Category: WWE

  • Chris Jericho Says He’s Returning To WWE Following DWTS

    Chris Jericho indicated to wrestling fans in a video message that he will be returning to WWE following his run on Dancing with the Stars.

    “When I come back to WWE when this show is done, we can continue right where we picked off. You can boo and cheer and yell,” Jericho stated.

    Jericho is asking that WWE Universe members pay him back for his many years of entertaining audiences and putting his body on the line by continuing to vote for him on Dancing with the Stars. He says the longer he stays on the program, the better it is for the entire WWE Universe.

    “I’m taking this universe into places we haven’t been,” Jericho said. “Twenty-three million people watch Dancing with the Stars every week. The Tonight Show, Rachael Ray, Ellen, all these people are starting to understand what it is that we do as WWE Superstars and why the WWE Universe is so loyal.

    “I think it’s very important to remember, it’s not just me I’m representing. I’m a pioneer, an ambassador for WWE on this show. Continue to vote for me.”

    Jericho’s next performance takes place Monday. He is among the show’s final eight contestants.

    The video message is available here.

  • Mickie Discusses Whether’s She’s Happy In TNA, Edge’s Retiring

    Busted Open satellite radio show with Mickie James
    Hosts: Dave LaGreca and Doug Mortman
    Airs Mondays and Wednesdays on Sirius 125 and XM 241 from 2-4 ET
    Visit for more information.

    James on her match at Lockdown and wrestling with a separated shoulder: “I’m really excited about it. I’m going in there with a separated shoulder and hopefully be able to tough through the match. I’m feeling better every day honestly and trying to get more range of motion back and I definitely hope physically to be 100 percent. I don’t think my shoulder will be 100 percent but luckily it’s my left shoulder and I’m a righty, so that kind of helps.”

    James reflects on the tremendous cage match she had with Tara on Impact a few months back: “That match with Tara was the first cage match I’ve ever been in. That was definitely a very scary thing. I don’t think I thought about it beforehand how high the cage actually is and how scary it is. You see the guys do the crazy stuff like that all the time and its like they think nothing of it…..or maybe the same things running through their mind when actually they get up there and they go ‘Oh God, this is really high!’. There definitely is a lot of pressure because it was such an amazing match in itself… be able to compete against myself in the same kind of match and going in kind of injured anyways, it’s definitely one of those things that I have to be aware of and be careful of.”

    James thoughts on Edge’s retirement due to injury: “He’s really just a genuinely nice guy. I have nothing but the upmost respect for him and what he’s done in this industry and the legacy he has built for himself. Before him, the whole ladders match thing with him and the Hardys and that Edge and Christian phase….that was really a raising the bar level on that whole deal and just everything he’s done since then.

    “It’s sad that due to injured he has to retire due to the fact that it has taken a huge toll on his body but at least I think it’s very intelligent of him and it’s a huge pride swallowing thing to recognize the fact that ‘I can’t physically do this, I’m putting my life on the line, it’s not just my body anymore.’. And for him to have to do that and I’m sure its not something that he wanted to do at this moment in time and it was something that we all have to come to terms with, we all can’t wrestle forever…..but I think that he is so talented that theres many other things that he can do that’s gonna continue to keep him out and about and doing things.”

    James on Kurt Angle re-signing with TNA: “I love Kurt. He’s awesome. He’s got so much going for him with the Angle Foods thing and that’s starting to take off and it’s a really cool thing. He has such a name for himself anyways and to be the only male to hold an Olympic gold medal, everything he’s already done……I’m sure he doesn’t have to continue to wrestle but he just loves it so much. He has such a huge passion and love for this business. It’s just amazing. I think we’re very honored to have him as a part of the roster.”

    James’ mid-term report card on TNA (with her being on the roster for about six months or so now): “I’m having a blast. It was definitely something that I was still on the fence whether or not I should go or not and what I was going to be able to bring or do that is different than anybody else has already done. It’s been a fun journey, a cool locker room, I’ve made some cool friends and I’ve been able to do some really compelling stuff and raise the bar even for myself. To be able to main event Impact, and do my first cage match, and have a cool storyline with Tara go on to Madison and have a compelling storyline with her as well…..I think it’s really…..brought a different spice to the show. Hopefully, they (TNA) feel the same.”

  • Torrie Wilson, Lilian Garcia & Candice Discuss Tough Enough

    Recap of Torrie Wilson, Lilian Garcia and Candice Michelle’s interview for on Wednesday – By Nikhil Kalhan

    Jack and OneInchBiceps were joined by the beautiful tandem of Torrie Wilson, Lilian Garcia and Candice Michelle. Catch their Touch Enough Recap show on after Raw every Monday.

    Jack asked what should the contestants do when they meet wrestlers? Torrie says it depends on what wrestler you meet but you should shake everyone’s hand. Candice says it’s all about respect especially if they achieved what you wanted.

