Category: WWE

  • More Names For WWE Legends’ House, nWo Mentioned On ESPN

    — “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan, Jimmy Snuka and Sgt. Slaughter were on the original cast list for WWE Legends’ House, a reality show premiering in 2012 on the WWE Network that will put eight to ten ‘Legends’ under one roof. Production for the show will begin soon in California.

    “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and “Mean” Gene Okerlund are confirmed for the show. Stephanie McMahon was quoted as saying in Entertainment Weekly that Dusty Rhodes and Iron Sheik would be on it as well.

    — During the Friday morning edition of ESPN’s SportsCenter, Robert Flores mentioned the nWo while conducting highlights of the Los Angeles Lakers vs. Miami Heat game. The Heat donned all-black uniforms, which Flores described as “Miami rocking the nWo uniforms, the black and white. For Life.”

    — Legendary ring announcer Howard Finkel stated on Twitter that former WWE Superstar Pete Gas has joined the micro-blogging website. His account is located at

  • Chris Jericho Invests In Florida Fitness Center With Tim Tebow

    Chris Jericho & Tim Tebow: Business Partners

    Chris Jericho, NFL quarterback Tim Tebow, baseball player Chipper Jones and NFL linebacker Derrick Brooks are now business partners – as co-owners of the new D1 Sports Training and Therapy center in Tampa, Florida. The facility focuses on training Division 1 college athletes.

    Jones and Brooks will be hosting a members-only D1 Experience event on Saturday, January 21. Jericho will be hosting a D1 Experience event on Saturday, January, 28. The date for Tebow’s members-only D1 Experience event at D1 Tampa is to be determined.

    The facility, located on Gunn Highway in Citrus Park. features an 18,000+ square-foot training space and an additional 10,000 square feet for Westchase Sports Medicine and Patients First family medicine practice.

    Here’s what Chris Jericho and Tim Tebow are saying about the new facility:

    CHRIS JERICHO: “It’s such an exciting honor to be part of D1 Tampa! After training around the world at an advanced level for over 25 years, I can honestly say this is the finest fitness facility that I have ever been a part of. I’m so stoked to see the city of Tampa become a more physically fit community as a result of D1 and I plan to train here as much as possible!

    TIM TEBOW: “It’s so exciting to be a part of D1 in Tampa. When I graduated from Florida I had to find the perfect place to train to get ready for the (NFL) combine. I traveled all over the country in search of a facility that would fit my needs. Of all the places that I visited around the country, I found that D1 had everything I needed and it ended up being the right place for me.”

    “I love the training philosophy as well as the mentality the staff brings to work every day. They are so passionate about training, getting people in shape and improving their mind along with their focus on life. I was honored when I had the opportunity to become a part of the D1 family.”

  • Video: Zack Ryder’s Z! True Long Island Story (Ep. 49)

    Episode 49 features Zack Ryder reacting to losing the United States title to Jack Swagger on RAW, Ask The Heel with Dolph Ziggler, Broski and Sign of the Week and more

  • SmackDown Preview: SmackDown Roulette From Vegas

    The following is a spoiler-free preview for tonight’s SmackDown Roulette special on SyFy.

    Without revealing which matches received which stipulations, we can confirm tonight’s show will feature:

    • Lumberjack Match
    • Tables Match
    • Blindfold Match
    • Flag Match

    Here are the matches that we’ll see:

    • World Champion Daniel Bryan vs. Mark Henry
    • WWE Intercontinental champion Cody Rhodes vs. Justin Gabriel
    • Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett
    • Ted DiBiase vs. Hunico
    • Santino vs Drew McIntyre

    Also appearing are the “Funkasaurus” Brodus Clay, William Regal, Jinder Mahal, Teddy Long, Vickie Guerrero and Hornswoggle.

  • *Spoilers* WWE SmackDown Taping Results For Tonight

    *World champ Daniel Bryan comes out first for a promo. Explains that what the Big Show did last week was a sin and that he pretended to be sorry. The crowd is all over Bryan as a heel. Bryan is awesome in this role. He says AJ put herself in that position because she loves him. He says Show should do the right thing and just quit. Don’t know how this will come off on TV but the crowd hates this guy.

