Awesome Kong is Scott Steiner’s mystery partner.

    – Scott Steiner and Awesome Kong defeated Bobby and Kristal Lashley. Steiner pinned Kristal and then he did push ups over her after the match.

    Eric Young defeated Hamada. Hamada dominated the match but Young got the win after putting his feet on the ropes.

    – ODB defeated Tara in a Drunken Street Fight. The women in the match had to drink a number of beers before the match. ODB pinned Tara after an X Factor onto the chair.

    -  Team 3D, Rhino, and Jesse Neal defeated Matt Morgan, Hernandez, Suicide, and D’Angelo Dinero. Dinero was attacked backstage by Jesse Neal and Neal comes to the ring wearing Dinero’s jacket. Neal pinned Hernandez after a gore. This means that Hernandez will have to face Team 3D, Rhino, and Jesse Neal alone for the first five minutes of the match at Final Resolution. After the match, Dinero comes out to make the save with his cane.

    A.J. Styles defeated Desmond Wolfe with a rollup. Daniels distracted Wolfe during the match which assisted Styles during the match.

    Velvet Sky defeated Lacey Von Erich in a mud wrestling match.

    TNA Xplosion Taping:

    – Amazing Red defeated Homicide with a standing shooting star press.

    – Consequences Creed defeated Sheik Abdul Bashir with a double knee gutbuster.

    Other notes:

    – Team 3D and Homicide paid tribute to Umaga with messages on their wrist tape.

  • Details Behind TNA’s Monday Night iMPACT! Strategy

    As reported over the weekend, TNA Wrestling has announced that a live three-hour iMPACT! special will air on Monday 1/4 from Orlando, FL. It will be the first time TNA goes head-to-head with WWE Raw on a Monday night.

    Testing the waters on a Monday night has been on TNA’s radar for quite some time. When TNA met with Spike TV and a Monday night show was discussed, original plans called for a live 2-hour broadcast from 8-10PM, with only the second hour opposing WWE Raw. TNA and Spike liked the idea of getting a 1-hour unopposed lead-in and then competing with Raw’s first hour. It was then thought that WWE would counter TNA by asking the USA Network for a third hour to combat TNA, so the decision was made to make iMPACT! a 3-hour show.

    At this time, January 4th is a one-time experiment with a lot riding on it. Should TNA hold their own and get their usual 1.0 rating or better, we could see iMPACT! move to Monday nights permanently in 2010.

    It’s also worth noting that Spike TV is going head-to-head with WWE Raw the following week after Monday Night iMPACT! with a live UFC Fight Night special. You can be sure all parties involved (Spike, USA, WWE, TNA, UFC) will be watching to see how TNA and UFC stack up against WWE Raw in early January.

    (Credit to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter for some of the information used in this report)

  • Dixie Carter Says Monday Night iMPACT! Is Only The Beginning

    TNA President Dixie Carter posted a message on her Twitter page regarding TNA’s live 3-hour Monday night edition of iMPACT! on January 4th. Carter acknowledges that TNA is going to war with WWE and implies that more moves like this are on the way. She wrote:

    “Hogan to debut Jan 4 in a live 3 hr iMPACT! special up against Raw. How’s that for a 1st shot? Spread the word.”

    To read more from Dixie Carter and other wrestlers & divas on Twitter, visit

  • Monday Night TNA, RVD & Flair In TNA, No More 6-Sided Ring?

    – The ongoing speculation that TNA will wind up on Monday nights competing head-to-head with WWE Raw continues. While nobody from TNA or Spike TV have commented directly about the rumor, people who are being contacted by Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff about joining them in TNA are “under the impression” that a Monday night show is inevitable. There has been talk of TNA holding a live television special on Monday night, January 4th to test he waters and see how they would do up against Raw.

    – Hulk Hogan is not a fan of TNA’s 6-sided ring and has been telling people that it’s one of the first things he’s like to change when he comes into power next month.

    – Hogan and Bischoff are said to be confident that Rob Van Dam and Ric Flair will wind up in TNA.

    Related News: Ric Flair Comments On Whether He’d Work For TNA

    – Despite being featured on the TNA Genesis PPV poster, Hulk Hogan will not be wrestling on the show. It’s likely that he will eventually step in the ring, but not until the right match has been set up with months of storyline build leading up to it.

    Related News: TNA Genesis PPV Poster With Hulk Hogan

    – It’s interesting to note that the DVD cover for “End Game” which starred Kurt Angle and former TNA Knockout Jenna Morasca promotes Angle as a WWE star with no mention of TNA. There is also no mention of Jenna’s run in wrestling.

    (Credit to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter for some of the information used in this report)

  • Ric Flair Comments On Whether He’d Work For TNA

    Alex Marvez of recently interviewed WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair and asked him about whether he’d ever seriously consider going to TNA Wrestling now that Hulk Hogan is on board.