    Jack asked how were they treated? Lilian said she was treated pretty well but a few whispers were said, she gave credit to Howard Finkel and Tony Chimel for training her. Candice Michelle said the men loved her and the woman hated her, she remembered Lita slapped her because she had the best spot to do makeup in the lockeroom. Torrie Wilson said no one had a welcoming party but she said everyone was pretty nice. She was happy to have Stacy Kiebler with her to keep up company. Jack asked what does the TV exposure on Tough Enough give for the losers? Lilian says its brilliant even if you haven’t won the competition you will get a contract because you are exposed to the world. Candice Michelle said WWE should wait to give contracts out after about a month not straightaway like what they have just done.

    Jack asked was better for the winner to be on TV? Lillian says as long as they have planned and are ready its fine but depends on the push given by Vince McMahon. Jack asked their thoughts on the Alicia Fox versus Melina match from last week? Lilian said if that’s her favourite match, it’s her favourite match. Candice said she was new to the business so you can’t blame her. Lilian says she could do research on YouTube but how can she search people she doesn’t know.

    Jack asked the girls how quickly did you get a passion into it? Candice said she watched when she was growing up, she had a Hulk Hogan doll. Candice said she stopped watching it for a few years when she moved to Los Angeles, but she had no regrets doing it, going to the ring early and getting respect. Torrie Wilson said she appreciated more in WWE then WCW, because she didn’t wrestle. Lilian goes it was rough for her and she didn’t know she was announcing till the morning of the show, she had to earn her respect which she did by learning wrestler’s towns and weights.

    OneInchBiceps had a message from the board: Tommy D asked did Lilian enjoyed the feud with Howard Finkel? Lilian Garcia said it was her only match, she remembers doing a run-in and had a lot of fun. Jack asked if there was more pressure to do any more work? Lilian goes never because her role was different. Jack asked what was it like for woman in WCW? Torrie Wilson said it was hard especially at the power-plant where Madusa dropped her on her head. The experience was painful. Candice said her passion fell in love after about a year in the WWE. She enjoyed it often and it must hurt if you had no passion over.

    Jack asked if it was hard to be friends of other woman? Candice said people would hate you and like you. It was just a bond which TLC have. TLC all said Stone Cold was the same character he is in Tough Enough. Jack asked their thoughts on Indie wrestlers not making it? Lilian said if you are good enough you will get in. Candice you have to make your dream come true and there are other ways to get in. Jack asked if they had any nick-names? They said that will be revealed later on. Candice said her Victoria and Lilian travelled together and Victoria was known as the “Queen-Bee”.

    OneInchBiceps had a question from the board: Matt asked did she gain revenge on Charlie Haas for knocking her of the apron? Lilian said Charlie Haas felt really bad and they are still friends. It was good and it was turned into storyline.

    Jack asked what advice would you give for the winner? Lilian said don’t have a big head and give respect when needed, Candice agreed and said be humble to people and they will give you the same. If you do the opposite they will get rid of you.

    The twenty minute interview is available here.

  • Linda’s Political Future, Piper In Comedy Movie & More

    – Former United States Senate candidate Linda McMahon appeared at a community center this week in New Haven, Connecticut and said she is still considering another Senate run in 2012. It’s considered likely that Linda will run again, since she still has a ton of cash on hand and has the ‘campaign infrastructure’ ready to go from her previous campaign.

    – Former WWE star Chris Jericho tweeted the following on Thursday:

    “Said “Never Evvvvvvvvver” for the first time in 6 years in an interview today. Gave me, the soundguy and the camera man goosebumps…”

    – It’s been announced that WWE Hall of Famer Roddy Piper will be starring in a new stars in a new movie called Fancypants, a comedy about play-by-play wrestling announcers. The film is being shown today (Friday) at the Sunscreen Film Festival in St. Petersburg, Florida. Check out this “behind the scenes” look at Fancypants:

  • *SPOILERS* WWE SmackDown Tapings Results For Tonight

    WWE SmackDown on Syfy

    WWE taped Friday’s episode of SmackDown on Tuesday night from the Times Union Center in Albany, New York. Credit to for this recap:

    * Alberto Del Rio comes out and says tonight is about Edge. Del Rio says it is his destiny to win the World Heavyweight Championship but not this way. He says Edge should just come out and present him with the belt. Teddy Long comes out and says it won’t be going down like that. Long informs Del Rio he’ll still fight in a Ladder Match at Extreme Rules for the belt but a new number one contender will be determined in a 20-man over-the-top battle royal later tonight.

    * Ezekiel Jackson b. Kofi Kingston w/The Corre on commentary. After the match, Jackson gets on the mic and says he is the personification of domination and after the battle royal he will be the number one contender and everyone will know including The Corre.

    * LayCool are shown talking to a therapist about being a team but Michelle McCool doesn’t like it.

    * Cody Rhodes comes out and says beating Rey Mysterio at Wrestlemania isn’t enough. He says he is going to win the battle royal tonight and win the World Heavyweight Championship at Extreme Rules. Winning the title will be the only gratification for his disfigurement and he will not stop until he disfigures Mysterio’s face and gets vindication. Mysterio hits the ring and gives him a 619.

    * WWE airs the Awesome Kong vignette.