    Cody Rhodes vs. Hornswoggle. Justin Gabriel came out to stick up for Hornswoggle and take his place. Rhodes wins with his finisher.

    *Mark Henry is in the back next and spins the wheel. He gets a Lumberjack match. He says Daniel Bryan is next in the Hall of Pain.

    *Brodus Clay comes out for a dance off next against Vickie Guerrero. Total heat for Vickie. This woman can’t dance and the crowd is behind Clay. He wins the dance off and Vickie tries to dance again when William Regal comes out and pleads with the people not to laugh at her and escorts her away. Brodus then insults Regal and challenges him to a dance off. Wrestling purists are rolling in their graves. When Regal starts dancing, Clay catches Regal with a splash and dances around the ring.

    *Tables match: Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett. After a Jinder Mahal distraction, Barrett puts Sheamus through a table. Mahal attacks Sheamus. Sheamus puts Mahal through a table.

    *Ted DiBiase vs. Hunico in a flag match. DiBiase wins after getting the USA flag.

    *Teddy Long in the back fires Drew McIntyre. Santino begs for Drew’s job back and challenges him to match. He spins the wheel and gets a Blindfold match. If Drew wins, he keeps his job.

    *Santino vs Drew McIntyre blindfold match. It makes Rick Martel vs. Jake Roberts look like Flair vs. Steamboat. Pure comedy. Santino wins with the Cobra. Guess Drew is fired again!

    *Lumberjack match next. Mark Henry vs. Daniel Bryan for the World title. Match goes to no contest after The Lumberjacks attack both guys and Bryan leaves. Henry leaves also while the lumberjacks are fighting Rumble style. Sheamus starts throwing people over the top to show he can win the Rumble. The show ends with Sheamus standing tall in center of ring.


  • Chyna Rambles On Vince McMahon – “I’m Coming For You Vince”

    Chyna posted rambling diatribes Wednesday and Thursday on Twitter accusing Vince McMahon and WWE of trying to ruin her life. She, however, vows to take on her former employer.

    Chyna writes, “I’m coming for you Vince…….You won’t leave mw alone, so let’s go. ??? Call me?? Coward. ur so lame. a fan? Of you? ur talent? f u.”

    Here is her post in its entirety: “Hey My fans! I love you see you at AVN! Hey Vince! For all your abuse!! You are a loser and always will be. let me show you how

    Knock knock who’s scared of a great big bully (that I made since no one else will join) Not me!!! Let’s go Vince! I am not scared of you!

    This is me and you. Return my call. Who made ur money u pay people off to? It’s on now, Live free or die hard bitch! I’m a fighter.

    you can follow my schedule start trouble sue whatev but not pick up the phone?? If u don’t have ur x pac punks out the window I’m showin up

    And the taxes and the money and the radio. It’s 2012 suck dick Vince, who cares..but don’t abuse. U will be accountable,hhh,xpac watch!

    I need to fila another official restraining order. Death threats affect my reputation… damn Sorry Buffallo.

    Taxes? Witnesses? Trauma, hell just respect, sue me Vince so everyone can figure it out please. And quit using my name. Psycho fuck!

    I won’t quit Vince. You won’t…and I’m nothing like you. You’re a punk. I’m good with me. I’ll take whatever punk setup you got. IKEx10

    thanks 4 following my schedule so u could mess it all up. Why u scared of me Vince. i could talk, really talk, but it’s me and u…..

    Your’e a chump Mother playing with kids and superheroes…U make me ur life now me 2 cause i want nothing to do with you. pig!

    HHH and x pac follow me on Twitter?? yeah so then this is why. Back off. Murderers and bullies. If it came time time to pop on ur own/ Ha

    Say my name asshole…say it!!! I want @0k for all those that paid it and mine noe too. Shirts doll, freaky chinese sex tapes, Truth baby

    So follow this WWE…….I’m not going anywhere, but I will try to make you feel every bit that u put on me and my loved ones. Alive.

    It’s CHYNA That’s how much jerko?? No names they make money. …….I call you the punk bitch clique..

    can I buy and copywright that??? LOl!!! Really guys??? I’m fightin…. Everyone sits back and let’s that happen? Really?