    “I haven’t entertained the idea of working there because I’ve been so loyal to WWE, but you never know what’s going to go on,” Flair said. “I don’t want to make any predictions, but I’ve certainly got a lot left to offer. I think I would be a good addition to (TNA’s) program.

    “Everything is about money, timing, what they want me to do and the job description. There’s a lot up in the air. I haven’t talked to (TNA ownership) yet, but I’ve had conversations with people who work there. I’ve stood by WWE, but if they’re not going to use me anymore, I’m ready for any kind of action.”

  • Hogan-Dixie TNA Storyline, Angle High On Wolfe, Drug Testing

    – We’ve got some new details regarding a storyline that’s already underway involving Hulk Hogan’s involvement with TNA Wrestling. The original plan was for Hulk Hogan to lead the younger, homegrown stars of TNA against the “old guard” of established WWE & WCW castoffs, led by TNA president Dixie Carter. Hulk Hogan’s recent comments that he’ll be “in charge” of TNA are all part of the storyline (Hogan will have a great deal of power in TNA, but his comments are the start of this angle). Dixie Carter was going to be a big player in the “Hulk Hogan joins TNA” angle, but there was a recent decision to cut back on Dixie’s role and have Mick Foley is now expected to be the leader of TNA’s “old guard” movement. Dixie Carter will still be involved, but will not have the same role as originally planned.

    – Kurt Angle is said to have a high opinion of TNA newcomer Desmond Wolfe following their pay-per-view match last month. Angle actually laid the entire match out but claimed that after his back went out in the first minute they had to change plans and work on the fly until the finish.

    – TNA held surprise drug testings at the last set of TV tapings. The last set of tapings like this had a 25% failure rate but nobody was punished.

    – The four-hour TNA special on New Year’s Eve on Spike TV will air from 7-11PM. The first two hours will be a countdown with the ten best matches of 2009, as voted on by the fans on TNA’s website. The last two hours will be a regular edition of iMPACT.

    (Credit to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter for some of the information used in this report)

  • *Spoiler* On Hulk Hogan’s First TNA PPV Appearance

    TNA Genesis: 1/17/2010

    The official Pay-Per-View poster ha been released for January’s TNA Genesis event and it contains what appears to be spoilers for future TNA storylines and Hulk Hogan’s TNA debut.

    TNA champion AJ Styles and Kurt Angle are featured prominantly on the poster with the tagline, “A Night of Firsts.”

    Below Styles and Angle is a picture of Hulk Hogan with the text, “Hulk Hogan Returns to Pay-Per-View.”

    Pay-Per-View provider iNDEMAND has the following synopsis for the event: “A night of firsts, a night of new beginnings and the night Hulk Hogan returns to Pay-Per- View. TNA Wrestling presents
    TNA Genesis Live on Pay-Per-View Sunday January 17. *Card subject to change.”

    TNA Genesis takes place on Sunday night, January 17, 2010.

  • Steve Austin Rumor Killer, Snisky & Zeus In Music Video

    — TNA president Dixie Carter wrote a message on Twitter that she “walked past a rattlesnake,” which led to online speculation that she had met with WWE Hall of Famer Steve Austin. Carter set the record straight by writing, “I wish it had been Steve Austin. But, no, it was the regular bite you, rush you to the hospital variety rattler.” To read additional quotes from Dixie, visit

    — Former WWE superstars Gene Snitsky and Zeus are featured in a new music video for rock band VYRUS’ new song, “Free Your Soul.” The video ends with “TO BE CONTINUED,” so we may not have seen the last from this strange duo. Check out the video:

  • AJ Styles Says TNA Will Compete With WWE On Monday Nights

    TNA Champion AJ Styles
    TNA Champion AJ Styles

    TNA Wrestling World champion A.J. Styles was interviewed by Perth, Australia’s 91.3 SportFM and spoke TNA’s desire to compete with WWE.

    Radio host Jason Dattilo asked Styles about the rumor that TNA Wrestling could be moving their programming to Monday nights to compete with WWE Raw and start a new Monday Night War. When asked whether TNA on Monday nights will ever happen, Styles responded confidently by saying, “Absolutely. One day it will happen, there’s no doubt about it. I know we can run with them.”

    This brought the conversation to whether TNA is ready to start a war and what is holding them back from being ready to take WWE down. Styles implied that money was a big reason WWE is able to produce a top notch product and get their brand name out there. “A lot of things (wrong) are our production issues. The reason why WWE is out there and so big and been there so long and their production is very expensive. We’re working our way up there to get to that point. We just don’t have the money they do.” Styles also pointed to TNA not having the brand awareness that WWE has in the marketplace. Styles said if the production value picks up and TNA can “get their name out there,”, he sees TNA being able to compete with WWE.

    Styles also named Rey Mysterio, Shawn Michaels, Shelton Benjamin, Christian and Evan Bourne as WWE superstars who would be a good fit in TNA.