    * Rey Mysterio b. Drew McIntyre after hitting the 619.

    * Backstage, Edge is getting an ovation from the Smackdown locker room. Edge and Kane shake hands.

    * Edge comes out and gives a recap of his career. He says he is going to miss all of it. “Thank you” chants fill the arena. Edge says he wants to do his intro one more time. He’s pumped now and talking about how great the WWE doctors are and says he’s taking his girl and going surfing. Edge is happy he got to say goodbye in Albany because it’s the place where he won his first championship. In fact it was in a cab in Albany where Edge came up with the nickname Edge. He introduces his mother who is sitting in the front row and thanks her for all her support. To him his title has meant everything to him but the belt is not his. Edge says every fan holds a piece of it as he relinquishes the belt. Edge says it’s been a heck of a ride concluding another emotional shoot of a speech.

    * Backstage, Alberto Del Rio interrupts Edge. Del Rio extends his hand but Edge stares him down. Del Rio smiles as Edge walks away.

    * Kelly Kelly vs. Layla. Layla tries to do their entrance but Michelle McCool goes straight to the ring. Kelly wins via roll-up. McCool comes in the ring and shoves Layla across the ring and leaves.

    * They air a video package of WWE superstars commenting on The Undertaker vs. Triple H from Wrestlemania.

    * 20-Man Battle Royal to face Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship in a Ladder Match at Extreme Rules. Participants include Big Show, Chris Masters, JTG, Yoshi Tatsu, Trent Barreta, Heath Slater, Ezekiel Jackson, Chavo Guerrero, Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, Tyler Reks, Kofi Kingston, Drew McIntyre, Cody Rhodes, Curt Hawkins, Christian, Jack Swagger, Rey Mysterio, Brodus Clay and Kane. Justin Gabriel is eliminated by Barrett. Final four are Christian, Jack Swagger, Justin Gabriel and Rey Mysterio. Mysterio eliminates Gabriel then sets Swagger up for the 619. Michael Cole interferes and takes the 619 for Swagger. Swagger eliminates Mysterio. Christian eliminates Swagger to win the match. After the match, Edge comes out and celebrates with him. Edge and Christian pose in the ring as the entire locker room clears out to applaud them on the ramp.

    VIDEO Of Edge’s Post-SmackDown Farewell Speech

  • Randy Orton Tells A Story Lance Cade Going To Jail For Him

    With WWE currently overseas for the WrestleMania Revenge tour, Randy Orton posted the following [short] story on Twitter about his friend, the late Lance Cade:

    Tomorrow we are in Belfast, Ireland. I remember Lance [Cade] and Trevor [Murdoch] intervened just as I was about to take a shot to the face from a fan at the hotel bar. They took out 3 other threats all in about 6 seconds. We had to put our $ together to bail them outta jail the next morning. RIP Lance Cade RIP”

    Lance Cade pased away last summer on August 13, 2010.

  • Sting Talks About Working A Future WrestleMania, Jeff Hardy

    Alex Marvez of recently interviewed TNA champion Sting, who had some interesting things to say about why he decided to stay with TNA instead of signing with WWE, the possibility of him working a future WrestleMania and his debacle of a match with Jeff Hardy at TNA Victory Road. Here are some highlights of what Sting said about:

    Deciding Against Signing With WWE:

    “I’m not going to lie to you — who wouldn’t want to say that they did ‘Wrestlemania’ at least one time? It’s the ultimate event in wrestling. It’s still in the back of my mind that there’s a chance of it happening someday, somehow. I think time may have run out completely now, but who knows?”

    “The timing couldn’t have been better (to work ‘Wrestlemania’), but I’m glad it turned out the way it did.”

    Sting has said in the past that he is not confident that WWE would portray his character in a good light and also cited “personal reasons that I don’t want to talk about” as reasons he never went to WWE.

    His TNA Contract, Which Pays A Lot & Doesn’t Require Many Appearances:

    “After 20-something years, is that OK? (Hulk) Hogan is in a similar boat. The difference between me and him is that he’s not in the ring. Lord willing, I hope he gets back in there. But here I still am at the age of 52 bouncing around. Some of the other guys in WWE have the same deal like The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels before he left.

    “After a while, some of us just can’t hold it together anymore. I think I’m doing a pretty good job holding on.”

    His Match With Jeff Hardy at Victory Road:

    “On my first pay-per-view back with TNA and my first world-title match, are you kidding me?” Borden said. “I was already trying to overcome the ‘Oh, they didn’t put (the title) on him again did they? He’s a dinosaur’ stuff, and then you add, ‘What just happened?’ I know everyone’s first reaction was, ‘Wow, they’re really trying to get Sting over (to the fans) so much now that it’s ridiculous. They’ve totally ruined Jeff Hardy.’

    “You know the real scoop. This is not what I wanted. I had something really good planned out and was ready to have an incredible match with Jeff that night. I’m very disappointed and hurt. So is everyone else.”

    “The ripple effect of that (Hardy) match is bigger than you can imagine.”