    I’m coming for you Vince…….You won’t leave mw alone, so let’s go. ??? Call me?? Coward. ur so lame. a fan? Of you? ur talent? f u

    u wanna rape me and lie and video and laugh and threaten?? Why you so worried? u disrespectful ego psychos. I’m not scared..le’ts go.

    I have a lot to say that’s not so funny, you bring it bitch! I’ll explain and we’ll let the judge decide. If I can show up!! you F!!!

    Oh and’s CHYNA…and for ur death pole between Scott Hall and i..Damn I’m already under cause of u. All the drugs and ur protect

    ur protection keeps them alive..with the billions we, meaning me and the fans…and ur talent..ahem I didn’t say men…. you wanna fight.??

    If he can and you can than why can’t I tell the truth. They’re threatening my life. What’s the problem??

    like they haven’t??? That’s why I am standing up.. I know babe, but it’s not OK and I stand behind that. until he leaves me alone.

    Don’t start none won’t be one..Damn really still…Do I look like a b? What do you boys think???? So then don’t treat me like one damnit.

    That’s what’s up HHH and X Pac who have been following and then some. Direct threatening me. ENOUGH.

    Anybody? Boys? Vince’s peeps?? Anything?? yeah, I thought so…. nobody. Then why r xpac hhh still able to get away with their abuse?

    You boys stay at home with your kids and quit worrying about me. Cause i can’t wait to open forum….

    U just try me more and my family who I love. I’ve already taken bullets, I’ll go again!!! You punks! Leave me alone!

    Goodnight all, positive thoughts. Be strong. Love, trust, loyalty??? Think about it. Stop pushing me. Not funny,

    signing out. Now let’s get back to pretty if we can…..”

    She continued Thursday, “I guess for life means you live and die there…even if it’s at the very end… Umm I’m not competing w Scott Hall for a Death Poll!.

    Does that make money cause if I’m on top two I should be making some bank??? Hello? Anyone? Does Vince have al the lawyers paid? Sorry rude

    He is master of manipulating the law..That’s why f it I’m going for it now!! No more abuse!!! And Hey guys be scared for Vince not me.

    I do my taxes like a fiend, even though no money, health, work? Now the name again? Really It’s the same bad mo fo Vince Me! Nothing you!!

    On Way to AVN’S soon. I have alerted the threat that has happened so many times so I can fight back when he comes this time.

    Or whatever sneaky whatever. Tell you what a contract means…Tear it up and do a new one….. I’m covered. Blood sport. Not cool. Boys?

    lock up your daughters!!! (cept for me!! I’m single and looking! LOL!) xxx I’ll take whatever Vinny but not without a fight you got??

    I love my boys, my family, this is between Vince and his severe abuse to me and still continues. And it’s not OK…. HHH, Stephanie, X PAC!!

    in the mean time w out probs please can’t wait to see everyone in Vegas for the AVN’S. Thank you VIVID!!! I’m so proud to be with you

    OH Yeah!!! Here I come!!!! I feel strong and happy and now I’m pissed. Move out of my way. U’ll get run over….. Probably for real w Vince.

    I’m still 4 life, even for principle, and I loved my family and Vince, I’m not killing myself lately..notice? But it was because of you.

    Now come out and explain and you wanna play bully? I don’t work for you, you can ask Mr. Hirsch, oh and get with him on everything . legal.

    I can slam some drinks, but when x pac puts ghb in them u don’t get it till years later.. never happen to you right? HHH good friend right?

    So let’s have fun at the AVN’s this is huge huge for Vivid and the industry!! So excited. Be safe and be careful. We’re watching. And keep!

    Thank you to all for making my dvd w VIVID such a success and a new start for me. The quality is so beautiful. I’m ashamed of DX now…

    not my athletic ability and the fans, Oh I weep still, but that whole group os so gross. Would you work for him? that PG? And Public? Woa??

    well let it be the hhh xpac and vince and steph show!!!! Save the rest of them the bs!! Let them do it!!! AVN”s Yaaayyy!!!

    I got my smile and I’m good with me, no matter what. I know that. Fight big!!!!!!! Plus I have sh 2 do and I’m gettin irritated now!

    AVN!!!!!! See you in Vegas all I love you!!!…. xoxo like Ali in his prime.. I guess those words just fly out finally. The truth hurts!!!