  • VIDEO: Chris Jericho On The Tonight Show With Jay Leno

    Chris Jericho on The Tonight Show

    Former WWE star appeared on NBC’s The Tonight Show with Jay Leno last night to promote his Undisputed book and his current run on ABC’s Dancing with the Stars. Of course the question came up of when Jericho will return to wrestling. He said that he’ll return when he feels stimulated to go back and can do something different than he’s done in his previous runs.

    Regarding the Tonight Show appearance, Chris Jericho tweeted:

    “Had the best time on The Tonight Show! Thx to @jayleno for adding me to the amazing list of guests that have been on over the last 50 yrs…”

    Check out the video of Chris Jericho’s appearance on The Tonight Show:

  • “Superstars” Finds A New Home, Deighton’s Favorite Match

    — WWE Superstars, which finished its run on WGN America last week, has found a new home. The show will air every Thursday at 5:00 p.m. EST on

    Advertised for today’s episode is The Great Khali vs. Zack Ryder. Other matches taking place include:

    * Gail Kim and Natalya vs. Maryse and Melina

    * Chris Masters vs. Curt Hawkins

    — A scene was edited from the Tough Enough elimination process where Steve Austin asked contestant Michelle Deighton what her favorite match was. While Ariane Andrew sealed her fate on the program by naming Melina vs. Alicia Fox as her all-time favorite match (and being unable to name another match), Deighton said Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart.

    — Former WWE Women’s Champion Lita celebrates her 36th birthday today.

    source: Pro Wrestling Torch

  • WWE Rejects Daniels, TNA Misspells RVD’s Name On T-Shirt

    — Christopher Daniels was originally scheduled to return to TNA Wrestling as the Suicide character, but plans were ultimately changed. He reached out to WWE during his hiatus from the Nashville based organization, but failed to secure a contract. The feeling within WWE was that he is too small, not to mention old as he is 40. He has continued to appear for Ring of Honor while also working for TNA Wrestling.

    — TNA Wrestling posted an image on their shop website today of an Rob Van Dam T-shirt with “RDV” written at the bottom of the shirt as opposed to “RVD”.

    The image was quickly deleted and replaced by the intended one.

    — Inc Ink. vs. Douglas Williams and Magnus is the featured match on this week’s episode of TNA Xplosion.

    source: Pro Wrestling Torch

  • Del Rio Will Be Champion, Jericho’s WWE Return & More

    – Following the surprise retirement of Edge, it’s widely assumed in WWE that it’s only a matter of time before Alberto Del Rio is crowned the new World Heavyweight champion – and it will most likely happen at Extreme Rules when he faces Christian in a Ladder match for the vacant title.

    WWE has had plans for Del Rio to win the title this year at the Royal Rumble and WrestleMania 27, but scrapped those plans both times.

    – Injured WWE star Dustin “Goldust” Rhodes has been backstage at WWE’s recent television tapings. Goldust has reportedly been trying to get a job as an agent behind the scenes.

    – Former WWE star Chris Jericho appeared on NBC’s The Tonight Show with Jay Leno last night to promote his Undisputed book and his current run on ABC’s Dancing with the Stars. Of course the question came up of when Jericho will return to wrestling. He said that he’ll return when he feels stimulated to go back and can do something different than he’s done in his previous runs.

    Regarding the Tonight Show appearance, Chris Jericho tweeted:

    “Had the best time on The Tonight Show! Thx to @jayleno for adding me to the amazing list of guests that have been on over the last 50 yrs…”

    He also posted this picture of himself from the appearance:

    (Partial Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter)

  • Details On Triple H’s Booking Philosphy & Backstage Power

    -It’s no secret that WWE star Triple H is one of the most powerful players behind the scenes in WWE. Along with this wife Stephanie, Triple H will have a great deal of influence over the company’s direction in the coming years.

    Triple H was recently named the head of WWE’s new talent development program, with Sin Cara being the first superstar he signed. The latest performer Triple H is working with is former TNA Knockouts champion Awesome Kong. On Monday’s RAW, we saw the first promo video hyping the upcoming debut of Kong. (VIDEO)

    According to sources, the vignettes that WWE has aired for Sin Cara and Awesome Kong are part of Triple H’s (somewhat old-school) philosophy of wanting to build up fans’ anticipation for new characters, as opposed to just having them show up on TV out of the blue.

    Aside from wanting to get fans buzzing about a new superstar or diva prior to their debuts, Triple H is also said to be adamant about not bringing new talent to the main roster before they are ready.

    In recent years we’ve seen dozens of superstars brought to the main roster before they were “ready for prime time” – it quickly become apparent that they’re totally green and their characters are damaged to the point where they’re never taken seriously.

    COMMENT BELOW and tell us what you think about Triple H’s approach to introducing new talent .. Do you think he’s right? Is this something WWE has been missing for years – or are these “slow build” promo videos unnecessary?

    (Partial Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter)

  • VIDEO: Trailer For “That’s What I Am” With Randy Orton

    Earlier this week, The Hollywood Reporter website posted the first review of the new WWE Studios film, That’s What I Am, which co-stars Randy Orton. To read what THR said about the movie and Randy Orton’s first big screen acting role, click here.

    The first video trailer for the movie has been released – check it out:

  • Former WWE Star Val Venis Blasts John Morrison & Melina

    Trish Stratus confirmed last Friday via radio interview that she was snubbed by John Morrison at WrestleMania. He wasn’t interested in listening to her suggestions for their bout, and that when she went to hug him during the post-match celebration, he gave her the cold shoulder. The assumption backstage is that Melina was in his ear because she believed Stratus was taking “her spot” at the pay-per-view event.

    Former WWE talent Sean Morley (a/k/a Val Venis) is furious over their alleged treatment of Stratus, who he considers a friend. He posted a video online blasting the real-life couple, while also defending Stratus. His remarks are as follows:

    “I’ve always been really nice to Johnny and Melina. I’ve always been really nice to them. I don’t respect Johnny at all. And, you know, there are several reasons for that. And now, after snubbing Trish for supposedly taking Melina’s spot at WrestleMania. You know what? Screw it. The reality of the situation is Melina, it’s not your spot! It’s Vince McMahon’s spot and he’s going to put in that spot whoever will be doing the best for the company and it’s ain’t you, ah-ah! It’s Trish! You think you’re on the same level as Trish, Melina? Come on! All that respect I might have had for you, which honestly was just a little bit, is completely thrown out the freakin’ window now!

    “The reality is, your boyfriend Morrison is nothing but a chump ass bitch who has zero nuts! Zero nuts! What is it? First it’s Mike Knox, then it’s Batista? And the whole time Morrison goes on like, “It’s not really happening. It’s just, she doesn’t really cheat on me.” You’re a freakin’ ho Melina! You know what, I’m not even going to say freakin’ anymore, you’re a fucking slut, period! And Morrison you wanna go out there, and Melina, and snub, my t-dot girl Trish? Come on!

    “Melina, you’re not the same level as Trish. If you want that spot so much, why instead of taking it out on Trish and saying, “uhhh she took my spot,” why don’t you think, “Hmmm… Vince chose Trish for that spot. How can I better improve my charisma, my in-ring ability, my marketability. So that the next time Vince decides to choose someone for a certain spot, you’ll choose me.” It’s called competition. It’s called free market competition Melina. But no, you can’t handle that. You think you’re owed that spot, you ain’t owed nothing!

    “And then Morrison, you’re going to walk around like Batista didn’t tag your girl? You’re going to walk around like Mike Knox didn’t tag your girl? By the way, how does Mike Knox taste? How does Batista taste? How does, God knows how many other guys she’s banged right under your nose. In fact, it wasn’t even under your nose! You just pretend it was under your nose! You know the whole time it was f*****g going on! God dang! So all and all, while you walk around snubbing Trish, a future Hall of Famer, you try and turn a ho into a house wife! Melina’s nothing more than a glorified ring rat. I have zero respect for you Morrison.

    “And you know what? We’re going to run into each other at some point in time. I’ll walk right up to you with my chin stuck out and you either chin me, or beat it! But the reality is, you ain’t got the balls to chin me! Cause the reality is, Trish has proven time and time again, to the entire world for that matter, that she has way bigger balls than you’ll ever have.

    “Keep trying to turn that ho into a house wife! F**k you Melina! F**k you Morrison! Trying to knock my t-dot girl Trish, who actually earned a spot! God dang!”

    The video, which contains foul language, can be seen here:

  • Jim Ross Blogs About Edge Retiring

    WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety at Here is what JR had to say about the WWE career and future of Adam “Edge” Copeland ..

    “Edge’s retirement this past Monday on Raw was a shocking surprise. I had no idea that it was going to happen even up until the time Edge came to the ring and gave us the emotional news. There are no wrestlers in the business that I respect more as a performer and a man than I do Adam Copeland aka Edge. When I signed him in the 90?s, he was a lanky, over achieving kid who simply wanted to live his dream of making it onto the WWE Roster. He and Christian were like brothers and both fed off the other in the ring as they each worked diligently every day to improve their game. I honestly can’t remember a single day when Adam Copeland ever did anything to disappoint me or cause our department or company any problems.

    Edge has a brilliant mind, a kind soul, patience, and would be a great teacher, producer, broadcaster, scout, or whatever task he may want to undertake in WWE. I look for Edge to take some much needed time away from the business and enjoy the North Carolina mountains and his dogs that he loves so much. He deserves no less than to return to WWE in whatever role that creates a win/win for Edge and the company but only whenever Edge is ready to re-engage.

    In my role as the head of WWE Talent, I signed many athletes/performers who ended up excelling in WWE but none, and I mean no one, was more of a pure joy to work with and to watch grow from a mid card, tag team wrestler into one of WWE’s most prominent and enduring superstars who will no doubt be inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame some day.

    I shutter to think what would have happened to Edge in another generation of the biz as it relates to accurately diagnosing his injury. Most old timers would have ‘worked through it,’ or attempted to do so, until their body completely shut down. That’s sad and unnecessary. Modern medicine and the WWE attention to such matters regarding their talent’s health were a blessing for Edge who will now be able to lead a somewhat normal life. I am especially pleased that one of my guys has attained financial independence and that he was able to live his boyhood dream.