    I’ll fight you tooth and nail Vince. II made a vow to change my life. That means you now have some answers to give. Mr. great Business boss?

    So glad u tried to degrade me and made it through cause i love VIVID!! and wanna wrestle at Bunny Ranch anyone? HHmmmmm??????

    Off in a bit. Stand up, fear and money, root of all evil. Kick ass and take names….sometimes you have to, ugh!!

    Accidents happen be careful. (that’s what they tell me) but be safe have fun don’t drink and drive and come to AVN”s!!!!!

    and if any of you Mother f ers have anything to say!!! Now’s the time!!! (o ren ishi….and ilegal aliens!!) hee heee see you there! Love

    And that is why I am the Queen Of Sports! I saved my life from you and didn’t even touch them, Sean many times. They need to leave me alone

    Get your own material and do your own piece of sh show….. Truly admirable!! Yah!!! Just watch the AVN’s No more $ FOR..What r their names?

    I forgot, but VH! had to pay Vinny a mint,,, Where’s my dough?? I know that’s my name vince and it’s all me? Wanna get it straight in court?

    In the justice system there are consequences for your actions…. just in case you forgot. And you aren’t the justice system too. IRS??

    Besides you cheapscate billionaire!! Spend some money would ya?? Charity or somethig??? Court costs?? LOL! Bye all See you at AVN’s”

    Chyna also wrote to WWE employee Howard Finkel, “on this date pass to Vinny that he is the worst thing that ever happened to the human spirit.”

  • Maryse Comments On Leaving WWE, Whether She Will Join TNA

    Maryse Ouellet says her desire for “bigger and bigger things” in her career prompted her decision to part ways with WWE.

    She tells Radar Online, “I have aspirations and there’s other stuff I want to work on, so I decided to go. That and for the simple fact that I didn’t want to be with the WWE for 25 years. I was there six years, I had my run, I wanted bigger and better things.”

    The former Divas Champion was also asked why she said in a recent interview that she would not be joining TNA Wrestling.

    “I decided to leave wrestling for other aspirations I have. I’m not going to go to TNA, I’m loyal to WWE — it wouldn’t make any sense!” she says.

    Ouellet also discusses what she liked best about wrestling, Snooki competing last year at WrestleMania and more. The interview is available here.

  • Jericho’s WWE Future, Austin-Jericho Roasting Tonight, HBK

    – WWE star Chris Jericho spoke with the Winnipeg Free Press about his future with the company:

    “I have no intentions of leaving anytime soon. I’m in the best shape of my life I feel great. The thing for me is I always have lots of other stuff going on and I always have. So sometimes I leave to work on other projects, but I’ll always come back. “When I was growing up in Winnipeg I wanted to be two things: I wanted to be a wrestler and I wanted to be in a rock and roll band and I’ve been lucky enough to have both of those dreams come true.”

    – Speaking of Jericho, he’ll be appearing with WWE Hall of Famer “Stone Cold” Steve Austin at tonight’s “Roast of Zakk Wylde” event tonight at The Grove in Anaheim, Calif. Austin and Jericho are two of several celebrities scheduled to roast the famous guitarist. Former Raw guest host Sharon Osbourne will serve as tonight’s Roast Master.

    Carl Dantes sent in the following news items regarding Shawn Michaels:

    • Here’s a link to watch the Golden Moose Awards live online tonight starting at 6:15pm PT. Shawn Michaels and his tv show MRA is up for a few awards.
    • Shawn Michaels will be attending this year’s WrestleMania XXVIII Axxess on March 31st, 2012 Saturday from 1-5pm for the session and from 1-3pm for the VIP signing at the Miami Beach Convention Center. Tickets available Saturday, Jan. 28 at 10:00 a.m. ET at
  • RAW Rating, More Changes To WWE’s 2012 PPV Schedule

    — Monday’s WWE RAW Supershow drew a 3.0 rating with 4,279,000 viewers, up from last week. Hour 1 drew a 3.0 and Hour 2 drew a 3.03 – so RAW actually broke the trend of losing viewership in the second hour.

    — WWE has made another change to their 2012 pay-per-view schedule, according to the event listing. The Fatal 4 Way pay-per-view has replaced Bragging Rights for the month of June.

    It also appears the annual Tables, Ladders & Chairs pay-per-view from has been scrapped from December, as Bragging Rights is now listed in the December slot.

  • CM Punk: “I Don’t Want To Be A Role Model”

    WWE Champion CM Punk was interviewed by this week to promote next week’s RAW Supershow from Phoenix. Punk took part in a Q&A session and spoke about a number of topics, including how Japanese fans differ from American fans, being a role model, his straight-edge lifestyle becoming a gimmick in WWE and more. Here are some highlights of what Punk said about:

    Being A Role Model: “I’m the straight-edge guy. I’m a damn good guy to look up to. But I approach it the way Charles Barkley approached it. I’m not a role model. Everybody should choose their own path in life. I don’t get preachy with the straight-edge stuff.”

    “I find myself being a target as opposed to being put on a pedestal. I get criticized a lot. There are people who are skeptical about it or scared by it or intimidated by it.”

    Whether American Fans Are Respectful: “It’s just a lack of “excuse me” and “please” and “thank you.” I’m a pretty approachable guy, but I’ve had my headphones taken off my head in the gym, people poking me in the back like I’m a farm animal. It’s a part of the game.”

    If He Minds His Straight Edge Lifestyle Has Become A Gimmick: “No, because it’s who I am. People say, “When did you decide to be straight edge?” I was born this way. It’s nothing I really decided (pause) and, right now, while I’m talking, on the treadmill and doing an interview, there’s a guy standing over here, taking pictures … (He politely asks the guy to stop, which doesn’t seem to go well). All right, and now he just flipped me off, and I’m the (expletive). See what I mean? (sighing) … Anyway, I don’t think I have a persona per se. I’m not trying to be something I’m not.”

    A Future Acting Career: “That’s not up to me, but it’s nothing I’m actively pursuing. I never say never to anything, but it’s nothing I’m looking to actively do.”

  • Orton’s Status For The Rumble, Vince Buys 3 Ferraris & More

    – The latest on Randy Orton’s status is that he will be a participant in next week’s Royal Rumble match. Confirmation of Orton’s involvement in the Rumble is expected on Monday’s RAW.

    – Just days after Connecticut’s Greenwich Times reported that WWE chairman Vince McMahon was spotted around town driving a new charcoal-colored Bentley, word has come out that Vince McMahon reportedly purchased three new Ferraris in the past week.

    – The March 26th episode of RAW, the final show before WrestleMania, is currently scheduled to be a 3-hour show. The hype for WrestleMania will be at a fever pitch, heightened by an in-person appearance that night from The Rock.

    (Partial Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter)

  • List Of Names Announced For WrestleMania Axxess

    WWE sent out an email on Wednesday night announcing the following schedule of appearances at this year’s WrestleMania AXXESS event from Miami:

    Thursday, March 29
    Session – 6-10pm
    VIP 1 – 6-8pm – WWE Superstar CM Punk

    Thursday, March 29
    Session – 6-10pm
    VIP 2 – 8-10pm – WWE Superstar Edge

    Friday, March 30
    Session – 6-10pm
    VIP 3 – 6-8pm – WWE Superstar John Cena

    Friday, March 30
    Session – 6-10pm
    VIP 4 – 8-10pm – WWE Superstar Randy Orton

    Saturday, March 31
    Session – 8am-12pm
    VIP 5 – 9-11am – WWE Superstar Triple H

    Saturday, March 31
    Session – 1-5pm
    VIP 6 – 1-3pm – WWE Superstar Shawn Michaels

    Saturday, March 31
    Session – 1-5pm
    VIP 7 – 3-5pm – WWE Superstar Chris Jericho

    Saturday, March 31
    Session – 6-10pm
    VIP 8 – 6-8pm – WWE Legend Mick Foley

    Sunday, April 1
    Session – 8am-12pm
    VIP 9 – 8-10am – WWE Superstar Sheamus

    Sunday, April 1
    Session – 8am-12pm
    VIP 9 – 10am-12pm – WWE Superstar The Big Show

    Sunday, April 1
    Session – 12:30-4:30pm
    VIP 10 – 12:30-2:30pm – WWE Superstar Rey Mysterio

  • Evan Bourne’s WWE Future, Big Show Injured, HBK-Austin

    – Suspended WE superstar Evan Bourne will be able to return to WWE television on the March 19th RAW Supershow.