    Notwithstanding the touching farewell address by the popular native of Ontario, no one can debate that this story did not have a happy ending. Good things more often than not happen to good people and Adam Copeland aka Edge was one of the truly ‘good guys’ I ever had the privilege of knowing in the business. Now, Adam, if he so chooses, can start phase two of his WWE life and potentially gift the younger talents with his wonderful knowledge and passion for the genre.

    Do it on your schedule Adam. Enjoy those North Carolina mountains and reflect upon a job well done. It’s people like you that make me extremely proud to be in the business.”

  • “The Language Of WWE” – List Of Banned & Allowed Terms

    As part of WWE’s recent “rebranding” effort (dropping “World Wrestling Entertainment” as the official company name, banning the word “wrestling”) – a document that was distributed internally has leaked out titled “The Language of WWE.” According to the Figure 4 Wrestling Newsletter, he document was sent to employees who do international voice-overs for WWE programming outside of the United States.

    The sheet includes a list of words and phrases that have now been deemed “Incorrect Terminology” – along with what they consider the “Correct Terminology” to be used on their televised shows. From “The Language of WWE” –

    “World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) is a publicly traded entertainment company (NYSE: WWE) that creates and delivers a weekly action soap opera to its passionate fans.

    WWE has been a recognized leader in entertainment for more than 25 years and has developed into one of the most popular and sophisticated forms of global entertainment today.

    As a global entertainment brand, the language that we use when communicating on WWE is critical.

    Please ensure that you are familiar and employing the below, effective immediately. “

    Here are some of the terms that are banned and the alternatives that WWE wants used:

    * “Wrestling” or “catch” is banned. Some European countries still use the term “catch” to describe pro wrestling and “catchers” to describe wrestlers.

    * The following phrases are incorrect: “Wrestling is broadcast in 145 countries,” or “Catch is broadcast in 145 countries.” The correct terminology is: “WWE is broadcast in 145 countries.”

    * Even the word “Sports” is no longer allowed. Instead, WWE is to be referred to as “Entertainment” or an “Action Soap Opera.” Seriously.

    WWE gives these examples: “WWE is exciting entertainment” or “WWE is an exciting action soap opera”

    * “Athletes” or “Sportsmen” are not allowed either. WWE gives the following example to use: “WWE Superstars are entertainers with tremendous athletic prowess.”

    * The terms “fight” and “fighting” are not allowed. Matches must be referred to as “matches,” “bouts,” and “action.”

    “The Language of WWE” concludes with the following “Key Soundbytes” to be used:

    * “WWE is pure entertainment”

    * “WWE is an action soap opera”

    * “WWE Superstars are entertainers with tremendous athletic prowess”

    COMMENT BELOW and tell us what YOU think about WWE distancing itself from anything having to do with “wrestling” and sports?

    Is WWE right to ban this terminology and instead present themselves as an “exciting action soap opera” ?

  • Edge’s WWE Hall of Fame Induction, WWE Highlights The 90s

    — Many within WWE feel that WrestleMania will be held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 2013 and both Edge and Trish Stratus will be inducted into the Hall of Fame that year.

    — The theme for WWE Classics On Demand programming during the month of May is the ’90s. A video teaser has been released with The Rock, Shawn Michaels, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and the nWo prominently highlighted. The promo indicates that WWE Classics On Demand will count down the greatest matches of the ’90s.

    — The latest episode of Legends of Wrestling premieres today on WWE Classics On Demand. The episode examines the effect Canada has had on on professional wrestling. Panelists include Bret Hart, Jim Ross, Michael Hayes and Pat Patterson.

    — Former WWE star Mo of Men on a Mission fame celebrates his 47th birthday today.


  • Kim Denies Retirement Rumors, Match Taped For “Superstars”

    — Gail Kim responded to speculation online that she may retire in the near future.

    “Retiring? haha why would I do that?” she wrote on Twitter. “I can still go with the best and still look good :))))hehe can’t get rid of me that easily! Haters u wish!”

    Kim also commented on former TNA rival Awesome Kong joining the promotion.

    She wrote, “Looks like my old friend is coming :) I’m ready 4 round 2. Anytime. Anywhere. We have some unfinished business….”

    — Chris Masters vs. Curt Hawkins was taped last night in Albany, New York for this week’s episode of WWE Superstars.

    Though WWE Superstars was canceled by WGN America, the show will continue to air internationally. It is unclear whether WWE will feature the program online as no announcement has been made.

    — Trent Barreta beat Johnny Curtis in a dark match prior to last night’s television taping.