    Since Air Boom will likely not be a major part of WrestleMania now due to Bourne’s suspension, there’s a good chance he won’t be brought back until after WrestleMania.

    Behind the scenes, there’s a lot of disbelief that bourne’s second suspension will likely cost him the two biggest paydays of the year – the Royal Rumble and WrestleMania.

    – Big Show reportedly suffered a back injury at Tuesday night’s SmackDown tapings in Las Vegas. No word yet on how bad the injry is, but Big Show apparently landed wrong and hurt his back in the dark main event against Daniel Bryan.

    – WWE Hall of Famers Shawn Michaels and Steve Austin ran into each other at the SHOT hunting convention in Las Vegas earlier this week.

    – Former WWE star Luke Gallows underwent surgery this past week for a broken nose.

    (Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter)

  • Pictures Of Torrie Wilson & Boyfriend Alex Rodriguez

    As we reported earlier, Torrie Wilson was spotted with her boyfriend Alex Rodriguez again night.  The former WWE diva and the New York Yankee all-star attended the Miami Heat vs. San Antonio Spurs basketball game. Check out this picture of Torrie and A-Rod courtside at the Heat-Spurs game and a few more recent shots of them together:

  • Ryder Posts Update On YouTube Series, Garcia Replaces Chimel

    — Zack Ryder, who lost the United States Championship to Jack Swagger on Monday’s Raw SuperShow, posted a cryptic message on Twitter Wednesday regarding his YouTube series Z! True Long Island Story.

    “Workin’ on Episode 51 of Z! TLIS…yes, 49 is the next Episode…#hmmm,” he wrote.

    — Lilian Garcia handled ring announcing duties at Tuesday’s WWE NXT and WWE Superstars tapings in Las Vegas, Nevada, replacing Tony Chimel. Chimel replaced Eden Stiles late last month on both programs following her departure from the organization.

    — Rey Mysterio is advertised to appear at Indianapolis World of Wheels at the Indiana State Fairgrounds 1202 E 38th St. Indianapolis, Indiana on February 11, 2012 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

    He is also scheduled to appear at Dallas Cavalcade of Customs at Dallas Market Hall 2200 Stemmons Fwy. Dallas, Texas on February 18, 2012 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

  • Release Date For WWE Encyclopedia, Talent Removed From FCW

    — According to, the second edition of the WWE Encyclopedia will be released on September 3, 2012. The updated volume will include entries on WWE Superstars that debuted in 2009, 2010 and 2011. It is 400 pages and will be released by Brady Games.

    — Jinder Mahal, Johnny Curtis and Ricardo Rodriguez, who now exclusively appear at WWE shows, have been removed from the roster page.

    — Kofi Kingston appears at Best Buy 7017 S. Lindbergh Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri on January 28, 2012 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Call 314-487-4999 for more information.

    — Florida Championship Wrestling will hold their next television taping on Thursday, February 2, 2012 at the FCW Arena in Tampa, Florida.

  • Video Of Jericho On G4, Fozzy Signs New Record Deal

    Chris Jericho made his return to the G4 television show “Attack of the Show” on Tuesday. Hosts Kevin Pereira and Candace Bailey play a special round of the game “Twitter Twister” with help from their fans and Chris Jericho, as Craig ‘The Twistecutioner” DeSilva:

    Speaking of everybody’s favorite Silent Superstar, the “huge announcement” Jericho has been teasing on Twitter in recent weeks has been revealed. Jericho’s rock band Fozzy has signed a new deal with Century Media Records. Here’s the official press release, sent out this afternoon:


    Century Media Records are proud to announce the signing of internationally-renowned metal band Fozzy. The brainchild of Chris Jericho and Rich Ward, Fozzy was formed a decade ago out of a passion for hard rock and heavy metal and has transformed into one of North America’s most electrifying bands.

    “We are so excited and honored to be part of the Century Media family,” says Chris Jericho, an entertainment icon who has achieved legendary status as one of the WWE’s most acclaimed superstars, penned two New York Times best-selling autobiographies, and was a finalist on ABC’s hit television show Dancing with the Stars in 2011. “Fozzy finally has a record company with the firepower and worldwide influence we need and deserve to rise to the next level – Century Media is the perfect home for Fozzy, and we are stoked to release the masterpiece album of our career and conquer the world… and elsewhere!”

    Chris Jericho will discuss Fozzy’s signing to Century Media Records tomorrow morning at 9am PST (Thursday, January 19, 2011) on the legendary Los Angeles radio station 95.5 KLOS, where he’ll appear live on the Mark and Brian morning show. To listen live on the internet from around the world, click here.

    Fozzy – lead singer Chris Jericho, guitarist Rich Ward, drummer Frank Fontsere, bassist Paul DiLeo and guitarist Billy Grey – will release their Century Media debut worldwide in summer 2012. The album will be the follow-up to their acclaimed 2010 release Chasing The Grail, which saw them tour 15 countries around the world and perform in cities from Los Angeles to Lichtenvoorde, including an appearance alongside metal’s Big 4 – Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax – on the Knebworth Sonisphere, and a string of dates on the 2011 Rockstar Energy Drink Uproar Festival headlined by Avenged Sevenfold.

    “There are very few musicians I respect more than Rich Ward, and I couldn’t be prouder of bringing him home to Century Media Records, the label that introduced me to Stuck Mojo in 1995,” says Century Media Records product manager Paul Gargano. “Chris is one of the most captivating entertainers and electrifying frontmen I know, and Fozzy have emerged as one of the best-kept secrets in hard rock and metal over the years – now it’s time to let the secret out…”

    “Shortly after my 12th Birthday, while air-guitaring to Iron Maiden, I decided that when I grew up, I wanted to ‘pay my bills’ by playing guitar,” says Ward. “In 1995, Century Media Records allowed this seemingly unreachable goal to become a reality with my band Stuck Mojo. When that relationship came to an end in 2001, I continued making and releasing music with several different bands, through several different record companies. There was only one common thread in all my experiences with these other organizations – I wished they were more like Century Media. The truth is, like any ‘first’ relationship, it’s tough to get a real perspective of how good it really is until you’ve had other relationships to compare it to. After having lots of opportunities to gain some perspective, I am honored to return to Century Media Records as they become the home for Fozzy’s music. I’m so grateful to be able to play music for a living, and it is a privilege to continue my career with the label that gave me my start.”

    For more on Fozzy, visit

  • What Happened After SmackDown, Torrie & A-Rod & More

    – The dark main event that took place after Tuesday’s SmackDown tapings from Las Vegas saw Daniel Bryan defeat Big Show in a Steel Cage Match for the World Heavyweight Title.

    Wade Barrett and Heath Slater came out to help Daniel Bryan, which brought out Sheamus to even the odds and help Big Show.

    – Torrie Wilson and her boyfriend, New York Yankees superstar Alex Rodriguez were spotted at last night’s Miami Heat vs. San Antonio Spurs basketball game.

    – WWE Tough Enough contestants Luke Robinson and Martin Casaus will face each other at the NWA UCW-ZERO 10th Anniversary Show on March 31st.

  • New WWE Network Promo, Fink Celebrates 35 Years & More

    – WWE Hall of Fame ring announcer Howard Finkel announced that yesterday marked 35 yaers since becoming a ring announcer. Congratulations to the Fink, who, for our money, is the best ring announcer of all time.

    – The Memorial Day edition of WWE RAW Supershow (5/28) will take place at the New Orleans Arena in New Orleans, LA. (Thanks to Devin Cutting)

    – WWE Hall of Famer “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase turns 58 years old today (Wednesday).

    – WWE has released a new promo video hyping the upcoming WWE Network, including “Countdown” and more:

  • Anderson & RVD Returning To The Ring, Rosita & Sarita To Team

    Mr. Anderson, who has not appeared for TNA Wrestling since the November 15, 2011 Impact Wrestling taping, is scheduled to return to the ring at this week’s Impact Wrestling World Tour in Worcester, Plymouth and Lowell, Massachusetts. He will be teaming with Rob Van Dam (who was stretchered backstage two weeks ago at Genesis after taking a DDT onto the concrete floor) at all three shows in matches against Mexican America members Anarquia and Hernandez.