  • Bill DeMott Says TE Contestants Didn’t Deserve To Be At ‘Mania

    Monday Night Mayhem with Bill DeMott
    Hosts: The Big Mosh and “The Chairman of the Board” Todd Vincent
    Report by Paterson from N.J.
    Airs every Monday at 6:00 P.M. (CT)
    Show available at

    Why he made the decision to return to the WWE as a trainer for Tough Enough: “It’s very simple. I was sitting home, and my phone rang. I looked at the area code. It was 203, and I said ‘Damn what did I do now?’ Anytime I see those three numbers for Connecticut, the first thing I think is ‘What did I do?’ It was John Gaburick, my friend for years and who ran the Tough Enough’s in years past. Before he could get the sentence out of his mouth, I said I was in. He didn’t have to explain anything, or after the hereafters, and who was apart of it. Before I knew it was ‘Stone Cold’ (Steve Austin), Trish (Stratus), and Booker (T) I was in, because I take great pride in associating myself with the Tough Enough brand.”

    How the Tough Enough contestants took to WrestleMania weekend and the overall experience of WrestleMania XXVII: “I don’t think they got it, and there’s a part of me that says they did not deserve to be there. I don’t mean it disrespectfully. I understand Raw and premiere the kids there, but WrestleMania? You have to earn that spot. There’s cats on the roster that weren’t at WrestleMania, so I don’t think they understood it. I just thought they were like ‘Wow, we’re at WrestleMania, and there’s cameras ollowing us, and we’re it right now.’ I guess that’s my crossover with Reality TV right now. I’m always going to protect the business.”

    How many of the Tough Enough contestants (besides the winner) he believes have the potential to perform in the WWE: “If I gave my honest opinion, which I pretty much do 99 percent of the time, there might be three that have potential to go to the farm system. The finale will be live, so everybody will see who the two or three are. I think for reality TV, a lot of people are picking their favorite talent and putting their money on them. I think every week someone is going to be shocked at what happens.”

    Whether or not there have been discussions of a return to the ring or the announcer’s table after the season finale of WWE Tough Enough airs: “There’s been some very interesting conversations since returning from L.A. and shooting the first nine weeks of the series. I think people are going to be very surprised if they see me back in anything other than Tough Enough. I like Tough Enough to be my baby and be there as long as they’ll have me, and I feel like even after the training stuff is done in producing and bringing the show further and further. But I think people are going to be surprised at my role, whether it be a new role or an old role with WWE. I have to say, don’t cash me out of making an in-ring appearance or two.”

  • VIDEO: Edge’s Farewell Speech Airing On Friday

    The Rated R superstar Edge gave another farewell speech during Tuesday’s SmackDown tapings, which will air Friday night on SyFy. Check out this video shot by an SEScoops fan of Edge’s farewell speech:

  • Pictures: Farewell Celebration For Edge After SmackDown

    Following Tuesday’s WWE SmackDown tapings from Albany, New York, Edge came down to the ring one final time and did a “five second pose” with Christian in front of the live crowd. (SPOILERS)

    The entire WWE roster (including Triple H) came out from the back and paid tribute to the Rated R Superstar, who wrestled his final match at WrestleMania 27 and is being forced into retirement due to injury. You can see pictures of the WWE roster paying tribute to Edge after SmackDown here:

    Edge gave a long farewell speech, thanking everyone he could think of – including Christian, Lita, Kane and Vickie Guerrero.

    According to a few live reports that were sent in from fans who were at the show, Edge’s farewell address was emotional and classy.

    A much-deserved “Hall of Fame” chant broke out, which Edge seemed to really appreciate.

    WWE cameras were filming the farewell address, so that footage will likely be posted online this week or could even be used for a future WWE DVD release.

    UPDATE: Here is a more detailed recap of Edge’s post-SmackDown farewell speech, sent in by reader Eric Sturrock:

    After Smackdown, went off the air, we were left with Edge and Christian in the ring.

    Christian talks about the two of them together over the years. They say its time for a everyone with flash photography to get a 5 second pose for the final time ever. They do one towards the camera and then opposite camera and Edge is joking around doing karate moves.

    Every single person backstage comes out on the stage. All the Superstars, Refs, etc. And they are all clapping. Edge gets emotional and looks back at them and walks around the ring. Edge goes to talk but can’t. Big Show, Rey Mysterio, and Chavo Guerrero come down to the ring and hug him and talk. Triple H’s music starts to play and HHH comes down to the ring. HHH gives Edge a big hug and they talk to each other. Edge is crying. I really hope WWE releases this on DVD or somewhere else as they have two cameramen in the ring recording plus the two cameras in the crowd.

    Everyone is clapping and chanting “Edge” The Superstars in the ring leave back to the stage. Edge goes to follow but HHH tells him to stay in the ring. The tron shows Edge’s mom crying in the front row. Everyone on the stage leaves. Edge says he is really surprised and he did not know that was going to happen.

    Edge says he has a lot of people he wants to thank. Edge thanks all the superstars backstage, the guys who set up and tear down the ring. Edge thanks the ring bell guy and everyone else ringside. He thanks the people who build the Titantron, he thanks the people who make the “Rated R Superstar” graphic on the tron. He thanks everyone in catering; he thanks the writers Brian Gerwertz and Michael Hayes. Edge says his career would not be where it is today if not for Hayes.

    Edge says he wants to thank Vince not Mr. McMahon. He said Vince was the one person who believed in him and Edge knows he did not let him down. Edge thanks Christian as for all the years they were together because of the WWE. He says they reached their dream at Wrestlemania 16 when they stood on the ladders holding the tag titles in the air together.

    Edge thanks Lita for all the fun they had together, Edge says for everyone to get their minds out of the gutter. He laughs and says, “OK we did it.”

    Edge says he wants to thank Vickie Guerrero. Crowd boos. Edge laughs and says see she is doing great. Edge says Vickie is such a nice person and helped him in his career.

    Edge says he does not want to ruin this person’s reputation but wants to thank Kane. Edge says Kane was a very close friend to him and was always there for him.

    A fan yells to hug his Mom. Edge says he will hug his mom in a second. Edge talks to Booker and thanks him for everything.

    Edge says he can’t do any more Edgaroonis as the last one he did gave him mat burn on his face. Booker T laughs.

    Fans chants “Hall of Fame”. Edge says he hopes to be there someday.

    Edge thanks all of his fans for all they have done. Edge says that we won’t see him for a long long time as he is going to take a lot of time to do things. He talks about mountains with his dogs and surfing in Nicaragua.

    Edge puts the microphone down and goes outside the ring. Edge goes all around the ring shaking hands and signing autographs for people.

    Either Michael Cole or Josh Matthews, when on the stage leaving bow down to Edge. Edge goes up to a guy who looks like him (Brother or Cousin?) and the hugs then and his Mom. Edge walks up the ramp and poses and walks backstage.

  • Chris Jericho Advances To Week 5 On DWTS

    On Wednesday’s Dancing With The Stars results show, Chris Jericho & his partner Cheryl Burke were announced as safe from elimination this week. They now move onto week 5 of the competition and will dance again on Monday night.

    The duo scored 23 points out of 30 this week after dancing the Paso.

    Check Out: VIDEO: Chris Jericho on Dancing with the Stars (Week 4)

  • *Spoiler* Updated Card For WWE Extreme Rules (5/1)


    Following Tuesday’s SmackDown tapings (set to air this Friday), here’s the updated card for Extreme Rules:

    Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship
    The Miz (c) vs. John Cena vs. R-Truth

    Ladder Match for the Vacant World Heavyweight Title
    Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio

    Tag Team Match
    Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross vs. Michael Cole and Jack Swagger

  • WWE RAW & Tough Enough Ratings For Monday Night

    The ratings are in for Monday’s episodes of WWE RAW and WWE Tough Enough – and both shows are down from the prior week’s post-WrestleMania shows.

    – Monday’s WWE RAW drew a 3.45 rating, down 10% from last week’s 3.82.

    This week’s 2-hour broadcast averaged 5.45 million viewers, down only 3% from last week’s 5.60 million viewers.

    This week’s first hour drew a 3.37 rating (5.34 million viewers) and the second hour drew a 3.52 (5.56 million viewers).

    – Monday’s episode of Tough Enough in the new 8pm timeslot (before RAW) drew a 1.81 rating, down 27% from last week’s premier, which drew a 2.51.

    This week’s viewership was 2.79 million viewers, down 16% from last week’s 3.33 million viewers.

    Overall, not a bad showing this week for for WWE. A slight drop from the post-WrestleMania shows was expected, but the numbers held on pretty strong.

    (Source: Pro Wrestling Torch)

  • New Details On Edge’s Retirement & Future Plans

    As we confirmed here on Monday night, Edge is in fact retiring from the squared circle and has almost certainly wrestled his last WWE match ever. Edge has stated publicly in recent interviews that he planned to retire in two years, but had told others in WWE that he felt like he could go for another five years. Now that we know how bad his neck really is after last week’s MRI (with doctors saying they could never medically clear him to wrestle again), it’s frightening to think that Edge had a ladder match coming up in a few weeks and almost certainly would have done even more damage to his neck in the coming months and years.

    With reality setting in that Edge’s in-ring career is over, it’s time to start looking ahead. It’s said that Edge has some writing projects that he will be working on and his next set of life goals do not have much to do with wrestling. The feeling in WWE that Edge will always remain on good terms with the company, but he probably won’t be working full time behind-the-scenes as an agent. This is despite many of his peers saying on Twitter that Edge has a great mind for the business and could still contribute without stepping foot in a ring.

    Regarding Edge and the World Heavyweight Title, there was some confusion at RAW last night as to why WWE didn’t put Alberto Del Rio over at WrestleMania 27 if they knew there was even a small chance that Edge would be leaving soon.

    While WWE’s announcement notes that Edge got his MRI results the Monday after WrestleMania, sources indicate that he’s been feeling more intense pain for a few weeks now but didn’t think he would be forced to retire. Had WWE known Edge would have to retire soon, more emphasis would have been put on “his final WrestleMania match.”

    Like Edge said on RAW.. It’s very unfortunate that his still-promising career has been cut short, but we cannot overlook the fact that he could have been left paralyzed if he kept wrestling. He’s not walking away on his terms entirely – but he had one hell of a career and dodged a bullet by leaving before it was too late.