    Mexican America members Rosita and Sarita are also advertised to team, which they rarely do at house shows. They will be facing Brooke Tessmacher and ODB at all three events.

    Other matches scheduled include:

    * “The Charismatic Enigma” Jeff Hardy vs Christopher Daniels

    * Jesse Sorensen vs Kid Kash vs Shannon Moore

    * Garett Bischoff vs Television Champion Robbie E (with Rob Terry)

    * Eric Young vs “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero


  • Video: Rock Promotes His New Movie, First Review

    Journey 2

    The first review is in for The Rock’s new 3D action adventure movie, Journey 2: The Mysterious Island. The Hollywood Reporter gives the movie an overall positive review and gives it a thumbs up as a colorful, family-friendly experience.

    While the script is simplified from the original book, “the targeted demographic, however, will gladly hop aboard for a cornball ride through colorful, often glaringly phony sets popping with miniature elephants, gold-spewing volcanoes, and a monster-truck-sized lizard. For the adults, there’s the edifying sight of Michael Caine astride a giant bee,” says the reviewer.

    As for The Rock’s performance, “Johnson sets the tone with an affable goofiness, although never ignites the spark that his labored banter with Caine requires.”

    Meanwhile, The Rock is currently overseas making various public appearances to promote the film.  The Associated Press has published a video report looking at this week’s Journey press conference in Taiwan. The Great One demonstrates two of his best talents – his singing and his ability to pop his pecs. Check it out:

  • Ted DiBiase Stricken With Food Poisoning

    Smackdown wrestler Ted DiBiase tweeted last night that he got food poisoning yesterday in Las Vegas. DiBiase was able to pull himself together enough to work a match at the SmackDown tapings, but he was forced to cancel the pre-SmackDown “DiBiase Posse” party he had organized.

    DiBiase tweeted the following:

    “Don’t know how I managed to get through the day today. Woke up at 5am with food poison (I’ll spare you details)!! Very sorry to Vegas DPP!!!”

    “Some things are out of my control… This morning and throughout the day it was my bowels!! I’ll make it up to you guys next time!! Promise”

    He later noted that he thought it was “the Lobster sandwich I had in the mall” when asked.

  • RIkishi At Tuesday’s SmackDown Taping, Shad Gaspard Upset

    — Rikishi was in attendance at Tuesday’s WWE television taping at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, in support of sons Jey and Jimmy Uso. He watched the event from a luxury box.

    — Former WWE performer Shad Chad Javier Romane Chittick Gaspard (a/k/a Shad) was displeased that a scene he took part in for Tuesday’s episode of The Game on BET was cut.

    He tweeted, “Feel like shit right now and almost punched my dog. My Scene from @thegamebet was cut out and i’m pissed off.”

    Gaspard, however, cooled off an hour later. He wrote, “Well my scene got cut, but i got the credit on my resume, experience that I needed, & a good friend in @billewoodruff. Still winning!!!”

    — WWE Hall of Famer “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase turns 58 years old Wednesday.

  • JR Blog: Bourne’s Suspension, Foley’s Return, Legends House

    WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety over at Here are some highlights of what JR wrote about:

    Can Mick Foley Still Wrestle?: ” I don’t think that Mick will return as a full-time or likely not even a part time wrestler. If we saw Mrs. Foley’s baby boy once or twice a year in his wrestling gear, I’d suggest that would be enough. There are so many positive things that Mick can do for WWE other than just wrestle.”

    Legends House: “I see ‘trainwreck’ written all over this show especially when one considers the fact that the people chosen will be in the same house, isolated apparently from their loved ones, for likely 4-6 weeks. Being a reality show fan, I see amazing potential in this concept.”

    Working With Joey Styles: “Will @JoeyStyles and JR ever call a match together?’ Likely not on weekly TV, but perhaps we might get to do something together on the WWE Network. We’ve discussed working together at some point when the platform and the time is right.”

    Evan Bourne’s Wellness Policy Violation: “Obviously unfortunate for the talent. Two strikes are never good but I want to make it clear that I know zero details.. Nonetheless, this matter is being taken seriously as it should be and is terribly perplexing why a talent would travel the same road again.”